Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I’ve decided to change my answer tho, now I’m pissed off at 36 House Democrats who are responsible for the passage of the latest egregious/hateful/fucked-up immigration bill–H.R. 4437
Under this bill, undocumented (and even some legal) immigrants could be prosecuted as an aggravated felon–which means they would be subject to jail time and potentially barred from future legal immigration.
The ball’s in the Senate’s court now…let’s see what Reid can do to defeat this racist piece of mierda
Hit the 70s in the OK panhandle. And yes, we did delay our journey by a day. Looks like good weather to SoCal all the way. Hard to believe it’s winter.
“W”ed out. I love ya Dubya bumperstickers and they even have those rolled up in the window flags that say Dubya flying along as they drive. Some people just don’t know when to quit, I’d love to play poker with them. I’m an absolute SHITTY poker player but I think I may have finally found someone I can beat.
a Kerry sticker. My husband thinks I’m nuts and I think I’m so nuts I don’t care if he thinks I’m nuts anymore. There is also this wonderful old guy who has a house at a small highway junction I drive daily. He has grape vines and an enormous beautiful pear tree…a whole yard full of gorgeous fruit and he also had a whole yard full of Kerry. Some days he’s outside sitting on his lawn bench and I always honk and wave and I don’t even know his name, he always waves back!
Kid Oakland has re-posted his diary from last year titled A Christmas Message. Its one of my all-time favorites and the ULTIMATE smakdown to the “war on christmas” crowd.
I have been promising to write about OBE’s, NDE’s, Lucid dreaming, and giving “Flight Lessons” for quite a while now.
I would like to invite you especially to come visit us at Village Blue where we talk about many things out of the norm quite regularly. We find our political home here at Booman. I Do hope you will stop by the Village for a visit as well. We would be very interested in your dream circle.
If you want to talk more indepth about these things, don’t hesitate to email me at I am sure we can get a diary up at both places about OBE’s for a starter. And certainly there are several others here who also could put up that sort of diary if they have the time or have interest in doing so.
I love Village Blue, and your artwork there is wonderful. Every time I want to stop letting politics monopolizing my life, and start focusing on spiritual matters…it’s Fritzmas again!! See
But, I promise to visit Village Blue more often. It would be great for you to start a diary. The inner world has become very important in my life. I see it as the newest frontier and myself as yet another explorer. I try not to have a firm set of beliefs and try to let the experience itself speak to me.
Okay, then I will get myself started on something about OBE’s. . .an interesting place to start. Maybe it will be just the thing to take our minds off all the political stresses over the holidays.
Glad you like the Village. And I know how difficult it is to try to stay up with two or three or more blogs. But we are always there and it is easy to read all the writing that is posted there.
I will post it both at VB and Booman. It may be a day or so.
Have a wonderful holiday however you celebrate it!
just visited Matters of Spirit, I am a dragon too, living with two dogs and one cat.
Also interesting that the favorite books at Village Blue are the Seth books, I am currently reading the Nature of the Psyche by Jane Roberts. The Oversoul 7 series have always fascinated me.
I love synchronicity.
The Seth books are fabulous, as are hundreds of other books. A friend of mine sent me some quotes from Ken Carey’s Starseed Transmission books the other day. I read them all 15 or more years ago and they were phenominal then (and now). As I mentioned them to another friend she reminded me how starkly obvious it is: “The Information NEVER changes, only our depth of understanding.” Boy Howdy is that ever right on!
Another Dragon, eh? Good! We need all the dragons we can get.
I am Diane and you will find me at the village too…I am so glad you liked the site and hope that you will join us…
I am very interested in the ‘dream life’ and I have gained much from inspirations in my dreams many times.
Please do come and explore those ideas with us.
The Oct. 8 beating of 64-year-old Robert Davis was photographed and videotaped by The Associated Press. Two officers, Robert Evangelist and Lance Schilling, were fired Wednesday and a third, Officer Stuart Smith, was suspended for 120 days.
“This case became highly publicized through the media,” union president Lt. David Benelli said. “In light of the worldwide media frenzy these officers were placed under, it was impossible for them to receive a fair investigation.”
They were called on their police brutality for half the world to see.
shortly after the event, they would show him the tape, and say, he appears to be bleeding, and Benelli would say something like well I am not a medical expert, other times he would say, but there is no evidence that the officer’s actions caused that bleeding, and they would say, now he is being kicked, and Benelli goes no, that is not a kick, it is a step down.
He is such a caricature, it would be comical if Mr. Davis had not been seriously injured, and if there were not many other Mr. Davises who did not happen to get beaten when a camera was present.
Eating dinner with the new neighbors and my soon-to-be housemate, we spoke of which foods we probably wouldn’t be able to grow or get when things get even worse. The list wasn’t really very large and most of what we were eating was local even grown within walking distance. “I don’t suppose we can cultivate chocolate or carob this far north”, I said hopefully as I bit into the delicious truffle made by a guy who lives up the street.
I guess this showed me that I’m now firmly convinced that conditions ARE going to deteriorate and that my energy is going to be spent helping the community survive in inventive ways not seen in movies or on tv.
up giving the Patriot Act verses the six month extension that I last heard about and thought we were getting. Holy Bush Administration SMACKDOWN by the Libertarian Leaning Republicans!
I’m watching Jay Leno (which I hardly ever do) and his monologue is now using impeachment for laughs. Some members of congress think that President Bush has committed an impeachable offense by failing to comply with FISA. (I don’t think he actually said FISA). So… Bush will be impeached for eavesdropping as opposed to Clinton who was impeached for pantsdropping. badda bing
Crickets….chirping in this thread
Ha!!! That’s what I was going to rename my blog, Chirping Crickets.
I’ve decided to change my answer tho, now I’m pissed off at 36 House Democrats who are responsible for the passage of the latest egregious/hateful/fucked-up immigration bill–H.R. 4437
United Farm Workers has this to say:
Under this bill, undocumented (and even some legal) immigrants could be prosecuted as an aggravated felon–which means they would be subject to jail time and potentially barred from future legal immigration.
The ball’s in the Senate’s court now…let’s see what Reid can do to defeat this racist piece of mierda
It’s too rainy to drive to Costco! We were hydroplaning so turned around!
The good part about rain: It’s warmer.
The bad part about rain: Rain.
flirted with 80 degrees today, it is beyond ridiculous.
close 60 here in kc,mo could finally wash the car..and it is 50 know..last week it was 18 for the high
KCMO? We’re neighbors!
I don’t know…I really don’t like black and gold and I’m partial to the “rock chalk…” phrase.
Hit the 70s in the OK panhandle. And yes, we did delay our journey by a day. Looks like good weather to SoCal all the way. Hard to believe it’s winter.
And at night the dogwalking flashlights reflect surprisingly well onto trees from black asphalt.
Is it Fitzmas yet?
hey people! a wonderful blog might be going poof.
: (
i only recently discovered it, which really super sucks if it goes away. anyhoo, Once Upon a Time needs some love.
Even if you can’t donate, you want to check out the blog anyway, trust me.
BUSH/CHENEY Bumpersticker I want to Rear End Them.
“W”ed out. I love ya Dubya bumperstickers and they even have those rolled up in the window flags that say Dubya flying along as they drive. Some people just don’t know when to quit, I’d love to play poker with them. I’m an absolute SHITTY poker player but I think I may have finally found someone I can beat.
Oh noOoooooooo! Don’t say that!
If you’d been with me in my car when I was tailgated by irate people who hated my Kerry sticker, you’d never dream of doing the same to them.
I finally took off the Kerry sticker and put up a Save the Salmon sticker. Everybody loves salmon here — even the rednecks! 🙂
a Kerry sticker. My husband thinks I’m nuts and I think I’m so nuts I don’t care if he thinks I’m nuts anymore. There is also this wonderful old guy who has a house at a small highway junction I drive daily. He has grape vines and an enormous beautiful pear tree…a whole yard full of gorgeous fruit and he also had a whole yard full of Kerry. Some days he’s outside sitting on his lawn bench and I always honk and wave and I don’t even know his name, he always waves back!
but the dif is Kerry didn’t get elected, and Bush is destroying not only our Constitution but our lives.
This ‘list’ for Santa.
What a terrific piece by Hightower. Thank you for putting it up.
CabinGirl has day 12 up…
For Justice – Day 12 – Presidential Powers
I’m hoping all this develops into a full blown collapse of another one of BushCo’s criminal enterprises.
’06 is going to be very interesting, to say the least.
Kid Oakland has re-posted his diary from last year titled A Christmas Message. Its one of my all-time favorites and the ULTIMATE smakdown to the “war on christmas” crowd.
…still relatively new here, mostly I am over at DK ranting and raving.
I was hoping someone here was going to start a diary on OBEs & dreaming. January I am starting a Dream Circle and I am pretty excited about it.
Seems you called my name. . . .LOL
I have been promising to write about OBE’s, NDE’s, Lucid dreaming, and giving “Flight Lessons” for quite a while now.
I would like to invite you especially to come visit us at Village Blue where we talk about many things out of the norm quite regularly. We find our political home here at Booman. I Do hope you will stop by the Village for a visit as well. We would be very interested in your dream circle.
If you want to talk more indepth about these things, don’t hesitate to email me at I am sure we can get a diary up at both places about OBE’s for a starter. And certainly there are several others here who also could put up that sort of diary if they have the time or have interest in doing so.
I love Village Blue, and your artwork there is wonderful. Every time I want to stop letting politics monopolizing my life, and start focusing on spiritual matters…it’s Fritzmas again!! See
But, I promise to visit Village Blue more often. It would be great for you to start a diary. The inner world has become very important in my life. I see it as the newest frontier and myself as yet another explorer. I try not to have a firm set of beliefs and try to let the experience itself speak to me.
Okay, then I will get myself started on something about OBE’s. . .an interesting place to start. Maybe it will be just the thing to take our minds off all the political stresses over the holidays.
Glad you like the Village. And I know how difficult it is to try to stay up with two or three or more blogs. But we are always there and it is easy to read all the writing that is posted there.
I will post it both at VB and Booman. It may be a day or so.
Have a wonderful holiday however you celebrate it!
just visited Matters of Spirit, I am a dragon too, living with two dogs and one cat.
Also interesting that the favorite books at Village Blue are the Seth books, I am currently reading the Nature of the Psyche by Jane Roberts. The Oversoul 7 series have always fascinated me.
I love synchronicity.
And synchronicity loves you too. . .!
The Seth books are fabulous, as are hundreds of other books. A friend of mine sent me some quotes from Ken Carey’s Starseed Transmission books the other day. I read them all 15 or more years ago and they were phenominal then (and now). As I mentioned them to another friend she reminded me how starkly obvious it is: “The Information NEVER changes, only our depth of understanding.” Boy Howdy is that ever right on!
Another Dragon, eh? Good! We need all the dragons we can get.
I have always felt they got a bad rap!
I am Diane and you will find me at the village too…I am so glad you liked the site and hope that you will join us…
I am very interested in the ‘dream life’ and I have gained much from inspirations in my dreams many times.
Please do come and explore those ideas with us.
is getting close now…tomorrow I will see you at Village Blue, if not in Dreamtime.
Here’s the latest on the Robert Davis-NOP beating.
They were called on their police brutality for half the world to see.
but some FBI guys who were in on the beating and arrest are also being investigated, too.
I hope they get suspended or fired too.
shortly after the event, they would show him the tape, and say, he appears to be bleeding, and Benelli would say something like well I am not a medical expert, other times he would say, but there is no evidence that the officer’s actions caused that bleeding, and they would say, now he is being kicked, and Benelli goes no, that is not a kick, it is a step down.
He is such a caricature, it would be comical if Mr. Davis had not been seriously injured, and if there were not many other Mr. Davises who did not happen to get beaten when a camera was present.
Eating dinner with the new neighbors and my soon-to-be housemate, we spoke of which foods we probably wouldn’t be able to grow or get when things get even worse. The list wasn’t really very large and most of what we were eating was local even grown within walking distance. “I don’t suppose we can cultivate chocolate or carob this far north”, I said hopefully as I bit into the delicious truffle made by a guy who lives up the street.
I guess this showed me that I’m now firmly convinced that conditions ARE going to deteriorate and that my energy is going to be spent helping the community survive in inventive ways not seen in movies or on tv.
up giving the Patriot Act verses the six month extension that I last heard about and thought we were getting. Holy Bush Administration SMACKDOWN by the Libertarian Leaning Republicans!
Jeffersonian Democrat and The White Trash Poet. Hope all is well with them on their chosen path tonight and through the holidays.
George Schultz and Jan Egeland are on Charlie Rose tonight.
I’m watching Jay Leno (which I hardly ever do) and his monologue is now using impeachment for laughs. Some members of congress think that President Bush has committed an impeachable offense by failing to comply with FISA. (I don’t think he actually said FISA). So… Bush will be impeached for eavesdropping as opposed to Clinton who was impeached for pantsdropping. badda bing
(think it may have been Randi Rhodes before she left on vacation) say they saw a sign: “Can someone get Bush a blowjob so we can impeach him too?”
It’s slightly ironic — Clinton got impeached but screwed nobody, and Bush may skate after screwing the nation…
Larry is talking on CSPAN right now.