In the current thread on NSA spying (NYT: NSA Spying Much Larger than Reported) Oui wrote a comment that asked “Will This Ever End … in impeachment?”
Once again, we do not seem to understand what is really going on here.
This info-harvesting is not a “BushCo” thing.
Read on for my reply to Oui’s comment.
Will this ever end in impeachment?
I think that the REAL question here is whether impeachment would truly end these practices.
And the answer is no.
This is PermaGov stuff, Oui.
The people who are doing this are out of control. Out of the oversight loop, effectively speaking. We have allowed a secret government that is independently funded…or perhaps better stated, has the capability to fund itself through the drug and arms trades and insider trading at the very least…to take over. When we did not rise up and demand the truth about JFK’s assassination and those that followed, we lost control of this part of the government. If we ever had it in the first place. And we did NOT rise up then because they had already established a great deal of control over the media.
Who knew?
Controlling the PermaGov intel sysytem is what BushCo attempted to do. Control it and set up a parallel system that was within the administration’s own control. For even WORSE purposes. As did Nixon. And this inexorable move that we are currently seeing towards the end of BushCo is today’s Watergate. A setup. Or more accurately, a well executed utilization of the BushCo/Neo-con weaknesses, as was Watergate during the Nixon era.
Or at LEAST render BushCo impotent?
BushCo is a criminal organization.
But think that impeachment will “end” the surveillance that is easily available in this information age?
Ain’t gonna happen.
Not unless we have a top to bottom reorganization of the system. Which is highly unlikely as long as these people are in the (secret) catbird seat and do not themselves screw up royally. Which, being “intelligence”, they are supposedly too smart to do.
We shall see.
You want privacy?
Take your OWN measures.
Or learn to live without it.
If you are on the net in any way or using any sort of telephone…you are being watched.
Not personally…
“Nuthin’ personal. YOU understand. It’s just business.”
Just as part of that big roundup in the sky.
Throw out a big net and round up the (un)usual suspects that fall into it.
As long as we have enemies and live an electronic world…that’s what’s going to be happening.
Bet on it.
You want real privacy?
Take the person to whom you wish to talk and go for a walk in a neighborhood you do not often frequent. Go into a wooded area where high tech, highly focusable mics cannot pick up what you are saying. Frisk your friend to make sure (s)he is not wired.
And talk.
I get yer “privacy”, right HERE!!!
Or…do not be a thought criminal. Simply do not practice crimethought…disagreement with how the government operates on ANY level. At the very least never speak of it in any way, shape, manner or form. No crimespeak? Then they won’t be interested in you.
That’s what we have come to, Oui.
It used to be “Just say no.”
Then I suggested that we change that to “Just say yes.”
But the REALITY of the situation if you want to be un-surveilled is this.
Just say nothing.
Or…get ready to fight.
Your choice.
They have already MADE theirs.
Bet on it.
Have fun…
P.S. At least we (thankfully) still have a two party system.
It just doesn’t consist of the two parties that we normally associate with the idea.
We have the PermaGov, and then we have the Republicrats. The Democratpublicans.
Republicrats and/or Democratpublicans come and go.
But the PermaParty STAYS.
Bet on it.
In our rush to get rid of Butch and his handlers…let us not forget what is REALLY up here.
Big Brother IS a holding company, and he is holding YOU hostage.
Butch is just a figurehead CEO, and he can be fired.
But AmeriCorp pounds on.
(Tips, recs, etc…)
Smoke signals
Like in the Eskimo villages on the coast where
the earthquake hit
Bang, snap, crack. They will never know what hit them
On the coast of Alaska. They expect everybody to
be insane.
This is a poem about the death of John F. Kennedy.
–Jack Spicer, from Language, 1964
I’ve always been registered Ind. but identify with the Democrats on most issue/principles.
We radical moderates need to have a voice and if a few Democrats could step up on a couple of key issues, they would win us over.
I KNEW I’ve seen this before. It’s Watergate. They’re up to their usual tricks. Again. Except… Big Brother’s really will always be watching.
You know, I think we should all go low tech for a week. No TV or computers or video games or any of that high-tech garbage. It’ll be great fun.
People would actually think for once. If even that.
If only they could see this. It would save a whole lot of trouble. They wouldn’t have to read it. Bloody illiterates.
THIS is what Christmas is. Blech.
Thanks for telling the truth, Arthur. Any ideas on how to spread the word?
You write:
“Any ideas on how to spread the word?”
I have been TRYING (basically unsuccessfully) to spread EXACTLY this word for over a year. First on dKos…where the effort essentially got me banned, although they will never admit that and probably do not really know why what I had to say disturbed them so much…and now here.
Long story short?
and its necessary corollary
And its equally necessary corally
Simply turn these fools as far off as you can and still survive inside of the society.
Do not watch their lies.
Do not read their lies.
Do not buy their lies.
Turn them off, off, OFF, and like the spammers and trolls that they really are, they will fade away.
But the general American public…including the left…is so addicted to its media jones that it cannot even CONSIDER doing this. And like every other junkie, it’s got an endless line of excuses that do not even touch the real issue of addiction.
“But…they need to be watched, these people!!!”
“I don’t BELIEVE the news…I just watch it.”
“The ads don’t affect ME!!!”
While simultaneously buying the total fiction that Butch is really the President of the United States, that there is much difference (if any) between the controlling centers of the two parties, that they still have their “privacy”, that modern Dr. Big Brother PharmaMed will cure you of your ills, that it’s alright to eat chemicallly laden foods, that the proper nature of mankind requires a lifetime of endless debt, that $2.00 gasoline is a divine right worth for which it is worth fighting and dying and that the piece of shit Ford or Chevrolet in their driveway is a real automobile instead of the cheaply made, tarted up piece of murderous movable furniture that it really is.
Drop the fuck out. As far and as fast as you can. Deny these people the benefit of your labor. Deny them them their usurious interest and the taxes that you must pay on the inflated salary you have to earn in order to STAY in debt.
Simply put?
You will be better off for it, and it will irreparably harm them.
Which is really the first rule of war.
No…I take that back.
The FIRST rule of war is to know that you are indeed IN one.
And if you are constantly swallowing the propaganda of your enemy…then you are NOT aware of it.
Wake the fuck up.
And start to live again.
How’s THAT for ideas on how to spread the word?
And I already know the answer I will get from almost all of the good liberals…a term that will someday have the same resonance as the words “Good German”, I fear.
Followed closely by
So it goes.
I turned the above reply into a diary, if you are interested in further discussion.
Turn AmeriCorp off for Christmas.