What’s with the strange messages in Atrios’s open threads? What’s up with you?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Ha! you beat me to it … was going to do an Open Thread about Canada’s bizarro holiday:
“Boxing Day retail bonanza brings out the worst in some shoppers“:
I’ll be danged. They’re usually so polite.
P.S. I read once what Boxing Day is for, but I forget.
(I think Atrios’s open thread notes are cute … they make me giggle regularly … perhaps one needs a strange sense of humor?)
for many folks here in the States, I’m surprised that scene isn’t being repeated in malls across the country — what, did Wal-Mart not have any more cheap laptops?
I’m staying far away from any stores today, with the possible exception of the grocery store to get milk and something for lunch and dinner tomorrow…
Maybe I misread your intent, BooMan. I thought you were referring to Atrios’s writing, but you may have been referring to the comments IN the open thread?
Like these?
I swear, Duncan makes perfect sense when you talk to him…even if you’ve never watched Buffy.
The open thread notes are paraphrases of classic Buffy quotes. But of course everybody knew that, right?
I have a very literate friend who went to weekly gatherings to watch Buffy and drink beer.
Do you mean me, or do you know someone else who does this too?!
Actually, we drink wine these days, and much cheesy snackage (which isn’t a Buffyism, but should be). We are making our way through the DVDs and are currently on Season 5. That means, still the Buffy musical to watch!!
My Yule gift to myself was “The Chosen Collection”–the DVDs of the entire series.
This explains why the phrase “Mr. Pointy” comes into my mind every time I visit Atrios. And here I thought there was another reason.
“They got…the mustard….OUT!!!!”
He switched in early December from using “Yes” lyrics in his Open Thread posts. I would always recognize the pre 1978 lyrics. Sometimes I would google the lyrics I didn’t recognize (Pathetic in that I really don’t have that much free time). Discovered he had switched to Buffy quotes.
There is a connection between “Yes” and Buffy. “Mutant Enemy,” the Joss Whedon production company is taken from the lyrics of the “Yes” song “And You And I”.
Did you see this story? Apparently the military is paying for TV news in Iraq as well as print. And they are recruiting pro-war bloggers to come to Iraq and get embedded with the troops so they can buck up all the arm chair generals back home:
Is the sending of pro-war bloggers to Iraq part of a program who’s purpose might be described as;
“We’re sending them over there so we don’t have to listen to them here.”
If your lineage from Lucy was one of those who followed the herds yearly and you don’t follow any herds anymore, you’re all fucked up right about now! At least that’s my excuse for why I would write something similiar and why I’m so fucked up today. Shopping Christmas Sales…..who in the flying hell does that, I can’t even find my ass today. I’m going to follow the neighbors cows around for awhile, seems to make sense today.
Tracy, I just have to say that that this is going into my “all time great comments” file.
Just ’cause it’s too weird to keep to myself:
I feel like I need to shoot it, skin it, and cure it in the sun for the trek North.
I’ve posted this before too.
Rove does the rock star thing in anticipation of his upcoming status as unemployed:
dump a prick boss from hell, I have felt like a rock star too.
There’s nothing so satisfying as kissing off an asshole boss, is there? 🙂
When I quit my job to go into consulting, I was the lead writer on the company’s biggest account, and I had a ton of stuff in my head that the CEO (weenie) still needed…tee-hee.
(I got a 6-month contract from them before I even packed up my desk.)
You two are both panty ho’s.
Nothing like classic Twilight Zone episodes to bring out “Bush League” comparisons, lol.
so I am whupped and more to come.
What IS it about New year’s Eve that drives people to try to have ‘too much fun’?
This actor died, according to Raw Story:
“Character actor Vincent Schiavelli, renowned for his eccentric roles in such films as One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Ghost, has died.
… Read all.”
I never knew his name, but I sure knew that face.
My daughter felt badly for me that TV fare sucks so badly right around now, so she rented me a movie as a treat. It’s “City of God,” which I’ve read about and was anxious to see. She’d also seen it, and raved about it.
Well. Hell’s bells.
I found it very hyper.
And I also had a very hard time reading the subtitles at the same time I had to watch what the people were doing.
I kept wishing they’d dubbed the film. (Even though that’s a no-no.)
I suppose all of you thought it was fabulous.
I liked that one….but i also agree that it was frenetic. A lot of those foreign films (I’m a buff) you need to see twice. One time to pay close attention to the subs and the second time to actually watch and enjoy the flick.
I’m sorry..but there it is. The price to pay for daring to step outside your culture.
It doesn’t help that not all subbing is equal. Some are better done than others.. and many are the times where i’ve had to get close to the screen and squint at what was written there. (don’t get me started on the colors they sometimes choose for the subs)
Thank you, Syniel. That is what I will do.
(It makes sense … I’ve noticed, particularly with dramas that have a lot of good writing and dramatic action — such as Deadwood or the recent Sleeper Cell — that I benefit from watching the show more than once. Even when it’s in spoken English, it’s hard to hear and see everything the first time.)
I haven’t seen that one susan-as for subtitles…once I got used to them I now almost don’t even realize I’m reading along.
I’m a big fan of Atrios’s instead of Atrios’ … you punctuate correctly, imho.
I think the extra s should be added if that’s how it sounds when it’s said.
First there was The Exploding Cow…now it’s Whack a Penguin
click on picture then click to “drop” penguin and again to swing the Yeti’s bat….best personal score 321.1
Passive aggression mgmt….:{)
321 is VERY good!
RAMALLAH, West Bank (1 hour ago) — Palestinian Authority President Mahmud Abbas was hospitalised urgently in Ramallah, medical sources said.
The sources did not provide any additional information about his health condition or the reason for his hospitalisation. – AFP/de
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Indonesia One Year Later – Visit of Aceh Tsunami Disaster Area by Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono – SBY.
Tsunami News
Indonesian President SBY speaks
with students at a Medan school
◊ by creve coeur @dKos Dec. 26, 2004
Fri Oct 7th, 2005 at 11:25:55 PM PST
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
If anyone is in need of a laugh, Olbermann has a special on right now – an entire hour of “The Best of Oddball”
Good night –
This is a great op-ed by Robert Steinback in the Miami Herald.
Link here.
This is scathing–http://www.lrb.co.uk/v28/n01/print/wein01_.html
Sorry, you all know I am a lame about linkies
(Which if you’ve seen a certain cartoon, is very very funny….)
The long-haired cat was in the same nest in the green wet grass in the backyard today! I snuck out the front door, around the house, and got close to it to take a pic.
It was sleeping, but its ear was twitching… as the rain fell on it! Dangest thing.
to see this picture even tho in this case it may not be worth a thousand words since the 65 words you wrote painted such an excellent image in my mind.
Thanks. I think it would be a hit (if it’s not too blurry, a big problem I’ve had with digital pics lately).
But I don’t know how to post pics here. Yeah, I’ve read the descriptions, but sounds too complicated to bother with.
“Would any of you like to guess what was driving the commentary and all the chatter in all the talk shows in Western Europe that weekend?” Ms. Hughes said she asked. “You know what it was? It was the death penalty case in California!”
VIENNA (Austria) – The name Arnold Swarzenegger has been removed from the country’s most important Soccer Stadium as a result of Austrian criticism for California Governor Swarzenegger.
Fran’s Breakfast Article @EuroTrib :: Spiegel Online
SIEGEL’S DAILY TAKE – Schwarzenegger Terminating Ties With Austria
Tue Dec 20th, 2005 at 10:01:01 PM PDT
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
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