I desperately need to get on one of those programs where my friends do a total makeover of my pad while I’m tricked into thinking I’m doing a documentary or something. I need shelves. I need everything.
Update [2005-12-10 16:43:27 by susanhu]: Richard Pryor has died at age 65 of cardiac arrest, after battling multiple sclerosis for many years. CNN just announced the news, and interviewed his widow. It’s so sad. I hope one or more of you who know his work well will write about him.
We live too far away…otherwise my husband would be unloading a ton of stuff on you and have a reason to crank up the woodshop. He loves shelves (must be a guy thing or something) and if he puts one more shelf up in my house that I have to dust he’s in trouble.
Have him put glass doors on the front of the shelves, trickier and no dusting. Should keep his woodshop appetites sated for months. Even better would be stained or art glass, more tools hot soldering irons etc, dremel heaven.
coffee together.
After some 50 stitches and 2 operations I have come to the conclusion that beer and power tools do not mix well.
Tell Mr. Military that I’m very excited this weekend. Tomorrow one of wife’s co-workers is coming by with a portable sawmill. An entire day of lumber fun.
You are right that beer and power tools don’t mix but beer and charge cards for power tools go together just fine along with whining.
Ah, the single life. And when you get all the stuff then you have too much stuff and you’ll have to move. Plus, future girlfriends won’t like your stuff (count on it, it’s in the Women’s Union Handbook).
Go for the minimalist look.
Maybe we could send Hilde in to glue dried lilypads to all the walls, cattail lampstands and a small pond in the living room.
spray paint and glue flowers all over his bathroom walls. Dear God save us from Hilde!
I wonder how she came to be so bizarre in her creative process. It’s great for art but hardly ever is it practical for daily living. Isn’t she the one that glued straw or hay all over the walls/ceiling of a room?
My sympathies, BooMan — as one who’s relocated nearly every year of my adult life, shedding everything & then accumulating everything each time.
Here’s hoping the dieties of abundance smile upon you & take care of your requirements pronto. Especially the shelves.
Good luck BooMan! We still have stuff packed away from our last move in 1988 when we got a small house and turned the living room into our home office. We’ve saved a ton of fuel from not having to commute to work, but are unable to take advantage of snow days off anymore 🙁
The upside is, we’re only a block from our favorite restaurant.
I’ll be thinking of you while I’m sitting in my lavishly appointed crib as you sit in the end zone watching the Giants……buddy ;o)
i expect Plaxico to personally hand me a TD ball.
Expectations can be so overated.
Don’t worryy. I called Phil Simms to let him know you’re there and to put the word into Plaxico
I was thinking it probably wouldn’t be too hard to cop a ticket since the place is gonna be half empty.
seems you would be a big HIT on “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy”..Get tons of free things for your new pad…could promote the crap out of Booman Trib and maybe meet a new Girlfriend.” Have a good friend nominate you…I think it’s a Bravo show.
You could do it as “Queer Eye for the Boo Guys,” and even the dog could get a make-over. Curls in his tail feathers?
Someone should send them tht picture of him lying on the floor asleep from the peace march.
The entire Queer Eye team, with extra Urgent Care operatives, would be there in minutes, sirens screaming, to makeover BooMan and his entire environment.
Even volumizing conditioner for the fur pupdog!
Yes..the first QE Blogger episode…We should draw up a letter and all sign it and send it along with the passed out picture of Booman. I personally think they would jump on it…(no pun intended.)
We Can Have Both
By Andrew Sullivan
The Sunday Times Nov. 13, 2005 — In a telegram on November 21, 1943, Winston Churchill defined a fundamental difference between the Anglo-American way of war and that of our enemies.
Churchill wrote:
“The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgement of his peers, is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist.”
Perhaps Tony Blair and George W. Bush regard Winston Churchill as a bleeding heart lefty. But what Churchill’s view represents is an old, very basic principle of Anglo-American warfare and justice: fight war with ferocity, but never lose your democratic soul. Meet the enemy on the battlefield with force, but always treat prisoners humanely in captivity. This is never an easy balance, of course. In the numbing smog of conflict, we make mistakes.
Executives invariably over-reach in prosecuting wars, and have done so in both Britain and America in the past. But our system – of habeas corpus, executive powers subject to legislative and judicial checks, and free speech to air the issues – is specifically designed to correct such errors. That’s its beauty – and its strength in wartime. It gives us a flexibility in war that dictators lack.
Continued …
«« click on pic for Churchill letter »»
Winston Churchill – Statesman
LEAVE Iraq to the Iraqis
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Books exceed bookshelf.
It’s not just us then…
(this coming from someone who’s apartment is furnished in Early American IKEA…never claimed to have taste…)
Jerry Springer, but he actually makes sense occasionally.
He was on a recent “Scarborough Country”, talking about some of Dr. Phil’s current woes (the not-so-good Doctor is facing double legal problems, regarding the Natalee Holloway case and his endorsement of some diet crap), when this exchange came up.
SCARBOROUGH: And if you get into this sort of dead zone between entertainment and news, like Dr. Phil appears to be in, is it like, let’s say, Hollywood stars that decide they want to talk about nuclear proliferation or global warming, where they get out of their comfort zone, and they have this need, I guess because of ego or whatever it is, to try to save the world?
SPRINGER: Well, that’s different. The reason that situation is different, they are citizens. And every citizen, regardless of their job or their position, is entitled in a democracy to have a point of view, to express that point of view, to try to influence other people to that point of view. That’s all great.
But when you are talking about a talk show, you are talking about something that itself is an entertainment business, and when it steps into the area of news, I think that’s when trouble comes. If it would just stay in the area of entertainment, I think that’s great.
What is it about the right wing that believes that anyone with a Hollywood address is incapable of expressing their honest opinions about the direction of this country? They pay taxes — probably more than the Republican corporate cronies. And Al Franken’s heading overseas to entertain the troops…if Scarborough went over there, he’d just put them to sleep.
Joe, you and your ilk are entitled to disagree with anyone’s opinion, whether it’s a Hollywood star or some schmoe like me…but don’t belittle our attempts to make our opinions known…
Here endeth the rant…
Springer is very sensible when he’s not hosting his freak show.
On the Republicans and the Hollywood thing… it always puzzles me how often they go after “Hollywood” and their lack of a right to hold political views or express opinions, when… when you think about it… how many of the elected officials that were part of the movie or entertainment business are Democrats?
(I can’t name any, but I may have missed someone)
I’m not a proffessional decorator but I play one on the blogs…lol. Boo, it is always overwheming when one not only moves but is starting on a different path in one’s journey. Take a deep breath and do one room at a time. Do not go on to the next room until that one is finished. I set up the kitchen first, the bedroom next. Everything else can wait.
When decorating a room one needs to start with a focal point. That can be a piece of furniture, art, a rug, a collection. Base your room around that. A little paint goes a long way too. If I were closer I would be over in a heartbeat to help you. Decorating is a hobby for me. People say I have a keen eye for color and I have helped out several friends and a few tenents with their decorating.
If there is anything I can do to help via email give me a shout. Don’t make it a chore, have fun with it.