Froggy Bottom Lounge is Open for the Evening!
Antacids and Ibuprofen are at the end of the Bar….for the “why did I eat that much – but I LOVE pie” crowd!
Welcome Newbies, Lurkers, Hangovers, and just plain old tired Folks!
The lounge is open…watch out for the waitress – she’s nipping Scotch in the back room!
Ate too much at the kids house today…opted for Egg Salad on White Bread tonight! Why is such a simple thing so tasty?
Outrageous cartoons or pics coming up…or just hanging out…it’s your call!
man, it was my singing, wasn’t it?
Cleared the house, didn’t you, zeke? lol.
Great photo, Sal. And nice of you to tend the cafe for the late shift.
And now I’m shifting myself off to read and to bed. Night, all.
Late night for eastern and central times…being kind of awake here in CA….I’m still relaxing!
Spouse is watching back to back 007 movies tonight….aaaacck!
would come on tonight–You Only Live Twice. I’ve always loved the theme and the sections of the scoring where the theme is woven in. Connery passing as a Japanese peasant, maybe not so much.
But twas not to be. They lept ahead to one of the Englishmen.
Meanwhile John Wayne is massacring Injuns on the All Moviestars Conservatives channel. Simpsons jumping the shark on Faux, and Molly’s Reach (?) reunion is on CBC. We’re still waiting for ads to finish up on the Hitlery err.., History Channel to see what battle of WW2 they’re featuring tonight.
History Channel is doing the history of Disneyland. They’re right–with cable we don’t need public broadcasting.
for hosting the Lounge. Have a great evening. And just to make sure you aren’t alone, here’s kansas “twirling in my red cape” to keep you company. (Sorry kansas but katiebird did ask me very nicely.)
Washing faces is so critical after dinner…either that or sticky pillow cases!
Sleep tight
Thanks for the Cafe’s today to the Froggybottom crew of AndiF, Kansas, and Katiebird….
Hi SallyCat and anyone else who is awake. Hope everyone had as fine a day as I did. Saw lots and lots of family over the last two days and enjoyed most of them. I’m not long for the world — probably won’t be able to keep my eyes open for very long.
Holidays can be lots of fun and family can be cool.
We had a great day with family and spoke to others not here!
Sleep well Mary – puppy and kitten will just snuggle up with you!
Sleep?!! Here in NY, the party is just starting. (Now that family is asleep.) < boran2 girates to loud music >
< boran2 girates to loud music >
what a sight! Be careful — you’ll wake up the family!
Yeah, what a sight, like Elaine’s dancing on Seinfeld.
Getting ready to party – awesome Boran2!
I really liked your diary yesterday – I learned more about family and Chanukah from it!
Party on! And if you invite the neighbors then they can’t complain about the noise!
Hmmm. < boran2 grabs coat and runs next door >
Thanks, and thanks for your fascinating winter solstice diary. When things quited down here, I got a chance to go back to it and did enjoy reading it.
Yo Sallycat, looks like just you ‘n me, and I’m near the end. Ate way toooooo much and paying the price…Ha!
Here’e a belated sunset for the nighthawks…or the early risers can pretend it’s a sunrise. :{)
vancouver bc
and in one of my favorite cities!
I hear Vancouver is the #1 city for livability…and I believe it.
I’ll be popping in and out for another 30-45 minutes. Driving in pouring rain was the exhausting part of the day….
So….I’ll sit here and admire the sunset….aaahhh! big restful sigh
You too? I drove in rain, probably 80 or so miles round trip to family. I am tired and will turn off the loud music shortly. š (And off to bed shortly.)
It is indeed a wonderful city…Canada’s version of San Francisco in many ways. If it weren’t for the rain I’d be sore tempted to relocate there…or Victoria. Although I do have some serious problems with V’s lack of environmental consciousness, particularly the pumping of raw sewage into the ocean/bay.
Beautiful photo!
Astounding, dada. Thank you!!
Some Holiday® season activities spied while shopping around the Sound. Between Air America radio and the many friendly bumper stickers & outdoor activities, Florida Mom was very impressed. She said that compared to red W. FL. it felt like being in another country.
Glad Fl Mom had a good time…and having travelled to both Florida area and Seattle area…definitely different countries!
When do you start back up on products for your customers?
Gooserock started back to work this afternoon. I get another day to relax.
Enjoy the extra day!
Just home from the in-laws; everyone liked their presents a lot. Ate waaaay too much paté (and veggies/dip) before dinner…ended up bringing home our pie to have later. Fun day, but totally exhausted…now I’ve got to get the energy to get the bed mostly made up (washed the mattress pad and putting on fresh sheets) before I crash in the wrong place(s)…
Nite to all the folkzzzzzzzzzzz…..
I might be inclined to curl up in a pile of fresh laundry like my cat does! Warm laundry is always nice to fold on a chilly rainy night.
Hope you didn’t have to drive to far in the storm today. It was pretty heavy mid-afternoon down your way when we drove through.
Sleep well!
Sleepy time in the suburbs!

Have a great night and sleep well here in the Western Hemisphere! Been a long day – now it’s time to turn the Lounge to the all night self-serve Cafe.
Good morning to the rest of the world…

Coffee is now being served in Australia, Europe, and Asia
Beautiful, beautiful photos, SallyCat — most especially the Scottish Fold. A picture of heaven!
Yo. Just a quick shout-out to let y’all know we arrived safe and sound in sunny SoCal, and had a pleasant Christmas with family, and so for one of our friends. I’ll be stopping by as time permits to see what’s up. Peace.
Don’t tell anyone I am getting older today… OK?
I may not be around at all the rest of the day but I just wanted to say thanks to all of you that make this a fun place to come back to everyday.
Went to the big family dinner-way too much food so I’m drinking ginger tea before bed. We had a great time despite the tv being on too much. I got to sing and play Blue Xmas agan on my ukelele and also was elected to say grace since I’m the only formally spiritual one. I faked something that was partly from an old Buddhist mealtime chant plus mentioning our parents who have all passed on but seem to be with us at these times and threw in some stuff about interdependence and it was ok for a first time. All the kids are getting so big-the youngest one will be a teenager next year.
My sick cat is acting a bit perkier but he’s going to the vet as soon as I can get him in tomorrow.
Thank you for dropping in & sharing a lovely evening’s celebration with us.
I dropped a couple of notes your way regarding your kitty in the last cafe’. See if you can’t withhold food for 12 hours or so, providing plenty of water — it may help.
Yep, I’m all for kitties.
Yer either up reeeeealll early or a serious nightowl. Closing in on z-time here.
And, just ’cause I’ve never posted a cat picture…not my favorite critter, major allergy to them…Here’s one that a friend sent me of ‘Fred’:
Hope you had a very merry, and look forward to more of your great pixs here in the cafe.
That’s Fred all right š
Thanks very much for your kind holiday thoughts; I return the same to you.
Thanks also for compliments on my humble photo efforts. Yes, I’m sure you’ll see more.
I’m off to the Land of Nod as well.
See you soon.
ohio appellate court rules that ten commandments display can stay at courthouse.
please recommend if you’re as disturbed by this as i am.
(Not Quite)
Not Feeling Too Good. Here’s my diary today:
I placed this in for my hockey friends and in Rub’s diary. I love you all!
There’s no place like friends.
There’s no place like friends.
I wish I could have you all over for NYE (is there a “war” on New Years Eve or something I’m not aware of?? LOL) because you guys are FANtastic! So many changes this year. It feels like more than a year doesn’t it? So much death, detructions, and yet we’re on the edge of some major unrest, challenges and… growth. I can’t look back on this past year without feeling an overwhelming sadness and outrageous anger. There’s no words to describe what the right wing is doing as well as ignoring.
But I also have to keep looking at how it is changing loved ones in my life. It has made them bolder, more determined, in some cases it has completely changed their lives forever. My friend, the accidental activist… Watching military mothers with disabled children march… and having that woman call you a dear friend… – it balances out the few losses we’ve undertaken this year. It’s been
I’ve lost some people in my life this year. But it’s not really a loss when those people are the ones who think you should be censored or worse… shot in the head in public. Instead I feel that I’ve gained a sense of purpose. Professionally, Personally and Spiritually. Now a days I just have to be me. There’s a bloody war going on, every day people are dying, starving, giving up. In this country as well. So I’ve decided to step up and speak out. Which isn’t a change as I always have been that way. And regardless of what it is your’re standing up for – the war or the price of bubblegum… you’re going to get flack. So why let the bastards try to shut you up or wear you down when it has to do with blood in the streets and water? When it has to do with basic, fundamental issues and rights? I won’t. I never have. I didn’t “change” I just didn’t stop caring or trying.
I look at the people in my life this past year and not only are they incredible people, but they make me want to be a better human being.
I’ve been asked alot if I’ve “settled in yet” and although we’re on a lease and in an apt and there’s a few boxes around… I’ve never felt more at home in my life. I think before instead of settling in, I’ve settled for. Well no more settling for less than, baby. No more.
This new year, I know it’s going to be hard. People are going to have to ask themselves what they are made of. Again, there will be losses. They’ll be asked to take risks. To stand up. To speak out. Now, for me, it’s no more regret or sadness.. because I know that from here on out it, it only brings in more incredible people into my life who will only enrich my days by standing with them.
(and… when I march I can take the train and not have to worry about having the car towed š LOL) Now… I’m not marching or doing anything alone. Which I know makes some friends in my life breathe a bit more easier š Just a “bit” more easier as they still worry. They have learned that the best way to keep me safe or out of harms way is to support me the best way they can. And I have to be honest with the details of what I’m doing or what has been done to me. I still think it’s horrid that a person can be shunned, threatened or even attacked for wanting peace and to not what children to be killed or any human tortured or beaten to death. But that’s how it’s always been.
I’m not settling for less than. I want my country to be as great and as giving as I know it can be. Not for some. Not for just a few. Not just for the ones born here. Not just for the elite. Not just for the ones who know how to play the game. Not just for straight people. Not just for the wealthy. Not just for Christians. Not just for adults. Diversity without division. For everyone.
“For all”. That means EVERYONE.
The New Year… bring it on.