by Larry Johnson (bio below)
The book the CIA didn’t want you to read, JAWBREAKER by Gary Berntsen, is out and it kills. I’ve sent Gary a nasty note because his story kept me up till 4 am today. Just couldn’t put it down. Gary spent most of this year battling CIA censors, who were refusing to release the book. They insisted on excising parts of the story that have already appeared in other books about CIA operations in Afghanistan written by Steve Coll and another CIA veteran, Gary Schroen.
Gary Berntsen was the second CIA officer sent to Afghanistan and put in charge of directing the destruction of Al Qaeda and the hunt for Bin Laden. He arrived in the fall of 2001, replacing veteran officer Gary Schroen, who had led the first CIA element into Afghanistan in the immediate aftermath of the 9-11 attacks. Gary 2, i.e., Berntsen, built on Schroen’s foundation and played a critical role in directing the offensive that broke the back of the Taliban and scattered Al Qaeda.
The key news from Gary’s book is that we had Bin Laden in our sights but Tommy Franks and JSOC Commander, Dell Dailey, dilly dallied and did not deploy U.S. troops requested by Berntsen to the battle at Tora Bora. We could of had him; we should of had him; but we let Bin Laden get away.
Gary’s book is important in another regard. It shows what the CIA is capable of doing and why we need this capability in addition to the talents offered by U.S. military special operations forces. When the CIA puts its mind to it, it can move fast, innovate on the fly, and do some mind boggling things.
But JAWBREAKER also uncovers why the CIA is at times a faltering, incompetent, risk averse bureaucracy. Although the title of the book is the codeword for the Afghan operation in 2001, it may also be a clever reference about what may happen to you when you read how obtuse some CIA managers and other Government bureaucrats can be in the midst of a crisis. Your jaw may drop open and hit the floor. Hence, “jawbreaker”.
Consider for example what happened to Gary, who was sent into Afghanistan in 2000 with orders to capture a top Al Qaeda commander. His mission was sand bagged by another CIA Chief of Station who served in one of the neighboring “Stans”. This prima donna, a guy named “Lawrence”, was sending reports back to Washington lying about what Gary was and was not doing. Lawrence had his nose out of joint because he felt his turf was being trampled on. The petty jealousy of this bonehead (who in a previous overseas assignment had lost of his intelligence assets) is bad enough. Making matters worse, CIA Director Tenet and the Director of Operations, Jim Pavitt, helped pull the plug on the operation. This wasn’t a case of President Clinton getting cold feet, rather the CIA leadership pulled the plug on an operation that had a chance of success. And, Al Qaeda was left virtually unmolested until they struck the United States one year later.
If that doesn’t get your blood boiling maybe you will get riled when you learn that in the immediate aftermath of 9-11 Gary, who was serving in South America, was warned by the Director of Operations for Latin America to NOT, I repeat NOT, volunteer to go to Afghanistan even though Berntsen had led the last American team to go into Afghanistan. Hell, the World Trade Center was still smoldering and this CIA bureaucrat was more concerned about keeping his positions filled than using all available resources to go after Osama Bin Laden.
The list of CIA bureaucratic stupidities detailed in Gary’s tale is long and agonizing. But, the book also shows you what the CIA can do if it places mission over covering its own ass. In that regard it is important to acknowledge the harmful role that politicians have played in asking the CIA to carry out a mission and then feigning amnesia when the risk goes wrong.
Some folks of a liberal political persuasion may find Gary’s high charged, testosterone laden. type A personality a bit overwhelming. Be forewarned and enjoy the ride. Gary is a refreshingly authentic soul who is more concerned with doing what he thinks is right rather than checking to find out what is politically palatable. Gary understood that finding and killing Bin Laden was a priority. Unfortunately, our current civilian and military leaders seem to have forgotten the promise to get him, dead or alive.
Larry C. Johnson is CEO and co-founder of BERG Associates, LLC, an international business-consulting firm that helps corporations and governments manage threats posed by terrorism and money laundering. Mr. Johnson, who worked previously with the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism (as a Deputy Director), is a recognized expert in the fields of terrorism, aviation security, crisis and risk management. Mr. Johnson has analyzed terrorist incidents for a variety of media including the Jim Lehrer News Hour, National Public Radio, ABC’s Nightline, NBC’s Today Show, the New York Times, CNN, Fox News, and the BBC. Mr. Johnson has authored several articles for publications, including Security Management Magazine, the New York Times, and The Los Angeles Times. He has lectured on terrorism and aviation security around the world. Further bio details.
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But, but Nora O’Donnell on Hardball thinks Berntsen must be some sort of Democratic shill because he dares to speak out. She must be right! </snark>
You took the words right out of my mouth. Nora(speaking of shills) made me puke last night while watching the interview with Gary. She all but called him a liar. She said “Tommy Franks said you never had OBL in your sites”…Gary responded”I was on the ground, right there in Tora Bora. Tommy Franks was at Centcom”. Nora says, “Well, who are we to believe? A four star general or you”?. She said this in avery condescending tone. Gary just shrugs his shoulders, shakes his head and says”I was on the ground there Nora”.
Hope Gary isn’t flying these days.
I love this “I was on the ground” business. As if to say …I know what I am talking about because I was there.
How do they know Bin Laden was in Tora Bora? Did they torture someone to tell them that? Did they see him taking a poop? Are their photos of Bin Laden at Tora Bora during this time?
I mean they were always spotting him somewhere and claiming that he was probably killed by a drone…Whoops it was someone else…it always turns out.
If they don’t know where he is now….after having four years to find him….I am skeptical that they ever really knew where he was-at a particular time.
Quit wasting time trying to find Bin Laden. Find Bush he is the danger. See if you can capture him.
Hey Stu…who is “they”?
They is our government. Which is us.
i’m not going to read the book because it sounds like more of the same stuff. i saw the trailer.
There are other former CIA agents that take a more directly oppositional approach than Larry Johnson. Though from my POV I am glad he’s taking any approach against Bush. Though Larry Johnson remeber wants to strart supporting the secualar insurgents against the current government. I think that is what will happen and why we should just get out of there….its just too crazy. Larry Johnson is a pretty conservative person isn’t he? I am missing something? I don’t think so. But, it’s happened before, I guess.
People like John Stockwell and Phillip Agee who now lives in ….Cuba.
Agee said “Between the overdone activities that the CIA initiates and the more modest activities of the KGB, there is absolutely no comparison.”
It’s rather impossible to cast doubts when you haven’t listened to him or read his book.
I nearly fell off my chair, mlk — and alohaleezy — when she asked him if he’s a Democrat….
Here’s the transcript link.
I sent the transcript section to Larry. Maybe he’ll let ‘er have it. That’d be fun.
She(Nora) is so frickin transparent. How does she get away with it? Ah yeas, silly me. She is just so pretty and that perfect “do”. She’s at it again tonight. Why do I put myself through this? LOL
Someone on dKos has annointed her “Whora” O’Donnell. I think that’s a perfect name for her. Her kneepads must be nearly worn out.
Jeez, that is just the perfect title for the wench.
Killing Bin Laden.
What good does that do…now? Isn’t he retired? I heard he was living in Coral Gables, putters around in the garden during the day.
From your description Gary explains why he wasn’t able to kill Bin Laden. It was everybody’s elses fault. Did he talk about mistakes he made? If he didn’t then it’s just baloney.
I would really like to know….and I am not going to buy the book…anybody ….somebody tell me something that the CIA did that was constructive, beneficial to someone or group.
that ‘we’ never had any intention of ‘getting’ Bin Laden-He is waaay too useful as a bogeyman.
I agree Shycat but that is pretty much what Gary was saying last night. He and four other operatives(with little to no help from the Pentagon)tracked him into ToraBora. An al Queda operative was killed in a cave and he retrieved a two way radio. They had a translator with them and heard Bin Laden talking on the radio. They had him close by. This is when Gary asked the commander on the ground for 800 Rangers. He was denied that request. He is livid that Bin Laden wasn’t captured and that is why he is telling the story from his pov. Of course he is being called a liar by the Cabal and their shills like Nora.
for close to thirty years now.
Have they checked real good at Crawford?
had him for 30 years? In physical custody?
How do you know that? (Not attacking … curious …)
with the Central Intelligence Agency. He was originally recruited in connection with the proxy war in Afghanistan back in the 1980s.
I was going to say that exact same thing- but thought I was being too tinfoily.
Then what’s that shiny thing on your head?
Ya maen this one?
ROTFLMAO…excellent Shycat! Thanks for the pic. I needed a good chuckle!
HAHAHAHAH!!! That’s one calm ShyCat!
When examining these sorts of double/triple/quadruple blind intel setups, it is IMPOSSIBLE to be “too tinfoily”.
Maybe Mr. Berntsen is telling the truth as far as he knows it. Maybe he is lying through his spy teeth. And maybe somewhere in between.
Maybe Tommy Franks was under orders to NOT catch bin Laden. Maybe he is just the usual career military bureaucrat. YOU know…like the ones Lincoln went through until he found Grant? Them. Or…maybe he is telling the truth about Berntsen. WE were not on the ground OR at CentCom headquarters, so we will never know what went down.
Maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe…
That is all we have to go on when it comes to intel tales.
ALL of it.
Bottom line?
If the U.S. were not totally engaged in a long term, strategic policy of economic imperialism supported both by overt and covert military ops and by massive economic bribery on every level, we wouldn’t even be TALKING about bin Laden, al Qaeda, Iraq, the growing power of a hostile Third World or almost any other problem through which we are suffering at present, and people like Berntsen would be being used to hunt down members of drug cartels and other economic and social criminals instead of people like bin Laden. (If, of course, bin Laden is really who and what he says he is. More double/triple/quadruple blind stuff. As usual.)
As far as I am concerned, ALL of this bullshit…including the ongoing melodrama in DC… is a witting/semi-witting/witless (take your pick) diversion from the real issue.
Which is that the developed world…with the U.S. right at the head of the gluttony line… consumes more of the product of the world than it deserves while the other 4/5ths of the population of the globe:
A-Is on subsistence rations.
B-Is getting INCREASINGLY pissed off about it.
C-Is assembling armament and armies that are going to make the last several years of troubles look like child’s play.
All the rest…distractions from the real topic at hand.
And who is SPONSORING these WMDs? These Weapons of Mass Distraction?
In the immortal pre-epitaph for the developed world written by William S. Burroughs in his piece “THE LAST BROADCAST” well over 35 years ago:
“Here live stupid vulgar sons of bitches. Who thought they could hire DEATH as a company cop… empty newspapers in the wind, frayed sounds of a distant city… DEATH, Johnny, come and took over… distant hand couldn’t time guesses to the last broadcast… a rustle of darkness and wires…”
Wake the fuck up.
All of the rest is distraction.
Wake the fuck up before it’s too late.
Arthur dear, we are awake here. We are fully engaged. We know what is happeneing. Now, what do you propose we do about it? We have called, done LTEs, emailed, protested in the streets. WE cannot do much of anything until WE get back our country. If you have a plan or suggestion I am all ears because I truly want this nightmare to end. AND I am fully awake.
I think it’s ok to say Wake the Fuck Up! Everyone, all of us, needs to wake the fuck up. Not just on a political level. This is deeper than that. This is cultural and a historical maybe cyclical mood of apathy, passivity and conformity have set in.
I have often wondered what impact the pharmaceutical industry has had on the awareness, alertness, waking-ness level in this, the most drug prescribed country in the world.
Sedative have a very strong effect on anger, outrage, displeasure all the feelings you need to feel in order to react.
There are not protests in the streets about a war that even Hardball’s Chris Mathews …I think he said ….was based on bad information.
He didn’t go so far as say lies, but that’s what everyone knows. But there is no reaction. i’ll bet drugs have had an impact on all of this.
Big Pharma and Dr, Big Brother are only about 10% to 15% of the problem, in my opinion. If it were not for the advertising and media industries…the real WMDs (Weapons of Mass deception)…”legal” drugs would not even be much in the mix. They’re not NEARLY as good as the old faves on an endorphin-producing level; they are expensive, and they are dangerous. Americans have been hard sold into their use, and the same hard sell…a hypnotic device, really…has been used to put large parts of the culture completely to sleep in terms of their own self-interest.
False news, false advertising, false education, false medicine… The United States of Hypnosis, at your service.
At THEIR service, really…
A full service criminal enterprise, birth to death.
If it acts and quacks like a duck in America, more than likely it’s some poor fool making an ass of himself on stage at the behest of the hypnotists that run the joint.
“Quack!!! Quack!!!”
Poor fools.
So when I say “Wake the fuck up”, that’s exactly what I mean.
“Wake the fuck UP!!!” (Futilely snapping his fingers trying to end the trance…)
It is a rhetorical “wake the fuck up”, mostly alohaleezy.
But not entirely..
Such as …
Calls? LTEs? Emails? (Very limited) protests in the streets?
There is an old vaudeville routine that I often use in my teaching.
Doctor’s office:
Silly patient: (Raising his arm above his head.) “It hoits when I do DIS, Doc!!!”
Silly doctor: “Don’t DO dat!!!”
Well…a corollary to that answer might be “Don’t continue to do things that do not work very well.”
You want a plan or suggestion?
I have making the same suggestion in INNUMERABLE variations as to how to get the attention of the Corporate PermaGov ever since I started posting over at Big Orange about 11 months ago. And it has gotten me kicked OFF of that site three separate times, although I am sure that the powers that be over there would deny that as the reason.
Do not give the PermaGov your attention.
On every level possible.
Deny their spinning media your money.
Boycott the advertisers that support that media.
Drop as far out of the usurious credit system as you possibly can and still survive.
Get their attention by hitting them in the pocketbook.
In the bottom line…the ONLY line that they really value.
Do NOT allow the so-called opposition to run weak and compromising candidates, and if they insist on doing so, take your custom away from them as well.
Drop far enough away so that you can see the uselessness of LTEs written to Pravda Lite.
Emails sent to charter members of the Comintern.
You want to see “protests in the streets” that WORK?
Run one with THIS kind of passion and watrch the rats run off the decks of a sinking ship.
Or…continue on in the hypnotized faith that LTEs will affect the course of the REAL WMDs…Weapons of Mass Disinformation.
Your choice.
It is not an easy choice, to become part of the so-called disenfranchised again.
But hey…if 4/5ths of the population is “disenfranchised” (the population of the non-developed world, more or less), then you are just joining the eventual winning team.
The meek SHALL inherit the earth.
Of course…then they’ll probably get arrogant and run the same game all over again, but that’s another day and another dollar three-eighty.
NOW is what we must deal with.
Have fun…
you go straight to the heart of the matter. the problem IS that business as usual is the US subverting anything that gets in the way of their economic imperialism. just ask the Chileans, the Nicaraguans, the Afghanis, et al…
So…deny them YOUR business.
One person at a time.
On every level possible.
I read Sy Hersh in the New Yorker, in 2002, I think it was, when he wrote that someone at the highest levels of authority gave the troops orders to stand down so that Pakistan’s ISI could fly in helicopters to get their bin Laden supporters out of the Tora Bora region when they were caught on three sides by U.S. troops.
So, if this Gary’s book isn’t a blow job, does he respond to Hersh’s statement? It would seem that Franks might be that person who gave the order to stand down?
Since Pakistan’s ISI in general supported bin Laden, and 5000 ppl flew out on those helicopters, according to Hersh, sure seems likely bin Laden could have been among them…maybe on a stretcher, since he’s so tall…
Shortly after that, I think there was a shoot out, supposedly, in Pakistan that got the Al Q. no 2 guy, then didn’t, then did.
I realize that Mushareff holds power because he keeps the ISI’s fundie Islamacists happy, but isn’t that somewhat problematic for this whole story about coulda woulda shoulda?
And does this Gary guy go into the way that Bush Sr. made it possible for Pakistan to get a nuclear weapon way back in the BCCI days? The Saudi head of their version of the CIA at the time knew Bush (tho Bush denied it) and openly said that Bush Sr. had sold parts to Pakistan.
Those in power now, and in power during Reagan, are like a board that has no concept of a future and only thinks about profits for the next quarter. Hence blowback after blowback. I wish Fox would run that picture or Dana Rorbach posing with Al Q in Afghanistan (however you spell his name) every time he says that the prez should have unlimited power to make life and death decisions on both personal and constitutional levels.
just my two p.o-ed cents.
If Tommy Franks did not deploy troops how is that the fault of the CIA?
So does this mean you are organising a protest in DC on the day of the State of the Union address? If so, I can be there.