Last Sunday was my birthday. A friend of mine had invited me to come hear John Dean interview Barbara Boxer about her new novel at a synagogue here in Los Angeles. The event was sponsored by a local writer’s group. (God bless writers!!)
I was excited to see Boxer because although I’ve followed her for years, I’ve never seen her in person.
She’s fantastic. Passionate. And the most articulate person on the subject of abortion and why a woman’s right to choose should not be considered a “liberal” or “Democratic” issue but indeed a bill of rights issue. When challenged about her opposition to a move to make women notify their husbands in writing in advance of getting an abortion, she turned that back on the males pressuring her, and said, do you think you should have to notify your wife before getting a vasectomy? Not one man said yes.
I took notes. I’ll share. Boxer was fantastic. But Dean stole the show…
He opened by joking that usually he was the one answering questions from Senators, not asking them. He asked Boxer to describe her book, and she described it as a political page-turner. From the excerpts she read, I was less impressed with her writing abilities than at the way she was throwing light on how government really operates. On that basis alone I think it will be an interesting read.
Just about everything Boxer said brought a YES out of me. “Secrecy is unAmerican.” YES! “The truth is a commodity not well respected by this administration.” YES!! Regarding the Democratic party’s lethargy in addressing the Iraq war and the administration’s wrongdoings, “We have awakened.” YES!!!
Dean and Boxer talked briefly about how, especially in comparison to Bush, Nixon could almost be called an environment president. Boxer said something about how some of the best environmental legislation was signed in by Nixon. If he were campaigning today, Dean said, Nixon could run as a Green. “Well, I wouldn’t go THAT far,” laughed Boxer.
And then, almost from out of the blue, as the talk moved to the spying on Americans, Dean blurted out how Bush was “the first president to ever confess to an impeachable offense.” I sat there stunned, for a moment. Then I wrote it in my notes. But was it true? It seemed like too rich candy, a too expensive toy – something to desire but not actually have. So imagine my joy this morning to see that Boxer had been quickfooted, had contacted four presidential scholars, and had concluded from them that Dean was right. This IS an impeachable offense. Wow!
That wasn’t the end of the talk, however. That comment came early on. There were other notable comments. Re the Republicans who voted in support of torture, Dean decried, “May it haunt them forever.” When justifying the title of his last book, “Worse than Watergate”, Dean succinctly stated, “No one died as a result of Watergate.” That was succinct, but perhaps not entirely accurate. E. Howard Hunt’s wife was killed in a plane crash that many feel was deliberately sabotaged.
But it was the title of Dean’s next book that sent shivers through me. I couldn’t believe he would dare. His next book is “Conservatives Without Conscience.” Wow. That really sums up the current administration and Congressional leaders.
Hearing the words “admitted to an impeachable offense” was perhaps the sweetest of birthday gifts I received Sunday. Sharing that experience with a friend was a close runner up.
I should add that I firmly believe that a couple of years from now, we’ll look back on this as the turning point, the moment at which Bush’s ultimate removal from office became inevitable. Talk about present at the creation, or should that be destruction?
I prefer creation, indeed, the re-creation of a government once again of the people, by the people, and for the people.
For a moment I thought Lincoln’s worst fears were coming true, and that such a government was perishing from the earth. But so long as here is a Boxer in the world, a John Conyers in the world, and maybe even a John Dean or two, there is hope for us yet.
Thank you so much for your diary! I wish I could have been there to hear this.
Boxer was on “The Tavis Smiley” show talking about that gathering, Dean’s quote and of course, her book. It was breathtaking to hear her say that.
For a moment I thought Lincoln’s worst fears were coming true, and that such a government was perishing from the earth. But so long as here is a Boxer in the world, a John Conyers in the world, and maybe even a John Dean or two, there is hope for us yet.
You know, I hate–REALLY hate–being such a downer, but I find myself wondering more and more if there is hope. Things have just gotten worse and worse. One of my dear friends always reminds me that it’s darkest before the dawn, but this is a mighty long night.
My usual demeanor is happy and positive and, well–peachy, but I don’t know anymore. Things have only worsened, and as a society, we seem to eagerly and willfully embrace ignorance. There is no institution you can trust at all. Not to say that I ever invested any great meaning in them at all (media, business, religious, etc.) but the rot is deep and pervasive and obvious and yet, everyone pretends that everything is fine.
Oooh…sorry–I didn’t mean to go there. But I remember how UNpopular impeachment was, how people were pissed at such an obvious power grab, and let’s face it–it was an obvious, if bloodless, coup attempt. (Half of DC should be in jail if your standard is lying about a blow job.)
And yet, here we are.
The two seetest words I have heard in a long time. But do you think the RWM will give it any coverage? Not so far. I so envy you for being able to be there. Boxer is one heck of a senator and I am grateful she represents me.
I voted general strike but believe that should include another massive march on DC demanding the Impeachment of the Chimp.
Good idea re a march on Washington. I’m just frustrated because it’s too far from where I live.
Love your signature quote!
Thanks…its on a t-shirt I where often!
Senator Barbara Boxer and/or
Donkey Kicks Ass This Week
Congressional Proceedings
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Thanks for linking to the petition. doh! Why didn’t I think of that?
Thanks so much for taking the time to write about this, Lisa. It would have been way cool to have been there, and I really appreciate your shared experience.
I had the same feelings of excitement regarding (Howard) Dean’s first speaking engagement in MN as a presidential candidate. Damn, I was psyched! (But my enthusiasm apparently got the best of me when I found myself passionately cheering and applauding for things I didn’t necessarily agree with. Oops.)
And . . . without further ado . . . “Happy Belated Birthday!” It sounds like you couldn’t have wished for a better day (or a better friend)
Thanks again, and Good Day!
She says: “Urge Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter to hold hearings into the President’s conduct, before beginning Supreme Court nomination hearings for Judge Alito – sign my petition today!”
No Alito hearings until george is investigated!
I’ve seen cite the number of signatures on her online polls on the floor of the Senate, so this is important. Only 11,000 have signed as of now.
Here’s what she’s asking you to sign:
Sign the petition and give your country an early Fitzmas gift!
Here’s a clear link. The other one contains the name of someone unknown to me.
Not only that, but I posted this at DKos and accidentally linked to the page with my personal info! Then I got confused and thought Steven D had already posted it, so I took it down rather than editing the link.
There was fast, enthusiastic response before I deleted it, so I do wish someone would re-post it over there to since so many people go there. There were 11,000 signatures the last time I checked.