Do Not Open until X-mas 2006
About The Author
I was born in 1962 under the sign of the Lion. What I have done as a photographer is unimportant to me. What is important is what I am going to do. I love my job. Photojournalism is my life. Photography is life.
Writing your life’s journey through your photographs is amazing. Thrown into life’s adventure not of your choosing, but by the very nature of flaws in society in regards to mother-child caring and loving. A medieval practise kept alive in a modern social system is nothing short of a crime against that very society and culture of motherhood and the meaning of family.
As you so rightly mention, and as a Catholic I have through personal motivation, a special bond to the Holy Family of Joseph and Mary and new-born child in a manger in Bethlehem. Jesus in the sense you describe was an orphan welcomed by his fosterparent Joseph and left at age of 30 to go about his father’s business.
If your diary was fictional, it would have been a biography that would touch the soul of present society in its moments of freezing temperatures, instead of the warmth needed for a child to learn to balance oneself in social structures. The loneliness in that journey from childhood and the search for belonging and a family was dealt an unbelievable and even more devastating blow by the loss of Maureen and unborn child. Please tell me it’s not autobiographic, because it’s just too much to comprehend as a human being. Do have children and a family?
These are spiritual emotions that I find difficult to grasp, ghostdancers way and infidelpig are much better to express in words and find some sanity in the insanity of real life.
Femmie Juffer is a Professor at Leiden University and Chairs the faculty Center for Child and Family Studies. Perhaps you will find her writing interesting.
Love to see more of your photos, as the expression fulfills all words can tell in a diary: emotions, love and hate, social themes and of course politics and political action. Your wartime experience must also have formed your personal activism in life. Found a handsome photo of you on the Internet – August 11, 1962. Looking forward to hear more of Seaghn in the near future.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”