BooMan the Human: He’s trying to get connected by Comcast. There’s an annoying problem with an old username he had from four years ago. (Boy, in my day when I worked for ISPs — and that was back in the prehistoric mid-nineties — I could have called the sysadmin and had that fixed in a heartbeat.) Anyway, it’s taking an army of techs, apparently, to fix a username problem. Poor Boo. Although him being Boo, he’s trying to be philosophical about it all. Last night, he went to Drinking Liberally and had a good time. And he’s been watching a lot of TV.

Comcast has sort of promised Boo that he’ll be back online by tonight. But he’s not holding his breath.

BooMan the Dog: Last night, when BooMan got home from Drinking Liberally down the street from his new home, he opened the door and there was no BooMan the Dog.

Now, BooMan the Dog is a huge Newf! It’s kind of hard to lose him inside a one-bedroom place! Finally, BooMan the Human found his dog who’d shut himself inside the bathroom. Then, in apparent frustration, BooMan the Dog pooped on the bathroom floor. To make matters worse, BooMan the Dog walked all over the bathroom floor, leaving poo pawprints everywhere. So, an irritated BooMan the Human had to clean up dog poo all over the floor and off BooMan the Dog’s paws. Aaaaaaaarrrrrggggggghhhhh.