We may as well greet them with a smile. They know everything about us and have been doing the surveillance for quite some time. It’s almost like knowing we have guardian angels looking out for us, with the exception that they don’t like, trust or respect us.

  The NSA surveillance is nothing new. The Washington Post didn’t get scooped. They had the story in 1999

Critics Questioning NSA Reading Habits

By Vernon Loeb
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, November 13, 1999; Page A03

Members of Congress, the European Parliament and civil liberties groups have begun to ask tough questions about the National Security Agency's interception of foreign telephone calls, faxes and electronic mail, the most intense scrutiny of NSA operations since the so-called Church committee probed the spy agency 24 years ago.

Beginning with a report written for the 15-nation European Parliament last year, public concern has been building in many countries around Echelon, the code name for a worldwide surveillance network run by the NSA and its partners in Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

The paranoia may have peaked on Oct. 21, known on the Internet as "Jam Echelon Day," when organizers urged e-mail users around the world to send as many messages as possible containing words such as "bomb" and "assassinate" in an attempt to overload NSA supercomputers that sort through millions of intercepted communications looking for threats to national security.

Yet serious questions remain. Does the NSA listen in on U.S. citizens, either on purpose or by accident? Does it trade information with other countries? What does it do when it comes across commercial secrets or evidence of high-level corruption?
Indeed, the NSA's troubles in Congress began this spring when Rep. Porter J. Goss (R-Fla.), chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, asked the agency for internal documents about its compliance with FISA because he thought NSA lawyers were too cautious in approving new surveillance programs.

When the agency declined his request on grounds of attorney-client privilege, Goss erupted, saying the committee had never been stonewalled in such fashion. Barr immediately joined the dispute from the opposite flank, suggesting that the NSA had refused Goss's request because it was violating Americans' privacy by indiscriminately vacuuming up communications.
Satellites: Numerous satellites catch "spillover" data from transmissions between cities. The satellites then beam information to processing centers on the ground. The main centers are in the United States, Britain, Australia and Germany.

Internet: "Sniffer" devices collect information from data packets at several key junctions as they travel the Web. Echelon also uses search software to scan for Web sites that may be of interest.

Radio antennas: Massive ground-based antennas intercept radio transmissions. The antennas reportedly are located in the United States, Turkey, Italy, Britain, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia, among other locations.

After capturing raw data, a system of computers pares the information by searching for addresses, names, organizations and other key words specified by the participating countries. The information is tagged and sent to the country that requested it.

  As if that’s not bad enough, let’s add the element of a third party, for profit private business to manage all of this private data. Let’s not control what they do with it or require that all traces of it be destroyed if not relevant to a credible threat.

  Instead, let’s data-mine all those little bits of insignificant data until a good program is developed to innocently create a conspiracy theory from any event in anyone’s life. Let’s combine this with other developing technology such as GPS, pen-traps, IP location software, datamined retrieval, universal database integration and access….

…and own the technology by owning the patents.

  Let’s consider this an able danger that threatens each one of us and all of us collectively. Something this powerful belongs in the upper echelons of exploitability. It offers the Promis of controlling the flow of events in real time and the future. It controls the future by controlling the lives of those living it.

ZDNet News, US officials snub EU Echelon fact finders, 11 May 2001, at Link
An EU team investigating Echelon, the US-run surveillance system allegedly used to help US companies win foreign contracts, was yesterday snubbed by the Bush administration. A delegation from the European Parliament investigating the existence and impact of a global satellite surveillance system operated by the United States and other English-speaking allies abruptly ended a fact-finding visit to Washington, DC, yesterday, after some Bush administration officials refused to meet with the group. Leaders of the European Parliament's Temporary Committee on Echelon -- the name of the alleged surveillance system -- said they had meetings planned with the State Department and Commerce Department's Advocacy Center, an office that helps US companies win foreign contracts, that were abruptly cancelled without a "satisfactory" explanation.

Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties

The Myriad Surveillance Systems
"the night ( and day) has 1,000 eyes" (and ears too !)
Echelon, Magic Lantern , Carnivore, Blue Tooth, QinetiQ, Galileo, Passport, Trojan Horse, FACEit,
OPLAN etc. etc. etc.

NSA--top spy agency--March 2, 2003
Spies on UN
The details were in a memo, leaked to the paper, written by Frank Koza, a top official at the National Security Agency, America's key and highly secretive intelligence agency.
The memo has been circulated to senior NSA agents and to a friendly foreign intelligence agency, believed to be Britain, asking for its input.......

The NSA's surveillance operation is believed to have been requested by President Bush's National Security Adviser, Condoleezza Rice, and reveals the scope and intensity of spy operation against supposedly friendly nations at the Security Council.
From the newswire:

Gov. does live tracking of citzens thru cellphone signals -- Dec.8, 2005
With mobile phones becoming as prevalent as conventional phones (there are 195 million cellular subscribers in this country), wireless companies are starting to exploit the phones' tracking abilities. For example, companies are marketing services that turn phones into even more precise global positioning devices for driving or allowing parents to track the whereabouts of their children through the handsets.
Not surprisingly, law enforcement agencies want to exploit this technology, too - which means more courts are bound to wrestle with what legal standard applies when government agents ask to conduct such surveillance.  
DoD ( Pentegon's) Surveillance System -- Nov. 27, 2005
Counterintelligence Field Activity, or CIFA [ Ed: staff of 1,000 ]
The Pentagon has pushed legislation on Capitol Hill that would create an intelligence exception to the Privacy Act, allowing the FBI and others to share information gathered about U.S. citizens with the Pentagon, CIA and other intelligence agencies, as long as the data is deemed to be related to foreign intelligence
We are deputizing the military to spy on law-abiding Americans in America. This is a huge leap without even a [congressional] hearing," Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said in a recent interview.
Among the changes was the elimination of a provision to let Defense Intelligence Agency [ Ed: Negroponte ] officers hide the fact that they work for the government when they approach people who are possible sources of intelligence in the United States.

Eagle Eyes is a program set up by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, which "enlists the eyes and ears of Air Force members and citizens in the war on terror," according to the program's Web site.
MATRIX .. the ultimate dossier ( Mike Leavitt --Utah ) Jan. 2004
MATRIX -- Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange -- is an intranet database regarded as the nation's largest cyber-compilation of personal records. It is touted as an efficient crime-fighting tool that allows agencies to access information with just a nimble fingertip.
      Searchable databases allow law enforcement agents to probe for people using Social Security numbers, dates of birth, addresses, property records, motor vehicle information and credit history. The information is collected by states and forwarded to a database in Florida, where a private company, Seisint Inc., builds and manages the database.
Hidden Codes in Printers cracked -- Oct. 18, 2005
so why not just pass laws granting the Feds unrestricted, secret access to this info? That way, the government doesn't have to have been spying on you your whole life. The moment you get caught up in some "suspicious" incident like looking around too much on the subway or criticizing the American government while in an American airport, your whole history is at the government's fingertips (including, now, what documents you printed!), and believe me, they'll find reasons for suspicion.
Link rms
A research team led by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) recently broke the code behind tiny tracking dots that some color laser printers secretly hide in every document.
The U.S. Secret Service admitted that the tracking information is part of a deal struck with selected color laser printer manufacturers, ostensibly to identify counterfeiters. However, the nature of the private information encoded in each document was not previously known.
"We've found that the dots from at least one line of printers encode the date and time your document was printed, as well as the serial number of the printer," said EFF Staff Technologist Seth David Schoen
All movement by car to be monitored and archived -- Oct. 7, 2004
Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office, ( Creative Loafing )
According to the report, cutting-edge tracking technology will be used by government transportation management centers to monitor every aspect of transportation. Under the plan, not only will movement be monitored but it also will be archived in massive databases for future use.
the system, which will use GPS technology and other methods to monitor Americans' movements.
The plan includes transceivers, or "onboard units," that will transmit data from each car to the system,

and equipment will be installed on the nation's transportation system to allow all vehicles to communicate with the infrastructure."
"The whole idea here is that we would capture data from a large number of vehicles," [Bill ] Jones said at another meeting of transportation officials in May. "That data could then be used by public jurisdictions for traffic management purposes

Neil Schuster is president and CEO of the Intelligent Transportation Society of America, a group of government and business people that's the driving force behind the program.


 is the tip of the iceberg.

  If we’re going to be outraged at Bush and the NSA, let’s be outraged at being treated this way in other related matters.  This is Able Danger or pieces of it that will hold our personal information for eternity and could have prevented 9/11, if used properly.

  If this diary disappears, I understand. At some point we need some measure of honesty and integrity from these agencies and their private partners. I believe it’s probably too late to undo the damage but a kiss or dinner would be nice after such a thorough …..