Books? Nope, no books. I did submit some samples to some of the major cartoon syndicates recently, though. I wanted to see if anyone would consider it good enough to sell to newspapers, but you never know with those guys because it’s hard to tell what they’re looking for.
It’s kind of weird that you asked me about books because I did give some thought recently to putting a paperback together. I thought of calling it “Throw the Bums Out” and have a cover picture of Rob and Woolly getting kicked out of some government building. Here’s the intial sketch of them flying out the door:
Interesting that you should mention that. I was just out on a cartoonists’ web site the other day where lots of artists were lamenting the fact that they love to draw pictures but can never think of any material. I forgot which one it was. There are several cartoonist sites, some with a focus on a particular style. Maybe you could find someone to collaborate with.
And I can sincerely say that it’s the highlight of my day to read that my cartoons are one the highlights of someone else’s! It’s very flattering. Thanks!
Yeah, it’s a cheap shot but I feel better now. Kind of like when Cheney told Leahy to go f–k himself.
I was not displeased.
Just wondering whether it would be preferable the other way around..
Sympathy is wasted on someone who is feint of heart, like Richard Bruce Cheney. Save your sympathy for the folks with an actual organ in their chests.
Great cartoon. You have any books out?
Books? Nope, no books. I did submit some samples to some of the major cartoon syndicates recently, though. I wanted to see if anyone would consider it good enough to sell to newspapers, but you never know with those guys because it’s hard to tell what they’re looking for.
It’s kind of weird that you asked me about books because I did give some thought recently to putting a paperback together. I thought of calling it “Throw the Bums Out” and have a cover picture of Rob and Woolly getting kicked out of some government building. Here’s the intial sketch of them flying out the door:
Glad you liked the cartoon!
is one of the highlights of my day — if the newspapers put your strip next to, say, the idiotic “Mallard Fillmore”, I’d call it even… 🙂
I’ve had ideas for individual strips (or actually political cartoons), but I have zilch art skills… 🙁
Interesting that you should mention that. I was just out on a cartoonists’ web site the other day where lots of artists were lamenting the fact that they love to draw pictures but can never think of any material. I forgot which one it was. There are several cartoonist sites, some with a focus on a particular style. Maybe you could find someone to collaborate with.
And I can sincerely say that it’s the highlight of my day to read that my cartoons are one the highlights of someone else’s! It’s very flattering. Thanks!
That’s a double ooch…. And so true.
Very good!