Some recent events in the US may have come as a surprise to some Americans, and even caused some distress.
Here are some tips that can help:
The Constitution
You’ve probably seen candies and fruit made of plastic or resin for sale in stores. These items come with a warning label: “For decoration only, do not eat.” This is a good idea, because they look so realistic that children and nearsighted people may think they are real and put them in their mouths! If they are especially good quality, even adults with perfect vision may make this mistake.
That’s the way it is with the Constitution. It reads so well that people, even smart people like you, may succumb to the temptation of thinking it can protect you from this or that, or have an effect on what your leaders do or don’t do. But people in many countries around the world, and even your own countrymen, if they are poor, can offer some wise advice that can save you a great deal of emotional stress: “For decoration only, do not eat.”
Mainstream Americans love elections! They admire their politicians the way teenaged girls admire matinee idols. If you have ever seen a teenaged girl who just found out from a movie tabloid, or infotainment show, that her favorite star was arrested for some distasteful crime, you know how disappointing and devastating that can be for her.
In the darkened theatre, or curled up in the family room, she watched him starry eyed as he made her laugh, his love scenes inspired her first innocent romantic dreams, her heart stood still when he was in danger, and thrilled with pride when he vanquished the bad guys! Even though old enough to know it was only a movie, deep down she knew that he couldn’t be too different in real life. Previous press stories about him told of his visit to a homeless shelter, his generosity to a sick toddler, she did not cynically shrug that off as a publicity gimmick. That was proof positive that her hero was all his movie roles portrayed, and more!
Then comes the bombshell. The celestial one is arrested on drug charges. Or worse. How could he do this to her! Had she not written him letters? Saved her baby-sitting money to send to his favorite charity? Paid her fan club dues promptly?
Her mother and father shake their heads and sigh. We tried to tell you, they say, but you wouldn’t listen. He is just an actor. He plays roles. His favorite charity was chosen by his manager, he doesn’t know anything about injured dolphins, or care about them. The visit to the homeless shelter was set up by his publicity company. If he really just wanted to help the homeless, why would he need to go there with a hair and makeup team and send out notices to the press photographers? With all the money he spent to do that, he could have written another check to the shelter.
Imagine their surprise, when after a good cry, she forgives all. Anyone can make a mistake, I know he will learn from this because he is a good man, a noble one. What parent could object to that sentiment? But when she decides to pay double her fan club dues, to make up for the fair-weather friends who now denounce him, and spends all her allowance on DVDs of his movies, they shake their heads again.
People in other countries, and again, the poor in your own, can tell you that politicians are like that matinee idol with feet of clay. They don’t work for you, they don’t “represent” you, they represent large corporations the way the star represents the studio.
And the theory of a causal relationship between which candidate in an election gets the most votes and who takes office is just that – a theory.
The US form of government is not unique. Many countries, most of them, interestingly, US client states, enjoy the same form of rule by cartel, represented by a “strong man,” who as the world has seen in the case of Saddam Hussein, is only as strong as the cartel that props him up wants him to be, and only as long as he does what he is told.
The people in those countries, though generally regarded by American voters as simple, childlike folk who lack the capacity to understand complex concepts, in fact tend to be considerably more sophisticated in some ways than their Blackberry-totin, J. Crew-wearin brothers in the west, and are less susceptible to illusions regarding what life in a totalitarian dictatorship means, regardless of how it is presented, or “framed.” Which brings us to
Disappearances, Torture, Secret Laws, Secret Courts, Secret Police, Domestic Spying
When a population has imposed upon them, or in the case of the US voting class, and to some extent, I am sad to say, also the US underclass, chooses totalitarian dictatorship as a form of government, these things are normal, routine, and simply a part of life. People who have more experience with life under such regimes take this sort of thing for granted, and live their lives accordingly. Unless they have the resources and the wherewithal to overthrow the regime and institute a new one, and even more importantly, unless the majority of the population has the will to do so, there is really no point in being outraged, or writing scathing editorials ( a venting outlet which is shrewdly permitted even in some of the most draconian states), or indignant huffing about laws and constitutions, which as noted above, are not relevant to the actions of cartels, warlords, or strongman figureheads.
The American underclass is also less likely than their affluent countrymen to count a belief in the “voting” process among their faith tenets, and more likely that you forgive their lack of amazement at the latest “surprise.” They know that while their chances of getting ahead are about the same as their chances of winning the lottery, and equally independent of any action or lack thereof on their part, getting over is a much better bet, and that truth naturally becomes the basis of culture.
It is emulated, or inspires emulation, who can say, by the cartels and their henchmen. Thus “investigations,” stirring speeches and strongly worded statements are judiciously and liberally constructed and applied as a balm to the wounds of the voting class, while the infection rages on untreated, and slowly, a few even grudgingly, grumblingly, shuffle back to the meetups and committee meetings, and write more checks to send to the millionaire politicians they have forgiven, and some will tell you, like the pretty secretary who clings to her married lover because it is better than being alone, that there is nothing else, both unable to see that in reality, if they wish to improve their lot, if they wish to survive, there is only something else, and that something else can be found by simply looking into a mirror.
No Hay Mal Que Dura Cien Años, Ni Cuerpo Que Lo Aguante
Translation: There is no evil that lasts one hundred years, nor body that endures it. Obviously, that is figurative. There have been evil empires that lasted more than a century, the US is only the latest in a history book full of them. And there are people who do live in them for more than a hundred years.
However, sooner or later, the correction occurs. There is a spark here, then another one over there, and a puff, another puff, a little flame, and the correction occurs. These are not beautiful events, though history tends to romanticize them, a natural result of the grandchildren of the sparkers and puffers who are writing history books instead of rowing in a galley, picking lice out of the wigs of French noblemen, or stacking polyester tank tops on a shelf at Wal-Mart. Nor do corrections bring Utopia, nor the spirit of Antioch, or true and noble Caliphate, nor any of those holy grails of society that the puffers’ hearts intend and yearn for.
But what they do bring is more often than not, an improved lot for more people than the evil empire ever did or intended to.
Once feudal Europe now provides health care to its citizens, and some even provide housing.
Reuters article here And I don’t mean Phil. I like what Ol’ Arlen said when he noted to Alito that Supreme Court Justice O’Connor, in a separate matter, recently said, “War is ot a blank check for the president when it comes to rights of the nation’s citizens.” He is using this Bush Spy Ring to get Alito to take a stand…So Does Alito support the Constitution or will he shit on it? My Vote is he takes a big old dump on it. Gotta love Spector for this curve ball. I think Arlen can’t stand Alito and thinks Bush is a criminal.
of Dick Cheney’s interview on Nightline tonight. His administration is protecting the Constitution, doncha know.
Torture? Definition, does it shock the conscience? That’s in the eye of the beholder. We do not torture.”
So you see, there is nothing for Americans to worry about.
LINK for Cheney’s lies
Thanks for that “for decoration purposes only reminder.” I have this terrible tendency to actually bit into those Constitutions, thinking they will have some nutritional value.
But according to Bush:
‘It’s just a goddamned piece of paper’
If I recall correctly, the Constitution is used for toilet paper in the White House.
Ha! You took the words right outta my mouth, was about to say “piece of toilet paper!”
The US Constitution brand toilet paper: extra-soft comfort for delicate patrician bottoms.
Uh, I don’t know, with the years of encrusted dingleberries clinging to their sphincter valves, I think they need wet-ones or something.
But have you seen this? I got some for Christmas last year.
Maybe it’s time to TP the white house–like everyone send a roll.
After the next revolution you Americans will be able to buy cotton tank-tops at Wal-Mart, and if you are lucky, they will probably stock [Australian] wool ones, too. Think how much better off both you and Wal-Mart will be…
Helpful Tips for Americans dealing with Ductape Fatwa:
OK, so this time I was forewarned. Got up, sat here with my coffee, saw the thing at the top of the list.
Drink your coffee, before you open that diary, dear, I said to myself.
Get out the pledge all-purpose wipes (for electronic equipment), just in case, cover up the keyboard, now READ–quick before you instinctively reach for that coffee cup again.
So by the time I got to this one:
The equipment was safe from the ravaging aftermath of your words.
And here:
Didn’t even flinch.
Well, and when I got to the end
I just raised my eyebrows, thought to myself, “Ahem.”
Now I can go back to my coffee. 😉
LOL… I didn’t even bother to get a coffee before I read this because I knew, just from the title, that it would be grade A DuctaFatwa.
You are the person. I’d say you are the man. Or you are the woman. But I just don’t know. So you are the person.
Can’t read this and not comment.
On sadness — There is always a sense of sadness I hear in your writings like this. Touched by playful good humor. Maybe it is me reading into it. But it is a cool quality. Unique in your voice. A very good thing. Reminds me of Vonnegut saying that men are like pieces of clay who got the chance to stand and surmise their surroundings. I like your surmises.
On mystery — I’ve been reading your stuff for the better part of a year now it seems. Maybe not that long. I don’t know. And I’m constantly confused by your use of language. I search it for clues to determine who this writer is, and I just don’t really know. For instance, in today’s piece there is “theatre” making you a citizen or student of the British Commonwealth I suppose. But then there is “Blackberry-totin, J. Crew-wearin,” placing you somewhere in the Southern U.S. perhaps. You are like fusion cooking or something. Hyper-post modern ethereal being of the Internets. And the mystery is the best enchantment. Makes your stories better.
On hope and inevitability — I frequently read in your stories what I believe to be a fair statement of the truth about the human political condition. But sometimes I think you may be the only person on the planet more cynical than myself. And by that, you are able to inspire in me a strange sense of idealism. I don’t want the world to be bleak and inevitable. Despite everything that I might say to anyone at anytime. And seeing your hyper-cynical (and most probably correct, IMHO) view of the world, somehow by contrast makes me naive again. In reading your post today, I honestly had the thought that I was going to get off the sidelines and run as a Green Party candidate — speak absolute truth to the people and by that truth encourage them to rise up democratically and reclaim a country of ideals. Only a fantasy. But you make me want to believe in something that you say doesn’t exist. A more perfect Union. And I look at major websites and see Bush bouncing, and no one caring too much that he is a felon. And I know what you say is true. A police state is not only possible. It is inevitable. Until there is a change. And the change won’t bring an idyllic society either. Humans are just dirt. But at least dirt with dreams sometimes. And the ability to ramble on aimlessly.
On translation — Thanks for translating the Spanish. (I’m assuming that’s Spanish, because it reads a little like the promotional writing on the box of the Chinese built Dora the Explorer talking house that my Jewish daughter needs for Christmas — a house only available at — gasp — Wal-Mart). Anyway. I appreciate the translations. You do have a low brow audience out here. And I don’t ever want you to forget us.
Merry Christmas. Feliz Navida Happy Boxing Day. Merry Linguini Sauce Eve. Happy Channukah. Good Qwanza. Happy holidays. Bon Solstice. The Latin Virgin thing that you were writing about. Happy that. And greetings for any other winter festivals you may celebrate. Where ever in the world you are. (You know. You remind me of Santa sometimes. Are you fat and dressed in Red, able to perhaps to bring me an indictment of Rove, an Impeachment of Bush, and a Dora toy for my daughter, without the need of a trip to the Blue Corporation of death?)
but that is no reason not to refuse to settle for anything less. That is how improvement is made.
I admire you for a lot of reasons. I wish the Green Party had not succumbed to the successful operation to murder its credibility by sticking Nader on its head like a bad pimp hat.
While it seems doubtful, considering not only the lack of an “opposition party,” but the lack of any real desire for one, it is impossible not to wonder if there might not have been a spark there somewhere, and one is tempted to get all Whittier:
But 2004 was probably too late anyway.
I do not consider myself cynical, just a grizzled old terrorist who has already seen several previous versions of the movie and knows how it ends.
I believe that history will grant Dora a high place on the forces for social change page. All little girls – and boys – should have one. People do not give them to their little boys, and that is a shame, and reinforces the female advantage in the area of language skills.
I am honored if I have made you think. Especially since you are already quite a thinker.
When you are ready, the R words will find you 🙂
Hey BostonJoe,
First, I agree 100% with your assessment of this roll of sticky stuff and its writing.
But, think there is great danger in this statement:
It presupposes the inevitability of violence, of lawlessness, indifference and all the shit we have since come to accept as “human nature.”
Personally, if I were to share this cynical (and in my view entirely erroneous) view of humanity, I would have to depart from the planet yesterday if not sooner.
Believing that human nature is innately scummy is, imo, a lazy approach–it provides us with a convenient excuse, a convenient justification or explanation for centuries of dishonor.
But I do not believe the despicable behavior humans have engaged in regularly since about the time Christ was supposedly born in a manger somewhere is innately human. I just don’t believe it–because there are still populations on the planet today, very few, who remain untouched by the scourge that is “western” “civilization” who DO NOT engage in these types of behaviors–at least not regularly and not on a grand scale (indeed, no human being or human society is perfect, there will always be some aberrations). However, I do not believe that “eating one’s own” (and that’s ultimately what all this shit, whether racism, sexism, militarism, economic exploitation, planetary exploitation, etc. boils down to) is an innately human characteristic. We are not innately cannabalistic, but cannabalism is, imo, an apt descriptor for the reigning ethic of the western world right now.
Believing that this is inevitable is imo an excuse NOT to make the changes we need to make to be true to our TRULY human nature.
It’s kind of like believing, as so many did and still do, that men rape, beat and kill women because they are innately programmed to aggression. I don’t believe it. I believe the societies and religions that have emerged over the past couple of millennia condition them to be that way and it’s the same thing with humans in general.
We, as a species, are NOT “designed” to be this way. Collectively, we are acting in direct contradiction to what is our true human nature.
It’s not inevitable, but it will be if we keep believing it is. Over the course of millennia, we have become increasingly inhuman. And it will be a great challenge to us to again become human. Right now, we are monsters. Our transformation back to what we once were and what some very few remaining enclaves of humanity still are will not occur as long as we believe that “humans are just dirt” (by design).
I actually had the experience of witnessing, over the past 20 yrs, the way one small enclave of truly human humans have embarked on the process of becoming monsters under the influence of “western civilization”–it is heartbreaking, and at the same time, a sign of hope–hope, because I have indeed seen and known a human population that had not yet lost its humanity.
That was in Africa. First time I was there (1988), the people had had virtually no contact with the “west.” Last time I was there was 2001. There were Christmas lights on the shop windows. And convenience stores where you could buy Pringles in a can.
I won’t be going back because now the monsterification is well under way. I can’t handle it. Especially with the knowledge that, just by having gone there (and encouraged others to do so), I have contributed to the destruction of one small remaining outpost of humanity.
My only hope is that this glimpse of human humanity will be enough to sustain my own stance of cynical idealism or idealist cynicism, whatever you want to call it, long enough to see some signs of hope that the rest of the planetary population one day figures out how to turn itself around and begin making the slow crawl back toward its own roots in the bedrock of humanity that is the foundation of the species.
Looking out at Europe and particularly at South America, it seems to me that in many other parts of the world, this process is underway. How unfortunate that America has chosen to “stay the course” on the path to absolute inhumanity and allow monsters to pass for human.
“God grant me the temerity to change the things I cannot accept.”– Adults Anonymous Motto, formulated by Starkravinglunaticradical, Chair of the Bored.
I like your Adults Anonymous Motto!
I’m reading on the fly. I didn’t get a chance to read your entire post yet (today is one and only Christmas shopping day from me — and I’m already way late out the door). But, just wanted to correct a misimpression I had made from the first part of what you wrote (and if your entire post went on because of this misimpression, FSM am I sorry to waste so much of your time). When I said humans are dirt. Or whatever I said. I didn’t mean dirt in the metaphorical sense of “dirty-bad-crappy” but in the Vonnegut sense of we are like dirt/clay/carbonbiomass that got the break of consciousness. Sorry if I created a misimpression. Will read entire post after Dora shopping.
Have fun on your expedition to the bowels of hell,Joe. Have you ever thought of changing that one shopping day to the middle of October? 😉
JanetT I like the motto too, but I cannot claim credit, it is stark’s.
what the hell, DF, I think we may be cut from the same roll of sticky stuff.
Better is the middle of January when you can cop the lower prices for all the merchandise (ie, junk) that didn’t find a buyer during the Silly Season.
Or, to manipulate your sig line, One man’s debt is another man’s asset.
I’ll admit, I was using you as an example for a very widespread phenomenon–so sorry if I mistakenly threw you in the terra cotta with the rest of the misanthropes.
You gotta admit, a lot of people think that way.
It’s so fucking defeatist.
I love Ductape’s inability to ignore reality.
It takes courage to look squarely at life and assess humanity as we are, not as we’d like to believe we are. Ductape has wrestled with the ego ideal and won.
Over the years I’ve concluded that the single most corrosive false belief held by the majority of people is faith in a personal, interventionist deity on whom we impose the job of correcting injustice. The fundamentalists who choose to read spiritual poetry as prose provide themselves with the perfect excuse to abdicate responsibility for the suffering of others while feeling righteous to boot.
As my daughter told a proselytizer who was offering faith as a cure for the horrors of this world, “You’re right. The world is full of inequality, injustice and pain. Why don’t you get up off your sanctimonious butt, and do something about it instead of expecting a dead Jew to do it for you.”
The comfort of remaining moral children extends to unquestioning loyalty to leaders, and “my country, right or wrong.” Nationalism and faith in a Big Daddy god prevent us from becoming mature, actualized human beings who look at the context of power and the power of context, and ask, “Who benefits ? Who is hurt ?”
Ductape never lets me forget what my REAL job is.
Bitter fruit,indeed.
Let the next revolution begin.
How do you spell “fighting tyranny”?
I spell it A-C-L-U.
Join now.
I hope to teach my children that they must stand up for what they believe. The only way that will happen is if they see myself and my wife stand up to those who oppress, denigriate, minimize and vilify other human beings.
We don’t have a lot of excess money, but what little we do have goes to the ACLU, Kevin Benderman, our local food bank and if anything is left, then a few politicians may get something.
I unfortunately believe that the fascists have become firmly entrenched and they will not relinquish power reasonably. I hope that fear is unfounded but I fear it is not.
I will fight those who deem me to be less than them simply by act of my birth, I will strive with all that I am to bring my country to a place where all human beings are given due accord as being worthwhile human beings. I will never give up in working to bring my country to a place of peace and harmony with the rest of the world and to share the enormous bounty that it has been blessed with, with the rest of the world.
The fascists hold no sway over me, I will fight them with every legal means that is available to me. My children deserve to live in a society that enobles all of mankind, not just those lucky enough to have been born into wealth.
Thank you Ductape
Yo no sé porque la gente
De qualquier cosa se espanta
Sabiendo que en este mundo
Unos lloran y otros cantan.
I do not know why people
worry about any thing
knowing that in this world
some weep and others sing.
(my unpoetic translation)
Ductape, you are showing a fatalism that is not found in the American psyche – if there is such a thing. Wait a hundred years? Americans have trouble waiting 100 minutes. We expect to be the spark, not content with turning inward.
Of course, we have been and are being hypnotized even as we are exploited by the wealthy, and this has bred a great deal of inertia. But we have not achieved inertness yet, nor have you.
I do admire your humor, the fine quality of your emphasis on personal relationships, wonderful cuisine, a vast store of knowledge of many cultures as well as small bits of arcane information. But this sounds like you are endorsing acceptance of life as serfs, as quiet, below-the-horizon of autocratic/dictatorial leaders, or tyrants, or interchangeable units of human capital on the surface, finding happiness in small, inward & private activities. However,(insert phrase of suspicious rejection here: {I can’t think of a metaphor to use here that isn’t fully Americanized, e.g. I’m not buying it. That dog won’t hunt. You’re preaching to the mirror.}). Not for us. And not for you, specifically.
Why not?
You are here, functioning as a part of this community. That’s not exactly a fatalistic action, nor an inward, waiting one. And you are trying to persuade, even contaminate us with your viewpoints – I’m using contaminate in a snarky, humorous sense, helping us to be sensitive to groups that we don’t hear much positive about in this country, such as Palestinian citizens. You are writing here, quietly and not so quietly, blowing air on those sparks, sending up a few light shows of your own – the flare of anger, the righteous indignation, the impatience, pointing to the essential similarity of people across nations and cultures and religions.
Maybe you are tired, a little under the weather, and you wrote this partly in frustration at our slow, obtuse inability to grasp the magnitude of what’s happening, I don’t know. But even on a day of fatigue, sadness, piles of work yet to be done, lousy food, a sick spouse, poor kids that I see daily, I’m not persuaded.
You are doing much good here, far beyond your own family, in ways and places you will never know. Live with those thoughts, please.
violation of the Patriot Act that whispers the suggestion that there is an alternative to accepting “a life as serfs, as quiet, below-the-horizon of autocratic/dictatorial leaders, or tyrants, or interchangeable units of human capital.”
I wish I could be more optimistic that Americans had an interest in that alternative.
I do believe the rest of the world has a strong interest in a future.