Bush has now come up against the mighty American capacity to get bored with everything.He has become yesterday’s fad, like the Nehru jacket or the hula hoop.

In our society everything is prized for its entertainment value.This is why even the bumblings, mixed metaphors and sheer nonsense emanating from Bush drew chuckles instead of derison and sneers from Americans. Now he and his war have become boring through endless repetitions.Not even the deaths of many soldiers and Iraqi civilians have the capacity to provoke America’s wrath as lack of entertainment value.
When that moment arrives, it is time to pack your bags.

This why I predict that the rightwing windbags’ days are numbered.All their gags ( Ann Coulter, Limbaugh, Hannity, Hume etc.) caused laughter, the more extreme the sayings the better. The laughter has stopped now,even for the most extreme righwing rants.The culture has arrived at a turning point.