ejmw, I was following your discussion with Gooserock in the last cafe, which is difficult for me to load now, so thought I’d reply to you here.
I’m in agreement with Gooserock’s comments as expressed there. I’m likely about the same vintage as he is. And I’m always impressed when a member of the next generation makes an attempt to grab hold of the collar of these rabid dogs we’ve got running/ruining the country.
I think you might find the information in this diary useful. It takes an investment in time to absorb the concepts, but many of them are already in play challenging this fascist trend.
I think we could leverage our forces better if we all had a better understanding of how these concepts work.
The photo is actually of the coastline at Los Cristianos, on the Canary Island of Tenerife. The other island in the background is La Gomera.
Thanks for the link to your diary. It’s now on my hotlist. I’ll echo BostonJoe’s first comment in response : I love having resources like that at my fingertips.
Long ago when I was a youth, I was very taken with movies of the Frank Sinata/Cary Grant ilk.
So much show and glitter and I was sure that one had to go to a huge, posh, fancy dress ball with costume and masks in order to bring in the New Year properly. Find some dashing masked partner to dance with and to kiss at midnight and to “live happily every after” with.
I’ve attended many NYE parties, seemed to be having a great time, but New Yeaar’s Day always comes and with it a strong sense of reality aka hangover.
Now a-days, Gooserock and I usually stay home on NYE. We spend a quiet evening, talking about next year and last year and how glad we are that we are “Happy Ever-after-ing” together.
Kind of sappy and not up to the tradition of the story stick, but I’ll close with wonderful wishes for a Happy New Year for all you Boo friends.
P.S. Gotta leave for a half hour or so. Since Gooserock is an “emotional wreck” from listening to the these of “You Only Live Twice”, I get to make the beer run tonight.
I used to watch the same movies, and I know what you mean. I thought that I would go to dance clubs & there would be confetti & and a big band.
It turns out that mister katiebird & I are both, well anti-social and we’ve had the best New Years, just staying at home eating our carefully selected special party foods and drinking fake champagne (in spite of my self-inflicted reputation for public drunkenness, I actually drink about 3oz of booze a year. at the most)
And we talk until we can’t stay awake anymore.
(tomorrow I hope to spend time with everyone here also)
A Story Stick would have drawings or colors or little bits of things to help the talker remember the story or legend he/she is telling.
A better term is probably Talking Stick. The person holding the talking stick leads the discussion. When someone else wants to talk, the stick is passed to them. Then that person talks. It’s a good way to keep order.
I hope I have described these correctly. If not, corrections are welcome.
Hi again,
Have you guys seen gandhi’s latest entry on the UK/Uzbekistan torture-connection. I think it belongs on the reco list. Have a look and see if you agree.
Good — although I’m surprised you’re still awake since you had a somewhat stressful day. Sometimes that makes me just keel over with tiredness. Of course, other times it keeps me up all night. You?
That was my first response. Then I remembered — OH, she’s talking about the part where mom had her knee replaced! And I was at the hospital for 6 hours or so and called a million people to tell them how it came out —
Oh, THAT stress? I actually forgot all about that. How weird is that? Now that she’s past the surgery & they didn’t find any more infection & they got that temporary knee out & the permanent one in — Well, THAT was the hard part. Rehab? That’ll be a breeze.
But, it does explain why I fell asleep for 2 full hours on the couch and really had to struggle to wake up.
I think I’ve touched base with you since I got back, didn’t I? I certainly meant to. Your good wishes/thoughts really helped me get through the day.
I probably am going to bed in a bit, but we’re going to watch Brian Wilson on Jay Leno. It’s a rerun, but I didn’t stay up long enough to see him when it was on a couple of weeks ago.
No I completely understand. Once the event is over and successful — its easy to put it out of your mind. I’m happy you could. But that IS probably why you napped. Medical science is amazing in so many ways — being able to replace things as they wear out. I’m glad your mother’s day went well and I’m sure she’ll be up and about sooner than later.
about an hour ago — went out to Chevy’s to make sure we got some fresh cranberry margaritas before they ended. (Favorite fresh fruit margaritas: cranberry and watermelon.)
About to have some ice cream (stopped on the way home), then get to bed; got a busy day tomorrow before we head out for New Year’s Eve… 🙂
Once when I was in Brussels at a customer site the week before Christmas, the employer gave marzipan made in the shape of an S in honor of Saint Sylvestre to all the employees. Quite a bit more appetizing than your buffet.
Hi katiebird!
ooo! lovely.
And the beer & Irish Mist were a lovely treat a few minutes ago.
Thank you.
ejmw, I was following your discussion with Gooserock in the last cafe, which is difficult for me to load now, so thought I’d reply to you here.
I’m in agreement with Gooserock’s comments as expressed there. I’m likely about the same vintage as he is. And I’m always impressed when a member of the next generation makes an attempt to grab hold of the collar of these rabid dogs we’ve got running/ruining the country.
I think you might find the information in this diary useful. It takes an investment in time to absorb the concepts, but many of them are already in play challenging this fascist trend.
I think we could leverage our forces better if we all had a better understanding of how these concepts work.
The photo is actually of the coastline at Los Cristianos, on the Canary Island of Tenerife. The other island in the background is La Gomera.
Thanks for the link to your diary. It’s now on my hotlist. I’ll echo BostonJoe’s first comment in response : I love having resources like that at my fingertips.
Golden Gate bridge: suspension cables

ctrl clik for larger image
See yawl in the am(?)…peeps are gone, B&B is closed and I’m outta here…
The boran2 boy does his part to support Repug chickenhawks.
Does anyone else find it incredibly ironic that the ‘Support Our Troops’ sign spins?
Or is that my Canadian Mist talkin’?
And they spin both ways, whichever way the political wind is blowing. 😉
please go read this heart-wrenching diary over at dKos.
Why Is My Brother Dying?
West Coast is still wide awake….
Heart wrenching diary, yes, indeed. One of many things to ponder as 2005 crosses over the bridge…
I read it earlier and recommended it. Our priorities are so screwed up. And this man pays the price.
Such a lovely campfire. I never get tired of watching. It’s always changing…always something new to see.
Where’s that space on the sitting log you promised me?
Who has the story stick?
You do.
Well, maybe time for a little sharing…
Long ago when I was a youth, I was very taken with movies of the Frank Sinata/Cary Grant ilk.
So much show and glitter and I was sure that one had to go to a huge, posh, fancy dress ball with costume and masks in order to bring in the New Year properly. Find some dashing masked partner to dance with and to kiss at midnight and to “live happily every after” with.
I’ve attended many NYE parties, seemed to be having a great time, but New Yeaar’s Day always comes and with it a strong sense of reality aka hangover.
Now a-days, Gooserock and I usually stay home on NYE. We spend a quiet evening, talking about next year and last year and how glad we are that we are “Happy Ever-after-ing” together.
Kind of sappy and not up to the tradition of the story stick, but I’ll close with wonderful wishes for a Happy New Year for all you Boo friends.
P.S. Gotta leave for a half hour or so. Since Gooserock is an “emotional wreck” from listening to the these of “You Only Live Twice”, I get to make the beer run tonight.
I used to watch the same movies, and I know what you mean. I thought that I would go to dance clubs & there would be confetti & and a big band.
It turns out that mister katiebird & I are both, well anti-social and we’ve had the best New Years, just staying at home eating our carefully selected special party foods and drinking fake champagne (in spite of my self-inflicted reputation for public drunkenness, I actually drink about 3oz of booze a year. at the most)
And we talk until we can’t stay awake anymore.
(tomorrow I hope to spend time with everyone here also)
I’m back. Found a bottle of Merlot also.
Yes, the quiet nights are the best. Hopes, dreams, plans, maybes, “do you think we could”s, all around good times.
One thing for sure, I’m leaving this year 30 lbs lighter than when I entered it. Yippee!!
Yipee! Indeed!
(me too)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Isn’t it fun?
Oh, yes. It’s the best thing that’s happened in a long time. But, I’m just taking it one day at a time. Just today.
I’ll have my food/eating/state-of-the-world blog going soon. And I’m hoping that will keep me energized and focused.
One day at a time is plenty enough.
We just got word that Florida Mom is home. She called to let us know. All is well. I hope I make it to 80 in such good shape.
I’m so glad she made it safely and well. It must be hard to go from having her so close to a cross-country relationship. I hate it when people leave.
May I ask “what’s a story stick?”
A Story Stick would have drawings or colors or little bits of things to help the talker remember the story or legend he/she is telling.
A better term is probably Talking Stick. The person holding the talking stick leads the discussion. When someone else wants to talk, the stick is passed to them. Then that person talks. It’s a good way to keep order.
I hope I have described these correctly. If not, corrections are welcome.
That’s my memory also. But, I couldn’t verify it (my searches failed! she wailed.)
That would make a great title for a blog… 🙂
Hi again,
Have you guys seen gandhi’s latest entry on the UK/Uzbekistan torture-connection. I think it belongs on the reco list. Have a look and see if you agree.
this one?
I just recommended it. Isn’t the internet great? Gives us little people power to keep the governments in check.
Wow — you guys are still up? The last few nights everybody’s been asleep by 10:00. How’s everybody doing? Any of those martinis left?
thanks its perfect. Shaken not stirred. (or is supposed to be stirred not shaken?) You can tell I don’t really drink martinis
I’m sipping my demitassi of Drambuie, so I’ll be here to visit for a while:
Good — although I’m surprised you’re still awake since you had a somewhat stressful day. Sometimes that makes me just keel over with tiredness. Of course, other times it keeps me up all night. You?
That was my first response. Then I remembered — OH, she’s talking about the part where mom had her knee replaced! And I was at the hospital for 6 hours or so and called a million people to tell them how it came out —
Oh, THAT stress? I actually forgot all about that. How weird is that? Now that she’s past the surgery & they didn’t find any more infection & they got that temporary knee out & the permanent one in — Well, THAT was the hard part. Rehab? That’ll be a breeze.
But, it does explain why I fell asleep for 2 full hours on the couch and really had to struggle to wake up.
I think I’ve touched base with you since I got back, didn’t I? I certainly meant to. Your good wishes/thoughts really helped me get through the day.
I probably am going to bed in a bit, but we’re going to watch Brian Wilson on Jay Leno. It’s a rerun, but I didn’t stay up long enough to see him when it was on a couple of weeks ago.
No I completely understand. Once the event is over and successful — its easy to put it out of your mind. I’m happy you could. But that IS probably why you napped. Medical science is amazing in so many ways — being able to replace things as they wear out. I’m glad your mother’s day went well and I’m sure she’ll be up and about sooner than later.
Yeah, but now, due to popular request, they’ve set up the martini bar in the bathroom… ha ha ha
that’s where we keep the bathtub gin. (wonder how you make gin in a bathtub.)
Here ya go then Bath Tub Gin
about an hour ago — went out to Chevy’s to make sure we got some fresh cranberry margaritas before they ended. (Favorite fresh fruit margaritas: cranberry and watermelon.)
About to have some ice cream (stopped on the way home), then get to bed; got a busy day tomorrow before we head out for New Year’s Eve… 🙂
I’m heading to bed with Charlie Rose (on the TV).
Sweet Dreams!
I think I’ll sign off for now too. Restful sleep to all. Pleasant dreams. Think up good stories for when the Talking Stick is passed to you.
so will the real nightowls stand up and be counted?
supreme beings of leisure are !@#$%& rad.
that is all.
In France, we call New Year’s Eve “La Saint Sylvestre”, and the midnight dinner is aclled “Réveillon”
So I wish you all a nice Sylvester’s réveillon:
Once when I was in Brussels at a customer site the week before Christmas, the employer gave marzipan made in the shape of an S in honor of Saint Sylvestre to all the employees. Quite a bit more appetizing than your buffet.
Happy New Year!
Bonne année!
I’m thinking the Festival of Lights in Lyon looks much better than Sylvester’s dinner…
Come and Visit!