Dear ****
It’s not the al-Jazeera Memo, but these are some more documents that the
UK Government are trying to suppress with the threat of prosecution under
the Official Secrets Act. They detail our use of intelligence extracted
by torture, and legal advice the Foreign Office received on the subject,
and we need to get them out there as soon as possible before the
government act.
*If you could post them on your website, ASAP, it would be very much
The Documents have been posted at Empire Burlesque in HTML (converted PDFs).
Craig Murray was the UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, untill his complaints and protest at the use of intelligence gained by torture got too much for Jack Straw and the Foreign Office, who set about attempting to unsuccessfully smear him, and to successfully remove him from office.
Craig Murray was the UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, untill his complaints and protest at the use of intelligence gained by torture got too much for Jack Straw and the Foreign Office, who set about attempting to unsuccessfully smear him, and to successfully remove him from office.
The Foreign Office has had the draft of Craig’s book for clearance for over 3 months now, and they are doing everything they can to try and prevent him from publishing his side of the story. Their latest attempt to cover their own backs was to inform him, the night before Christmas Eve, that these two documents cannot be published, and that he was to return or destroy all copies immediately.
What are these documents?
The first document is a series of Telegrams that Craig sent to the Foreign Office, outlining his growing concern and disgust at our use of intelligence passed to the UK by the Uzbek security services.
The second document is a copy of legal advice the Foreign Office sought, to see if they were operating within the Law in accepting torture intelligence, and according to Michael Wood the FCO legal adviser; it is fine, as long as it is not used as evidence.
Faced with this heavy handed censorship by the FCO, in an attempt to cover up our use of and complicity in torture, Craig has decided to fight back, and has asked us all to publish this information, so it cannot be suppressed.
I am in discussion with the FCO over what I am and am not allowed to publish in my book. The FCO is seeking to gut the book of all evidence of complicity with the Uzbek regime.
With Bliar cornered on extraordinary rendition, they are particularly anxious to suppress all evidence of our complicity in obtaining intelligence from Uzbek torture.
In particular, they have demanded I do not publish the attached documents, and that I hand over all copies of them.
The obvious answer to this is to post these documents as widely on the web as possible. This is also potentially very valuable in establishing that I am not attempting to make money from these documents – you don’t have to buy my book to see them, they are freely available. If you buy the book, you are only paying for the added value of my thoughts.
This will only work if we can get the very widely posted, including on sites in the US and elsewhere outside the UK … there is a chance that those who … post this stuff will get threatened under the Official Secrets Act.
In March 2003 I was summoned back to London from Tashkent specifically for a meeting at which I was told to stop protesting. I was told specifically that it was perfectly legal for us to obtain and to use intelligence from the Uzbek torture chambers.
After this meeting Sir Michael Wood, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s legal adviser, wrote to confirm this position. This minute from Michael Wood is perhaps the most important document that has become public about extraordinary rendition. It is irrefutable evidence of the government’s use of torture material, and that I was attempting to stop it. It is no wonder that the government is trying to suppress this.
Compare and Contrast the government’s public position on Torture, with the information they were recieving at the time from their own Ambassador, and the legal advice they were seeking.
We have archived a selection of government spin and lies on the use of torture in these 4 pages:
and you can listen to Jack Straw and Tony Blair deny what you read in these hitherto ‘secret’ documents here.
What you can do:
We have published the documents in full here, and ask that anyone who can will do the same.
If you could publish, host and link to these documents on your own webspace, then it will be harder for anybody to be prosecuted here in the UK, and ensure that they get maximum coverage.
Craig Murray stood up for what many of us believe, and it cost him his Job, his health, and his professional reputation. The least we can do his stand by him as he defies the UK government’s attempts at censorship, and possible prosecution.
Craig’s own post on the subject can be found here:
I attach our latest post on the subject. very much for your help, if you are outside the UK, then you are
not threatened by the use of the Official Secrets Act. UK bloggers
should be aware that there is the potential that we might get
threatened, but as the documents are already appearing all over the
internet, we think it unlikely at this stage.Cheers
Dan [ringverse]
that this diary needs to be front paged.
This is huge.
No conspiracy, sorry chap … I got just facts today!
UK Secrecy Act muffled torture docs sent to Boomer – HERE ◊ by gandhi
Nicholas John Andrew Langman - SAS agent
Preceded by yesterday’s revelation of SAS agent in Athens, accomplice in abduction of Pakistanis after July 7 London bombings.
Athens abductions part III – MI6 officer named ◊ by talos
Agree fully with ejmw – RECOMMENDED!
≈ Cross-posted in SusanHu’s frontpage diary & here ≈
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
The documents were leaked to Empire Burlesque and other members of the "I’ll Publish the al Jazeera memo" group and I am pretty sure we were the first to get the documents up after the email arrived from the UK. I had my diary up here and at Daily Kos about an hour before Markos posted a front pager on it – I suspect someone must have relayed it to him as well. I intentionally broadcast the leaked memos on Booman first so I am pretty sure this was the first site to leak the documents. At least I would like to think that.
We were willing to publish the al Jazeera memo even though Chris lives in the UK which added a legal aspect to our being a member.
a member of
I second that motion.
Thanks again for posting this.
Much good, straight-shooting talk in those memos.
Beyond the torture confirmations, I particularly appreciated:
Nice catches… I am finally getting some time now to actually sit down after pounding on the net – trying to disseminate this as much as I can on at least four communities and ten forums. BBcode, HTML, partial HTML, text only. What a nightmare. Anyway. It’s done. I am going to make myself a nice cuppa and print out the docs and get a red pen out and have a proper perusal.
It’s amazing when the layers get peeled back – a leak occurs and you find out that your ‘conspiracy’ theory has legs isn’t it? Geopolitics and the great big oil and gas grab. Of course it is.
Tchau for now.
I learned to think about the coporate/communist struggle as a type of “hundred year war” from running the Spanish Civil War through the the fall of the Soviet Union, w/ many fronts — hot & cold — in between. The hostilities in Iraq, starting w/ Bush I & continuing through Clinton & Bush II may well be revealed as the opening salvo in our next “hundred year war” w/ China.
The Spanish Civil War isn’t far enough back. Don’t forget the British Army and U.S. Army incursions into Russia from about 1918 to 1922 or 1923.
The Russians haven’t forgotten those incidents.
Booman, Susan
Please this really needs to be front paged. Whoever Boomer is, he is risking his freedom (Secret Service Act in Britain). Lets show Blair and Bush what the Frog Pond can do.
Absofrickinlutely!! Front page this most important piece!
Track this project in real time (well… almost) at an RSS scraper and new page I just built . It automatically searches for keywords related to the Murray Telegrams (as opposed to the Downing Street Memos) on Technorati, Google News and Yahoo News UK, to give the latest updates on where the story is going and how it is being disseminated. The actual documents are there as well.
This is an experiment of sorts for me as we are in a unique position to see the ‘global’ effect of what I will call ‘reverse wiretapping’ for now. It’s essentially information warfare. Keeping people quiet is not as easy anymore when a former United Kingdom Ambassador for Uzbekistan can make a decision in a fraction in time – and six hours later tens of thousands of people have seen the evidence… it’s unstoppable at that point.
And you wonder why they want they want more control? Because they are losing control on both sides of the pond.
When you t hink of Craig Murray, Think Joseph Wilson. another Ambassador who saw the gameplan and took the government to task on it.
Murray is the UK version and he’s a hero. Because Bliar and Bush have been complicit in allowing a medival, arcane practice to revive- resulting in multiple breaches of International Law and the Geneva Convention.
Murray complained about the torture – Karimov of Uzbekistan has been known to boil his opponents alive – and the Foreign Office told him to shut up. Then they fired him. Then he wrote a book. Then the Government used the draconian British Secrecy Act to stop him from publishing the book and these letters. The people who gave them to me were one step from him – as all members of "I’ll print the al Jazeera memo" got the email. I immediately went converted the PDF’s and put them up here.
G’nigh from the Netherlands…
Ghandi – not Chris Floyd this time
Americans tend to get a little wacky when they see the “s” word: socialist. I’ve found that info cited from WSW is more often than not dismissed as biased. Even when the same info is available elsewhere. Just ain’t the NYT, yanno? I recall seeing somewhere (possibly here at Boo, possibly elsewhere) someone question the accuracy of one of Chris’ pieces ‘cuz it was published in, gawdforbid, Moscow. Just something to keep in mind (or not) when citing from WSW stories.
Now that the docs are out, do let us know how this plays in the British press.
Coverage in half-hour news broadcast on BBC World Radio.
TASHKENT (BBC News) Oct. 11, 2004 — The UK ambassador to Uzbekistan has criticised MI6 for using intelligence allegedly gained through torture, according to newspaper reports.
In a confidential internal document leaked to the Financial Times, Craig Murray said Uzbek officials abused prisoners to extract information. The intelligence was used by MI6 after being passed on by the CIA, he alleges.
According to the FT, Mr Murray says “Torture dupes are forced to sign up to confessions showing what the Uzbek government wants the US and UK to believe.” And he claims the Uzbeks exaggerate the activity of local militants and their links with al-Qaeda.
Tashkent City of Uzbekistan
Mr Murray has been an outspoken critic of the regime’s human rights record throughout his two years as ambassador. The private Foreign Office memo reportedly shows Mr Murray’s concerns about Britain’s use of intelligence gained by such means.
The Foreign Office has responded saying the British government, including intelligence agencies, has never used torture to obtain information or incited others to do so.
● UZBEK RIOTS or another “Orange Revolt”?
The Hague, 17 July 2003 — The OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Netherlands Foreign Minister Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, returned from a five-day visit to Central Asia convinced that there is no alternative to continued dialogue with the Central Asian states.
“I am satisfied that I have been able to visit Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan and that I had discussions with the highest authorities of these countries as well as with representatives of the civil society”, the Chairman-in-Office said. “I hope that the personal contact I have established with the Presidents and Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the four countries will help us translate the priority this Chairmanship has given to Central Asia into intensified activities and cooperation.”
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
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