Froggy Bottom Cafe
Christmas Eve for Frogs Everywhere
And a Happy Saturday for Everyone
Part II
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea, Hot Chocolate & Toddies under the window Platters of Christmas pastries and cookies on every table
Newspapers – sure, we’ve got ’em Also, a complete collection of cosy Christmas stories.
Please recommend
May the 4’s be with you
Please unrecommend the previous cafe
I am so sorry that I abandoned my post for so long!!
But, I’ve done my social duty and stocked up on pie and booze & I can stretch out with mister & some Drambuie in front of the tree.
Oh, and my keyboard & monitor!
I’m back and it looks like I missed a bunch of fun.
Do you know if Brother Feldspar putting a cafe tomorrow or if one of us needs to put one up?
Good to see you! No, he isn’t going to. Do you want to co-host with me?
I’ll be around off and on, too. Should we do a froggybottom day?
Maybe a froggybottom day but put our names as cohosts somewhere in the page.
And if anyone else wants to cohost, speak up — we can have an unlimited number of hosts under the froggybottom banner.
I kind of had a non-traditional one in mind but I hadn’t done it yet.
No, I’m poking around looking for images, haven’t settled on anything yet.
Do what you want. I’ll keep poking around in case we fill up fast and need a new one for the afternoon.
Traditions? We’re inventing our own traditions. This is the First Froggy Bottom Holiday Season!
I’m insecure about what I had in mind so I sent you an email with a screenshot. Take a look at it and tell me what you think, please.
Andi — could you send it to katiebird@gmail.com
The everest mail is running sloooooow. Sometimes it’s 12 hours or more before I get messages. And I haven’t gotten anything all day.
(I replied)
Thanks. I feel better now. I might change the wording a bit but I’ll got with that.
When you say add names under the banner, what did you mean?
I just meant we could do something in the extended text area like:
The role of froggybottom is being played by:
And list the names of anyone who wants to be a special greeter for the day.
And we could add names through the day if anyone wants to join in.
I’m insecure
Good god, are we in a radioactive meteor shower or something? I didn’t know you could do insecure! /jerks Andi’s chain
Andi’s considering a “non-traditional” somethingorother that has her feeling insecure? I think we should be afraid, Indy. I think we should be very very afraid.
She scares me in all the fun rollercoaster ways.
I’m never insecure about bad taste. I’m insecure about socially acceptable, decent things — I don’t get them.
Oh my … does this mean I might come down with a case of the “frigids”??? Oh horrors!!
Everybody misunderstands. I am an asocial idiot who was frightened by emily post at an early age and am totally socially tone deaf. I have no problems with the bad side of things; it’s when I want to follow ‘normal’ behavior that I’m lost.
Sure. Whichever one of us is up first can open a froggybotom cafe.
At some point during the day, we’re going to go for a hike but we haven’t decided if we’re going over to the state park or just go hike around here. So depending on which way we go, I might be gone for 2 – 6 hours. But other than that, I’ll be around all day.
My son and I will go to my mom’s around 11, where we will have Christmas Pizza. Then off to see King Kong. (Don’t tell Marmotdude.)So I can check in during the morning and then again tomorrow evening.
I’m guessing that would be you!
I am so glad to have my real-life visiting obligations done for the next 24 hours or so.
(Supersoling’s Peace Wreath he made) Maybe if we ask sweetly he’ll have a PEACE WREATH WORKSHOP diary for us all(?) π Hotties with Tools!! Hoo Haa!
Oh can’t forget dessert: Salma, nice and thick!

There.. I think I schlumped all my stuff from the other retreat to here. Moving, moving moving that’s all I seem to do π
Merry Merry!!!!
deeply suppressed hosting urges?
Do you wake up at night thinking of welcoming images and slogans?
Do you ever think: I haven’t typed enough today?
Do I think?? I try not to π
I would love to host. I have once before.. it was a “self serve” cafe, though.
Actually I “host” a hockey chat. I just “start” and end the 10 page threads.
I wouldn’t mind starting a few … but lately I’ve been in and out. Gawd knows I’m not shy of ideas and strange loopiness π
I think kansas has a good idea of the days we are host-free. We’d love to have you, either as a regular or as a substitute — whatever you have time for.
Okie dokie. I’m a terrible hostess though and an even worse waitress. π
DJ, sweetie pie, we have no official host for Sundays, Mondays, or Wednesdays, so take your pick on any of those. And the only person I have listed for the future is boran2 who said he might want to take a day next week.
Andi, you’re not officially adopting a day, are you?
Oops — that should be don’t forget me; I’m taking the Cafe for Wednesday the 28th… π
And here’s my holiday card for the Cafe crew:
Thanks for the spices! Yummy – now you are invited to dinner with SallyCat and Mr.Cat!
Have a wonderful Christmas Cali!
lol, your last line!
Sometimes they sit there for hours before someone laughs!
because they last and last. I’ve smirked several times today over your nordstrom and make-over line and commented to jim on what an excellent snarky meanness you have.
(Laughing Out Loud)
That was funny, wasn’t it?
Since your serving, and it’s Festivus… can you break out the wierd stuff?
Absinthe Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
It’s an eerie green — in some lights it looks neon. High alcoholic content… euphoriant… mildly hallucinogenic… with a stimulating kick. And it is legal. (Which means, I suppose, that the Bush admin won’t indulge in it)
A spot of the wierd for me, please.
mmm. tres wierd. delightful. exquisite. did i mention it’s made from that most bitterest of herbs, wormwood?
wierd and wonderful. mmm. i’m seeing things…..
Too much absinthe turns kittens into froglets – watch that stuff!
“One day, when you least expect it, I will shred your favorite chair down to splinters for this indignity…”
Raindrops on roses and
Frog hats on kittens….
These are a few of my favorite things
Is it me, or is this fairy spinning?
Fairy doing a pole dance….Oh My!
Merry Christmas Suskind!
A Sharkarita π Teal, even.

(((((((((((SALLYCAT!!!!))))))))))))))) We just now got your package!!!! Got me all tearyeyed… My booman friends ARE my family.
I mean that you guys. I haven’t even had a smidgeon of rum. Truly, I love you all. You’ve helped make me a better human. So glad I bellyflopped into this pond.
I know that I’ve learned so much from you and everyone here — this is true for me as well.
Big hugs to my newest sister and her family….
Grandma Sally is sending big hugs to Wesley and Danni. I’d give one to Wayne too….but you might get jealous! ;^D
I’m going to repeat my Christmas Eve dawn for Brenda (in case she comes by this cafe) and all those other sunrise lovers.
Sunrise 12/24/2005
An Ode to Andi
Sunrise, Sunset
Blue Dots
She knows how to soothe!
Lotsa laughs
She always gets me
in the moothe
ahem.. okay it needs some work… I’ll get on it Monday π xoxox
Merry Peacemas Andi, I’m so glad you’re a friend.
Pretty good but I’m a greedy bitch and you set an awfully high bar with the now classic carol “Marmot Balls” — I want it to see you top that.
Such a spectacular sunrise!
I slept through sunrise for the first time in weeks…thank you for letting me share yours!
Thanks, SallyCat. I hope your holidays turn out wonderfully well.
I really hope this is the first of many sunrises you sleep through — even though an end to your insomnia means fewer early morning cafe visits from you.
What a great picture. I love it. Who would’ve thought you would have such an adorably sweet smile. Can anyone resist it (other than cranky receptionists in dentist offices)?
You’re so sweet to say that, I think I’m a really funny-looking broad. I made poor Roomie shoot like 30 pictures to get one I was satisfied enough with to post, lol.
While it might be possible for you to take a funny looking picture — I can see that you aren’t funny-looking at all.
Cute, is how I’d put it. And that’s a compliment from me. I love your smile and the pose, so it was totally worth the 30 practice pics!
Thanks, katiebird.
Merry Peacemas, baby!!!!
It appears you need some assistance when it comes to wrapping prezzies. I swear it’s a gene I got from my Mom. She’s a madwrapper. She should truly get paid for wrapping. Let me hail Rudolph and I’ll be right over.
Oh and so glad you’re dressed in Azul π
I know I’m getting all mooshy ang gooshy, but really… I’m so honored to be accepted amongst you wonderful beings and to be called a friend. Damnit Woman!!! We’ve got to have a get together. Whens the next damn protest march ??? π
Merry Peacemas to you too, doll. Hope you and your family are all learning to enjoy your new digs.
I’m wearing blue to match the new blue Christmas socks I got. And that unwrapped thing is from Roomie’s mom, she’s not exactly the picture of domesticity but we love the hell out of her anyway. π
We’re supposed to move to Ohio in the spring, and since I figure there will be some massive election scandal there in November, maybe we’ll host a big Boo-gathering for the inevitable protests. ‘Til then, you just keep right on dreamin’, baby. ;p {{{DJ}}}
We opened our presents this evening and I got a laptop! Man this thing is weird and I can’t get used to the touchpad scrolly thing. I’m pimped out now!
Hey Indy, you’re a doll.
Touchpads are crap. There are nice optical mice made specifically for laptops; most of them are wireless.
You’re so cute! And you look about l6.
THat’s what I thought! I’m like, Oh look, there’s Indy in ninth grade. And then I realized it was from today. Wow, I’ll bet she gets carded all the time.
Oy no. I only look that young because I’m in my PJs. I’m aging appropriately, I swear I look 35.
Oh, Flying Spaghetti Monster bless you, Kansas. π
Well you might be picky about your photos but I’m chiming in with the consensus and think you look like one cool chick but I already suspected that anyway.
Thanks, Chocolate Ink. What you don’t see is my geeky glasses kicked over to just out of the edge of the photo frame. (What I don’t see is anything more than 3 feet in front of my face, lol.)
You do that too,huh…I’ve been wearing glasses most of my life(contacts won’t work for my eye problems)but I usually take my glasses off for photos-I know I shouldn’t but…
A great picture and a perfect Santa’s elf.
Have a terrific Christmas!
A very naughty elf, but I have access to Santa’s database so I don’t sweat my crimes! Hope you have a wonderful holiday, SallyCat.
I’ve installed WordPress & bought a blog name. Now I’m looking at catalogs of Themes (templates). As I lazily think about my food/eating blog.
I’ve got text running practically to California. Does this mean that the margins are busted, or is it just my computer messing up?
The margins were fine, I refreshed the screen to see if there were any new messages, there weren’t but suddenly the text was running over the right edge.
Sometimes posting a new cafe can kill the party spirit.
What do you think? Is it bad enough to require one?
I’m using Firefox. Are you? Jim’s using safari and it’s not doing it all. I also looked at it in IE and it’s not as bad there as it is in firefox.
I think I’d let it go until 10:00 p.m. EST which would probably be a good time to start the last cafe because I would guess that late night Christmas Eve isn’t going to be a hugely busy time.
Yes, I AM using Firefox. I guess, if we start getting a lot of activity on those upper comments, I could switch to IE. It seems like the problem is worse up there where we were pushing the edges!
I’m starting to think about opening that Drambuie. I have absolutely no idea if I’ll like it or not. It just seemed like a good experiment for a Christmas Eve treat. I bought some Merlot in case I’m wrong.
And sooner or later, we’ll have to put up the Aluminum Table (inherited from my Great Aunt Hazel) and start wrapping presents. We always wait until Christmas Eve & Christmas Day because it’s the one 24 hour period when the kids are guaranteed not to be here. They come over just after dark on Christmas.
(we’ll see what attention that subject line gets) is when I think you should open the new cafe.
It seems like it’s quieted down some. But, I’m going to leave this room open till 10 or so.
Are you having fun?
Hi, kb. I really think you might want to open a new one. On my ‘puter, comments are running over the ads on the right side. Other people may be having the same prob?
It just started doing this for Andi, and we’ve been debating.
I didn’t want to bring the party to a halt, but I think the unreadable comments & your support are making me brave enough to try it.
So, hang on everyone, new Cafe Coming Up!
Howdy All,
I haven’t posted in a while but maybe this will make up for a little of that. No problems here….just really busy. Here’s a sunset I just snapped from our livingroom window. Three days past Solstice and you can already tell the days are getting longer.
click to enlarge
Puget4, Gooserock, Toto2 and Toto3 all wish you all a very happy, healthy holiday season. And to all the Earth we wish Peace and Respect for all.
Hi Puget4. What a lovely picture and it’s even lovelier to hear from you. I’ve missed you and hope once the holiday crush is past, you’ll have a bit more time for visiting us.
Hello, Hello!!
(I’ve gotten two messages saying that powells has timed out, just in typing this. I wonder why?)
Have a wonderful Holiday…and give extra treats to the two Totos!
Come to the new cafe!