Froggy Bottom Cafe
Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Sorry I’m late! Busy wrapping and baking…but I’ll be back in time for Happy Hour!
CDs are in their regular spot next to the stereo
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
I made the mistake of venturing out to the bank and shopping center…if you have anything to do today, you should take the time you think it’ll take to do it, and TRIPLE it!
3x??? Oh no!
I have to go to the grocery store. I’m afraid — very afraid.
We’re doing that around 8 tonight, when (hopefully) everyone else has gone home…
Stole this today – knew it was perfect for the Frog Pond!
That’s a great one!
Love that one, SC, and also love your frogs up top, CG. Perfect!
Thanks (nice timing on the closing of the old cafe, btw!)
Mornin all,,,,talking about going out to shop, my son and I went to cosco last night for last minute shopping and it was not bad at all, just about the same number of people you see any day, course I would not venture into any big shopping mall at all, no sir, you could not get me there.
Our family dinner and party is today, so I am being conscripted to go to daughters to help to clean and prepare, I will delay as long as possible, lol, so the major work can be done before I get there.
Soooo, what’s everyone else doing????
We’re off to bake cookies with Grammy this afternoon.
The first Christmas after we built our house, we went out in the woods and found a lovely cedar tree to use as a Christmas tree. But we never did it again because we decided that as much as we liked having the trees in the house, we liked them much better left in the woods.
cRush indeed!

I’m in reasonably good shape, but still stuff left to do.
Hope the vision of aurora borealis can calm frazzled nerves.
First sparks, now aurora borealis…are you trying to make us all want to do some traveling? Great pictures.
Maybe I am just getting a little homesick around the holidays. I am rather useless in the kitchen, so it is difficult for me to duplicate the dining pleasures that normally come with this season. Seven years since last time I (and the asklets) celebrated in Norway. My parents were still alive at the time.
I think I only spent 2 Christmases away from home because I missed it so much. Looking at the pictures you’ve posted lately, I can see how you’d miss Norway!
Lovely pic, Ask.
The first time I ever saw the aurora was in Alaska. I was 14, it was 1984, and I was walking home from the quickie mart in the middle of the night with a friend after we had purchased our very first nudie magazine. We looked up, and there it was, swirling and kinda snaking all over the sky. We thought the Russians were invading and we basically sprinted through the snow to get back to my dad’s house, too freaked out to even look through our nudie magazine for the hour it took us to figure out what we’d really seen, lol.
I was just thinking, if some evangelicals saw that they’d think the Rapture was here for sure.
It really is an amazing sight, way more intense and phenomenal in person than any picture can capture.
My friend & I both knew about it, of course, but we didn’t think that’s what it was going to look like, and between all the Reagan propaganda and having seen War Games a dozen times the year before, we just assumed it was weaponry of some kind until nothing blew up for long enough for us to be forced to re-think the theory. Heh, thereby demonstrating the primary difference between fundies and little liberals: when little liberals lack evidence for a belief, they re-think the belief rather than pass laws to force people to teach it in science class. ;p
I was 12 when Mt. St Helens blew in May. We were in SW Washington and I thought we had been Nuked.
FYI: I just walked into my roommate’s room singing Marmot Balls and she thinks I’ve finally completely lost my mind, lol.
Why is it always the minds I help lose?? Never the virginity…
Ha, you’re way late to board that train, darlin’, sorry. But it has been so long for me I’m reasonably sure my virginity has grown back, so maybe if we get your straight ass drunk enough we can work something out. ;p
(yeah, right) to make pronouncements on other people’s sexuality but if any woman out there was born to be bi, it’s DJ. Not that I’m trying to start anything.
That faint sound you hear off in the distance is the sound of 1000 Boofrog men simultaneously charging the batteries to their camcorders.
so heteronormative π
That’s not what that word means. As soon as queer ambles into the room, heteronormativity flees out the window.
Ah, so if I make the camcorder remark, it’s heteronormative but not if you do.
No. Any time queer expressions of sexuality are enjoyed, in any way, by anyone, or even referenced positively, it’s a high crime against heteronormativity — to varying degrees; the queerer the transgression, the more extreme the offense against heteronormativity. Which is partially why I try to do it as often as possible. π
this after you move to Dayton and we can sit in a coffee shop and talk it over in a more ‘dynamic’ way because 1) we know I never admit I’m wrong and 2) you still haven’t justified limiting the camcorder action to male bootribbers.
Happy Hanukkah. π
Feliz navidad
to be touted as possibly Bi π
not possibly but ‘meant to be’ because I just can’t imagine you ever wanting to limit yourself or the joy you bring to others.
you’re not the first to ever say that to me. Perhaps there’s something to this…
Could be that I’m just a ravishing Scorpio who radiates something?? π
Uh.. something that doesn’t require penicillin or lotions. Oh tay!! π
to all of it (except the penicillin).
not possibly but ‘meant to be’ because I just can’t imagine you ever wanting to limit yourself or the joy you bring to others.
That’s one of the nicer things I’ve had said about me. π Thank you. Now to get that engraved on my cremations urn π
Damnit Janet… she was meant to be BI! π
Pssst who says I can’t be along the spectrum of “way out there”? (now you know why I fuhreak out my husband of Protestant upbringing. Supposedly he’s aolder than me by a decade and was a sailor… yet I’m the one teaching the old dog new tricks. LOL
Speaking of bi…that’s one of my real pet peeves of people who say how the human body is a real miracle…my idea is that if God knew what he was doing he would have made everyone bi. That to me seems more logical and intelligent..hard enough to find love and then having to limit yourself to just one sex seems really shortsighted.
Whoooot!!!! I’ll give a “Bimen” to that π (instead of Amen)
Hang out in gay bars long enough and you realize that there are tons more bisexual people than will admit to it. Which, in case anyone’s been wondering, is why all the queers are always sitting in the corner laughing their asses off whenever the straight people get all anxious about insisting how very very straight they are. Heh, sure you are. We believe you. Completely. ;p
women’s bodies are just so much more physically and sexually appealing than men’s (I can’t decide if that remark destroys my feminist credentials or enhances them).
I don’t know that it necessarily speaks to feminism, but it does queer you up a little. Which, you know, is a good thing. Anything to annoy the patriarchy.
I hung out in gay bars all the time and you’re certainly right about that..and I know a lot of people thought I just had to be gay simply cause I went to gay bars with my friends.
I don’t mean that we assume you’re bi for being sighted there, I mean “straight” people come into gay bars and pick up gay people for gay sex. π But I don’t mean you, Chocolate Ink, I’m sure you’re self-aware enough to know what you are.
that we are all bisexual to one degree or another, and our individual brain chemistry causes some of us to lean more toward one gender, but that does not mean we are not still bi, just less so π
I’ve studied gender and sexuality theories for many years now, so I know what you’re talking about. Personally, I view sexuality as a spectrum, so while I do think that totally straight and totally gay people probably exist, I suspect they do in very low numbers on both counts. I agree with the theories that most people are probably wired to go both ways but are pressured by social forces to pick just one way, usually a heterosexual orientation.
But frankly I’ve had sex with enough “straight” women to be personally convinced that these categorizations are, in most cases, more for social convenience/organization of bodies within the social structure/social power-flow management than anything else.
of men who are strongly heterosexual. Women seem to have much more sexually flexible public habits but I don’t have a way of knowing what that may mean about core drives.
I have one trait that’s rare, my tape-recorder tone memory. Around other people, I don’t usually go more than an hour without it being obvious to me. The only category of strangers I’m immediately comfortable around is sound engineers–people I virtually never meet since my musicmaking is seriously traditional– and a small fraction of musicians. The body language and some of the tiny things people do from one moment to another to keep themselves comfortable suddenly make sense.
Given that subtle sexual behavior and sexual drives reach so broadly across our behavior, I think that if my firm heterosexuality were truely rare among males, I’d be aware of being ‘different’ at least a percent as much as I’m aware of being unusual aurally. I really can’t believe that ‘most’ people are inherently bisexual to the point of needing social forces to orient them, when the preponderance of cues, drives and behaviors are tallied up.
Forget the preponderance. Odor alone settles it for me.
Still, I’m certain that sexuality is a continuous spectrum because every other trait I deal with seems to be. And not just continuous, but surprisingly multifaceted. In my own case, my experience is that most people you’ll meet who are as sensitive to sound as I am have perfect pitch. Not me–I got every atom but that last one. And I also don’t remember content any better than average. You can be a real star in Irish trad if you can learn a tune first-time-around, but I know some brilliant firsttime learners who play out of tune.
So I’m sure that the ‘spectrum’ of sexuality probably works out in different ways among the many cues and responses that make up the total sexual package. A person might lean more strongly one way in some aspects, and closer to the other in some others.
Amazing Gooserock! I think I know what you mean about sound. I can recognize people much more quickly from their voices (all aspects, accent, pitch, mannerisms, tone, other things I don’t know the words for) than by their face.
I also don’t have perfect pitch.
I like listening to voice-over commercials to amaze my family by identifying the famous (or almost famous) voice long before anyone else does.
Indy, today is your Get Lucky Day.
I’m “Hornita” the Hymen Fairy. I just blew in from from out of town (wait for eeet…. and boy are my lips tired) Oh okay so the blow jobs jokes aren’t that funny anymore since now we all instantly think of Monica… anyways…
If you just click your ruby slippers together (sold seperately) and repeat, “There’s no place like mine. There’s no place like mine.” You, too, can be a virgin again. It helps to bribe your partner into buying into all this… and wham bam thank you ma’am
You’re a BORN AGAIN VIRGIN! (Oh gawd don’t go humming Madonna… it kills the mood.)
Just don’t go out on starry nights or you could wind up impregnated by some all powerful published diety – NO I don’t mean BostonJoe π
This offer expires the moment you call someone else a slut or stray into a freaking manger.
Good luck and good licks.
Hi Indy,

It is an awesome sight!
It can occasionally be seen in southern Norway (where I grew up, at latidude around 60°). But I did my military service way up north (around 70° latitude). I can understand your fear – seeing those lights flashing across the dark winter skies makes you wonder what Nature has up her sleeve next.
Lear more and see fantastic images here. (Check the link to slide show.)
The Arctic Circle is very groovy. The laws of physics just don’t seem the same there, like they have a little more play to them, and nothing is quite what it seems.
That same friend and I became borealis chasers of a sort after that first time. In the ensuing years, we’d drive her mom’s Chevette up to the top of the local mountain roads (or as far up them as we could get it to go, depending on how much snow there was), and lay out in subzero temperatures, spending the night talking, drinking, and waiting for nature’s laser light show to start. Good times.
Being able to see the borealis really is something ..I grew up in Wisconsin so had a few chances to get to see them…a bit watered down but still…just seeing them as has been said can’t begin to compare to any picture. Luckily I lived in Montana for a brief time also where they are of course even brighter.
You don’t know how lucky I feel you are to have seen the aurora borealis. It’s one of the few things in my life I wish I had seen. The picture is magnificent though.
It’s 55 degrees down here now and no snow in the forecast. I know how people up north hate the snow, but just a little bit down here would be wonderful. My 80 year old mother keeps saying she wants to see snow just one more time before she dies. I keep telling her if that’s the case I hope she never see it.
We’ve finally got all of our Christmas shopping done and we’re getting ready to have Xmas out at the old family home. I finally joined one of the picture sites, but I’m still unsure how to put a picture on a comment. I’m sure I’ll figure it out soon enough.
Well I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Holiday and I hope everything goes fine for all the people in the pond.
Not much snow here in the NYC-area either. And the cold weather has left, we may hit 50s tomorrow.
Seeing the aurora is absolutely recommended, as someone else noted above – there is no way images can do justice to this phenomenon. Quite an eerie feeling, as it all happens in total silence (you sort of expect a lot of noise from such celestial fireworks).
Oh, posting pictures isn’t all that hard. Once you have them hosted at a site, you also have a unique URL for the image. Copy it, and drop it between the quotes of this code:
< img src=”” >
(there should be no space between the initial ‘<‘ and ‘img’ – also remove the space towards the end of the code.)
I’ve tried about eight different ways of doing this, but I keep getting errors whenever I hit preview. Is there any way you could print out an example from beginning to end of the way it’s posted. I hate to ask this, but I am computer illiterate when it comes to posting on blogs.
Any help would be appreciated.
I’ll be glad to do it. But before I do, which hosting service are you using?
I’m using, but I also joined ImageShack. Whichever is easiest.
Thanks again in advance.
I am assuming you’ve got the image loaded in photobucket. If you don’t I’ll go back and go over that part of the process.
First go to you photobucket album photobucket, select the image you want and copy the img tag.
Next create a new comment and post the img tag in the comment.
Then do preview to be sure you image displays right.
I finally got it to work. I got a picture posted at the end of the thread. I can’t thank you and dada for all your help.
Thanks again and have a good holiday.
Yo! FM
Do This:
<“img width=400 src=”>
delete “marks”, close brackets <…>, you get this:
The 400 is important it is max. size requested to preserve margins…:{)…and,
Post as “New Comment” so you don’t blow the margins…
Good luck, my friend
OH SHIT! I think I just cooked them myself…:{(…sorry..
Preview is my friend…
Preview is m friend…
Preview is my friend…OhMMMMMMMM
some 10-20 times per year here in ND. They are nearly impossible to see if one lives in a city. Travelling and living in the countryside are the best viewing venues.
I wouldn’t say I’ve ever taken aurora borealis sitings for granted, but hearing of folks who have never seen them gives me a whole new appreciation for them. (I don’t know anyone here who hasn’t seen them.)
Plan your next vacation to ND, maybe you’ll get lucky… on aurora borealis viewing, that is!
I’d like to help on the image posting but my cheat sheet on that is 90 miles SW of me. The dKos help section has info on all that stuff.
What an ethereal picture! I’ve seen the aurora borealis up on the Minnesota/Canadian border and I love it. It’s magical. But I’ve never seen it like this. No wonder you miss Norway.
Off for 5 days-woohoo! Hooray for unionized blue collar work! Sitting at the table in my jammies blessing our union reps who negotiated us one fine contract in the midst of all the horrible stuff that’s happening in the US. And blessings also to all our union activist predecessors who fought for decent wages, sick time and of course paid holidays(even if it isn’t my holiday)!
My favorite thing about this other people’s holiday is the George C. Scott version of A Christmas Carol. People can change for the better even though it may take an intervention by ghosts to make it happen. I myself had something of the sort occur some 17 years ago, where I made an abrupt left turn away from confusion and into the light. I felt as if I’d been shaken awake by something larger than myself.
My mom and dad were both union officers in their time–she, in the Ks. Teacher’s Union, and he in a local branch of the AFL-CIO. I share your toast to unions.
I also share your moment of awakening, though no doubt each is different in its way. You’ll laugh–a few weeks before that happened, I had a dream in which “somebody” put up a great big poster, right in front of me, that said in big block letters, as if for someone who is very slow to catch on to things:
Okay! π
a little love, please? Thanks!
12 Days Diary
I saw you over there earlier and DID recommend. Great diary.
Marmot Balls
Marmot Balls
Don’t jingle the same way
A hairy hold
Cause when it’s cold
They won’t shrink away. HEY!
Shit, you are just too, too good.
Marmotdude wishes to express his thanks by giving you a new and improved version of the wreath.
Now that’s one Subliminal Wreath!!!
Sorry to not have been around. Been flying under the radar a bit as these past two weeks have been… well, they’ve been challenging. Moving … couldn’t have come at a more stresed out time LOL… but you do what you gotta do. Please know that no matter what, each and every day I’m thinking of you rascals and in doing so I get a big nasty grin on my face which causes people standing in the register line with me to wonder if I farted or something… π
Yesterday I had a friends autistic son over. The energy that takes.. I’d almost forgotten. π
I can’t imagine how stressful and exhausting this has to have been for you. So I’m delighted with any time you’ve got for us. Just so long as you keep that mind down in the gutter where its talents can be used to such great benefit to all of us π
from the Christmas Guinea Pig…couldn’t get the ‘dude’ to sit still long enough.
One last day of shopping (locally)…hoping it won’t be to bad, as town is pretty quiet w/ the students gone.
Marmotdude’s gonna be jealous!
Too cute!
for that.
And why aren’t you at the library (katiebird’s not hear to do it so I thought I should help out)?
Oops. That wasn’t me making that comment (or this one), but my evil lazy twin.
Damn DADA that’s too cute!!! π
After Lucy died last week…. we were in PetCo and wouldn’t you know it.. they had a new litter. This picture is from my daughter’s hockey pix from a hockey pool. (She gets creative with her picks)
They’re sisters:
white wirey haired one with black eyes and ears is Herbi (My son’s)
black and white is – Cooki (Danni’s new piggie)
Cute pigs!
How is everyone settling in by now? Are you getting to know your way around pretty quick? And how’s Damnit Ryan?
We’ve been missing you around here…
Damnit Ryan has been dealing with a Scrooge employer. He’s getting ready to bust out and move to the Northwest. Sadly he’ll be working on Xmas Eve and hasn’t any plans… WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH Hurts my heart.
Settling in but with all the christmas shopping crapola I haven’t really been able to find out which grocery store I’ll use more often and that stuff. I have gotten’ lost a few times ROFL π I love it here though. Got the tree up and all that. It’s just been hard for Wesley…
It’s put a great big smile on my face to see ya…and Suskind too! :{)
This iz not Knoxvul Progresiv. This iz hiz dawg Sam.
Eye recognice yoo as sumone woo blaugs on jass jamn frum tium too tium.
Yoo maie wahnt too draup bye toonite too read my diarie. It iss NOT jass jamn. Itt iss about ROCK. Eye doo NOT like jass. Eye’ll tehl yoo whie there.
LOL — almost as good as a tribble. What a cute little guy.
Lots to do today, but I can relax a little while Andrew is napping. I snapped this picture this morning.
Toni, Cabin the Elder was just looking over my shoulder, saying”Oh, he’s so cute!” in his ‘I love babies’ voice…too funny!
Love that fuzzy hair! What’s Santa bringing for Andrew?
Toys, books, and more kisses than he’ll ever know what to do with! My mom sent a ton of stuff from Florida.
My husband brought Andrew to school on Wednesday and it was as if a rock star had arrived. He was totally surrounded. All the kids wanted to touch Andrew and give him kisses. That reminds me of your “I-love-babies-voice” comment.
On Thursday, I showed the kids a Power Point of pictures from China. I let them ask questions, there were tears when I told them how Andrew came to be an orphan (abandoned on a bus). That hit a lot of my kids hard. Boys in my 5th hour class were crying. Thank God that was my last hour of the day.
I’m so sorry that someone abandoned Andrew, but glad that it brought him to you and your husband. He is a lucky guy!
My book suggestion is Goodnight Gorilla, in board book edition. I even love it. π
And when he is older, I predict he will be able to find much hope in that story, and much about the power of faith.
And some of your students probably already have!
Not as lucky as we are.
Whew! He cracked the cover on the cute-o-meter but it’s still working.
Subliminal suggestion ::Walter The Farting Dog::
You’ve won me over on the book, I think I’ll get it tonight!
Look at that face!!!
THere’s hope for Peace On Earth when you look at a baby’s face.
Talk about too cute!!! I just want to reach through the screen and pick him up and hug and kiss him.
I too just want to reach through the screen and pick him up. What a cutie! I can’t believe that anyone would abandon him, how cruel. Seems like Paddington Bear might be an appropriate story book.
Taken from last Sunday’s Ice Storm in Portland.

Now… the back story to this (and with me there’s always a long rambly story, right?) Well anyhoo… we were at Chevy’s for lunch that day. We look outside and lo and behold it’s fucking snowing. People in the joint are getting up and leaving. So after awhile my husband suggests I finish my GRANDE Margarita AND HIS!!! Since he’s driving. I knock em back and feel fine… till I stand up to put my coat on.
We make it home safely, snap the above picture and a friend calls to see if we’re okay due to the storm.
In my wisdumb I alert him that we didn’t stop at a grocery store due to the worsening driving conditions… made worse by my singing in the car in full Margarita Merriment (I’m such a happy drunk) but that “we’re fine. We’ve got X-Box and toilet paper. we’re totally set”
gives it Her seal of approval.
and She really likes the story.
Good afternoon! Late to the party. I can’t wait to leave work today (early). You know how us hard-working civil servants are.
Day 1/2 over. Thanks everybody for their kind thoughts in the other cafe. Just keep posting those fun holiday thoughts (and pictures of the northern lights!) and it will keep my spirits up. Today’s particularly crazy so I can’t do much more than read through occasionally. But I’ll be ready for a drink tonight.
A colleague just sent me this one:
src=”“ >
This is what i’m putting down, but when I hit preview I don’t see anything. I know I’m missing something extremely simple, but I don’t know what.
remove the “=400<br>” and make sure there is a space between the ‘img’ and the ‘src’
but if you just copy the tag from photobucket it will be lots easier π
It worked and you don’t know how much I thank you. I wasn’t sure whether to post a url, tag, or image. You’ve made a difficult project for me a lot simpler and my eternal thanks.
By the way this is our family house we hold holiday, weddings, and family reunions at. It was build around 150 years ago and it’s a source of pride for me at least.
Thanks again for your help.
and a just lovely house but one thing — you will need to use the width attribute to get the size of the image to fit better. So the next time you post a picture go to the end of the tag and make the end of the img tag look like this: width=”400″>
Beautiful house and I’d kill for that porch alone.
if it were a wraparound.
summertime on the porch, in wicker furniture drinking lemonade (with a kicker in it).
You can’t see it from the picture, but it has two porch swings at each end of the porch and the wicker furniture in between. I can’t count the days after dinner we would sit on the porch and just talk. It seems like a dying art now of days.
I can also remember the worst trouble my brother and I ever got into trouble with was from that porch. We would listen for car coming down the road and fire bottle rockets at the cars. Unfortunately one of the cars coming home was my grandmother’s car and she believed in peach switches. Needless to say we didn’t do that again.
I do miss the family sitting together on the porch talking without the interruptions of TV or radio though.
The day is done — Christmas can begin! Merry merry Christmas, happy holidays, happy hannukah, and happy whatever you’re doing this year, to everyone. Is the bar open yet. I need a drink after the stress, frustration and sadnesses of this week (plus I’m freaked out that Susanhu is using one of my comments — yikes!) And while someone is pouring I’m going to start handing out 4’s as presents.
And to all you wonderful people who have gifted me this year with such friendship, courage and strength…
Be Naughty this year. – Ultimate Conservation if you think about it π As it saves Santa a trip
Come on over to the freshly opened Lounge!