It’s the Froggy Bottom Automat.
Happy Birthday, December Froggies!
Happy Birthday, December Froggies!
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Put your quarter in the slot for your choice of goodies.
Put your quarter in the slot for your choice of goodies.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door |
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
We need to kick some old Cafes off the Recommended list, so please unrecommend them if you haven’t already. Thanks.
Any bday cake left?
Can somebody catch me up on the Alaska Wildlife Refuge Drilling Amendment? Last I knew, before the weekend, the Senate had blocked it being attached to a huge Military spending bill. Has anything changed??
Thanks, and BTW Happy Holidays!
The Senate narrowly defeated it’s passage..but republicans aren’t willing to admit defeat and have tabled it once again pretty much saying it will be back in some bill in the new year.
ha..’artic’ sounds like the way bush might pronounce it.
Guess I jess messed up with my spellin. Real good at cypherin though!
that’s Ted “Tantrum” Stevens for ya…
Thanks for the update, this is what I thought , but I was told otherwise by an “all knowing” relative over the weekend.
well, that’s the thing about those ‘knowitalls’, they are usually the least knowing of all..more inclined to bombastic hot air.
capricorn brothuhs and sistahs! w00t! we rule. heh
would everyone be so kind as to recommend this dkos diary?
an ohio appellate court rules that ten commandments display can stay at courthouse.
wow! are you a capricorn with me? i’m right on the cusp – like fewer than 10 degrees capricorn. some believe cusp babies are like, überimbued with the qualities of the sign. i tend to agree.
: p
But I’m another earth sign…does that count?
i always get along with fellow earth signs. except women virgos. it’s the damnedest thing.
ok…that is a really freakin’ incredible picture. where’d you find it?
I love the inventive use of her nostrils in the goat’s face.
where’d you find that?
A girlfriend emailed them to me a long time ago, and I usually post them up in the cafe as the months go by. Aquarius is really cool.
hook a faerie up? i want to see them all!
Look in your inbox…
OTOH, now it’s late enough in the day to raise a glass in honor of the Birthday Girl and Boy.
I think Second Nature should be skinnydipping in a over-sized keg π
I’m tickled pink to know that she’s 30 – that must mean I’m…what.. at least 27 π
I wonder if she got any Kama Sutra products ???
Oh and Andi, I’ll try and come up with an Andi jingle for ya instead of an ode π π
All this worrying over your age is a sure sign you’re still kiddies. You guys almost bring out the mothering instincts in me — if I had any.
I tend to have smothering instincts! π
Not worried about my age… just more so about the law of gravity and how it affects my boobage. It must be some blue law that should be taken off the books!
Cripes when I’m 50 I might need a freaking support bra just to be “ontop”! And they aren’t even big ones.
I’d blame Bush, but I doubt he’s even seen a nipple other than his own mother’s tits.
of the itty bitty titty club — we don’t cry at mammograms and we scoff at gravity ’cause there’s nothing there to fall.
it took me a few years, but i’m pretty happy about it!
oh goody, a club I can automatically be inducted into..it also means never having to say-‘lets go bra shopping’.
i gave that crap up long ago. the bra powers that be decided that my size just doesn’t exist, so fuck it. they’re expensive and uncomfortable anyway!
Some of us are are reading your comments with envy…
we will let you join our club even if you do have titties — we will just snigger at you as you get older and start having annual mammograms and buying bras with underwires (of course, if you are already buying bras with underwires we feel so sorry for you, we probably won’t even snigger).
to buy underwire bras — had a very bad experience in my younger days with one that poked through and stabbed me in the underarm… π Have found wonderful ones that ain’t cheap, but give excellent support and are VERY comfortable…and they even come in colors other than industrial white, beige or black! (Damn, where were they when I was still single…)
about underwire bras contributing to breast cancer? something about pressure on the lymphatic system. i’m not real sure what to make of it, but it is interesting.
they point to the relative absence of breast cancer in societies without bras, but they also tend to not be as industrialized, so who knows.
it really isn’t my fault they don’t make bras in my size. apparently, there’s a minimum cup size for a 38 frame and i didn’t get the memo.
i’m all about camisoles and those lovely tank tops with the shelf bra thingies. i LOVE those.
OMG…I know what you mean Cedwyn. I’m a 38 also and they think that if you’re a 38 you need a cup the size of a dinner plate, when really I could do with a teacup saucer. I’m disgusting, the first thing that happens when I enter the house is my bra gets unhooked and pulled, Houdini-like, out of the arm of my shirt. My kids are used to finding bras in the couch cushions or on a kitchen chair.
Honestly I was a proudmember of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee. But then I had babies and I went from a WB bra size to a C.
WB is not Wonder Bra
WB for Why Bother.
I miss running around in tank tops free.
I need a few sprays of Bra B Gone!
I have a sister who is in the WB club. She’s 5’11” and about 115 lbs. She went for her first mammogram a few years ago and told the girl “I don’t have any mam to gram, but go ahead and try.”
the first thing that happens when I enter the house is my bra gets unhooked and pulled, Houdini-like, out of the arm of my shirt.
Every single one of my girlfriends has done this, and I find it infinitely sexy. I’m just sayin’.
ah where were you when I needed you to say something just right in replay to cedwyn’s spanking request.
Cedwyn and I are not yet well acquainted enough to be discussing spanking. I do have some class, Andi, really.
but I have none so next time you feed me the line and I’ll reply.
oh, when we meet irl…
Apparently it’s not so sexy when your mom does it.
Jebus, I try to slip a subtle compliment in on you & there you are with the bucket of cold water. π
today is actually their birthdays or is this just about december birthdays?
where are my spankings?!!? dec. 22, baybee!
As for the spanking, now’s the time for the FBC lurkers to step forward and let us know what their hobbies are.
For any of you who have followed my mentions of my ex-husband(very, very ex-divorced in 1971)and his contacting me again(as he seems to do every ten years or so)and had been emailing me every day, sending poems that he said he’d written, sending picture of flowers that reminded him of me..etc etc etc We have now moved on the talking on messenger when I’m quite his wife must be asleep as it’s 11:30 his time. I had so far avoided all of his non so subtle innuendos about our marriage/sex life..how great my legs were etc etc etc…cause I wanted to see what he was really up to-not that I had any real doubts..
So surprise surprise last night when we were talking I didn’t overlook his attempts this time to talk about our marriage-meaning sex life(although I certainly don’t remember any specifics either he really does or is making it up)…..and lo and behold he seems to want to have messenger sex at least that’s what I’m calling it…the man hasn’t changed in 30 years it seems….of course he says he has..I’m just surprised he’s only been married 3 times-at least I think it’s only 3..so my new hobby for now is finding out what else he’s really up to although he is pretty predictable still.
more like raising a hand to swat the birthday behinds!
Man am I tired!!! Need to run out and get some “not quite so fast-fast” food crap for us to grub on. Since we’ve been running around “boxing” things up.
Today was the first day Mr. Damnit had to go to work – he only works 2 days this week so Wed we’ll get to play with all the toys and goodies. And maybe I’ll get laid! Damn, it’s been tooooo busy when you haven’t even broken in the new bedroom! Cripes! I’m about to freaking BURST!
(((SallyCat)))) we got your package of geodes and the wonderful book on rocks and minerals. CabinGirl and BroFeldspar saw how much I wished Danni was with us when we went into the Smithsonian. Danni is SO into that stuff. So the gifts were a huge hit! And thanks for the neck/back massager!!! I managed to make Mr. Wayne jump while he was talking on the phone to his Mom! LOL (I’m evil) π
Again, just wanted to let you all know how much you have meant to me and my growing up spurt these few short months. Thank you!
Two flowers for two wonderful BooTribbers. Happy Day to you both!
White rose, taken 9.6.2005 (view large)
Pink rose, taken 10.16.2005 (view large)
Not a lot of time to spend online, but I had to check in <sneaking away from family to get online> π …
Hope everyone is doing well!
well how could we not be doing well after looking at your gorgeous flowers olivia.
I wish I had more time to stick around and party here today. I was just stopping in to see what was up.
Thanks to everyone for well wishes, cake, and flowers… I hope you all have a good day today!
And to Second Nature:
Time for a little fun tonight.
Hey, thanks ConMan! I’ve never known anyone who had my same birthday. It’s cool. Hope yours was happy!
Boxes are in the recycle bin. Toys are all over the place. Finally, I have time to write out those Christmas cards. No host, so I guess that I’ll grab my own Bailey’s on ice.
That sounds good but I think I’m pouring myself a Kahlua and Cream with one ice cube. My favorite holiday drink. (Although I have no cream so I’ll have to make due with milk.)
Aha..you said the magic word-Kahlua-but I drink it with coffee/whipped cream. Like it with cream but as with Baileys that’s too rich for me-by the way the Kahlua bottle makes a pretty good rolling pin.
I like it in coffee too. But if I drink coffee(even decaffeinated coffee)anytime after 5:00 I’m up all night. We tried to use a wine bottle as a rolling pin at my mom’s yesterday. It didn’t work very well — too smooth. I didn’t think about a liquor bottle. But then — aren’t all mom’s SUPPOSED to have rolling pins? The woman is almost 70 years old; you’d think you could count on her to have a rolling pin.
You sound like my sister and coffee..to her great disgust she had to give up regular coffee many years ago and also she can’t eat chocolate to late in the day or it keeps her awake….and that is a real crime in my book.
Isn’t it against the law not to have a rolling pin if your over 60?…anyway the kahlua bottle does work well and even better if full.
Just heard from my brother that Florida Mom evidently had a TIA (transient ‘stroke’) a while ago. She got on the phone–she’s fine now–and described it about the same way they did. She just couldn’t put any words together for a few minutes, knew it, and she confirmed that such a thing has never happened before.
They’re going to get her to an ER in town for a look-see. Given that she’s on some common blood and heart meds, and has been told she’s had some microstrokes in the past, perhaps the docs will have some recommendations about med tweaks, or possibly other ideas.
Meanwhile we’re all thinking about the wisdom of her travelling alone, and further of whether it’s time to bring her up north so she doesn’t live alone any more.
Mom’s been so efficient that she’s planned very thoroughly for being gone, as well as for being here and active. Evidently though, not so much for the possible in-between bits. But if we’re lucky and this incident is just a wake-up call, there are 4 of us younger adults who can (and seem willing to) divide up the work and get arrangements made for some kind of assisted living near one of our families. She’s got a state teachers’ retirement and health care so she’s better off than the typical member of her children’s generations.
There’s nothing special about us and our situation. Some of you have been dealing with such things for years; and some much worse. So direct your thoughts or prayers to everyone, and your efforts of course to making this country humane again for all of us as we take our turns with the heavier burdens of life.
Florida Mom bundled up & entertaining One-Eye Toto and all of Gooserockdom.
Hi Gooserock..I’m very sorry to hear about Florida Mom…but it sounds like you and your family have things as under control as can be and are prepared to do everything possible to help take care of her if anything else happens.
I haven’t said so before but I love hearing about ‘Florida Mom’ and hope we will have many more good stories from you about her.
Very best wishes to you & Puget4, Gooserock, and I hope all is well as can be with Florida Mom.
My mother had a stroke followed by a quintuple bypass when she was 81. She’s done really well these last three years and still lives alone despite our constant protests. If Florida Mom is as stubborn as my mom, there are these emergency ‘buttons’ she can get. They wear the button all the time, even in the bath. The service my mom uses is run by a hospital.
will take the hint and let her kids take care of her for a bit.
We were fortunate that Mom and all us kids had stayed here in the Bay Area — Mom had seen friends sell their houses and move away, only to miss everyone and want to come back but they couldn’t afford to buy back in the Silly Con Valley real estate market. We were there to visit her and take care of her up till the end.
She stayed in the same house till a month before she died, and it took my oldest sister (the Majordomo) to get her out and into hospice where she could be properly cared for.
Sounds like she’s got things pretty well planned out for eventualities at least…someone in the family should see if they can stay in touch with her regular doctor in Florida to be kept up-to-date as to what’s going on.
Blessings and peace to all going through dealing with older parents…been there, done that, got the damn T-shirt on my side, now facing it with the in-laws…
Good Morning!!
I’m getting ready for work, so I won’t be around for long —
But, I am here for a bit.
Sorry you’ve got to go to work. I’m off till next Tuesday. When are you off again?
Speaking of your little bird, are you going to make that a mascot for your website?
This is the tiny version of the bird (for signature files), This is the bigger version for the mascot:
Or there might be ongoing morphing — who knows. I scanned the purse our daughter made me for Christmas. She made the bird for the label of the purse.
But, she’s going to be working with me on the graphics for the site (I’m hoping), so there may be changes to it on the way.
I just have to work 3 days this week, then a 4 day weekend. Then back to a more-or-less normal schedule.
I am really ready to start working for myself. I’m really struggling to appreciate each day. Because time flys fast enough on it’s own without me encouraging them to go faster. But, if only it was 2-1/2 years from now!! The things I could do!
I like the mascot a lot. It’s amazing how much a few brush strokes can convey.
I know what you mean about work. I’ve lost a lot of enthusiasm over the last few years. I think I’m just generally tired of working.
If we didn’t live in BushWorld, maybe we could dream more realisticly about our small businesses. But for all his babbling about the great entrepreneurial spirit of ‘mercans, everything he does, every move he makes is done to quash that spirit.
Otherwise, why not press for National Health Care? Why not Protect the first 20 or 30 thousand dollars from taxes instead of the top 10 to unlimited millions?
. . . Ah, well — nothing like an early morning rant to clear the sinus’s!
In my case, I don’t want to start working for myself, I jsut want to stop working period. Not likely but I still like the idea.
Well, we have to have something to dream about. I just like the idea of making websites for people.
Have a nice day at work dreaming about your own website-making business and I’ll stay at home and pretend I’m not going back next Tuesday.
I guess it IS time to leave. bye.