It’s the Froggy Bottom Automat.
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Put your quarter in the slot for your choice of goodies.
Put your quarter in the slot for your choice of goodies.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday Cafes will be unhosted, except when there is a guest host. (If you are interested in hosting one of those days, either for one specific date, for a limited amount of time, or permanently, let us know in a comment in a cafe.)
Hey, stop that complaining. It’s the same good talk, good friends, and good times — you just have to get up and get your own coffee.
But here’s a cup to get you going.
But it seems so cold and lonely… :::sniff:::
if kansas hears you, she’ll figure that you’re saying that Fridays aren’t enough and you want another day.
I’ll just shut up and drink my coffee now…
never drive off an open drawbridge.
Or better yet, don’t drive onto them in the first place. Of course, people who think like that are soooo boring.
It always works in the movies.
OK, I’ve served myself cereal and coffee.
But are we supposed to talk to ourselves also? Because I’m going to have to come up with something more entertaining that just reporting what I’m doing in RL if that’s the case.
I talk to myself alot anyway, so I can give you some pointers.
1. Always make sure no one is watching when you talk to yourself. And if not, just put a cellphone headset on and talk away. Just make sure you mute your actual cellphone, because if it rings while you’re prentending you’re already talking to someone, your cover is blown.
What you do if it rings while you’re talking is mutter something (while shaking your head) like, “Did we get disconnected?” Then look at the phone & nod as you activate the call.
My sister lives in a house riddled with dead zones & this happens to me all the time when I’m talking to her.
In fact, my first response was to say that my phone does ring when I’m talking to someone else. But, actually, it only rings when I’m talking to someone.
Since I work at home, I talk to myself all the time — I’m a very good listener and can help me solve many problems.
(Having developing these excellent self-debating techniques, I do have to be very vigilant when I am at a customer site so that they aren’t overly tempted to call security.)
My cat and lovebird are kind of a captive audience (as you can imagine the bird is really captive and the cat is just too lazy to move) for some of my more interesting conversations. I don’t need much encouragement from them to continue. If the cat yawns and rolls over I take it as a sign that she wants me to continue.
I have an opposite kind of tactic — when the dogs keep asking to go out, I figure it’s time to tone down the screaming a bit.
but since I have tape recorder ear, I’m often dancing and humming along to my nonexistent headphones.
The phrase ‘ranting and raving’ comes to mind.
You know what I always say…..
It’s okay to talk to yourself,
It’s even okay to answer yourself.
You know you’re in trouble
When you say, “Huh?”
Can’t remember where I heard that but I’m sure it’s not original.
It always makes folks chuckle though …. and look relieved.
Having fun yet?
Happy Freedom Day to you! ::::doing the happy dance, thank god no one is watching::::
I got up early and cleaned the kitchen from last night’s dinner dishes…so, yeah, I’m having fun yet.
Mmmm…dishes…big fun at our house!
The sun just came out here, so I’m treating one of the dogs to a 5-mile hike “around the block” this morning.
Doing dishes on your birthday! That’s criminal. Go beat bumps on the head of children.
My mother always told us kids that woman had children so that they’d have someone to do all the things they hated to do — which is why she had a life free of dishwashing, dusting, laundry, and vacuuming.
I always dreamt that someday I’d have children who would carry in the groceries (the only task I truly hate).
But, ours caught onto that early. They are somehow never around at all on grocery day. And if they’ve ever carried in groceries, I don’t know about it.
What a waste.
Sounds like it’s time to remind them who buys the groceries, and that only being asked to haul them in is really a pretty good deal. Or, you know, you could just stop feeding them for a few days to give them a chance to gain some perspective on the matter.
Tis true about the slave labor of children. I’m still recovering from the guilt of being depressed when they were really little and they did dishes ALLLLL the time. As well as making coffee for me and keeping the younger kids occupied while I slept.
Leave the dishes alone and eat cake!
Actually, Ductape, I’ve overloaded myself on Christmas junk food and thought today would be a good day to start taking care of myself better. How about some fresh fruits and vegetables instead? Somehow I could justify a luscious carrot cake with cream cheese frosting because it’s really a vegetable.
Happy Birthday — and for your birthday the USDA has just declared carrot cake a vegetable. It will be served as such in all public schools. If you partake in the cream cheese icing it will count toward dairy. I’m starting a petition drive to add pumpkin pie and whipped cream to the list too.
Given the way the FDA just makes shit up, I fully expect that Marshmallow Peeps will be declared a vegetable by Easter.
Bless you, MaryB (suddenly my catholic school days are coming back to me)because I could eat cream cheese frosting on just about anything.
IS this your birthday, SN? Happy Birthday!!
I totally missed that at the top of the Automat!!
Umm no, actually someone sort of gaslighted everyone and added it several minutes ago.
I’d rather be gaslite than exposed as that big an idiot any day!!
And it looks great up there.
(I kind of like that gaslighting tradition, it’s the cool part of a froggybottom cafe)
Wow, I’m kind of embarrassed about all of the fuss. Okay, I’ll get over it. Thanks guys!
Don’t worry about the attention… I’ll make a fool of myself today so no one else will notice you!
Happy Birthday to you!
I declare today The Feast of Stephens in honour of me, so everyone have a big feast tonight…
I also declare it Boxing Day in honour of Second Nature! Everyone get in line to take their turn boxing with Second Nature, OK? (LOL JK)
Thanks for admitting that. I was getting worried that my eyes were worse than I thought. π
Happy Birthday, SN, even if you are ONLY 30. Geez, I could be your mother
….if you were my late in life baby.
Enjoy your 30’s…the 30’s are Waaaay Coool….as are the 40’s, 50’s
and believe it or not….the 60’s.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, Puget4, but I have to admit that this is the 16th anniversary of my 30th birthday. You know that goes.
Maybe I should try a different tack. I’ll just say I’m 60 and then people will say “wow, you look great for 60…you don’t look a day over 46”
Thanks for the balloons, katiebird. Later we can suck up the helium and talk like munchkins for fun.
That sounds like fun!
(is helium safe? can you overdose? does it make you think funny thoughts?)
I have no idea if it’s safe. But it sure is fun to say “follow the yellow brick road.”
LOL — I was sooo happy when cell phones with ear pieces were invented so no one will know I talk to myself in the car!
because we are very nosy and want to know what’s up with you.
Did the kids finally show up?
Yes! The two youngest did. We probably won’t see the oldest until, well — until he needs something (we’ll give his gifts to the middle boy for delivery).
The middle boy came around 8 and our girl around 9.
It was fun-ish.
I’d really like to start inviting them for festivities on the 26th (and they can come on the 25th whenever they want if they want). But, then we’d have to invite the oldest boy and his family. And while he and his 2 kids are always welcome (and even looked-for) his girlfriend/mate isn’t.
She’s a horrible, ugly person. And she is never, ever going to be welcome in our house.
Which probably has something to do with why we don’t see much of son #1 during holidays.
Anyway, last evening was nice. We gave son #2 a potato gun and he spewed potato pellets all over us and the house. I think that was his favorite gift. Even over the check (which threw him into a bills/fun conflict).
Daughter gave the most creative gifts. She made a little purse for my cell phone & her dad a gigantic Elvis guitar coin-bank filled with popcorn.
Daughter spent the night & she’s going to help me with the graphics and look of the blog. I think she did a good job on the look & feel of her own site.
And later, I’m meeting a friend for lunch!!
Yeah, I remember that the cool kids are having lunch together.
I’m going up to Indianapolis today (in about 45 minutes) to get together with my two oldest friends (since junior high in 1965 but we also went to the same university) so I’m not too jealous.
Cool kid & and wanna-be.
It seems totally alien for the term cool kid to be applied anywhere in my vicinity. I don’t remember even aspiring to it.
That is so great that you are still in touch with friends from your youth. Do you get to see them very often?
We try to get together at least once a year but usually manage 2 or 3. The last two years we’ve been having a larger gathering with some other college friends (for a total of 6) which has been great fun. I’m always amazed and grateful how we can not see each other for a length of time and just start up talking as if we just saw each the day before.
Have good lunch, cool kid. I’m off to the big city.
My mother is 76 and about once a month she gets together with her “club” which is 4 or 5 other “girls” she graduated high school with in about 1948.
Her graduating class only had about 15 kids.
It’s Connecticut Man1‘s birthday, too!
I get caught by that click to enlarge thing everytime!!
It used to work. Thanks for letting me know it doesn’t anymore. I’ll see if I can remove it next time!
Ahh, if you want it to work you have to put in two pieces of code:
<a href="http://link.to.largerImage/"><img src="http://link.to.smallImage.for.display" height""></a>
Thanks, kb.
Happy Birthday Connecticut Man!
March must be a busy time for parents of BooFolk π
Yes, the birthdays seem to come up fast around this time of year. And just how did you know I had to go to the store and return stuff today? (lol jk:)
Well, March babies are notoriously cute — and come 9 months after the June wedding! Both of my sisters with December birthdays blame me because I’m the oldest and was a March baby. What can I say — I was soooo cute! My birthday would come around and they’d want more. (That’s when I get pelted with pillows.)
Thank you. If i am lucky I will have 40 more that are just as pleasant as the first 40. π
Happy Birthday to You —
Two cakes already and I haven’t even had lunch?
Thanks! lol
Don’t worry! I’ll just share them with SN…
That was supposed to be a secret between me and the other late night insomniacs! lol
Yep. Another day another year older. Why is it that at 40 I still feel like a kid? π
Not to worry, CM1. If my experience is any indication, in another five years you’ll feel like part kid, part fossil.
Enjoy the day!
Happy Birthday Connecticut Man1!
Happy Birthday — its your 40th? Ten year birthdays are the best. I hated 29 and 39 because I kept thinking about all the things I needed to do before I hit 40. Then I hit 30 and 40 and both times I realized I had 10 MORE YEARS before I would be holding myself to account again! So welcome to 10 years of freedom. (Plus once you hit 40 you can do whatever you want and people still love you — they just call you eccentric.)
Happy Birthday, C-Man1. How many for you? You could probably
be my kid too. Have a great day.
Yep, I see now that you are 40. You COULD be my kid.
Happy Birthday Second Nature and Con-man1. May I advise you against over-indulgence, from the voice of experience. I’m just coming off a weekend of all-the cookies-I-want-no-matter-what. Beware of too much fun! It does exist, but only in the sugar mode.
Happy Birthday Second Nature and ConnecticutMan1 :o)
(Not Quite)
Not Feeling Too Good. Here’s my diary today:
Good day, one & all! Here’s hoping the holiday festivities move through your bodies without undue difficulty.
Allow me to add warmest birthday wishes to youngsters Second Nature & Connecticut Man1! Blessings to you both on another journey ’round the sun.
Temperatures remain unseasonably warm here in the Catskills; the snow on the ground has become rather sloppy. Currently waiting for predicted fog to roll this way — it always makes for truly stunning imagery.
The daily chores call to me in their plaintive little voices ..
Happy Birthday to both Second Nature and Connecticut Man. Being Christmas babies, did that mean double the celebration as kids?
Don’t know about Con-Man, but for me it was half the celebration, and combo gifts. Bah.
That’s a drag. Sorry.
Happy birthday to our Birthday Kids, SN & CM1!
Recovering s-l-o-o-o-w-l-y from yesterday…tonight is definitely going to be soup and salad night, just to get something healthy in the system. Otherwise, avoiding most stores for obvious reasons.
Think I’ll wander over to Suskind’s diary…don’t have a hangover, but it’s good information to have anyway…
Happy Birthday SN and CM1, all the best wishes to both of you….great day for a birthday right, day after Xmas…
Hi everyone, weather here in socal is 56 and drizziling, and I have to get busy and get moving, this is the final week, and so much to do. The weather is making me want to just sit here and blog slog, so I’ll do that for a bit and thennnn get to work.
BTW I heard from Iraqi friend Diva in a email Xmas card last night so I can rest easy a little knowing she is ok. She didn’t put any details, so I am still waiting to chat on im with her soon, I hope.
Thanks very much for news on Diva! I’m glad to know she’s well. Truly hope you can chat with her soon.
I’m so glad that you’ve heard from her diane…I was trying hard not to worry and wonder what was happening with her. I know you must be so relieved…and that is a good ending to your christmas to hear from her.
Happy Birthday Second Nature and Connecticut Man! Hope you have a great day today. I think we should dedicate the whole week to those people who have birthdays the week between Christmas and New Year! Both of my sisters fit in there — the 27th and the 30th. They remember being kids and being gypped out something (I’m never sure what). BUT I remember it this way: Schools Out (!!!); Christmas Eve (party!!); Christmas Day(party!!); a day to visit with all of the friends who are in town before they leave; Sister #1 birthay (party!!), two days off to recover from all the parties (so far) and go ice skating etc; sister #2’s birthday (party!!), New Year’s Eve (party!!); New Year’s Day (party!); January 2 — I’m bored and when does school start and let’s not have any more parties for a long time! It was disappointing when we all grew up and they moved away and the week had less parties.
How much do I love that the Cafe is unhosted for Second Nature’s birthday? So much! It’s like our parents have gone out of town! Somebody cake me while I find a way to make trouble!
Consider yourself duly caked. Hmmm…maybe I should reword that.
Here sweetie, have an appeteaser, you deserve it:
Ooh, thank you. Clive Owen would do also, but he’s far too refined for me. Or George Clooney, but really, why do we never see him with a woman? If I find out he’s gay I’m going to be so disappointed.
Only happy thoughts on your birthday. You just stop pondering if George is gay. He is the only one on my “list” of men with whom I am permitted to have one night of unbridled passion without guilt or divorce.
How come nobody ever told me about this? I was worried too, so googled ‘Clooney’s girlfriend’- lots of articles, even pictures. I can rest easy now.
I have a “list” – in my head.
Personally, I’d like to know if it’s a lifetime list, with availability retained,or if the entries have a shelf-life.
Got to wonder how many of my late-Boomer sisters would still crave a night of unbridled passion with David Cassidy π
Speaking as an Xer, my crush on Shaun had a shelf life of about 8 issues worth of Tiger Beat. My crush on Kristy McNichol, at roughly the same time, lasted somewhat longer.
I remember Kristy; she was pretty cute.
My own sights were set a bit farther afield — toward Brigitte Bardot, no less π
Consider it a challenge. Of all the gay men I know, approx 90% have slept with a couple of women at some point, and all bullshit on the side, most have enjoyed it at least once. Not enough to make a lifestyle out of it or anything, but queer shouldn’t be considered enough to ruin a good fantasy.
Of course, if it helps, you can fantasize about doing Clive Owen and George Clooney. Oooh, that’d be a happy birthday.
(((SIN)))) & ((((CM1))))
Still reeling from yesterday. We had a fantastic Christmas and later on went out to my best friends family’s house… where I made the host angry and he stormed off… I didn’t even mean to do it. Turns out they’re Mormons and Bush Supporters… EEK. My friend pisses them off all the time too… but was just weird ya know. It made me cry afterwards, but then made me think.
Reason for the long post that I accidentally put in the old thread. LOL
Hosting… I’d like to try but I can’t be here all day and I don’t get the hosting part of it LOL
still reeling… and grateful for the friendships here.
I hear you, DJ. Hope your meditations on the event brought you to a positive spot.
I experienced something similar yesterday; thankfully, my own co-conspirator & I were the ones to depart, not the offended party. After he got heavily into his ‘my man Bush’ trip we both sort of wandered off, leaving him in the rain with his Marlboro & dreams of perpetual oil war.
What can you do? In the current societal climate, speaking our minds politically is more than likely to offend someone, some time, without our express intent. One never knows; either we self-censor as a matter of habit, to avoid offense, or we don’t.
Thanks Wench, ya… my friends family can barely tolerate her so I think we got some of the outburst due to misdirection.
I can’t let it get me down anymore. I think it hit me because this past holiday my own family has made some pretty mean announcements about me. It’s a shock to know that some think you should be shot in the head just for marching against “their boy Bush”…
I look at my cards and I see that they are from friends and people I WANT in my life now. SallyCat is more family than any blood… My dearest friend Mrs. Ski (momagainstthedraf) is family to me and my kids…. and that’s what I want and need in my life. Chosen family.
I was catching up on comments here at the cafe after running around cleaning for a while and I realized that my finger slipped on a couple of ratings the last time. It’s happened before. I fixed them! I NEVER mean to give anything but 4s and my apologies to anyone (especially birthday girls) that were the subject of my klutziness! That’s all it is.
To SN and CM1….don’t have any witty birthdayisms to add to what everyone has already said so I guess a simply Happy Birthday will have to do..oh and the cakes are chocolate aren’t they?
Can somebody catch me up. What with Christmas, Bushco spying on domestics, even the I word showing up in print, I have lost track of the fate of the Alaska Wildlife Refuge Drilling Amendment. Last I knew, the Senate had blocked (at least for a bit) GOP efforts to attach it to a Military Spending Bill.
Has anything changed on this front?? Thanks, and by the way Happy Holidays!
Ready to head on over to the new cafe? It’s open and still serving birthday cake.