All Night Long at the Froggy Bottom Lounge
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
The bar is fully stocked, but it is self-serve tonight.
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Let’s fill these tables!
That’s a sweet image up top, kb. Such a cheerful reminder of why I love the cities I do.
I’m truly hungry for firey color nowadays, as well. Simply can’t wait for sunshine & spring.
Current Catskills weather: dismal, wet. Damp, dismal. Wet. Is that sun? No, just a speck. Dismal, damp .. ..
See y’all later. Enjoy!
if I should put up an evening cafe — thanks for taking care of it for me. 🙂
Heading out when the spouse gets home to pick up a few groceries for the weekend — can I pick up anything for anyone?
Actually, that bag right there looks like it will do just fine. There’s carrots for the bunny, eggs for a quick frittata for dinner, and wine and the other phallic shaped object for later.
the “phallic-shaped thing” is a baguette…at least I hope that’s what it is…
Wasn’t “A jug of wine, a loaf of bread, and thou” the famous line from The Rubiyat of Omar Khayyam? 🙂
(hanging head) (and in a small voice) I did ask first?
I have a grand total of two good macro shots. I used the one for 12/25 cafe; here’s the other one.
Reminds me of how I used to love to go crunching through newly formed ice like that and hear it shatter like glass. What a destructive child I was.
One time I was walking to grade school and I saw a quarter embedded in some thick ice on the sidewalk. I spent the better part of 30 minutes trying to hack my way through the ice with a pencil, and my bare hands to get at that quarter. It was like I won the lottery.
a lot and I can really picture you working over that ice.
Visions of 25 pieces of penny-candy were dancing in my head. Mmmm…red hot dollars, swedish fish, candy necklaces, wax lips….
Wow. It’s like those leaves are popping out of my monitor!
What an incredibly cool photograph! (Showing my age, I am.) Truly wonderful — makes me smile just to look at it. Something about the essence of all four seasons as part of one another: winter ice, water spring, green leaf summer, brown leaves & grasses fall. All apparent, but something ethereal about the interconnection too.
Thanks so much for sharing the image, Andi.
Now, I truly must tend to the (mutter mutter) chores. Had to chime in on this one, though. Beautiful!
If I catch you saying (as I still do) “wowie zowie”, I’ll have a really good idea of just what your age is.
Thanks for your, as always, fascinating comments. And I think you should let us distract you from your chores. It’s the least friends can do for one another.
Thanks very much for the thought, Andi, but I really should get to it. Ask katiebird. Or better yet, don’t.
Wowie zowie indeed 😉
See you soon.
I like this shot. It’s a little like an abstract painting.
What happened to all my television shows?
Even Lost is a rerun.
(I guess I’ll go read the front-page)
Unless you want to cry.
The Poison Articles are breaking my heart.
Here is my favorite Christmas shot. My husband’s family is of Scottish descent and it is a British holiday tradition to have crackers at Christmas dinner. It’s a small, round package that you pull open to reveal a joke, a small toy, and a paper hat. I gave my hat to Andrew.
I keep wanting to pick him up and hold him. He looks totally huggable!
His expression appears to be that of stoically bearing life’s little indignities.
Either that or he’s wondering if he ought to have all you adults committed.
I love little boys in sweaters. It’s the cutest look. I don’t care at all about how they feel about it. I figure they’d rather have nothing on. So it might as well be sweaters.
He would rather be naked. He crawls to the bath tub every night and at least twice now, he has marked the same spot on the floor.
My Eastern European head just can’t wear that “hat” for more than a few seconds. I gave to him just as he was getting crabby while waiting for dinner. I thought it might distract him for a few seconds. It did the trick.
I hate wearing all hats and my grandparents were from the Ukraine (3) and Lithuania (1). Do you hate all hats or just this one?
I like the concept of hats. In high school, I tried to be the little punk rocker who wore a fedora. Sadly, hats don’t like my head and I just look like I have the world’s biggest forehead when I wear them.
I particularly hate this hat because my brother-in-law will jump up to take a picture, thus immortalizing the the vast wasteland that is my forehead
Drat, I guess I haven’t just made a great geo-political discovery after all.
I can’t wear hats because of my gigantic freak-head. Does that help?
My Ukrainian grreat-grandmother wore a babushka. Does that help?
I used to wear a babushka! From Poland. I loved it. But it disappeared one day.
That’s sad.
Every time I clean a closet, I hope I’ll pick something up and find it underneath. That happened with my lost 12 place-settings of sterling silver flatware, so it’s very possible.
They are very expressive, a skilled lady can conduct entire conversations, even arguments, which she of course wins, without ever saying a word.
And if she does speak, the dupatta tells what is between the lines.
I don’t know, the babushka didn’t require lessons. The dupatta looks like a lot of work. Although quite beautiful.
You do not need lessons, it is in your chromosomes.
Put one on, and you will see it will be as instinctive as the lowered glance, the half-smile, flashing eye or head toss. Except that the dupatta will do all that for you, saving your facial muscles so you will never need Botox.
OMG! The Babushka Bandit strikes again!
Our cat recovered and I brought him home from the vet’s yesterday. It’s a good thing he’s a cooperatively owned cat-the bill was very large but split three ways it’s OK. He’s REALLY angry that he has to stay indoors for a bit while we monitor his vital functions. I bought him a bag of catnip which made him happier.
CabinGirl’s relationships & money diary made me remember a vivid dream I had years ago. We (a band of armed women) broke into a prison, chased off the guards and began unlocking cell doors and freeing the (political) prisoners. I opened a door and found a frightened woman huddled on a bench. “You’re free!” I shouted and she looked bewildered. I gave her a blanket and moved on.
The dream was so realistic that it makes me sweat just recalling it. We really do need to help each other as much as we can.
What happened to your cat?
Did the vet figure out what made the cat sick in the first place? I hate it when our dogs get sick and the vet hasn’t got a clue what’s wrong. One of my dogs suddenly developed all these skin infections and all the vet could say was it was bacterial.
It was nice chatting for a bit. I am off to read and catch some sleep. Four former students are coming over for lunch tomorrow and I suppose that I should clean a little in the morning. Good night all.
I’m just popping in long enough to say hi and remind everybody that we’ll be voting on our next BooBook book club book tomorrow. I’ll do a separate diary on it so I can show the covers and run the poll without consuming an entire Cafe with it.
How many books could a boobook book if a boobook could book books?
Same number as a woodchuck, which I know to be 37. As Gilroy says, bet on it!
Oooh, and maybe I’ll be able to read it and join in this time!
Helloooooooo, anyone here.
I am limping in here with my back all full of aches and pains, from my moving which will culminate on Jan 31st, just in time for the new year.
Katiebird, you could write a great book or too, I think, you have a great style of writing.
How is everyone, getting ready for New Years????
Diane!! watch out for that back (use your legs, not your back (have you heard this as often as I have?)
I totally appreciate the compliment, but I think I lose momentum after a sentence or two. A book? That would actually require discipline. And content.
We bought some nice treats for New Years Eve at the Grocery store (Aldi), don’t worry though — we’ve already decided that they will be our dinner, not snacks!
Hi Katie, problem with my back is injuries that make just bending a problem, never mind lifting. then I painted in this odd position a lot of times and that set the whole back thing off.
Maybe a collection of short stories, katie, or even one, you just have a way of making your words so vivid…
I won’t be on the internet NYE, what will I do…I won’t be connected for about a week, and I am hoping that a week is the longest it could be…whole bunch of delays on everything, but showly they will work out.
Diane, you amaze me with your energy and your positive outlook. I wish you nothing but the best in your new place.
Hi sweet laura, thanks, it is not easy to stay positive but I really am beginning to see that negative would not have helped anything and hurt me instead.
I am a tad bit irritated that I didn’t get to plan this whole thing from the start and I am sure everything would have been done…..important things like getting electricity were not started till early Dec. requires a pole and permit etc., so heck why not wait till the last minute to do it, I guess was the thoughts in the head of the planner.
But when I get those thoughts I have to zip right out of that into, what will actually be done (plus the fruition of all our hard work renovating) and thank heavens for that cause lord knows it could be worse.
Sides Shirl won’t let me go there, she just says ok, if that’s how you want to look at it,” when I start to fall off the positive meter, and then I think “yeah, she’s right, what’s the point”. It’s a constant thing to remind onself.
btw my son Jon has been stupendous in helping and doing the major work in this whole renovation thing and has done a great job, don’t know what I would have done without him and my daughter Shanna who helped a lot too. See Laura, this is really what you have kids for, so when you are old they come and help and don’t mind doing it. lol….at least most of the time it is so.
Gee, I was just going to pop in for a minute and now look. Hugs to you and to all cafers.
Just finished cleaning up after having my parents and my sisters over for dinner. Both of my sisters are leaving tomorrow (one to go home and the other to go to Copenhagen for the new year on her frequent flier miles). So it was officially the end of the Christmas Birthday season. I’m pooped.
Went to see The Producers this afternoon. I never saw the play so I can’t compare. I think I liked yesterday’s film “The Family Stone” better — but its really comparing apples and oranges. But I AM supporting the Matthew Broderick family in my film choices.
Howdy All,
Just a quickie update on Florida Mom. She has been with Brother in Oregon for the last several days. Now it’s time to fly to Seattle to catch her flight for Florida.
(Note: Florida Mom will be 80 in April)
(Mom had a “strange spell” (her words) a couple nights ago at Brother’s house.)
Sons Gooserock and Brother and their wives, Puget4 and BrothersWife begin to get worried.
*How will Mom get from Sea-Tac to motel with baggage?
*How will Mom call the motel to come pick her up?
*Is there a restaurant nearby for dinner?
*Maybe Brother should drive her to Seattle.
*Maybe Gooserock should pick her up from Oregon plane and take her to motel and next day to florida plane?
Several phone calls back and forth between brothers and wives….occasionally including Florida Mom in the conversations.
More phone calls….making decisions.
Then the big mistake…..telling Florida Mom what WE had decided would be best for HER all with best intentions and much love!
WELL!!!! Let me tell you. Mom told us in no uncertain terms that we were all full of shit. And the thing that made us all relax was that she explained exactly WHY we were full of shit. We all ended up laughing hysterically and we all feel much better about Florida Mom’s ability to get safely back home. God help anyone who gets in her way.
Mom’s new earmuffs.

Click to enlarge.
Mom enjoying her lobster.

Click to enlarge.
We love ya, Florida Mom!!!
That’s a truism in just about every family…
Sounds like she’s got things well in hand — glad to hear it…
to check out the action alerts blog from time to time:
it’s fun!
I’ve been browsing the front page again, trying to build my resistence to tears. We’ve got a lot to do and avoiding the issues isn’t going to help me at all.
I’ll be leaving for work in a half hour or so.
Where I’m working on cleanup of our Kids pages. I’m trying to design a simple database for each activity. But, I’m struggling with a mental block on how to handle activities with sub-subjects (Seasons & Holidays – Memorial Day, for example). For some reason, the right data structure isn’t obvious.
I guess I’ve had too much holiday.
You should look at your little bird every time you feel bad because I find just looking at it makes me smile.
Thought you might be interested in the kid’s pages at one of two libraries I go to.
That’s a nicely laid-out page, I’ve been visiting Public Library sites looking at their kid’s pages (I don’t think I’ve ever posted the link to the Kid’s Page itself.
Mainly because I’m not working on it. We’ve got some ideas for change, but it’ll be a committee decision, not mine.
The thing I’ve been working on is making those Kid’s Activities more accessible. We’ve got hundreds of activities — crafts & recipes with step-by-step instructions & lots of them have photos of each step. Also, word games & puzzles. All created by our staff.
But, you can’t find them with a search engine. You have to know they are there. Google crawls our site & the pages are there, but when you go in by search-terms we must be 100 pages down.
So, I’m trying to figure out what to say on the pages & what to do to make their search-ranking rise to the 1st page of Google (or so).
Probably hopeless.
I thought one thing that moved you up at Google was more links. So maybe the library could email patrons (I assuming that your library has email addresses like mine does) and ask them to link to the kids pages if they have a family web page or email all the elementary schools and teachers.
Our local patrons are a pretty low-tech bunch — I doubt that they’ve got webpages of their own.
But, I have started (really just started) sending messages to the websites that rank high asking them to consider adding us to their links. And talking up our pages to them.
And I’m going to ask my boss if it’s OK to send a message like that to all the public libraries web coordinators pointing out our resources. Because while there are a lot of good activity sites for kids — ours have no advertising at all. Which is important to librarians.
Whew! I’m excited now!!
Well, at least consider school librarians but think about the schools and teachers because a lot of teachers have websites.
I guess I’m thinking to literally. Because my first reaction is that we are the school. The weird thing about our library is that the School Board is the Library Board. And so a copy of our Kids Page sits on the school’s server. And it’s built into the schools webpages.
But, there are 3 or 4 other school districts in town & countless private schools — so those should be contacted as you say. You are absolutely right — I was thinking to small.
I think I’ll make a list & a form letter — that sounds like a good thing for day-before-holiday work!
You don’t think the birds too big? I’ve been wondering, because it really makes my comments stand out. A LOT.
I think the katiebird is perfect. Don’t change a thing. And what’s wrong with your comments standing out — A LOT?
(because I look like a blabbermouth?)
Nothin’, I guess.
This has been a fun morning — daughter is back at her mother’s house. So, I’ve got my dressing room back. It feels like the height (or as they say here in Kansas, heighth) of luxury!
My husband told me yesterday that the peace symbol originated from a circle drawn around the likeness of a B-52 bomber. This sounds suspect to me……
I don’t remember anyone every discussing where the peace symbol came from so I can’t offer personal recollections but here’s the wiki explanation (which I also found other places):
I am such a slow typer…
This happens to me all the time as I’m fussing over my comments. It’s really rare that I get in first.
Besides, now MT will have mutiple sources to prove she’s right.
to feed me propaganda. Silly Boy.
Andi! I just noticed your new signature! I love the image AND the quote.
told me to do it 😀
Really. The ‘katiebird’ made me think how nice it would be to have an image that would make me happy to see it as part of my sig. And since Abbey was a ranger at Arches NP (where the image is from), using a quote from him was perfect.
I think you’ll like having a personal icon.
This seems like a better explanation, doesn’t it?
symbol today now that I know how it came to be and cross the oceans. Since my birth it was always hanging around, giving me cause to take it for granted how it came to be.