Never, ever thought I’d type that — ‘member him on the tube during Monica and Bill? — but when the dude law prof says that Bush committed a “federal crime” and he is representing an Islamic scholar serving a life sentence for inciting his followers to wage war against the United States overseas, you’ve gotta tip your hat to an attorney who believes in the system, no matter who his client is … And don’t miss the Joe and Valerie news item in the first comment … OPEN THREAD:
I did a double take when I read the title of this Open Thread. Jonathan Turley and RAWKS in the same sentence. Whooda thunk it…
On show after show, he’s been cool, sane, and highly respectful of our system of laws. Unlike some other people …
He’s had a few years to realize that a blow job wasn’t a big enough deal for impeachment, especially when we have Chimpy violating our civil liberties.
How does iTunes and Booman work? I clicked on the link for the Bill Maher book, but it just brought me to the general iTunes page. I’d like you all to get some credit, but am not sure how this works.
Thank you. Let me reinstall it … we’ve had some oddities with code getting stripped from the ad URLs.
I’ll post a note here confirming, and i’ll test it too.
I reinstalled the link but had to reboot (maybe I could have just erased my browser cache). But it works now.
My daughter says that she uses iTunes text links here, and searches for what she wants. I tried that — searching for Bill Maher — and got all of their Podcasts and audiobooks of him.
Let me know how it works for you. It still seems a bit funky to me, but the text links should work…. e.g., “Darcy’s playlist.”
do this but it would help me out…I foolishly put 2 of my friends names in a comment here and was wondering if you or Booman can delete it. I should never have posted their last names. Google is bringing up my comment with their names. If possible, I would really appreciate it.
misinformer of the year. Last year it was Bill O’Reilly. This year, and it shouldn’t surprise anyone, it’s Chris Matthews:
The list of Chris’s transgressions is very long – and you’re probably already familiar with them – but reading them all in one place makes one wonder how anyone takes this asshole seriously.
Turley & all the defense attorney’s interviewed on TV have been great – patiently, forcefully cutting through the BS ‘reporters’ ask them. One voice we’re not hearing from is Lynne Stewart, whose conversations w/ her jailed client were recorded under FISA taps. She’s now facing serious jail time. I posted some links earlier here.
Dennis Bernstein, on Flashpoints today, looked further into AP byliner (& 2x NYT stringer) Alexandre Regina, who appears to be taking money from the NED as she works in Haiti. He talks in depth with Anthony Fenton & Kevin Pina about this emerging story, as well as the deteriorating condition in Haiti, the role of the NED & other US funded NGO’s, and the worsening health conditions of jailed opposition leaders Fr. Bertrand Jean-Juste & Yvonne Neptune.
Bill Christison, a former senior official of the CIA, who served as a National Intelligence Officer and as Director of the CIA’s Office of Regional and Political Analysis; and Kathleen Christison, a former CIA political analyst who has worked on Middle East issues for 30 years and is the author of Perceptions of Palestine and The Wound of Dispossession, have a must-read challenge for anti-war peace activists, It’s More Important Than Slowing Nuclear Proliferation: Let’s Stop a US / Israeli War on Iran:
They also talk about Syria & Palestine; the whole piece is worth the read.
Finally, I ran across this today, written in Nov by Timothy J. Lowenberg, Major General, The Adjutant General, Director, Washington Military Department, about Admiral Timothy Keating, Commander – NORTHCOM, addressing the Western Governors’ Association winter meeting:
cheers . . .
I can’t stomach watching it, but Judy Miller is on Nightline.