No rumors — too early yet (yawn). I’m soooo enjoying having a week off and sleeping in. Unfortunately, I got one of those crank recording calls at exactly 8:00 this morning “WE MUST speak with you, call this number). ugh. How do we get THOSE calls banned?
I’m off to the post office to mail bills, starbucks for coffee and my mom’s to drop off something she left last night. Have a great morning!
Yeah, I’ve registered on the Missouri do not call list (which cut out about 90%) and the fed. But these people try to work around it — it’s a recorded message and it starts out saying “THIS IS NOT A MARKETING CALL, it’s important that we speak to you, please call us at …”
it’s a scam, so don’t ever call them back. But it’s annoying. It’s like the people who call doing “surveys” now — because that’s NOT marketing.
Good morning Kansas, Cabin, others – sorry no gossip to share, but I would like to recommend a book that I liked very much, and think should be widely read by progressives nowadays. It is “The Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell.
Geez – there are still cookies left, hope they’re gone by next year! Lucky I don’t like dunking in tea.
How many times have you gone berserk and run around shouting “This is it! This has got to be it!” I do it almost every day. For New Years, I will calm down.
I don’t think there’s a tipping point of the scale that liberals want, because most of what’s working against our values is structural. All the frauds and conspiracies, bad as they are, are just taking advantage of the changing world.
Society probably can tip against the Bush regime itself enough to contain it a little, and if we’re extremely lucky, limit the extremes of the next Court appointment(s).
There are turkeys, raccoons, and deer galore up on that ridge. The dogs are on frenzied, gleeful romp from one great smell to the next; no time for sleeping.
I figured. Funnily enough, a “keyhole” rock formation plays an important role in the book I’m working on. Maybe every time I look at your photo I will feel inspired to write. 🙂 Hey, whatever works.
Until I get his page done, here’s his page at IMDB
And for some reason this film isn’t linked yet. He just finished editing this, A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints (which has been accepted for the Sundance Festival).
And, I need to ask him if I can talk about the one he’s getting ready to start next week. So, I’d better not say here (in case it gets caught up in the NSA net!)
No, (sigh) I’m still at work. Doing data entry in a database that I’m not entirely happy with and trying to find out when (at least the season) Grandparents day is. It’s so dull, that I remembered I never did give kansas any actual information about Chris. And thought that maybe this was a good time.
Hi AndiF. I love your new sig. Just the sort of thing the BlueSpot should be reminding us of. (Excuse the dangling preposition….It’s genetic, I’m from Ohio)
No, I haven’t been drinking at 7:50am Pacific — woke up with the hiccups and can’t get rid of them. 🙁
Ahhh…think they’re gone…now I’ve got to hit the shower so I can get out of here for the day. Weather supposed to be clear so I can get assorted errands done; want to find a dressy outfit I can wear on New Year’s Eve (that I can also use for the cruise this summer). Spouse and I decided we’re actually going out this year; we’ve booked a room at a place in San Jose that’s right on the light rail line and got a couple of tickets to see Christopher Titus at the San Jose Improv — haven’t seen him live in years. Should be fun…
I love Christopher Titus! He’s one of the only comedians I know of who comes from a background nearly as warped as mine, so I get his comedy on a hundred different levels. I just finished watching Seasons 1 & 2 of his show on DVD, and am looking forward to picking up 3 as soon as it releases in January. Hope you & the spouse have a great time, Cali.
I’ve heard this rumor, but shhh, please keep this just between us. Darth, err, Dick Cheney, contrary to popular belief, is really a warm and fuzzy guy. His favorites include long afternoons sitting and reading in his favorite armchair, sipping mint tea while wearing his fuzzy slippers. And get this, in between snippets of his favorite authors (which include Al Franken!), he knits. I kid you not. Your heard it here first. (film at 11:00)
I dunno! I’m not having trouble with it. Anybody else? Could it be the keyhole photo? Although if it doesn’t hang for Andi on dial-up, you’d think it would be okay for the rest of us. Since I don’t know what I’m talking about, I will now be quiet.
I’ve heard that I survived the holidays, but I don’t believe a word of it, not till I’ve taken down the tree and checked my pulse after the new year. In the meantime, I think I’ll have a nice cuppa in the corner and quietly bang my head on the table. Why bang my head? Because it feels so good when I stop. Oy. Back to work now.
Congrats on surviving. Now get to work. I’m going to disappear from blogdom for a week, starting tomorrow, to get back in the work rhythm. If it doesn’t work, I’ll join you in banging my head. We can be a percussion section.
Hubbo is painting my bathroom-yesterday I was not liking the ladder arrangement-he had it propped in the bathtub- it looked shaky to me.(this house has very high ceilings). Anyway,contrary to my usual practice, which is shut up and stay outta the way,I said something.(
Some background on this- Sonny is one of my many netbuddies that came to see me for the birfday party bash,he is a pretty gritty guy from Baltimore-but relatively new to the internets) anyway,I had introduced him to STFU)
SOO after that digression– hub was on the way downstairs to get yet another ladder and he turned to me and asked–“What would Sonny say?” with a very shit- eatin grin on his face,
And I had to answer, STFU Rosie!
Just to clarify this- hubbo is a ‘mast monkey’- meaning he is regularly hauled up masts on boats 30-40-50 feet above the water- so he has no fear of heights-but I DO. 🙂
Well, hell, I shouldn’t try to stir the rumor pot without contributing some ingredients, should I? So here’s Nora Ephron, trying her best on HuffPo to get something juicy started again:
Well, I’m depressed, and I don’t even have Air Force One at my disposal. Nor is my jaw twitching.
But it is dreary, gloomy, and today it’s raining and all the snow is melting off into ground fog. And I am cranky and feeling clautrophobic and need to get the hell outta here. No McD’s or Starbucks nearby, so I’ll have to figure something else out. I seem to have reached the stage of life where winter sucks, big time.
Oh, and I also need to stop reading all this horrific (but wonderfully written, Susan and Boo) news and actually do some writing-type work. So I’m gone until after the first of the year. And by any measure, 2006 has to be a better year than this one.
One-eyed Toto in his daily pre-breakfast cat-and-mouse play with his Favorite Ball. Every morning, once he hears the preparation underway, he picks out a ball from among half a dozen or more lying about the kitchen. This incidentally is an exacting process which sometimes takes a minute or more of trial and error. Then he scampers out to the living room to toss it around, pounce on it, and generally worry it like a cornered mouse. Once he hears the bowls go down, he runs in and drops the ball to gobble up his food.
He’s mostly quit playing at this stage in his nearly 14 year old life. I took the picture mainly for Puget4 to see–she being the family’s champion in-sleeper.
I’m back. It’s kind of cold(ish)and drizzly and foggy here today. Perfect weather for the indoor stuff I told myself I was going to do during my time off. But … I’m having trouble getting motivated.
One of the best things ever invented IMHO was the on-line card catalogs for libraries. We’re blessed with a number of good research libraries here in the area but they all have different materials. I love the fact that I can get online and search through the card catalogs and figure out which library has the most of what I want. So, I just came home and did that and figured out that there are two libraries that have what I want. Excitement! But .. I check online for the hours and one of them is closed for the whole week after christmas and the other isn’t open in the mornings. So, I’ll have to wait until 12:30. Sigh. Best laid plans …
And being able to see if you book is in and being able to request books and being able to renew them and getting your notice that your book is in via email. The internet is just great for libraries.
And my library has let’s it patrons use several other research functions like Net Library and NoveList.
My public library has a number of great online databases. I use Heritagequest all the time at night. In fact I’m really spoiled by being able to research online in my pajamas at 10:00 at night. The idea of having to get in my car to go look at a microfiche .. I have to get myself psyched up for that. Today I’m going to the Missouri Historical Society library which is in a beautiful building — the old United Hebrew Congregation Temple building. It has a gorgeous reading room. But …. its the kind of library where you have to look up what you want and request it and they bring it to your table. No wandering through the stacks — which is my favorite part.
I’m going to be gone for a couple or three hours. If this place gets crowded, somebody please open a froggybottom version and direct everybody there. I’ll host again when I get back. Thankee.
Last Monday afternoon we had a few hours of sun otherwise over the past eight days we’ve had constant overcast, lots of fog moving in and out,(now at about 1/4 mile visibility) and mist. Temps ranging between 25F-35F. Very icy roads when the temps are 32 or less.
According to my memory of E ND weather, this sort of weather feels like spring, more like what would be normal for us in March or April.
So the trees look like this today, minus the blue sky.
Ah, reminds me the time I went running out the back door of our apartment with two bags of beer bottles, full and empties, as my mom unexpectedly came in the front door, leaving my step-sister to come up with a convincing story about all those semi-conscious people lying around on the floor and furniture.
The time my neighbors did that they called the cops. Fortunately, that party did not involve booze and all the evidence had long since gone up in smoke and down throats. And being a much younger, more innocent time, the cops simply looked for booze, didn’t find any, and left.
Hah, the time MY neighbors threatened to called the cops, not only was there no underage drinking but the party had a number of cops present. Sure surprised the neighbor, who was sitting in his car yelling at me because he couldn’t park RIGHT in front of his house, when the guy behind me pushed his way out my front door and flashed his badge and said — can I help you? hee hee
It’s not really about lurking/de-lurking as much as it is about deciding whether my contribution to the conversation is interesting/entertaining enough to say out loud. It may or may not come across very well online (I can’t read myself well at all), but I am very self-conscious and the jokes I make about being highly neurotic are absolutely grounded in truth.
Unlike those of us with no shame, a substantial ego (who’s so vain?), and a healthy inner idiot.
We’re just going to have to have this mutual improvement program where I teach you how not to give a shit and you teach me how to get down with being sexy.
I don’t want to touch your empathy when it comes to other people; I only want you not give a shit about yourself (in certain specific and still to be defined ways ::quibble quibble::).
Not so sure about that courage but I will admit to having always had a certain talent for reckless abandon.
Good morning, depending on your time zone!
Got any hot rumors you want to float? Conspiracy theories? Gossip?
I know one hot rumor. . .voting for the next BooBooks Selection begins as soon as I get the diary up.
Please recommend this cafe.
Please Unrecommend the last one.
No rumors — too early yet (yawn). I’m soooo enjoying having a week off and sleeping in. Unfortunately, I got one of those crank recording calls at exactly 8:00 this morning “WE MUST speak with you, call this number). ugh. How do we get THOSE calls banned?
I’m off to the post office to mail bills, starbucks for coffee and my mom’s to drop off something she left last night. Have a great morning!
mmm…starbuck’s eggnog latte…maybe I need to take my laptop out to work at a remote location this morning…
I love working at remote locations. Library, Starbucks, even, gasp, MacDonald’s when all I want is a 39 cent cup of coffee and a table top.
It definitely cuts down on the distractions. And before I got A/C this summer, the library was my refuge from the heat.
But’s it’s so cozy here this morning, with the fog and mist. Decisions, decisions.
Distractions, exactly. No dogs and cats wanting in and out, for one thing. Plus, on most days I Just Have to GetOutoftheHouse!!
No egg and considerably less fat and tastes great. And I love egg nog.
Ha! If it hadn’t been for one of those calls I’d still be asleep this morning.
[Try this https:/]. It’s been my experience that it works.
Anyway, thats the rumor. :{)
hmm…auto formatting not working here apparently…
Yeah, I’ve registered on the Missouri do not call list (which cut out about 90%) and the fed. But these people try to work around it — it’s a recorded message and it starts out saying “THIS IS NOT A MARKETING CALL, it’s important that we speak to you, please call us at …”
it’s a scam, so don’t ever call them back. But it’s annoying. It’s like the people who call doing “surveys” now — because that’s NOT marketing.
To rid yourself of most telemarketing calls (some of them still slip through via regulatory loopholes) you can register at the following site:
Good morning Kansas, Cabin, others – sorry no gossip to share, but I would like to recommend a book that I liked very much, and think should be widely read by progressives nowadays. It is “The Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell.
Geez – there are still cookies left, hope they’re gone by next year! Lucky I don’t like dunking in tea.
I liked that book, too. And I keep waiting for the tipping point moment with Bush.
Maybe you will want to suggest it the next time we do non-fiction for BooBooks. I think that will be the April “meeting.”
How many times have you gone berserk and run around shouting “This is it! This has got to be it!” I do it almost every day. For New Years, I will calm down.
He may get the last laugh when the tipping point is OURS, and we just tip over into total gaga.
I don’t think there’s a tipping point of the scale that liberals want, because most of what’s working against our values is structural. All the frauds and conspiracies, bad as they are, are just taking advantage of the changing world.
Society probably can tip against the Bush regime itself enough to contain it a little, and if we’re extremely lucky, limit the extremes of the next Court appointment(s).
But here’s to fighting hard for all we can get!
My brain is on vacation and I’m just a semi-coherent collaboration of synapses.
Oh, soft and pretty. Makes me want to be a dog and lie down and sleep in those leaves.
There are turkeys, raccoons, and deer galore up on that ridge. The dogs are on frenzied, gleeful romp from one great smell to the next; no time for sleeping.
Since I wouldn’t smell any of that I think I could sleep the sleep of the sloth.
Really nice photo/sig line, Andi.
Thanks. I was inspired by katiebird’s katiebird.
I figured. Funnily enough, a “keyhole” rock formation plays an important role in the book I’m working on. Maybe every time I look at your photo I will feel inspired to write. 🙂 Hey, whatever works.
for that writing extravaganza you are planning to start tomorrow.
Wow. Now THAT’S a keyhole.
Maybe personal icons will become a booTradition?
Hi, Kb. Your brother-in-law the film editor on Capote. . .are you working on his website this week?
I should be. It would only take a couple of hours.
Yes! I will. We’ve already got the domain.
uh. . . why?
Why did I ask? Cause I want to see it! 🙂 No hidden motive. Double :).
AHH, now that really does put the pressure one me to perform!
I really am glad that you’ve asked. I think they’re too polite to do it themselves.
Until I get his page done, here’s his page at IMDB
And for some reason this film isn’t linked yet. He just finished editing this, A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints (which has been accepted for the Sundance Festival).
And, I need to ask him if I can talk about the one he’s getting ready to start next week. So, I’d better not say here (in case it gets caught up in the NSA net!)
Accck – by “His Page at IMDB”, I mean, Christopher Tellefsen, the editor.
or did you get off early?
No, (sigh) I’m still at work. Doing data entry in a database that I’m not entirely happy with and trying to find out when (at least the season) Grandparents day is. It’s so dull, that I remembered I never did give kansas any actual information about Chris. And thought that maybe this was a good time.
Since I’m so bored.
I’m also compulsively checking email.
Because I’m, you know, bored. (huff)
I sent you email earlier.
No pictures — ugly sky, rainy, and dim.
Hi AndiF. I love your new sig. Just the sort of thing the BlueSpot should be reminding us of. (Excuse the dangling preposition….It’s genetic, I’m from Ohio)
Thank you kindly, ma’am.
BTW, in case you don’t recognize the image, that’s Delicate Arch in Arches National Park (where Edward Abbey was a ranger).
from me today.
But these folks may have some.
Why go to work on a day like this? Because it is such a quiet place between the holidays.
No, I haven’t been drinking at 7:50am Pacific — woke up with the hiccups and can’t get rid of them. 🙁
Ahhh…think they’re gone…now I’ve got to hit the shower so I can get out of here for the day. Weather supposed to be clear so I can get assorted errands done; want to find a dressy outfit I can wear on New Year’s Eve (that I can also use for the cruise this summer). Spouse and I decided we’re actually going out this year; we’ve booked a room at a place in San Jose that’s right on the light rail line and got a couple of tickets to see Christopher Titus at the San Jose Improv — haven’t seen him live in years. Should be fun…
Have a great day, folks…
Hi Cali,….are they gone? I have a trick that always works for me to get rid of hic-cups. Let me know.
I love Christopher Titus! He’s one of the only comedians I know of who comes from a background nearly as warped as mine, so I get his comedy on a hundred different levels. I just finished watching Seasons 1 & 2 of his show on DVD, and am looking forward to picking up 3 as soon as it releases in January. Hope you & the spouse have a great time, Cali.
I’ve heard this rumor, but shhh, please keep this just between us. Darth, err, Dick Cheney, contrary to popular belief, is really a warm and fuzzy guy. His favorites include long afternoons sitting and reading in his favorite armchair, sipping mint tea while wearing his fuzzy slippers. And get this, in between snippets of his favorite authors (which include Al Franken!), he knits. I kid you not. Your heard it here first. (film at 11:00)
that 2006 will be one F of a lot better than 2005,2004,2003,2002,2001 and 2000
Is the Cafe hanging on something? It doesn’t seem to finish loading.
I dunno! I’m not having trouble with it. Anybody else? Could it be the keyhole photo? Although if it doesn’t hang for Andi on dial-up, you’d think it would be okay for the rest of us. Since I don’t know what I’m talking about, I will now be quiet.
I’m not having any trouble either on my dial-up.
I’ve heard that I survived the holidays, but I don’t believe a word of it, not till I’ve taken down the tree and checked my pulse after the new year. In the meantime, I think I’ll have a nice cuppa in the corner and quietly bang my head on the table. Why bang my head? Because it feels so good when I stop. Oy. Back to work now.
BTW, I hope everybody’s holidays were fantastic.
Congrats on surviving. Now get to work. I’m going to disappear from blogdom for a week, starting tomorrow, to get back in the work rhythm. If it doesn’t work, I’ll join you in banging my head. We can be a percussion section.
Hubbo is painting my bathroom-yesterday I was not liking the ladder arrangement-he had it propped in the bathtub- it looked shaky to me.(this house has very high ceilings). Anyway,contrary to my usual practice, which is shut up and stay outta the way,I said something.(
Some background on this- Sonny is one of my many netbuddies that came to see me for the birfday party bash,he is a pretty gritty guy from Baltimore-but relatively new to the internets) anyway,I had introduced him to STFU)
SOO after that digression– hub was on the way downstairs to get yet another ladder and he turned to me and asked–“What would Sonny say?” with a very shit- eatin grin on his face,
And I had to answer, STFU Rosie!
Just to clarify this- hubbo is a ‘mast monkey’- meaning he is regularly hauled up masts on boats 30-40-50 feet above the water- so he has no fear of heights-but I DO. 🙂
Well, hell, I shouldn’t try to stir the rumor pot without contributing some ingredients, should I? So here’s Nora Ephron, trying her best on HuffPo to get something juicy started again:
LINK: Bush.
For the darkest of conspiracy theories and a fascinating read, if you haven’t sampled the blog Rigorous Intuition, here ya go:
oh boy-I have read that one for quite awhile– it gets weird doesn’t it?
This was good! Thanks.
Well, I’m depressed, and I don’t even have Air Force One at my disposal. Nor is my jaw twitching.
But it is dreary, gloomy, and today it’s raining and all the snow is melting off into ground fog. And I am cranky and feeling clautrophobic and need to get the hell outta here. No McD’s or Starbucks nearby, so I’ll have to figure something else out. I seem to have reached the stage of life where winter sucks, big time.
Oh, and I also need to stop reading all this horrific (but wonderfully written, Susan and Boo) news and actually do some writing-type work. So I’m gone until after the first of the year. And by any measure, 2006 has to be a better year than this one.
</rant> Whew! That feels much better. Thanks.
Glad to help. 🙂
Good luck, Mnem. I’m joining you off-blog for the next week.
I promise to behave in your absence-ya right.
One-eyed Toto in his daily pre-breakfast cat-and-mouse play with his Favorite Ball. Every morning, once he hears the preparation underway, he picks out a ball from among half a dozen or more lying about the kitchen. This incidentally is an exacting process which sometimes takes a minute or more of trial and error. Then he scampers out to the living room to toss it around, pounce on it, and generally worry it like a cornered mouse. Once he hears the bowls go down, he runs in and drops the ball to gobble up his food.
He’s mostly quit playing at this stage in his nearly 14 year old life. I took the picture mainly for Puget4 to see–she being the family’s champion in-sleeper.
I’m back. It’s kind of cold(ish)and drizzly and foggy here today. Perfect weather for the indoor stuff I told myself I was going to do during my time off. But … I’m having trouble getting motivated.
One of the best things ever invented IMHO was the on-line card catalogs for libraries. We’re blessed with a number of good research libraries here in the area but they all have different materials. I love the fact that I can get online and search through the card catalogs and figure out which library has the most of what I want. So, I just came home and did that and figured out that there are two libraries that have what I want. Excitement! But .. I check online for the hours and one of them is closed for the whole week after christmas and the other isn’t open in the mornings. So, I’ll have to wait until 12:30. Sigh. Best laid plans …
And being able to see if you book is in and being able to request books and being able to renew them and getting your notice that your book is in via email. The internet is just great for libraries.
And my library has let’s it patrons use several other research functions like Net Library and NoveList.
My public library has a number of great online databases. I use Heritagequest all the time at night. In fact I’m really spoiled by being able to research online in my pajamas at 10:00 at night. The idea of having to get in my car to go look at a microfiche .. I have to get myself psyched up for that. Today I’m going to the Missouri Historical Society library which is in a beautiful building — the old United Hebrew Congregation Temple building. It has a gorgeous reading room. But …. its the kind of library where you have to look up what you want and request it and they bring it to your table. No wandering through the stacks — which is my favorite part.
I’m going to be gone for a couple or three hours. If this place gets crowded, somebody please open a froggybottom version and direct everybody there. I’ll host again when I get back. Thankee.
No conspiracy, sorry chap … I got just facts today!
UK Secrecy Act muffled torture docs sent to Boomer – HERE ◊ by gandhi
Nicholas John Andrew Langman - SAS agent
Preceded by yesterday’s revelation of SAS agent in Athens, accomplice in abduction of Pakistanis after July 7 London bombings.
Athens abductions part III – MI6 officer named ◊ by talos
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Last Monday afternoon we had a few hours of sun otherwise over the past eight days we’ve had constant overcast, lots of fog moving in and out,(now at about 1/4 mile visibility) and mist. Temps ranging between 25F-35F. Very icy roads when the temps are 32 or less.
According to my memory of E ND weather, this sort of weather feels like spring, more like what would be normal for us in March or April.
So the trees look like this today, minus the blue sky.
Click for larger view
‘I was so much younger then-I’m older than that now”-damm I love Bob Dylan
I was so much older then-I’m younger than that now
you’re older now but younger than when you were older then.
I thought I was older but then discovered my inner cat
I did the same thing, only it was my inner idiot.
Okay, Mom’s back. Looks like you kids cleaned up all the signs of the wild party you had while I was gone. Shycat, I particularly suspect you.
Ah, reminds me the time I went running out the back door of our apartment with two bags of beer bottles, full and empties, as my mom unexpectedly came in the front door, leaving my step-sister to come up with a convincing story about all those semi-conscious people lying around on the floor and furniture.
Reminds me of the time the neighbors ratted me out.
The time my neighbors did that they called the cops. Fortunately, that party did not involve booze and all the evidence had long since gone up in smoke and down throats. And being a much younger, more innocent time, the cops simply looked for booze, didn’t find any, and left.
Hah, the time MY neighbors threatened to called the cops, not only was there no underage drinking but the party had a number of cops present. Sure surprised the neighbor, who was sitting in his car yelling at me because he couldn’t park RIGHT in front of his house, when the guy behind me pushed his way out my front door and flashed his badge and said — can I help you? hee hee
Heh, when my mom and her third-husband-to-be came home and found us funneling beer, we taught them how to do it.
Ha! Co-opting the parents! Good job!
will get you to delurk.
It’s not really about lurking/de-lurking as much as it is about deciding whether my contribution to the conversation is interesting/entertaining enough to say out loud. It may or may not come across very well online (I can’t read myself well at all), but I am very self-conscious and the jokes I make about being highly neurotic are absolutely grounded in truth.
Unlike those of us with no shame, a substantial ego (who’s so vain?), and a healthy inner idiot.
We’re just going to have to have this mutual improvement program where I teach you how not to give a shit and you teach me how to get down with being sexy.
I teach you how not to give a shit
Never gonna happen, congenital heart&soul defect, born with too much empathy and caring. (I am learning lots about courage from you, though.)
you teach me how to get down with being sexy.
You already are, you just always deny it…which only makes you sexier, so I’m not gonna try to fix what ain’t broke. ;p
I don’t want to touch your empathy when it comes to other people; I only want you not give a shit about yourself (in certain specific and still to be defined ways ::quibble quibble::).
Not so sure about that courage but I will admit to having always had a certain talent for reckless abandon.
Damm brats have all the fun-glad I’m still one of em.
Library time is over for the day. Is it time for happy hour yet?
Boy, am I easy. All you have to do is ask once, and voila, you have free beer over at the new cafe:
LINK: The night time is the right time.