24 Hour Self-Service Diner

Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
Please Unrecommend the other cafes & recommend this one.
The tables are clean, the kitchen & bar are fully stocked, but the wait-staff is clocking out.
Pleasant, sweet dreams everyone!!
And I’ll see everyone whose here in the morning.
Thanks for keeping these diaries going today!
Just doin’ my job, ma’am. Thank ya.
cat nap. Night everyone.
Goodnight SN, will you be here tomorrow?
Have a great night’s sleep and a wonderful Christmas Day Second Nature!
Sweet Dreams!
hugs to all…and to all a good night!
May you all sleep soundly and be at peace….I shall drop by early to help with coffee.
It’s the Night Before Christmas
We have the Bailey’s for sure
Oh….oh. . . .looks like Santa is here!
Watch out now. . . . . . .I think Mr & Mrs Clause have had too much of the Nog
Hope everyone had sweet dreams and will wake up to find Peace on Earth..yeah I know, a wee bit of grandiose dreaming but then isn’t that what this is all about…Merry Holidays Everyone. And a special thanks to all the hosts who make this joint a happening place.
and to all a good night!
Unless of course you don’t celebrate Christmas… In that case Happy Holidays, or just enjoy your day off, or have a good day at work if you are one of those few that have to work today, or… Well you get the point!
Best wishes to everyone, and may all of your dreams come true!
Warmest wishes to all on this very early Christmas morning.
Had to dash like a fiend from this morning’s cafe’; once again, I’m called to other realms post-haste & so bid you all a beautiful Sunday holiday.
May peace reign in all your dwelling places.
but I’ll post this here instead, since it’s time for one of my favorite Christmas traditions.
About this time of night on Christmas, the traffic has finally died down. Maybe I’m just imagining it, but it always seems to me like the background noise of the city — the cars, the train whistles, the planes overhead — pretty much goes away as everyone settles in for Christmas.
That’s the time of night that I like to go outside and just . . . listen. Listen to the silence. Listen to the peace that has descended over the city, and think to myself: If you were going to visualize peace, this would be a good start.
There are those who ridicule the idea of “visualize peace.” It’s because they don’t understand it. To get anything you really want, you first have to have a clear mental image of what it is, or else how can you work toward it? That’s all visualization is. So for me, Christmas morning, when visions of sugar plums are dancing in children’s heads and mother and father have settled down for a long winter’s nap, is a time for me to visualize peace.
It’s also a chance to remember a Christmas season way back in high school. A group of us were out caroling, and at the end of the evening we gathered in the parking lot across from the old library building, passed out the candles, and we sang for ourselves:
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Merry Christmas Omir. Does that mean you won’t do a diary? Guess it’s lucky I couldn’t sleep and ran into you here, Sunday wouldn’t be right without you.
You have reminded me why I worked hard for Dennis Kucinich – he wanted to start a cabinet position for a ‘department of peace.’ Oh how different things could be if we didn’t reserve just one day of the year for peace on earth and goodwill to all.
I hope you will not have an ‘outrage du jour’ today.
A day off from the outrage would be a very nice gift indeed. 🙂
I have a draft of my story for Sunday Griot up on the screen. My question is, am I going to have time to post it in and among all the excitement of a Christmas morning with an eight-year-old in the house? I certainly hope so.
If not, though, I’m glad to got to see you this morning. Peace to you and yours.
May your dream come true for all of us.
after watching some of the “Countdown” backlog — now heading off to get a good rest of the night’s sleep; the wrapping etc. can wait till the morning, as we’re not due at the in-laws till 4-ish or so. 🙂
Sweet dreams…