California Dems just got some more good news after the defeat of all Schwarzenegger’s Propositions in the November elections. Rob Reiner has announced he will not run for governor. The director of some good films in decades past has decided to keep directing and raising his family at the top of his agenda. As published in the SF Gate:

He won’t be running for governor of California, at least not in 2006, but director Rob Reiner is working the room with the practiced ease of a born politician. Shaking hands and trading pleasantries with a gaggle of reporters gathered at a Pasadena hotel, Reiner is pressing the flesh on behalf of his new romantic comedy “Rumor Has It …”

Reiner also plans to focus on the Preschool for All Act, which will appear on a referendum ballots in 2006. The proposal was organized by Parents Action for Children, a group Reiner founded with his wife, Michele Singer, in 1997. But he’ll be doing his campaigning, for now, from the vantage point of a private citizen. Elaborating on his announcement earlier this month that he would not try to take on Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in the upcoming gubernatorial race, Reiner said his two sons, ages 14 and 12, and 7-year-old daughter talked him out of running.

Reiner can be much more productive doing things like working for the Preschool For All Act than running for governor. California needs an experienced civil servant to replace the very bad actor currently occupying the slot and the same goes for Warren Beatty. Can I suggest Henry Waxman or the incredible Sheila James Kuehl for the post? These two understand the inner workings of California and would lead the state forward. If you’ll notice I didn’t even mention how utterly mediocre his new film “Rumor Has It” is!