Gadfly is Marty Aussenberg, a columnist for the weekly Memphis Flyer. Marty is a former SEC enforcement official, currently in private law practice in Memphis, Tennessee. (A full bio is below the fold.) This is a BooMan original piece.
In the wake of the though-provoking piece in yesterday’s New York Times, and two excellent pieces providing further analysis, SusanHu’s and ReddHedd’s, the question becomes, so what if Bush’s violations of FISA result in terrorists getting off on a “technicality?”
The NYT’s piece foreshadows the likelihood that the warrantless surveillance by Bush will result in suppression motions (i.e., motions to exclude evidence tainted by the illegal surveillance), if not outright motions to dismiss prosecutions, to the extent they may be based on the “fruit of the poisonous tree,” a legal doctrine that says evidence obtained as a result of unlawful law enforcement behavior cannot be used to prosecute the targets of that evidence. The motions challenging prosecutions of “terrorists,” have already begun. Yahoo News. The unfortunate fact, though, is that even if Bush’s conduct results in the dismissal of terrorism prosecutions, the public is unlikely to ever know about it, or perhaps even worse, care.
First, any evidence that is secured from the super-secret NSA surveillance activities is likely to be presented in a closed proceeding. That is, the prosecutors are likely to claim that the information, to the extent it bears on the methods and manner of its collection, and therefore on the catch-all excuse of “national security,” must be presented “in camera” (a legalism meaning “for the judge’s eyes only”), or “ex parte” (without the presence of both parties). The legal framework for such secrecy is provided by the Classified Information Procedures Act and the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, specifically Rule 16.
An overlay on this official secrecy in judicial proceedings is the increasing use in the judiciary of “unpublished opinions.” There is no requirement that court orders, memoranda or opinions be published, and while we believe, as a society, that all governmental functions (including those encompassed by the judiciary) are carried out in public (though the unprecedented secrecy of the Bush administration should belie this belief), the fact is that a significant percentage of what goes on in the courtrooms of this country never sees the light of day. Indeed, the courts retain the discretion to place proceedings (including documents, transcripts and the like), “under seal.” The discretion to do so is virtually unfettered, especially given that the parties to such “under seal” proceedings have either requested such protection or don’t have any incentive to challenge it, as would, say, proponents of the public’s right to know who may not have standing to challenge court secrecy. And, to make matters worse, the rules of many state and federal appellate courts provide that judges may issue “unpublished” opinions which are then prohibited from being cited as precedent in other cases, even in those same courts. (Stare Decisis – PDF)
Thus, we may never know whether any prosecutions are poisoned by Bush’s extra-legal surveillance program.
… continued below …
But perhaps just as importantly, what will public reaction be if accused terrorists get off the hook because courts have found they were the victims of this administration’s unlawful surveillance methods. It is well to remember that the public doesn’t have much tolerance for releasing accused criminals on “technicalities.” Perhaps the most famous “technicality” enacted in the judicial history of this country was the case of Miranda v. Arizona. That case interpreted the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as requiring that suspects be given certain warnings when taken into police custody, and mandating that confessions obtained in violation of the procedures it required be excluded from the evidence introduced against a criminal defendant.
The case was a cause célèbre for conservatives when it was decided, and even though it has remained in force for nearly 40 years, even surviving a challenge as recently as 2000 in which a statute enacted by Congress to water down Miranda was stricken down as unconstitutional, it still resonates with the public as a stricture on law enforcement which allows guilty people to go free on a “technicality.” One example of that attitude is the following:
I have no way of knowing whether the man on trial was guilty or innocent. I assumed he is guilty, because his lawyer used a legal technicality to get him off, rather than invoke a lack of real evidence.
That, I suspect, is how the public will perceive any dismissals of criminal cases because of the President’s end-run around FISA. The Bush administration will be able to color the dismissal of any prosecutions as the product of “activist” judges who don’t understand or appreciate the significance of the President’s “war on terrorism,” and a public which has been credulous enough to allow a variety of post-9/11 actions by this administration to effectively go unchallenged (i.e., the “Patriot” Act) will be placated. And, in the process, we will all be forced to eat from Bush’s poisonous tree.

Mr. Aussenberg is an attorney practicing in his own firm in Memphis, Tennessee. He began his career in the private practice of law in Memphis after relocating from Washington, D.C., where he spent five years at the Securities and Exchange Commission as a Special Counsel and Trial Attorney in its Enforcement Division, during which time he handled or supervised the investigation and litigation of several significant cases involving insider trading, market manipulation, and management fraud. Prior to his stint at the S.E.C., he was an Assistant Attorney General with the Pennsylvania Department of Banking in Philadelphia and was the Attorney-In-Charge of Litigation for the Pennsylvania Securities Commission, where, in addition to representing that agency in numerous state trial and appellate courts, he successfully prosecuted the first case of criminal securities fraud in the state’s history.
Mr. Aussenberg’s private practice has focused primarily on investment, financial, corporate and business counseling, litigation and arbitration and regulatory proceedings. He has represented individual, institutional and governmental investors, as well as brokerage firms and individual brokers, in securities and commodities-related matters, S.E.C., NASD and state securities regulatory proceedings, and has represented parties in shareholder derivative, class action and multi-district litigation, as well as defending parties in securities, commodities, and other “white-collar” criminal cases.
Mr. Aussenberg received his J.D. degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, and his B.A. degree in Honors Political Science from the University of Pittsburgh. Immediately following law school, he served as a Reginald Heber Smith Community Lawyer Fellow with the Delaware County Legal Assistance Association in Chester, Pennsylvania.
He is admitted to practice in Tennessee, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia, before the United States Supreme Court, the Third and Sixth Circuit Courts of Appeals, and the United States Tax Court, as well as federal district courts in Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana. He is an arbitrator for the NASD, New York Stock Exchange and American Arbitration Association, has published articles (“Stockbroker Fraud: This Kind of Churning Doesn’t Make Butter”, Journal of the Tennessee Society of C.P.A.’s,; Newsletter of the Arkansas Society of C.P.A.’s; Hoosier Banker (Indiana Bankers Association), and been a featured speaker on a variety of topics at seminars in the United States and Canada, including: Municipal Treasurers Association of the United States and Canada, Ottawa, Canada; Government Finance Officers Association; National Institute of Municipal Law Officers, Washington, D.C. ; Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants, Memphis, TN; Tennessee Association of Public Accountants, Memphis, TN (1993)
Mr. Aussenberg has two children, a daughter who is a graduate of Columbia University and holds a Masters in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University and is currently a student at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, and a son who is a graduate of Brown University and is working with a conservation organization in Marin County, California while he decides what to do with the rest of his life.
Mr. Aussenberg is an avid golfer whose only handicap is his game, an occasional trap shooter whose best competitive score was a 92, and an even less frequent jazz drummer.
Although “unpublished” opinions may or may not be citeable as precedent (depending on the jurisdiction), that doesn’t mean that such opinions are inaccessible. Lexis, for example, includes unpublished opinions in its online database.
Placement under seal (i.e., prohibiting access to court documents) is a different kettle of fish from designating an opinion as unpublished.
Saying a case is accessible in Lexis is like saying something in space is visible if you have a high powered telescope. The workings of the court system should not be visible only to the people who can pay for the privilege. As one of our lynchpin democratic institutions, the judicial system must be open and transparent.
As soon as we allow the judicial system to work in secrecy, we start approaching the systems which have been in effect in countries which are not, to say the least, democratic. I think we’re going to see just exactly how bad secret courts are when this whole FISA/secret court scenario shakes out, as it inevitably will as a result of the recent brouhaha.
My point is that unpublished opinions aren’t going to slip by unnoticed. The general public relies on the media to report on court opinions–Joe Public doesn’t hang around the local law library waiting for these things to show up in the official reporters, which is a long damn wait anyway. And media outlets use Lexis. So it’s overstating the point to claim that unpublished=secret.
Yes! Tragically, the history of the overthrow of democracy by tyranny from within is marked by the failure of the public to recognize the importance of the laws that accord them their civil freedoms until those laws are violated and those civil liberties are trampled on by the new “authorities”.
And by then, it’s too late to reverse the damage and darkness descends upon the nation.
Sadly, the majority of people I come across here in South Florida have no real idea of the threat to their way of life posed by the Bush regime’s authoritarian transgressions. And even more alarming, most of them don’t want to know about it; they prefer to stay comfortably within their sphere of denial, unconsciously hoping that things will work out for the best, or, failing that, that the downside won’t be so bad.
This is civilization’s biggest problem, and has been so to one degree or another for millennia.
Rumi, hi. I don’t understand your comment. Sorry.
Rumi, I think I’m beginning to get what you’re driving at … but, if I missed by a wide shot, just let me know.
I recalled a trial that I wrote about last May of Navy SEALs who were charged with the infamous death of the Iraqi captured as a suspect in the Red Cross building bombing, and delivered to Abu Ghraib, where he died quickly .. then various soldiers had their photo taken with the dead Iraqi on ice, and wrapped up.
In that trial, in San Diego, a CIA operative testified in secret:
Besides hanging the Navy SEALs out to dry — and lying about their participation in the Iraqi’s death — the CIA operative had this veil over his testimony.
Mr. Danger responded to a reporter, who asked about evidence against Agent Bin Laden (CIA, sabbatical),
“No need for evidence, we know he’s guilty.”
Now whatever one’s belief about either Agent Bin Laden or the 911 events may be, that short statement, in my opinion, constituted more damage to the US than a thousand planes into a thousand buildings, and if ever a textbook example of an “existential threat,” no, an “existential attack” on the US is needed, I will submit that statement.
As US moves away from the rule of law both in philosophy and practice, and the erstwhile judicial system, such as it was, is phased out, the few voices that are raised are brave ones.
It is a tragedy that all that is raised are those few precious voices.
(I do not have a link for the Mr. Danger quote, however it was live on CNN, and I will not be the only person who saw and heard it.)
Here in rural West Virginia we have a few judges who ask if we want a hearing before he levies the fines and court costs. At the same time, it can be said that “…but Your Honor, he needed killin'” is used for a valid defense. It works for the people who live in those areas….imperfect but fairly functional. I tend to avoid those counties.
Excellent work on that linked article. I won’t even go into the detail of other thoughts on it. I’m sure we’re in agreement on that and similar issues.
It doesn’t really apply here in as much as I distinguish between the war and BushCo’s GWoT.
What struck me in reading the original story of this diary is that the main point was still being missed. We have been hammered with the asserted ‘facts’ that all suspects are terrorists and never even get the benefit of being suspect.
The basis for law is innocent until proven guilty and based on due process, credible evidence. In many cases since 9/11 this is far from what’s happening. Some of these people are guilty of something and have actually committed no crimes at all. We’ve believed every claim without much question but closer inspection shows a severely flawed system at work.
I took exception to the predominant point that the result will be guilty terrorists beating the rap and getting off. I would like to think the goal is to assure a fair process for all.
I swear this whole GWoT thing since 9/11 looks more like an organized effort to cover up old crimes from the past 20 years. Many of them appear to be a means of attrition of past assets or ones gone astray or possibly some who just knew something.
Take a closer look at the professional experts that are cited for historical reference as fact. Their sources aren’t attributed. It gets repeated and rereferenced over the years and then used in court as established fact. We can’t let these things happen.
Some cases are based as the a/q connection being a suspect’s history of fighting in Bosnia but we were on the same side…trained, used, abused and discarded assets. Some seem to have stayed on as informants and the recruitment was actually entrapment. Even then, several clearly wanted out after a few days and this was before 9/11 happened.
I’m not saying they’re all innocent but even if only one is, don’t we owe it to him to not be persecuted in our name?
Of course, I hope you know my first attention grabbing post was just for effect.
I took exception to the predominant point that the result will be guilty terrorists beating the rap and getting off.
I doubt that Gadfly meant that as a predominant point. My take was that he was pointing to that — probably with a sigh — as a likely “blowback” outcome if defense attorneys can successfully bar evidence from the illegal taps, etc.
The civil libertarians will look to the law — as you do — but most ordinary Americans will be pissed off that the obviously guilty (as Ducky refers to above) will get let off.
We can counter with arguments about the rule of law, but if Bush can come out and describe — in hyped terms — the vicious career of some terrorists let off, he’ll win the day.
It’s the flawed assumption that’s made by nearly everyone from bloggers to analysts to pundits. Get to the truth of how few actual terrorists have been found and every argument from there changes. They have no need to wiretap. The money for security could be better spent elsewhere. It takes the legs out from under the administration by seeking the most basic justice we should be standing up for.
There really aren’t any terrorists. This is an invention. There are a few, very few people who are blowing things up in Iraq.
Nobody is blowing up anything in the USA. The reason is……there isn’t anybody interested in blowing anything up.
When will it occur to the United States people that the danger of “terrorism” is so minute even at this time, that it should be well behind, smoking, drunken driving, cancer research in terms of money allotted.
There have been no attacks. 911 was a one time deal. A criminal, not political offense.
You guys are concerned that terrorists will get off the hook. They haven’t found any goddamn terrrorists. When they do they find out they
were not terrorists. Padilla is a case in point.
I think only one “Terrorist” in all these years has been brought to trial.
The United States has gone mad. And your column and blogs on the subject show how you have been enveloped in this madness.
You guys are concerned that terrorists will get off the hook. They haven’t found any goddamn terrrorists.
That’s it.
Everyone involved in these scholarly discussions of legalities of wiretap and laws to deny the terrorists are all based on the govt allegations that the ones detained are terrorists.
They aren’t.