Apparently our school system here is teaching evolution but also discussing Intelligent Design in science classes as well. I am retired, and I am not sure just how far they go with it.
I am not sure of the intent of the Dover decision, and I am just wondering if she is assuming too much in keeping on with it.
McKinzie: Polk Schools Teach Evolution, Allow Discussions of Intelligent Design
The judge said the Dover Area School Board violated the Constitution when it required biology teachers to include intelligent design, the idea that life began as a result of an intelligent force or being, into their curricula.
But Polk County Superintendent Gail McKinzie said she’s not opposed to science teachers discussing or even formally presenting the controversial theory in science classes, so long as they don’t exclude traditional science.
“I wouldn’t want to say you must only teach evolution,” she said. “. . . I think obviously evolution is based on scientific theory. But I’m also confident other explanations of how people have come to be on Earth provide other discussion topics.”
Polk’s science books, as do most science books, include sections on the theory of evolution. Evolutionary science says life today, including plants, animals and humans, developed through a series of small changes over very long periods of time.
The theory conflicts with the Biblical interpretation of the Earth’s creation.
Does that conflict with the ruling especially? I am just not that familiar with the wording.
This superintendent seems very comfy with the religious right, and she is allowing a religous group to provide material for alternative education classes. This might not bother me if circumstances were different in this country.
I don’t question the motives of this local religious group, I just question that they are allowed to provide curriculum in public schools. Note the article says their curriculum might be expanded to more schools later. Here is an article about PEACE, which is affiliated with a group called DART.
Action Group Turns Focus to Drugs, Crime
The Polk Ecumenical Action Council for Empowerment, or PEACE, held its annual assembly Monday night at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Lakeland. About 325 people representing 20 congregations were present at the meeting, at which PEACE members decided which community issues they will address in the coming year.
PEACE is an interracial, interfaith organization that identifies issues of concern to its members and lobbies public officials for solutions.
On Monday, the council put an end to years of dispute with the Polk County School District. For nearly three years, PEACE tried to persuade the
district to use the Reading Mastery curriculum to boost reading scores among elementary schools with a high percentage of at-risk students. Former Superintendent Jim Thornhill refused to consider the request, and relations between PEACE and the district became antagonistic.
In May, new Superintendent Gail McKinzie attended a PEACE meeting and promised to expand use of the curriculum.
Here is the national group with which they are affiliated. It seems to be a worthy group, so I am not questioning their importance. I am only wondering if they should be providing the classroom materials.
I don’t question the motives of this local religious group,…
I can’t agree. Any group that seeks to get ID materials into school is suspect and, in part, setting secular education back many years. Teach it in comparative religion if you must, but not in science class. Better yet, keep it out of secular education entirely and instead put it in after school religious education. If the day comes where my child will be exposed to it in a science class, that will be the day I start home schooling.
I was not even aware all of this had been going on. The previous superintendent would not allow it. I have heard of the PEACE and DART movements somewhere, will need to check my research.
There really should not be any religious groups being allowed into the public schools with any programs.
I was thinking out loud about the other part. I just want you to know I knew what you were saying.
I remember the ID being used here as discussion way back many years. I just wonder if it would violate the court order in Dover, and if that will apply. It should NOT be in classrooms here at all. I agree.
As to the other part, I had seen another article that this group was supplying materials only to alternative ed classes. This article does not seem to specify that. Alt ed here is being privatized/charterized as we speak. It think the group is ACS. Or ASC.
This superintendent seems to have ties to Texas, and maybe the Bush family. A lot of stuff is happening under her watch. Makes me suspicious.
Would they hire a baseball coach to teach the football team how to bat? Bats are the main way to score goals in baseball. Shouldn’t football give equal time?