Welcome to the
Froggy Bottom Cafe
Froggy Bottom Cafe
Newbies, Lurkers and Splashers
DON’T hop on in!
The pond is frozen
I hope you brought your ice skates!
for everyone!
Hey Manny. Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays. Merry Linguini Day. And all.
great letter for today’s scAlito whipping; already sent it off to my Senators.
Is it lunch time yet?
Cold cereal isn’t going to be the same after thinking about linguini this morning! ;^P
If it’s all the same to you I’ll stay inside where it’s warm and watch!
Happy Tuesday morning Manee!
btw – I was scheduled for tomorrow for FBC and am still willing to do it…unless you all found a replacement….
No! We want you!
Morning, all. Frozen here.
It’s the Cafe Winter Solstice and it would be so wrong for anyone else to do it.
join you inside, this sinus bug refuses to leave. I could deal with a hot cup of chai and a nice fire. mmmmm
Looks like you’re on for tomorrow!
All is well for now. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukah, Feliz Navidad, Joyful Kwanzaa, Jovial Saturnus, Sublime Solstice
Very good news and I’m sure it will also keep the holidays ‘lively’.
I have my oncology final tonight…I can’t wait for it to be over. As you can see, I’m really studying hard today…
I can actually see the knowledge physically moving from the closed textbook into your brain as it is irresistibly drawn toward the illicit pleasures that abound in the cafe.
Ah, if only I had a textbook…it’s straight up clinical guidelines and personal clinical judgement on this one, which makes it so much more annoying to study for. Jeez, what do they expect me to do, THINK?
So what I really saw was your thought processes being manifested in the ether through the stimulation provided by the exercising your mind at the cafe.
You have taken the road much less traveled girl and you left a little cloud of dust in your wake.
You have been so successful at everything else perhaps you could teach us all how to do this too. I still think that Republicans don’t want gay guys marrying because they already cook better, get better educations usually, decorate better, consult on campaigns better, dress better, speak publicly better……if they did marriage better too then just fuck it all.
Hey, if you know a guy who likes stringing Christmas lights and grocery shopping, I might be interested… 🙂
Yep, I’m studying REALLY hard today.
family time together MT. I can’t wait for Thursday, we have been graced with a 4-day weekend for the holiday. Flying Spaghetti Monster knows we need it around here.
Really, you’ll all be so dazzled you won’t even notice that your fingertips have frostbite.
Andi… Seriously, if we ever had a BT meet-up could we all come and camp out at your place. It’s so beautiful!
That would be so much fun. I’ve got 40 acres and the camp next door has several outdoor toilets so we’d be set (except that washing up would be a problem).
… nearby? 🙂
but the pond is a scum-covered, stagnant thing and I’d rather be dirty than wade into it.
The lake (which is at the camp) is actually pretty nice.
Don’t you just hate it when people give serious answers to not serious questions 😉
Fall 2005 – Lake in the rain
That is really nice. What do you mean, “not serious questions”? 😉
not serious as in “I am unable to imagine Olivia bathing and brushing her teeth with pond water”.
It really isn’t fair but I have developed a mental image of you based on your gorgeous flower pictures and obvious gardening talents. Maybe I just need to re-think you as a rowdy, raunchy hockey fan screaming for blood.
You always wonder how others perceive you, but in this medium, it is interesting b/c one’s image is based on limited data, one’s ‘online’ personality if you will. That is why it is so surprising when we actually see a photo of someone. And sometimes not, which is also interesting!
My mental images of people always seem to be wrong but that never stops me from doing it. But since I expect to be wrong, I would actually be more surprised if someone did look like my mental image.
As a sort of opposite side of the coin is when someone tells you that her mental image of you has been constructed without regard to your actual physical looks. I have a very fond memory of a friend saying to me that, although she, of course, could see that I was physically short, she never thought of me that way because I “talked tall”.
re: your friend.
(My image of you is tall as well.)
because I have always wanted to be tall but I’m only 5’2-1/2″.
I would tower over you! (I’m 5’8″)
That’s one for me because I had pictured you as tall (although taller than 5’8″).
BTW, I’ve been married to a guy who is 6’2″ for 34 years so 5’8″ isn’t quite in my tower-over range.
My best friend back home is 3’11” (she says she’s 4 feet but she’s lying) and her husband is 6’6″. She hates going to weddings because she thinks everyone is just waiting for her to dance with her husband, and she comes up to his belt buckle. She’s an awesome lady and has always talked tall.
for several years during junior high and high school I was friends with a girl who was 4’5″ just for the thrill of having someone in school that I had to look down at in order to talk to. A shiningly shallow moment of which I am very proud.
6’2″ is definitely tower-over range! 🙂
How about this… What colour is my hair?
Well “colour” is what colors my whole mental image of you because I’ve built (oh this is very embarrassing) around the idea of the classic English woman in her garden. So you’ve got fair hair around shoulder length, fair skin, a high color in your cheeks, and you’ve got a nice straw hat to keep the sun off your face.
Ooh, can I play? Olivia sounds like an ultra-feminine name so I picture her that way. Andi sounds more masculine or playful so I picture you as sort of raucous and irreverent. But not vacant-eyed or drooling.
a couple of times but you might not have seen it. But I’m definitely not feminine. I’m not vacant-eyed anymore but with the right stimulus, I will drool. I prefer to think of myself as immature and ill-behaved as opposed to playful, irreverent, and raucous — it gives me much more latitude.
And you’ve definitely pegged the name right — I use Andi instead of Andrea because I always envisioned an Andrea as a tall, graceful, Nordic type — the anti-me.
I saw a picture of you and Jim at your prom (?) but figured you might have changed since then.
As for me, my mother named me after Laura Petrie from the Dick Van Dyke show…and I am freakishly like her in that I am way too sensitive and I cry easily, but I’m always scheming and getting caught, too. “Oh, Rooooob!”
No, I’ve posted a recent one (see here)
As for the being like Laura, that doesn’t work too well with this “I do not wear dresses. I do not wear makeup…at this point if I put it on I’m sure I would look like a transvestite. I can’t walk in, nor have any inclination to wear any shoe with a heel except for maybe some cool boots with my jeans. I don’t do hair. I can’t stand perfume or nail polish (it feels like my nails are suffocating!) I never played with dolls, although I had one once and I tried to figure out what to do with her besides cut her hair and put her to sleep. I can’t stand jewelry, even my wedding ring bothers me so I only wear it when I go out.”
Ok, I am rather creeped out to have my own words dug up like that. But you’re right, that part doesn’t fit with Laura Petrie. But I did say I am like her “in that I am way too sensitive…etc.”
Apparently I am having some sort of identity crisis, which shouldn’t surprise anyone. Has anyone seen my true identity? I’m sure I left it around here somewhere.
I hadn’t seen that picture. Aren’t you guys the cutest couple ever!
Absolutely not.
Come over to the new cafe. I bet we can find your identity over there.
Hey! Even I tower over you!!
I’m 5′ 3-3/4″ and the shortest person in 3 generations of my family
but an inch and 1/2 when I’m used to living with someone who is a foot taller than me won’t even get you a slightly jealous of your being taller reaction 😉
that you’re so cute.
Are you at work?
That’s not me, it’s you!
(supposedly, yes at work)
well we know it’s not really me and if it’s not really you, who is that cute kid?
Well, this is going to sound very bad. But, it’s a woman named Jennifer Laycock.
And she looks like you to me.
Too cute.
New cafe is opened. See you there.
I busted the margins on this one. I’m so proud.
Hot tea again today. I’m trying the Earl Green. Yum. Got my song done for the YA, and I’m hoping to knock off the last of the polish job today so I can get this draft off my desk. Unfortunately, I seem to be getting a cold which is slowing my thinking. Like I need that when it’s already morning. Urg. My writing cat is doing her best to keep me warm though. She’s laying in the tiny space between the laptop and my chest purring her guts out. There’s beautiful frost on my office windows and we’re having a heat wave. It’s all the way up to 12 with a predicted high of 18.
No skating for me, ManEE…the last (only) time I tried skating, my butt was on the ice more than the skates were.
Slept very well on the new bed last night…still getting used to how high it is. (Will post a picture sometime this week or early next…) And the spouse has to put on his shoes out here — the bed’s waaaay too high to put them on in the bedroom.
Plans for the day — need to go out and finish up some holiday shopping. The day is sneaking up on me, whether I like it or not! Heading for the shower shortly — the spouse got up early and washed jeans for me so I’d have something to wear today. 🙂 Tomorrow’s supposed to be rainy, so it’ll be a good day to stay in and clean/bake/other domestic activities…
Have a great day, folks! 🙂
Hi Manny, nice Cafe! (I love how you colour your boxes.)
Is it okay if along with our skates, we also brought our hockey sticks, some pucks, a coupla nets …? 🙂
More from the archives. Next week I’m going to take some new photos.
Lily w/ rain drops — one perched on the very tip, taken 8.12.2005 (view large)
Rose, taken 10.16.2005 (view large)
is so beautiful and the image is so beautifully composed that I feel I have to say (though it’s very hard for me to do this) that it is my favorite.
Henceforth, the photo shall be known as Andi’s Rose!
Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for that advice you gave me about the rosemary a little while ago. I’ve been giving mine more water, and not only is she starting to look better, but another seed sprouted in the pot as well. Clearly, that was the problem. So a big thanks from me and my rosemary plant! 🙂
That’s great news Indy! 🙂
I saw your “sweet” story of the teddies over at Pandagon. I hope you’re going to start posting at some of the feminist web sites more often (I really see you as fitting right in at Alas).
BTW, I went to the post office today (do I win anything for being later than you on mailing stuff out) and there were 0 people ahead of me in the line. And 1 behind me.
To make the longest story ever into the shortest, my mom was a real trip and a half.
If I posted at Alas I’d spend a lot more time pissed off, so even aside from Amp being such a good poster himself, that’s another reason why I don’t post over there. Fighting with MRAs is not my idea of a good time. When they bring the fight to me, I will flatten them, but I don’t usually go looking for it. Part of this is my personality, but another part is the autoimmune disease; since it’s starting to affect my adrenal glands I have to start managing optional stress damn carefully.
I will not even discuss the post office line.
Today’s actually a happy day around my house — my roommate is finally coming home after about 8 weeks out of town. She’s my best friend and my chosen family so I’ve really missed her. She should be flying in at the local airport (which comedian Ron White referred to as the Flagstaff Airport/Tire Center & Hair Salon, which is an apt description) shortly. And I’ve been keeping this secret because she lurks here from time to time, but I have made Christmas for her as a present. I got the tree, decorated the house, strung lights on the balcony, the whole 9. I’m EXHAUSTED but happy, which kinda reminds me of the upside of Christmases when I was a kid.
That’s cool. She’ll love it.
She’d better, or I will kick her ass, lol. I’m making her dinner, too, a nice roasted lemon-garlic chicken with rosemary & thyme. And I rented movies, and I will spend the evening doing her laundry while she’s catching up on her email and resting. I know how to love people. 🙂
to have you as her friend. But I’m very sure that anyone that you would feel that way about deserves that love and returns it in full unstintingly.
As for the post office, what can I tell ya — the Blue Dot plays favorites.
by 4:00. 🙂
Email me next time you’re in town, I was serious about buying you snowy beers downtown. 🙂
And with that, mis amigos, I have to don my Santa cap and fire up Indy’s Airport Taxi. See y’all later!
That lily image is simply perfect. Wow!
Hey Manny and everyone….god I loved ice skating when I was a kid. I grew up in Wisconsin on the Mississippi in a town called La Crosse and we had to wait for the Lagoon to freeze at least 6 feet before they opened it up for skating.
I don’t even have any recollection of learning how to skate or who taught me, I only remember that it seems like I always knew how.
Good morning all, from cold New York.
So, the TWU did it.
The MTA in strike – no buses or subways. Lots of cold pedestrians out this morning – and quiet in the office, as many did not come in at all. Still have some Chrismas shopping to do, which shouldn’t be too bad this afternoon, I guess.
Since I moaned about my commute yesterday, I thought I should tell you that it wasn’t as bad as I had feared. Not as cold and did not take as long as I thought it might.
In fact, I am planning to go join the picket line for a while and help leaflet on my walk home from the train station.
I cannot understand people not supporting this strike. TWU is one of the stronger unions and if they are defeated, all of us are going to be hurt. We all know there is a war on the working class, all unions are feeling the chill, especially in NYC (including mine–AAUP) and so a victory for this union translates into better cheer for all of us.
I was thinking about you this morning when I heard about the strike, wondering how you made out.
I also have a lot of respect for unions, I took part in starting a local one and negotiating the first tariff agreement back in Norway in the late ’80s.
So – how long was your commute this morning – see from the Booman Frappr-map that you are in Sunnyside?
I’m in Hoboken and the PATH is running. Only a 15-20 min. walk from the 33rd St. terminal to my office.
I normally have a commute of about 70 minutes — from home to the suburbs–which is where the university is. Today there was a 30 minute walk to the LIRR station in Queens and then lots of waiting around in Jamaica, since LIRR was so clearly not ready to deal with all the people going to Manhattan.
As I said, it was actually quite all right for me–either I had scared myself silly last night thinking about it, so that nothing could be as bad as I had envisaged, or which is more likely, all the warm thoughts of the frog-pond denizens sustained me.
Heard a soundbyte from the NYC Mayor this morning on the radio complaining about the strike, how the union is doing this just to deliberately inconvenience people and make waves… well, duh — isn’t that the purpose of a strike, to call attention to worker grievances in a public way? Obviously we haven’t had enough strikes in this country lately if he’s forgotten that….
And there are times I think too many people in this country have forgotten what organized labor has done for us over the long decades. People died to bring us an eight-hour workday. Sobering thought….
Haven’t seen this posted yet, so here’s some fresh news:
The judge in Dover PA struck down the teaching of intelligent design in biology class.
Can it be that the little victories are starting to change the tide?
Thanks for the link.
we just passed 2900 members.
let’s see if the little tadpole will de-lurk and say hi!
And what might we have for our newest froglet??? No gift basket…but we will definitely have some cheery surprises!
Come on over for the Dart Competition!