We usually have an all-you-can-stand snark buffet, as you know, but many of our snark masters seem to be out holiday shopping. Or enjoying not shopping. I hope somebody shows up to serve you a heaping platter of delicious snark before the night is out.
No waffles for me thanks. A shot of whiskey if you’re serving, and make it Irish Mist, if yer so inclined.
Just finished reading one of several flame wars… brush fires really that got out of hand here at BooTrib over the past few weeks… I didn’t know the place.
for a bit — I figure it was either everyone’s biorhythms were off, or may have been blogosphere PMS… 🙂
Just got in from an evening of grocery shopping; must head off to bed shortly — facing my siblings tomorrow for the first Christmas celebration since Mom died, so must fortify myself for the endeavour…especially since the spouse is working tomorrow so I have to attend solo. 🙁
Very good to see you back, m’dear…you’ve definitely been missed… 🙂
Hi Suskind – it’s SO GOOD to see you back here in the pond. We seem to be on opposite schedules and destined to never cross paths. I’m not afraid to cruise the night spots to find you and say I missed you.
I didn’t participate in any battles, so probably can’t answer any questions. I hope you are well and happy now.
For all you eavesdroppers out there – Cali Scribe has just put me in mind of Van Morrison’s song “Take Me Back’ – So good, So good, So good, worth a listen.
I’m back in the “old country” to celebrate the season with the family. And happy to be off the road before the temp drops below 32F.
It was 35F most of the day, and we’ve had rain (more like a continuous mist) the past several hours here in eastern ND.
I-29 N of Fargo was fine, but I did run into some glare ice on the east west roads. One car in the ditch, right side up, so assume everyone was fine.
I don’t like rain at this time of year, besides the driving hazards the power lines and poles break down, then no electricity, and it can be tough on the apple tree branches.
This looks like the makings of the 5th year in a row of what I’ve been calling “Denver” winters. At least what Denver winters used to be like…
What’s wrong with you man??? Don’t you know that’s the same as counting Lemmings??? It’s bound to keep a Liberal … er AWAKE.
Try counting hairy marmots instead. If you don’t fall asleep, at least you’ll be “randy” and you can wake up your bedmate, get it on till you both pass out from exhaustion.
Great thing about these 24-hour places, especially when they span time zones.
Hey, here’s a question. We were up at Lake Tahoe this week, looking at a whole lot of rain where there should be snow. NorthDakotaDem is saying more or less the same thing. Who’s got rain where they should have snow? Isn’t that the real war on Christmas?
We’ve still got some snow on the ground but it will probably be gone by today and they are predicting rain for the next two days. OTOH, we’re not in a really snowy area. We need someone from Buffalo or Syracuse to weigh in because those are two snowiest places I’ve ever been.
Morning everyone! Got a late start because me and IndyLib had a late night of partying and general boisterousness. Boisterosity? Well, she was partying and I was sleeping a thousand and a half miles away.
Today the kids and I are going to the Jane Goodall exhibit at the museum of natural science. Yes, some people here in the South(tm) still believe in science….for the time being. War on Christmas? How about the war on science…that scares me.
I just read that Morgan Spurlock, the guy that wrote Supersize Me bought the rights to “The Republican War on Science” and will do a documentary about it this year. Should be awesome.
Up nice and early today — need to leave here in about 90 minutes to start the trek to my sister’s. Taking the train and bus up to Palo Alto, where I’m hitching a ride from my oldest sister’s sister-in-law and mom-in-law — they’re semi-adopted into our family. Hmmm…how does “Weird Family Wednesday” sound for next Wednesday’s Cafe? I’m sure a lot of us would have some great tales to share of family holidays past and present…
Got two great pieces of mail a couple of days ago; the first was the expected unexpected money from the stretch IRA (which has been a headache and a half for my sister, but I think we figured out why mine went smoothly and everyone else got screwed up), and a beautiful photo holiday card from my third niece and her new husband; they used one of their wedding photos and they’re absolutely gorgeous! Not sure if they’ll be at the family gathering today or not; hope they will be, they’re really good people. (All my nieces and nephews are good people…it runs in the family.)
Okay, time to go have breakfast then get dressed…will see you folks this evening in the Lounge…
I’m working on Web Projects at home today. Daughter’s web page first, then I’m hoping to get caught up on ALL the in-progress sites.
It’s been very frustrating to be on that emergency computer for the last month. My computer blew up just when I was settling in to make serious progress on these sites and I’m not very happy to be a full month behind.
Anyway, I have been lurking, but keep thinking, “I’ll just tweak this before I comment”. And an hour or two or three later, I’m still tweaking!
I like these 24 hour cafes also, it feels like the real thing when you’re at the only table in a restaurant.
Anyway, I have been lurking, but keep thinking, “I’ll just tweak this before I comment”. And an hour or two or three later, I’m still tweaking!
Beware. It could be like the time my cousin Julie decided to trim my bangs and kept trying to even them up till I ended up not with bangs but this tiny fringe that stuck straight out from my forehead.
My first reaction to every picture I see of you is, “She is SO good-lookin”. This is cute, the photo of you (the day you got engaged?) was totally cute. Your childhood pictures are cute.
I’m always stunned when you disparage you looks. And I’m speaking as someone who bears an unfortunate resemblence to a failed circus clown. So I know what I’m talking about.
is that I’m good-looking, then I’m really depressed at how bad my imitation was 😉
I always thought of my youthful looks as ordinary. That never bothered me anyway because 1) it fit my feminist outlook, and 2) I always was able to attract guys — they just had to be ones who liked pushy, stubborn women with somewhat warped senses of humor. I make fun of my looks because — as you may have noticed — I pretty much make fun of everything.
But speaking of being disparaging, wotthehell is wrong with your looks! In your kid pictures you are adorable and in your adult ones you are the epitome of a fine-looking woman.
I guess I should say that it is all too easy for me to photograph as a failed circus clown.
I have a gigantic mouth and a fat face (ok, chubby cheeks) and if I’m over-excited I can look truly frightening in a photo.
I admit, I’ve only posted relatively cute photos of myself.
The horrific photos of me grinning away — at my fattest, in vacation shorts aren’t going to be seen here.
I don’t have any photos of me deliberately looking like a monster, but I suppose if pressed, I can show you one of me looking like a clown. Later, maybe.
One web project done! Sadly, it’s one I didn’t even have until last week, so I don’t know if it counts for progress.
My daughter had to display her projects on a website. She did ALL the work, really. All the design & layout, editing all the images. Learned Dreamweaver by herself to do it. But, I helped with some cleanup and technical stuff. Actually, now that we’re done, I’m not sure WHAT I did for her, but it took hours & she was very, very grateful.
Thanks Janet. She’s a wonderful person in many other ways. Very caring. Bursting with talent, but much more likely to work as an Art Therapist than as an Artist.
I’m off to the library–lately I’ve been going to Corinth, because they seem to have shushed their noisiest librarian–to work, and then I need to buy a few little gifts.
Well, see, Sally, I hate to have to point out the obvious, but you probably need a steadier source of power than Rudolph’s nose! Have you got a surge protector on him?
Haven’t been in much. Have been playing “ketchup” on the holidays and shopping and groceries while trying to settle in to a new place, new hood, and my son is not thrilled about any of it.
I do have to run out AGAIN and get some surgical type gloves so I can make my jalapeno peppers poppers for a friend. Then I’ll be back with a tall Americano and some time for some raunchy, silly chatting 🙂
Hey Santa is that the North Pole in yer pants or are you just happy to see me?
Looks like they closed this just as you popped in! Speaking of poppers – how do you easily get the skin off the peppers? Everytime I try the drop in boiling water, then drop in ice water not all the waxy skin comes off….
As to the Poppers, I don’t take the skins off. They can easily be pealed before eating. A guy from Guatemala showed me how to do it, but said that peeling jalapenos isn’t really necessary. Now I don’t even bother with taking the skins off.
I just want to say you guys make me laugh — especially the reindeer snowball fight. It’s been a very difficult week so I appreciate that more than usual.
It’s the end of “hell week” here at the office. That’s what we corporate lawyers call the week before Christmas. Clients want to get everything done before the end of the fiscal year (either get things off their books or get new acquisitions onto their books ). PLUS they all want to leave to go skiing. So we’re usually in a very bad mood. I’m planning to take off next week (which I don’t usually do) so its been even a little more crazy than usual. But I have something to look forward to.
Unfortunately, this week has been bad in other ways. One of our part time messengers was killed in what appeared to ba a traffic accident on Wednesday afternoon. But yesterday afternoon we were informed that he had been shot — no one knows why. He was a wonderful man; a retired truck driver who wanted to work part time. So everyone has been very sad.
Pancakes? Waffles? Eggs & bacon?
Please recommend this cafe and unrecommend the last one.
Newcomers, you are welcome to all the waffles you can virtually eat.
And here we go, through the night and into the morning, depending on your time zone. . .
I need snark. Lots and lots of snark. With a side order of irony.
We usually have an all-you-can-stand snark buffet, as you know, but many of our snark masters seem to be out holiday shopping. Or enjoying not shopping. I hope somebody shows up to serve you a heaping platter of delicious snark before the night is out.
And with that, I’m the one who’s out.
Don’t turn off the lights.
Not sure you’ll get that in this cafe — things are very quiet tonight but you might want to go visit this thread.
I’m off to watch the Daily Show and then to sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.
Is everyone having fun??
Everyone — well kansas and me — wondered what happened to you since you disappeared after that noon comment in the old cafe.
I keep getting pulled into “Just one-more-tweak” mode. I’m sorry. I have been lurking. I’ll try to do better!
I love the Cafe Image tonight. It makes me want to meet someone at the Waffle House RIGHT NOW for waffles and coffee.
Hello again, Kansas!
No waffles for me thanks. A shot of whiskey if you’re serving, and make it Irish Mist, if yer so inclined.
Just finished reading one of several flame wars… brush fires really that got out of hand here at BooTrib over the past few weeks… I didn’t know the place.
Once I get my bearings I need to ask a question.
for a bit — I figure it was either everyone’s biorhythms were off, or may have been blogosphere PMS… 🙂
Just got in from an evening of grocery shopping; must head off to bed shortly — facing my siblings tomorrow for the first Christmas celebration since Mom died, so must fortify myself for the endeavour…especially since the spouse is working tomorrow so I have to attend solo. 🙁
Very good to see you back, m’dear…you’ve definitely been missed… 🙂
Hey, suskind! I heard you dropped by yesterday. Sorry I have missed you both times. Hope all is swell with you and yours.
Hi Suskind – it’s SO GOOD to see you back here in the pond. We seem to be on opposite schedules and destined to never cross paths. I’m not afraid to cruise the night spots to find you and say I missed you.
I didn’t participate in any battles, so probably can’t answer any questions. I hope you are well and happy now.
For all you eavesdroppers out there – Cali Scribe has just put me in mind of Van Morrison’s song “Take Me Back’ – So good, So good, So good, worth a listen.
I’m back in the “old country” to celebrate the season with the family. And happy to be off the road before the temp drops below 32F.
It was 35F most of the day, and we’ve had rain (more like a continuous mist) the past several hours here in eastern ND.
I-29 N of Fargo was fine, but I did run into some glare ice on the east west roads. One car in the ditch, right side up, so assume everyone was fine.
I don’t like rain at this time of year, besides the driving hazards the power lines and poles break down, then no electricity, and it can be tough on the apple tree branches.
This looks like the makings of the 5th year in a row of what I’ve been calling “Denver” winters. At least what Denver winters used to be like…
I have the opposite problem-but I have to get up and get everyone off to school!
The Cabin boys have school today?
Criminal isn’t it? I am dying to sleep in, but NOOOO, the school board had to squeeze another half day into the calendar here…
School here have been out since Thursday. You poor thing. But at least school’s out for you.
We have the most pathetic school vacation this year. My clients are closed for more days than school is!
Are you and the boys going anywhere for the holidays or just staying home and enjoying the pleasures of doing nothing in particular?
What’s wrong with you man??? Don’t you know that’s the same as counting Lemmings??? It’s bound to keep a Liberal … er AWAKE.
Try counting hairy marmots instead. If you don’t fall asleep, at least you’ll be “randy” and you can wake up your bedmate, get it on till you both pass out from exhaustion.
Works for me.
Happy, Happy Day!!
Something happening today or is it just that you don’t have to work?
Actually, I’ve had a web inspiration that work me up earlier than I planned. I’m about to test it.
I’m off yesterday through Monday. Then Friday through Monday, next week.
I should be around today (although I didn’t really plan to disappear yesterday, so who knows. . . ) while I work on Computer Projects.
I’m finally getting back into the swing here at home since I’m back on my own real computer!!
It’s always nice to wake up with a bright idea on your mind, even if it wakes you up early on a vacation day.
Glad to hear you got your ‘puter up and running.
Great thing about these 24-hour places, especially when they span time zones.
Hey, here’s a question. We were up at Lake Tahoe this week, looking at a whole lot of rain where there should be snow. NorthDakotaDem is saying more or less the same thing. Who’s got rain where they should have snow? Isn’t that the real war on Christmas?
We’ve still got some snow on the ground but it will probably be gone by today and they are predicting rain for the next two days. OTOH, we’re not in a really snowy area. We need someone from Buffalo or Syracuse to weigh in because those are two snowiest places I’ve ever been.
You were in LT? I’m jealous…(we used to live in Strawberry, just up over the Echo Summit from there)
Rain there this time of year is bizarre.
Morning everyone! Got a late start because me and IndyLib had a late night of partying and general boisterousness. Boisterosity? Well, she was partying and I was sleeping a thousand and a half miles away.
Today the kids and I are going to the Jane Goodall exhibit at the museum of natural science. Yes, some people here in the South(tm) still believe in science….for the time being. War on Christmas? How about the war on science…that scares me.
Have a good one.
Good morning.
It’s so quiet around here I feel like I should whisper. I’m guessing it will be like that pretty much throughout the holidays.
Have a great day with the kids.
BTW, having read Chris Mooney’s ‘The Republican War on Science’? If you haven’t, it’ a pretty good read.
I just read that Morgan Spurlock, the guy that wrote Supersize Me bought the rights to “The Republican War on Science” and will do a documentary about it this year. Should be awesome.
to see what approach he takes to doing it.
perfect for busting out with a loud
Marmot caroling
Marmot Balls!
Marmot Balls
Fuzzy all damn day
🙂 Saw that Marmot Wreath.. OMFG!!! 🙂 That was BEAUTIFUL!!!
is really pleased to know that because he was definitely thinking of you for that whole thread and being sorry that you missed it.
And he’s ready to go with you on your first road trip to go windsurfing on the Hood River.
Up nice and early today — need to leave here in about 90 minutes to start the trek to my sister’s. Taking the train and bus up to Palo Alto, where I’m hitching a ride from my oldest sister’s sister-in-law and mom-in-law — they’re semi-adopted into our family. Hmmm…how does “Weird Family Wednesday” sound for next Wednesday’s Cafe? I’m sure a lot of us would have some great tales to share of family holidays past and present…
Got two great pieces of mail a couple of days ago; the first was the expected unexpected money from the stretch IRA (which has been a headache and a half for my sister, but I think we figured out why mine went smoothly and everyone else got screwed up), and a beautiful photo holiday card from my third niece and her new husband; they used one of their wedding photos and they’re absolutely gorgeous! Not sure if they’ll be at the family gathering today or not; hope they will be, they’re really good people. (All my nieces and nephews are good people…it runs in the family.)
Okay, time to go have breakfast then get dressed…will see you folks this evening in the Lounge…
I’m working on Web Projects at home today. Daughter’s web page first, then I’m hoping to get caught up on ALL the in-progress sites.
It’s been very frustrating to be on that emergency computer for the last month. My computer blew up just when I was settling in to make serious progress on these sites and I’m not very happy to be a full month behind.
Anyway, I have been lurking, but keep thinking, “I’ll just tweak this before I comment”. And an hour or two or three later, I’m still tweaking!
I like these 24 hour cafes also, it feels like the real thing when you’re at the only table in a restaurant.
Anyway, I have been lurking, but keep thinking, “I’ll just tweak this before I comment”. And an hour or two or three later, I’m still tweaking!
Beware. It could be like the time my cousin Julie decided to trim my bangs and kept trying to even them up till I ended up not with bangs but this tiny fringe that stuck straight out from my forehead.
I certainly hope you’ve got a photo of that to share!
every once in awhile I do exhibit some sense of self-preservation.
We’re really sorry to hear that.
because it’s severely underdeveloped.
Too teenage cute! Sorry, but it really is.
My first reaction to every picture I see of you is, “She is SO good-lookin”. This is cute, the photo of you (the day you got engaged?) was totally cute. Your childhood pictures are cute.
I’m always stunned when you disparage you looks. And I’m speaking as someone who bears an unfortunate resemblence to a failed circus clown. So I know what I’m talking about.
is that I’m good-looking, then I’m really depressed at how bad my imitation was 😉
I always thought of my youthful looks as ordinary. That never bothered me anyway because 1) it fit my feminist outlook, and 2) I always was able to attract guys — they just had to be ones who liked pushy, stubborn women with somewhat warped senses of humor. I make fun of my looks because — as you may have noticed — I pretty much make fun of everything.
But speaking of being disparaging, wotthehell is wrong with your looks! In your kid pictures you are adorable and in your adult ones you are the epitome of a fine-looking woman.
I guess I should say that it is all too easy for me to photograph as a failed circus clown.
I have a gigantic mouth and a fat face (ok, chubby cheeks) and if I’m over-excited I can look truly frightening in a photo.
I admit, I’ve only posted relatively cute photos of myself.
The horrific photos of me grinning away — at my fattest, in vacation shorts aren’t going to be seen here.
I don’t have any photos of me deliberately looking like a monster, but I suppose if pressed, I can show you one of me looking like a clown. Later, maybe.
I’ve got zillions of them. Who cares. Not me, not you. We are happy with ourselves because we are loved and we love. Right? Right!
Oh, yes! I left that out. You’re absolutely right.
how did you web stuff go?
One web project done! Sadly, it’s one I didn’t even have until last week, so I don’t know if it counts for progress.
My daughter had to display her projects on a website. She did ALL the work, really. All the design & layout, editing all the images. Learned Dreamweaver by herself to do it. But, I helped with some cleanup and technical stuff. Actually, now that we’re done, I’m not sure WHAT I did for her, but it took hours & she was very, very grateful.
Here’s her site
I’ve always liked her work. But seeing so much of all laid out in this document almost overwhelmed me. I’m very proud of her.
WOW! I can see why you’re so proud!
Thanks Janet. She’s a wonderful person in many other ways. Very caring. Bursting with talent, but much more likely to work as an Art Therapist than as an Artist.
Hey, kb! So this is what you call a ‘vacation,’ eh?
Ha! I’ve been haunted by these projects. It is a sort of vacation to be giving them some attention.
What are you doing today?
I’m off to the library–lately I’ve been going to Corinth, because they seem to have shushed their noisiest librarian–to work, and then I need to buy a few little gifts.
Call or email me if you want to take a break.
Too bad Tippin’s is closed down. Or I’d really try to tempt you.
Yikes! Talk about the thirteenth, er, eleventh hour!
How about the 15th minute? I may be up to that tomorrow. I’ll look for you when I’m out shopping. 🙂
had meant to actually buy gifts in the physically existing universe, she wouldn’t have invented online shopping.
At work for a super critical computer project that blew up 5 days in a row! I’ll drop in between reports…
Yesterday the process took 9 hours….day before 13 hours – of machine processing time! Today so far 2 hours and phase one is nearing completion!
I’ll be back shortly
Well, see, Sally, I hate to have to point out the obvious, but you probably need a steadier source of power than Rudolph’s nose! Have you got a surge protector on him?
Good luck with that. Seriously!
My IT guys are not happy – their VP had lunch in our office yesterday with us….and my VP was a little vocal about this 6 month old system!
But no venting pre-holiday – let’s go play instead!

Haven’t been in much. Have been playing “ketchup” on the holidays and shopping and groceries while trying to settle in to a new place, new hood, and my son is not thrilled about any of it.
I do have to run out AGAIN and get some surgical type gloves so I can make my jalapeno peppers poppers for a friend. Then I’ll be back with a tall Americano and some time for some raunchy, silly chatting 🙂
Hey Santa is that the North Pole in yer pants or are you just happy to see me?
Morning DJ
Looks like they closed this just as you popped in! Speaking of poppers – how do you easily get the skin off the peppers? Everytime I try the drop in boiling water, then drop in ice water not all the waxy skin comes off….
I think I’m doing something wrong…
It was great chatting with you last night…
Was great to talk to you last night 🙂
As to the Poppers, I don’t take the skins off. They can easily be pealed before eating. A guy from Guatemala showed me how to do it, but said that peeling jalapenos isn’t really necessary. Now I don’t even bother with taking the skins off.
I just want to say you guys make me laugh — especially the reindeer snowball fight. It’s been a very difficult week so I appreciate that more than usual.
It’s the end of “hell week” here at the office. That’s what we corporate lawyers call the week before Christmas. Clients want to get everything done before the end of the fiscal year (either get things off their books or get new acquisitions onto their books ). PLUS they all want to leave to go skiing. So we’re usually in a very bad mood. I’m planning to take off next week (which I don’t usually do) so its been even a little more crazy than usual. But I have something to look forward to.
Unfortunately, this week has been bad in other ways. One of our part time messengers was killed in what appeared to ba a traffic accident on Wednesday afternoon. But yesterday afternoon we were informed that he had been shot — no one knows why. He was a wonderful man; a retired truck driver who wanted to work part time. So everyone has been very sad.
Oh, mary, what a sad thing for his family and for all of you who liked him so much. I’m very sorry. I’m glad you came by the cafe for a little relief.
Froggy Pond offers R&R times two
and thanks to several in here
Take care and know that people in here do care.
I’m so sorry to hear about this. Stop by the new cafe and we’ll try to help you feel better.
So sorry to hear about the man from your offce….