From the diaries by Santa. Ho, ho, ho …
Froggy Bottom Lounge
Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Glad you made it!
So what’s on your wish list?
CDs are in their regular spot next to the stereo
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
Hmmm…that last lounge was getting a little crowded, so here’s a place with clean tables and room at the bar!
Oh, this never happens, I’ve grabbed the first table. I hope the other will be here soon.
Are you nervous about being interviewed or are you going to let Andrew do all the talking š
He handled his Visa interview at the US Consulate just fine, so I let him handle the MSM.
Sure quite over here <cups hand to ear>…
How are you fairing?
Great news that you’re on vacation…enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! Did you say that it’s the first in your new home?…or have I confused it?
And don’t pay any attention to the begging for flower pix…Bah! Humbug! :{)
Peace and Blessings
From the archives — will work on remedying the lack of new photos this week. š
Cosmos, taken 9.24.2005 (view large)
Chrysanthemum, taken 11.13.2005 (view large)
Yep about the home. We moved in this summer, so this is going to be a very nice and relaxing holiday.
Peace to you and yours dada!
I’m not dada, but all of your photographs are just spectacular. I hope that you can use your talents with a camera on your job, because you’re good enough to be a pro.
What a lovely compliment!
Unfortunately my job — which is research — has nothing to do with photography. But maybe that’s why I enjoy it so much… š
Boy you asked for it when you mentioned wish list. Given my health situation that is something always on my mind so I’d wish perfect health for everyone..barring that at least a universal health care system that was done right.
More selfishly I wish my sister would win one of the giant lotto’s here….she would do so much good with it..she already has a list of charities etc that she has planned out on how to donate to(mostly involving Native Americans/Veterans)
Even more selfishly I wish I’d win a giant lotto so I could go visit all the famous and not so famous museums around the world and buy whatever art I wanted to….and build my own personal library. I wouldn’t mind meeting Kansas in person and tell her that her helping start Sisters in Crime and making women authors taken more seriously by book reviewers and getting them to make women authors taken seriously for book awards and end of the year book lists too cool for words.
I wish that everyone here in the Cafe and all Bootribbers have the best holiday season ever and the coming New Year is good to all their loved ones.
I wish all repugs and fundies are converted into real human beings or barring that they all go to prison…..that Boston Joe’s book becomes a best seller and movie.
YOu know this list could go on forever but I think this is a good start.
A wonderful start, what a great list! I hope it all comes to pass.
We’re heading over to cincy early in the morning so I’ll miss your Xmas eve cafe. We’ll be back later in the day but I figure no one will be around on by then. So have a great day and don’t spend too much of it coding HTML and tweaking CSS.
I’ll be here all day and night probably. I don’t think we’ve got any particular plans.
Have fun in cincy, how early are you leaving?
I’ll check in when we get back then.
We’ll be leaving 7:00 and 7:30 a.m. your time.
Ahh! Good! I’ll count on seeing you tomorrow night then!!
I’m hoping that I’ll sleep too late to see you in the morning.
And, since it seems close to your bedtime, should I say goodnight, now?
Not going quite yet but I’ll be heading off pretty soon so I’ll just take your goodnight as said.
most of the day and evening — hoping to hit two Christmas Eve services if we’re up to it after a day of preparing gifts (and spouse going out to pick up one last gift for yours truly)… š
What a great list!
My wish this year is that our friends’ little girl’s cancer would go into remission and never come back.
And that we could have a week of 65 degree weather near the end of February…
(((chocolate ink)))
Millions of people around the globe ohm-ing and praying and whatnot, and right afterwards the Soviet Union fell.
Or that’s how it seems in my froggy foggy memory.
Think the world’d be up for an encore?
I think I’ll get all sloppy on my yearly teaspoon of Bailey’s in milk over ice. Don’t all ya’ll make fun of me now…I never could hold my alcohol.
I’m trying to make the most of my remaining 48 hours of being relatively young. After that I will have officially passed some sort of scary milestone meaning that I will have to live as long as a giant tortoise for me to now be considered middle-aged. Yikes.
You’re turning 30 on Monday? š
Yes….that’s it! I knew I loved you CG.
you told me before you were getting younger every year so that you were young enough to be my daughter. So what happened — now you’re old enough to be my mother?
I’m so confused.
There comes a point in everyone’s life when you just have to admit you’re older than shit. That time is now. But you now what? Some days I feel (and act) 19, and other days I feel (and act) 90. It’s all in the attitude.
Getting older isn’t so bad — as they say, it beats the hell out of the alternative.
I wouldn’t be 19 again for anything. I don’t think I’d be willing to go any younger than 29 (that was the year we built our house and I actually would enjoy reliving that adventure a time or two, especially if I got to fix some things we did wrong).
to model a character after you in my latest story attempt — still getting a full picture of her, all I know is that she’s been sort of ostracized by the women of her clan because she’s not into gossiping with the other women, but spends her time alone dreaming great dreams (which would get her burned as a demon if the religious leaders, all men, knew)…for some reason, that’s how I’m picturing you tonight… š
Happy 30th SN! š
Hello! The vacation starts now — well, it actually started around 3pm. But the important point is that I don’t have to get up early tomorrow morning! Woo Hoo! Vacations rock! I am so happy to be free for a week. š
Happy Holidays, olivia!
Happy holidays to you and yours as well.
Anything special planned?
We always do Christmas Eve dinner at my house with my mom. Nice breakfast on Christmas morning, and if it’s not raining, we’ll go for a hike with all the fur kids later in the day. Oh, and the boys will get together with their dad for a bit. How about you?
My kids opened the gifts their father sent today. He gets them these flashy, fun gifts and I am the boring one who gives them the things they need, like sweaters and socks.
My daughter’s dad and I split up when she was 9. She’s 25 now. When she was growing up, I was friends with a woman who had NINE children (yep, good Catholic), whose youngest was a few years older than my daughter. She would frequently tell me things that I already knew perfectly well, but it still helped immensely to hear an older, wiser, more experienced mother tell them to me anyway.
So passing that on . . . here’s something you know perfectly well, but I’ll tell you anyway: They won’t care about what kind of Christmas presents they got in the long run. All that really matters to kids is to be well-loved. If you’ve got that covered, the rest is details.
We have our own weird situation like that…and Janet Strange is right, kids remember who was there to love them and take care of them, not what they got for Christmas.
That sounds nice! We warned everyone that we were not traveling this year as this will be first in our new house, so we don’t have to go anywhere! (Family all lives 5 hours away.) They will all be coming to us for a change: first group for Christmas, second group for New Years. It will all be low key, and we get to sleep in our own bed for Christmas! I plan on doing some baking and resting … and taking some photos and of course resting! š
Congratulations on the first Christmas in a new house!
Hi, Olivia. Merry Christmas and a Happy No Work.
I’m off till the 3rd too. Lovely, isn’t it. I had today off too and I’m already getting into full vacation mood by losing track of what day it is.
Happy No Work indeed! The best present is having a full week off. And, a bonus is that we don’t have to go traveling all over the place visiting every single relative…
It doesn’t seem right to be so happy about NOT having to go visiting. But hey, they’re free to come here right? I can’t remember the last time I slept in my own bed on Christmas Eve. Years. It’s been years.
I read in an earlier diary that JimF made an appearance! He sounds like a cool dude!
Happy holidays to you both!
I know what you mean about traveling. For the first 10 years of our marriage we always traveled for Christmas and the first time we didn’t, it was just lovely. Now we’re back to traveling again but it’s a day trip to Cincy and back (5 hours total driving time) so that’s not so bad (and we’re doing it tomorrow so we’ll get to have a quiet Christmas).
And Jim is quite honored to have you consider him a cool dude.
I took two good macro shots today. That’s a first. Maybe I’m picking up tiny bits of your skill through the ether.
Have a safe trip driving.
PS. I’ve been looking at getting a new camera w/ more power …. 10x zoom! <delicious shivers>
puts a huge smile on my face as I imagine the glorious pictures you will take.
Is anyone else going to be completely by themselves this Christmas? I think this is the first time in my whole life I will be..going to be very strange. My sister/husband are going to my nephews in Arizona(quite a few times they’ve come here and stayed with me-5 kids and all)–my other nephew also headed that way today..Really will be strange to be opening the presents my sister left here all by myself.
Not this time, but I was 2 or 3 years ago. My daughter’s boyfriend’s parents took the both of them off to New Mexico for Christmas, and one thing and another . . . completely on my own that day.
I didn’t like it. And I don’t even have much use for Christmas – this year, no tree, no presents. Of course, you will be stopping by here from time to time, yes? Wish I’d had the FBC back then – it would definitely have cheered me up.
So to start off with, cheers! CI! Happy Christmas Eve Eve!
We’re not going anywhere on Xmas, except maybe over to the nearby state park for a hike so I’ll be here off and on all day and I’m sure other people will as well.
CI, I’ll be at home and will check in if I know others will be around. You can tell us all what presents you got from your sister! š
Well she already gave me two great big presents before she left….one is the coolest black leather jacket/coat…love it and this gorgeous chair for my living room…huge over sized cushiony chair in a dark mossy green microsuede …it’s absolutely heavenly. I’m guessing what’s left might be books and perfume-what I never have enough of…we’ll see.
You’ll have some of us to share the time with, I’m sure. I’ll be around Christmas morning as I won’t be going to dinner and Christmas with my kids until early pm. Plus, I’m nosy, I’ll want to know what everyone got…:{)
There are times, for me personally, that I prefer to be alone…not to be confused with feeling alone. At those times I find solitude and the quiet contemplation that it encourages to be very healing and beneficial. It helps me remember the things I should and cleanses my spirit in preparation for the challenges that lie ahead.
I read this earlier this evening and found it quite to my liking: [edited somewhat by me]
The season is not about the words we use
to wish each other peace and happiness;
it is about the return of the light.
Let us all remember,
the return of the light
is the basis of our celebrations.
It reminds me of an Algonquian Indian incantation that I am unable to locate at the moment. But I shall find it for you for Christmas.
Peace and Blessings to you my friend
Thanks dada…and I would like to have you look that up if you find the time.
I imagine I’ll be fine as I am pretty much a recluse anyway and spend 99% of my time alone(not cause I’m anti-social just to do with the health problems)and most people seem to think that I shouldn’t be so happy by myself all the time although I am. I get enough visiting with my sister who has to drive me around when I do have to get out…anyway I wasn’t trying to sound like poor me you guys….just that I am used to having family around on Christmas.
Christmas morning — will probably make breakfast for me and the spouse and put finishing touches on the appetizers for the afternoon, then head over about 2-ish or so Pacific Holiday Time to the in-laws. Will be back about 8-ish or so; we’ll make a few detours to catch some holiday lights.
and probably late Christmas night….
Tomorrow is clean the house – because we are leaving town – and then off to the movies. So I’ll be popping in and out all tomorrow!
We’re not going anywhere until the evening, so I’ll be checking in with Andrew, CI.
Still have one remaining relative but probably not for long. Have been alone in the past, usually due to illness. One I remember well was being really sick and alone in my beautiful house trying to eat a turkey tv dinner. Couldn’t keep it down.
Some options.
Do something involving the natural world. Hike or walk.
Volunteer at the local place that feeds the homeless. A good cause and lots of warmth and comraderie among the volunteers.
Do something creative. Make some art.
Get on the phone. There are people who want to hear from you.
Edit. Edit your stuff. It’s a really big project but you can get started.
Start that exercise program you’ve been intending on.
It’s not too late to find a family in dire straights in need of help. If you can’t help financially, bake cookies for this one family. Adopt them for this one day. The kids will always remember it and the nice person who helped out.
Visit the gravesites of your loved ones and decorate them with fir boughs and flowers. It’s kind of sad but it is very affirming also.
Watch out for kitties and puppies when putting out treats!
I love that!
Just finished the last batch of M&M cookies and the hubby is putting up the tree. It’s time for sleep.
and I mean, absolutely no sound at all when I was out for a walk earlier. No wind in the trees, no cars in the distance, nothing.
It was so quiet that I could hear my ears ringing.
Happy Holidays to you and Puget4, and the Totos as well! š
Thanks Gooserock! I hope you and Puget4 and the totos have a nice holiday.
My wish: health, happiness and harmony for all. (even wingnuts) Oh yeah, and one of those cars with a big red bow on the roof that I keep seeing on TV. š
Merry ChrisKwaHannaSol. Enjoy! :{)
Peace and Blessings
That’ll work!
200 mph midlife crisis.
A shiny red car is a safer midlife crisis than having an affair. But remember — cops pull over red cars more than any other color. Remember that the next time you steal all the liquor at the cafe Boran2.
Maybe I’ll get one in blue. Hmmm.
Hi all, I’m back. Did I miss anything. Anybody still conscious?
Kinda laid back tonight…think everybody’s tuckered out? Been a crazy week all round, and and I’m callin’ it myself very shortly. I still have a couple of things to get tomorrow…last of the last kinda shopper…:{)
Good Luck Tomorrow. Hope you don’t need to go near any malls. If you do — go early! I’m finished shopping but need to wrap a few more gifts. I should go to bed but the knowledge that I can sleep-in tomorrow gave me a second wind so I’m organizing a pile of “stuff” — pictures, etc. I’m hoping it bores me enough that I’ll get tired.
I’m calling it a night. See you all tomorrow… Sweet dreams!
to pick up one more thing for yours truly… š Actually, that will give me a chance to squeeze all his gifts into the holiday stocking I bought for him (it has a choo-choo train on it, naturally š ). Since he occasionally lurks in the vicinity, I will hold off revealing the contents until after Sunday…
Good Morning, Good Morning!!
New Cafe Open Now!