Froggy Bottom Lounge
Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Glad you made it!
I’m having one of these tonight: Stoli Ohranj Vodka, dash Campari, dash orange juice, garnish w/orange slice.
CDs are in their regular spot next to the stereo
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
I’m going to buy a classier glass. This coffee mug of mine just wouldn’t look right in that picture.
Oh, YES!!
you got class.
(If you change your signature setting to sticky (in comment settings) before you change the katiebird back, the tipsy katiebird will stay in the comment).
I Did!!
Finished my project for the day (well, its not finished but I’M finished for the day). Think I’ll sip my martini while I’m in the bathroom cleaning up.
siping a martini in the bathroom…
Coffee and beer, maybe, but martinis… what preytell were you thinking????
I’m picturing myself as one of those 1950’s stars, sipping martinis in the bathroom preferably in my deep tub full of bubbles. (In actuality, I have a very small bathroom and I only use the shower — but I can dream eh?)
Hey, I was doing pretty well with the vision thing ’til I got to those parentheses – large hot tub/jacuzzi, tile all around, bay window looking out on a peaceful meadow… ooop! left out the human element… ah… yes… sipping martinis…
I don’t think a large hot tub would fit in my bathroom even if I took out everything else including the toilet. And the bay window (if there was one) would look out over a fairly ordinary urban back yard. One time a few years ago I must have said something to my parents about how nice it would be to have a heated towel rack. So my mother thinks “great Christmas gift!” Fortunately, she came over to measure — and of course it wouldn’t fit in my bathroom. So no heated towel rack. (I’d also like one of those tile floors that are heated. Hey, like I said — I can dream.)
Once upon a time I did const mgmt for a couple I knew. Suezette, says, “I want the tile floor so warm that my cats are lying like this.” And she demonstrates, hands and feet stretched out to the sides lying on her back. Well, that’s what she got. Do cats sweat?
Don’t know if cats sweat but i’m liking the idea of that tile.
Well, I’m taking my (very clean) self out for a little while. See ya’ll later!
Cats are entirely too cool to sweat.
My favorite bathroom in any place I’ve lived was the tiny bathroom in my St. Louis (Richmond Heights, actually) apartment. It featured rose pink and mint green tile, so I went with a “flamingo madness” theme. Flamingo shower curtain, towels, accessories–and framed enlargements of photos I’d taken of the flamingos at the St. Louis zoo. It was hysterical!
Ha — I think it’s a rule that bathrooms (of a certain age) in St. Louis have flamingo pink tiles. A bunch of my friends have them. But no one I know has gone with the flamingo theme — great idea. My house clearly started out with some other tile but at some point an owner converted all the tile in the bathroom to that itty bitty square tile. I’m guessing the original tile was very bright.
I was awfully fond of that apartment, even if it did overlook beautiful Highway 40, and even though I had to buy a window air conditioner the size of a Volkswagen to cool the place.
to a bubble bath.
(For gentlemen of course, that would be a “Sports Foam Soak.”)
mmmm…top shelf
this drink. Anyone else tried it yet? Like it or not?
Oh yes — support St. Louis based Anheuser Busch — keep my friends employed. I’ve never tasted it although one of my AB friends brought it to a couple of parties. People who tried it either loved it or hated it. Guess that’s no help for you. It apparently has lime in it and something else that I can’t remember.
too lazy to run downstairs and look. Actually I tried it a couple of weeks ago. Tasted great for the first 1-1/2 bottle, and then the last 1/2 lasted a very long time.
It just doesn’t stand up to the real thing, Coronas/lime, and if I want tequila flavor, I’ll stick with that in the pure form.
do yerself a favor NDD, get

muy bueno
hey, dada, great logo! Actually I’ve already switched. I should be in possession of 2 six packs of same by tomorrow night, which I intend to share with the “delivery woman.”
Pacifico seems to be more consistent with their quality and have a more robust flavor.
I won’t tell you what the Mexicans call Corona…suffice it to say, they do not drink it widely…another marketing success…they’re owned by some major AmerBrew™ corp. I believe.
Enjoy, and I’m sure the Senorita will be appreciatve…:{)
Good evening, all!
Glad to see happy hour finally here. I’d like a Pilsner Urquell, please.
And maybe some technical assistance?
I left a query in the old cafe just as it closed, but maybe someone here knows?
Apparently midbar is at type of copy protection but it isn’t clear to me whether it will stop you from importing your songs into itunes or not. If you stop the media player and start up itunes can it see the cd?
Hi Andi,
OK. The actual disk has finished playing. The player is still open. Opened iTunes, did file->import which brings up the ‘Import’ box and correctly suggesting the F: drive. But I see no audio files, just a folder called Player (and a doc called uninstallplayer). The folder contains yet other folders called Interface.nib and Skin. Which makes me believe they only determine how the player looks on my desktop. No audio-files to be seen.
Sorry for this nerdy (or lack of sufficient nerdiness on my part) intermission
So I guess that answers the question — midbar’s copy protection keeps itunes from seeing the files which means that you aren’t going to be able to import them.
If you still can, you could take the CD back and buy it from the itunes store instead.
Thanks Andi,
I worried that was the case.
But the CD goes nowhere. The regular CD is fine, it was just this limited-edition bonus disk that came with it that has the problem. Some quite unusual remixes. Not available at iTunes.
If you’re using a PC, you should be able to rip the mp3’s with a different program (such as Audiograbber if you’re on a windows pc) and then import them into iTunes.
But I don’t use iTunes, so I’m not totally sure of how that all works.
My library includes some home recordings done by friends.
If he can create the mp3 files some other way, then he can just import the files directly into itunes. But from what I could find on midbar copy protection I’m not sure that any other program is going to be able create the mp3’s either.
Well, there is always some way, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be a direct digital->digital conversion.
That’s how they’re going to try to stop copying, btw…by making devices that play the music not play copied music. Copy-protection on the source is doomed to fail, no matter what.
Thanks all, for suggestions.
I’ll probably need the help of this guy to sort it out. My compatriote has quite a story.
His blog.
Hi everyone…just making a quick stop to tell everyone that Boston Joe said to tell everyone at the Pond and all Tribbers a Happy New Year. He was off to Miami for some family time after all his book signings and Christmas rush and will be back in fighting form in Jan.
And I’m popping out again..seem to have to do quite a bit of resting this last week.
Are we having a big blowout here in the Cafe by the way tomorrow night? Lots of drinking, acting silly, drinking, ah wait don’t we already do that…?
Ahh! I forgot to buy the decorations!! I’ll be back in a flash!!
Don’t forget the web-cam… should be some way we could all be there in holographic virtual reality…
You know, that would be very exciting. I’m guessing Andi would know how to do it too.
are not ones that I bother with — so webcams are of no interest to me. π
Or am I stuck here alone with my drink?
I just got here.
Woo hoo!
Absolutely. How about a Bailey’s on ice?
How’s this?
Why thank you! And what would you like?
I’m not picky. Whatcha got? π
This is what we’ve got.
Hmm…thanks for the offer, but maybe I’ll just bring the beverages tonight π
Hmm…do you think that’ll be enough?
I think so. But I’ve got more out back just in case.
Oh, as long as you’ve got backup!
I know fraternities are bad-mouthed on most liberal blogs as a rule, but you have to admit that they teach preparedness in certain situations π
Can I give you a 10 for that?
I don’t think BooMan has Scoop set up for that, but I’ll mark it down on my old fashioned mojo abacus π
so you spend of your vacation partying?
Still grading papers. I keep getting distracted. Hmm… I wonder what it is that stops me from grading papers?
On that front, I have made a serious career decision, I have decided that I will return to school to get an endorsement for being a school librarian. While I love American Literature, grading papers gets in the way of doing the things I love to do. I’ll contact the university next week and see when I can start.
I can see a lot of appeal in being a librarian, especially with all the interesting things that are with technology — though I’m guessing you might suffer some serious withdrawal problems with not having students given the way you described how you felt about the ones who visited you.
If I could stay at the school where I am now, I would still be the Student Council adviser, so I would still have daily contact with the kids.
That would be good. And going back to school is always a pleasurable thing, even better when you are getting into an entirely new area.
Evening. Is the weather as cruddy in Michigan as it is in Indiana?
Not yet. However, the weather underground tells me that whatever you’re getting now, we’re about to get in spades.
Are you in Ann Arbor or did you go somewhere else for the holidays?
Ummm…both! I went up north to visit my grandpa over Christmas, but I’ve been back in the ace deuce since Sunday evening.
The weather underground says we have a “100% chance of snow” tomorrow. Woo.
Is there big weather coming this way? Can’t it wait until Monday/Tuesday, around 2 AM? Sigh.
I’m here…for a while anyhow…. I’m flaunting my new sig file. I’ll stick around for a bit.
Can I get you something to drink?
How are you this evening?
Thanks. I’m loving the look of the Drambuie. There’s a certain joy in a sipping liquor…especially a Scottish one. π
I’ve been looking for you — love, love, love your signature!! It’s the coolest!
Would you like a demitassi?
Yes, to the demitassi. That’s a demitasse cup that makes sense.
It’s interesting about the sig. The words are the same I’ve always used on Boo. The addition of the icon is getting the notice. A picture is worth….etc.
Actually I always liked your signature — even before this recent addition. I just think the image is a particularly felicitous enhancement.
I am very glad to hear,however, that it is attracting notice to Chief Joseph’s noble phrase.
His phrase so true…so perfect in its simplicity. Glad you like it.
Here’s a bottle on ice for ya π
There’s a new campfire open out back. Care to join?
(image source)
Yikes! Another change of campfires?? I just get going well in one and I have to get up and move. Sigh… Roll up another log for me to sit on and break out the story stick.
Happy New Year Everybody!!
BTW: I haven’t noticed Boston Joe around lately, anybody know why??
chocolate ink had a comment up above in this very thread with news of BostonJoe:
Thanks, missed the comment upstream!
Chocolate Ink delivered a message from him in an earlier cafe:
1.5 OZ Peach Schnapps
1.5 OZ Blue Curacao
lemon twist
Hi everyone, I’ll be on an extended vacation starting tomorrow morning and will be away until Monday, Jan 9th. I hope you all have a safe and happy New Year’s holiday.
Hey Andi, make sure Marmotdude doesn’t trash the cafe on Tuesday in my absence π
Are you going anywhere fun, ManEe?
I’m heading to Acapulco 2 weeks from tomorrow. My excitement can be neither described nor contained in this little comment box.
I’m flying out to LA tomorrow with five friends, we’ll be causing trouble in that area for the week. It’s not Acapulco, but I’ll try to make the best of it π
Awesome. I wish you the best in committing debauchery, tomfoolery, and shenanigans. Watch out for brouhaha and donnybrooks though, those are the ones that get you into real trouble π
Here’s the cafe key if you’re interested in opening up on Tuesday π
Heh. Why you sneaky little… :p
If there is a lack of a cafe, then I will do it. The problem is that if I post one from work, I can’t see any of the pictures to make sure that it all worked.
Unless I make my own custom cafe layout. Mwa ha ha.
madness usually has a method. Mwa ha ha
I’m suddenly envisioning Austin Powers, where Dr. Evil and all of his Evil cohorts are standing around, evil-chuckling.
Which also reminds me of this quote from Dilbert:
I have this taped to the hidden side of my desk, it gives me a private chuckle when dealing with moody co-workers
OMG. That’s hilarious.
froggybottom will do the cafe and keep the Dude under control. Have a great New Years and a fun vacation.
Same to you, Andi! froggybottom must have super powers if he/she thinks Marmotdude can be tamed. hehe
Did you see that wedgie someone gave Marmotdude last night – with the rubber underpants? Someone has super powers.
my concern is the retaliation. Even after the hookah hit, Marmotdude remained unamused.
from Marmotdude to you since you won’t be around.
I hope the yellow tinge is from lemon juice….
if you haven’t been to my impeachment diary lately, you want to – fabooj posted a link to the “it’s not just for blowjobs” graphic!
: p
I listened to “Democracy Now’s” end of year show this afternoon. It was largely a stream of unprefaced audio clips from the year. I basically cried for an hour. I remember 11/63, I remember spring of 68, 1970 and 9/11. Even though some or much of it goes back earlier, this is hands down the worst news year ever for our country in my life.
So I came upstairs and thought I’d see if iTunes has my favorite alternate tune version of “Auld Lang Syne” sung in the 80’s or so by the Tannahill Weavers. The song is personal for us, it’s how old time Scots end every party, in a hand-holding circle, once thru slow, then crossing hands to tighten the circle, fast. iTunes didn’t have that one, but I did find a surprisingly appropriate bluegrass version by Bill Keith. When Puget4 came home from end of year hardware store shopping, I played it for her and we both cried again. So very American and yet somehow exactly the wit and feel of the common people you’ll always hear from Scots.
And NOW-ow-ow-ow, the weekend kicks off with my biggest movie theme crush, You Only Live Twice just beginning on Spike TV.

Not Nancy Sinatra (and not Connery. I like Scots but Sheena Easton is my preferred gender!) –but the melody itself. Got the sound piped in thru the ‘hi fi’ to get ready for its return to the soundtrack, when Bond and his Japanese ‘wife’ head out to sea among the local fishermen.
Now I’ll be an emotional puddle all weekend.
Image source.
Boy, did I ever pick a shitty year to start paying attention, eh?
I admit, I’ve often found myself wondering : “has it always been this bad, and I just didn’t know, or is this really that much worse?”
I guess it is that much worse.
Has it always…..The wife and I ask each other that question at least once a week! I don’t think it has been this bad. I know I’ve become older and more cynical, but I can’t think of a worse time for our country. Nam was terrible, many more deaths over an even longer period of time than our latest adventure to be sure, but I did not get the same sense of overwhelming dread that I do now most every day. Internationally, domestically, environmentally, morally, constitutionally, we are F—–!
I don’t think it has been this bad either, but maybe I’m just buying into The Lies My Teacher Told Me (Who’s got the book plug ready??) π
Honestly, I don’t have a feeling of dread…at least not in the long term. My generation (20-30 yr olds) is more progressive than any of the others (at least if you believe the surveys and polls). And every day the wool is falling from more and more American’s eyes.
America is not full of bad people. There are just too many who have been convinced that they should be too busy with their own lives to pay attention to the things that matter.
Those things give me hope.
You’re right about being more progressive from what I’ve seen.
But you’ll have vastly less to work with.
Keep in mind that you don’t take real power for another generation till you’re in your 50’s or so. As we boomers just began last decade. All you’ve got to work with between now and then is maybe some activism–which just became difficult as you’ve just left behind your college years–and your voting patterns.
The Constitution will belong to George W. Bush’s 2-4 Supreme Court Justices until you’re within sight of what your grandparents used to call “retirement” age. If we can somehow pen him in now, at the very best you’ll face important Consitutional limits on liberalism that nobody alive in America knows how to work with. Worst case the system could become, under law, Consitutional feudalism.
For you the people will own less of the country than they ever have in modern times, less of culture, less of the entire information system which since the debut of realtime media has been completely feudal and undemocratic.
One of my hopes for your generation is that you might be firmly enough rooted in the future to look at what’s up against us more realistically than we your elders have been doing. We continue to imagine this as all some bad dream of a few evil lawbreakers. We haven’t yet got how incredibly structural it all is, so we’re continually being outmanuvered and surprised by morons. That’s the classic sign that your system is DOA but we haven’t recognized it yet.
I hope that as your crowd shoulders some of the work, if you get some kind of action plan, at least the 1970 crowd can be mobilized along with you. I’d hate to think that was our sole lifetime contribution.
Oh gawwwwd there’s my Bond theme! Time to go be human for an hour.
Enjoy Bond π I probably won’t be here any longer in an hour, but who knows.
What you said in your comment is very, very important.
One of the things I love about the blogs and easy access to information is that it speeds up the learning curve.
It is my hope that by continuing to learn from people like you who have already been through so much sh*t and have had time to analyze what is going on, the younger generation(s) can start to understand and influence more quickly.
Sean Connery!! What a hunk!! He doesn’t get older, he truly just gets better. Mercy!
Hum. I was on the couch, then I was sound asleep. And I’m still kind of bleery eyed.
(looking around)
Did I miss a party?
You didn’t miss it yet. We’ve still got plenty!

And in case suskind is still around…

Here’s lookin’ at you!
ummm. Good.
To life !! Merci Mille Foix & Happy New Year, ejmw !