Oui stated to me that they thought this should be in diary form rather than a post. So here goes… I haven’t shared via a diary in a while lately it’s been mostly CodePink alerts or supporting the efforts of others ActionDiaries.
It’s been a crazy, hectic few weeks personally – and I haven’t felt lonely or alone.
There are people in Norway, Florida, North Carolina, Port Angeles, Ottawa, Ohio, Netherlands, Michigan, South America, New York, Washington DC and just down the street that I’m truly blessed to call friends.
The past few days much has happned in my life. I’ve been looking at this past year.. .and boy has it made me “grow up” some. I wrote the below to my hockey friends and you all here… Why? RubDMCs diaries have had an impact on me. They make me stronger. They make me continue. I love you Rub! I can not tell you how grateful I am for the work you do here, and how it spurs others on in their own ways. I carry a piece, a day, of your series with me always. It carries me to tears and other days it carries me all across the nation to DC. …….
There’s no place like friends.
There’s no place like friends.
I wish I could have you all over for NYE (is there a “war” on New Years Eve or something I’m not aware of?? LOL) because you guys are FANtastic! So many changes this year. It feels like more than a year doesn’t it? So much death, detructions, and yet we’re on the edge of some major unrest, challenges and… growth. I can’t look back on this past year without feeling an overwhelming sadness and outrageous anger. There’s no words to describe what the right wing is doing as well as ignoring.
But I also have to keep looking at how it is changing loved ones in my life. It has made them bolder, more determined, in some cases it has completely changed their lives forever. My friend, the accidental activist… Watching military mothers with disabled children march… and having that woman call you a dear friend… – it balances out the few losses we’ve undertaken this year. It’s been un.bee.leeve.able.
I’ve lost some people in my life this year. But it’s not really a loss when those people are the ones who think you should be censored or worse… shot in the head in public. Instead I feel that I’ve gained a sense of purpose. Professionally, Personally and Spiritually. Now a days I just have to be me. There’s a bloody war going on, every day people are dying, starving, giving up. In this country as well. So I’ve decided to step up and speak out. Which isn’t a change as I always have been that way. And regardless of what it is your’re standing up for – the war or the price of bubblegum… you’re going to get flack. So why let the bastards try to shut you up or wear you down when it has to do with blood in the streets and water? When it has to do with basic, fundamental issues and rights? I won’t. I never have. I didn’t “change” I just didn’t stop caring or trying.
I look at the people in my life this past year and not only are they incredible people, but they make me want to be a better human being.
I’ve been asked alot if I’ve “settled in yet” and although we’re on a lease and in an apt and there’s a few boxes around… I’ve never felt more at home in my life. I think before instead of settling in, I’ve settled for. Well no more settling for less than, baby. No more.
This new year, I know it’s going to be hard. People are going to have to ask themselves what they are made of. Again, there will be losses. They’ll be asked to take risks. To stand up. To speak out. Now, for me, it’s no more regret or sadness.. because I know that from here on out it, it only brings in more incredible people into my life who will only enrich my days by standing with them.
(and… when I march I can take the train and not have to worry about having the car towed 🙂 LOL) Now… I’m not marching or doing anything alone. Which I know makes some friends in my life breathe a bit more easier 🙂 Just a “bit” more easier as they still worry. They have learned that the best way to keep me safe or out of harms way is to support me the best way they can. And I have to be honest with them about the details of what I’m doing or what has been done to me. I still think it’s horrid that a person can be shunned, threatened or even attacked for wanting peace and to not what children to be killed or any human tortured or beaten to death. But that’s how it’s always been.
I’m not settling for less than. I want my country to be as great and as giving as I know it can be. Not for some. Not for just a few. Not just for the ones born here. Not just for the elite. Not just for the ones who know how to play the game. Not just for straight people. Not just for the wealthy. Not just for Christians. Not just for adults. Diversity without division. For everyone.
“For all”. That means EVERYONE.
The New Year… bring it on.
Well no more settling for less than, baby. No more.
This is how I live my life, too. It wasn’t always that way, but it’s made me so much happier since I started doing it.
I’d write more but I have to run out for a while this afternoon, so let me just say thanks for all your work, passion, and writing {{{DJ}}}!
Thank you for inspiring words, it’s contagious you know!
Appreciate you being a friend and looking forward to your comments and contributions in special diaries @BooMan’s Place in 2006!
Democrats should be a majority of minorities!
Length Is Fine
Just thought your inspiring words will be lost in RubDMC’s diary and they deserve to be read by many BooTribbers today. When you present your wonderful post also in a new diary, it will receive attention and readers have a chance to add their own comments. I never mind the number of words anyone needs to express themselves.
(((Damnit J)))
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I know I am stronger because of my family. You and all the other Booettes are the sisters I never had.
We try not to take an ‘us and them’ stance, but growing up means you have to choose what kind of person you are. Sometimes that’s about making your decisions toward other people based either on fear or trust.
Thanks Janet, yours is one NYE party I wouldn’t miss.
Those are mighty powerful words, Ms Damnit Janet.
Thank you for encouraging us all. And I know that many if not most of us here feel exactly the same way.
… for the taking but there is much work to do in the taking. So enjoy your holidays, get a good nights sleep, and prepare to work yer asses off in the coming year.
Love ya babe!!!
Dammit Janet, where have you been????Haven’t seen you arround for a while. Anyways, it is good to see that you are still arround 🙂
“Now a days I just have to be me.” That is something you should remind yourself every single day of your life. And if others don’t like it: TOUGH!
You have proven here day after day that you are a wondeful human being.
I look at the people in my life this past year and not only are they incredible people, but they make me want to be a better human being.
You are one of these people for me, DJ.
What Cabin Girl says plus++++++++++.
Thanks for posting that Janet and thanks for being you ‘oh beautiful spirit’.
There have been many triumps in the past year on this site, in the world and in the hearts of many.
All of us keeping on and going on.
A pleasure to have met and know/known you Janet!
‘Hugs a bugs’ as I say to my kids.
Hear Hear!
And may it be a better New Year for your family especially Janet.
What can I say…you said it all. I’m keeping the ‘diversity without division’ as a new motto.
And I’m betting any NYE party you throw would be one fanfuckentastic party-so I think on NYE that I will pretend I’m hanging out with you and raise a toast to all of you. I say we all raise our voices in the coming year so loud and so high that the WH cabal comes tumbling down..as you said- Bring-It-On.
was just waiting till you took Oui up on the Suggestion!!;c}
Now Girl, and All Here, All who have been Active for Years, All who came to the Fight thanks to Cindy, We’ve Got An Uphill Battle for ‘IMPEACHMENT’ and a ‘Huge Change’ in the irection of this Country, if it isn’t too late!!
Lots to do and while doing it Never Feel Alone, there are 10’s of Thousands [more like millions but we don’t want to get Lazy on big numbers] who are thinking as you and waging the Same Battle to Bring This Nation To An Example We, and the World, can be Proud Of!!!!!!!!!!!
{Be It VFP’s Impeachment Call or Another, it will all come together!!}
James Starowicz
USN ’67-’71 GMG3 Vietnam In-Country’70-’71 COMNAVFORV
Member: Veterans For Peace
VFP ‘Declaration Of Impeachment’
Sign On and Pass Link To Others
“We, having dutifully served our nation, do hereby
affirm our greater responsibility to serve the cause
of world peace by applying the concept of engaging
conflict peacefully, without violence.”
Veterans For Peace
For abit of a Smile.
He actually sounds coherant:
Bush Drunk
Mighty powerful you are Janet- and hey! what about MEEEEEE?
We are all truly blessed to know you my friend. It was so great that we had the opportunity to talk on the phone that one time. We should do it more often. I am so proud of you and all that you’ve done this past year. Keep the fire lit girl and don’t ever be anything other than who you really are. DJ I am privelaged to call you friend. Thanks by the way for the Snowman. It’s adorable. It took me a bit to figure out who it was from. (I am not very good at remembering last names:(.
The drums are beating and we will keep marching until we get out country back and Iraq gets its country back too.
Let there be peace on earth and may it start with me!
I’m always amazed at how much love and concern and energy and righteousness comes through everything you write, no matter what you are actually saying — it’s like every word comes with it some extra DJ DNA because mere words could never provide the full effect.
Pitt Does It Again
William Rivers Pitt | Silent Night
William Rivers Pitt: The only war on Christmas happening in the last week was fought by soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan who are away from family and in harm’s way, many for their second or third tours. Take a silent moment and consider what you will do in the New Year – what you will give – to bring about the peace on Earth that Cindy Sheehan spoke of.
I get truthout in my email and you’re right that Pitt did it again..he’s one of my favorite writers…a real journalist.
And a Real Human Being!!!!!
Any who start to feel lonely Don’t there are a Number of People, like Pitt, who have been Fighting these battles of Reality for a Long Time!
And whenever you are at a Loss for Words, putting Feelings into Unjumbled thoughts, search writers like Pitt Out, they make the Simplicity of the Word Bring out it’s Power!!
Wow! Thanks guys!
(If I missed your state or country, let me add: The ones that end with a consonant or a vowell) 🙂
We’ve got alot of work ahead in the New Year that’s for sure. If we just keep sharing and pushing forward, we can do what needs to be done.
I just posted this over on Booman’s anger thread. I think we all can identify with “Beloved Community” here. This will be a good year, Dammit Janet, for all of us. We’ll keep the faith, and look for the signs that progress is being made. Patience and humor !!
Happy birthday to the youngsters.
You, my friend, have so inspired the activist side in me. The side of me that needs to DO, to speak, to stand up, to get going, and going NOW!! Thank you for that sweetie…
I too have lost friends this past year, over different non-political reasons, and I am fully OK with that. It is where I need to be, where those places are that I needed to let go of… I need to be here, right where I am just now. No regrets…
And as for my new found friends… just fucking god damn. Wherever they live, wherever they may be, they mean the world to me now. They are my world. My focus is on those friends in the present, not in the past, fuck the past. Only going forward, no where else to go.
Thank you sweetie, for sharing your words. We are fighting for everyone, whether they know it or not. And we are fighting so god damn hard for the children, who have no fucking idea what we’re up against. And hopefully, they will not be up against it by the time they can know. Thank you Janet. Mucho kudos and HUGS to you…. 🙂
Robert Steinback | Fear Destroys What bin Laden Could Not
Whoa! “Diversity without division.” Quoting our prez on that is definitely a New Leaf New Year move.
I’d like to add “. . .and unity without uniformity,” to you New Year wish.
Acccck No!!!! 🙂 I didn’t quote the W-hole
I was quoting a hockey coach who relied “division without diversity” when asked how he could make a team out of a group of guys who had different backgrounds, languages, religions…
🙂 Hockey, it’s a good thing.
Makes ya wanna puke, don’t it?
Well, shit! That fucker just stole a line from once Shark Hockey Coach, Kevin Constantine. ACK!
God has chosen??? oh man… shakes head in shame… how has this man continued to be allowed to sit in office?!?!?!
No going back now sister Janet. We’re needed in however large or small a role. My feelings about the new direction my life is taking are nearly identical to yours. This past year has brought sadness, anger, confusion, reflection for me. It’s also brought me a new found family bent on peace. Activists all. Writers, single Moms, Soccer (hockey) Moms, Military Spouses, Hippies, you name it. A cross section of everyday Americans who’ve just had enough of this bullshit. these are radical times that call for radical commitment.
I’m glad you’re on our side!!
The other day my husband and I were working on our budget and got to talking about him retiring in 4 years. He says he’s not worried after I brought up my concern about what the repugs are trying to do to social security etc. He got annoyed by my concerns, saying he wasn’t going to lose any sleep over the possibility that his social security might not be there. I was a bit astounded by his remark. “How can you not be concerned? I asked. He has a blind faith that it will all work out.
I told him that too many people are not paying attention to what Bushco is trying to do and has done to the old American way of life-He pooh poohed it and went back to his mindless hours of watching tv. So I thought about this after he said something about me wasting so much time on the blogs.
I told him that it might look like I’m not doing much, but that I regularly sign petitions, send emails to representatives and at least do something for my fellow americans whereas he could give a hoot about his fellow citizens. He only cares about the sports stars and stats.
I wish I could save the world and do do what I am able when I can as most here also do. But the majority, I fear, think like my husband and as long as they have their mindless ‘entertainment’ they don’t care.
My husband is 58, a 14 month now sober alcoholic and only started voting since he met me. I wonder what the percentage of people like him are? The thought scares me.
That is why I blog and have sought out you folks.
People like you, Janet, keep me inspired and hopeful!
For hubby: some SS reading for the New Year, from BooMan’s diary, reference to Institute for Policy Innovation and my comment on Peter Ferrara.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
or whatever Bush’s current approval numbers are.
In many if not most cases it’s because the right is not an ordinary political party or movement. People don’t have time and they don’t have an easy way to suspect what’s up unless they have an active hobby of following news and politics.
Even Florida Mom was perpetually google-eyed at the presentations of Air America Radio while visiting here–and she’s from an old union family, lifelong Democrats, and she’s active in the W. coast FL Democratic party.
It’s not possible for the statistical average reasonable American to grasp what’s happening, given the ways that most people learn about the world, and make judgements and decisions.
The long-term economic health of the United States is threatened by $53 trillion in government debts and liabilities that start to come due in four years when baby boomers begin to retire. (Related graphic: U.S. economy threatened by aging of America)
One nation, under debt
2002 Report: The Retirement Crisis and 401(k)
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
It is a commonwealth of gratitude that we all share, and how lucky we are ; )
Bravo Lady, and so glad to have shared this time together, here at the Tribe ; )
This is most inspiring, Ms.Janet! My favorite part:
I look at the people in my life this past year and not only are they incredible people, but they make me want to be a better human being.
I feel much the same way.
Hugs to you!
DJ, you are a jewel. I know you visit Rub’s diary each time it comes out. I know you are heartbroken for all that you have seen. You join me and others with those feelings. YOu are just articulate enough to put them down in the words we all are feeling and just can’t say. Thank you for your sincerity. Thank you for being you. Am looking forward to the big NYE party we are gonna have in the upcomeing new year when we run these critters back to the hole they need to stay in. HUGSSSS Love ya right back.
Hard to know what our words and actions can mean to someone else, but it’s pretty awesome and humbling when someone says that they mean something to them.
Janet, your inbitial comment and this diary directly led to the selection of the choice of lyric that accompanies today’s image.
Love and Peace to you, RubDMC = Jerry
Click to enlarge–
“From My Cold, Dead Hands”
Use or re-stage as you see fit.
Thank you for nothing – but being you! I appreciate your posts and comments very much. Being late, as usual, in the middle of big decisions, I have to appreciate the postive energy of what you say, however late I’m responding.
Hope the changes provide more energy and optimism, and well-directed anger and activity – I’m not worried, however. You have that great grit!