New Year’s Eve? Got plans? Forgot tomorrow night’s that night? Oh, and please don’t tell me you do that “New Year’s Resolution” thing. OPEN THREAD:
New Year’s Eve? Got plans? Forgot tomorrow night’s that night? Oh, and please don’t tell me you do that “New Year’s Resolution” thing. OPEN THREAD:
Staying up to watch the ball drop with my family and toasting each other with non-alcoholic carbonated grape juice ( a fave of my daughter who calls it her champagne).
I’m having some friends over for dinner, then kicking them out early so that I can get to sleep to wake up for an 8 AM flight to Las Vegas. No whooping it up at midnight for me.
Playing in by far the best band in NY City, to my ears.
C’mon down to Birdland and try to guess which one I am.
I may ‘fess up…or I may not.
It’ll be fun either way.
Oh, please tell us. We promise to keep it a secret.
hey susan..i left you a comment yesterday..wondering if you can help me out?
Cham, I missed it … should I try to find it? Can you e-mail me?
this it’s not hard to find out. Unless you are Hilary Kole..the answer is kinda obvious. Hope you have a great show.
Arthur, I had no idea!
That trumps my idea of a New Year’s show: watching homegrown Boulder rock gods Rose Hill Drive perform the entirety of Led Zeppelin I, note for note. I’m a man of simple tastes.
me and not might want to find him. I heard Tito at the Blue Note several years ago…It was kick ass…nothing like horns to get one out of a bad mood and put a smile on their face.
I played and wrote for Tito Puente on and off for aver 20 years.
Yeah, but…there are 19 people in the band.
Which one am I?
Arthur Gilroy (a pseudonym)
That was my thought too.
You could have made our lives easier by playing in a smaller ensemble, you know.
I’ll email you with my guess and reasoning.
You be playin’ with a killer band AG…hangin’ with the “Bad” boys, as my friend Scotty would say…wish I could be there.
You a regular…or sittin’ in?
The next BooBook has been selected:
Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen
The book discussion will be Saturday, Feb. 11.
Here’s the Powell’s link. I’ll do the Alibris link in a minute…. I’m new to their system so need to look up the e-mail they sent me with the explanation.
Andi, if you’d like, I can put up a notice in the left column, with the book jacket image, but it’d be best to have an e-mail or diary contact to add so that visitors will see how to join the book club. Thanks.
I’m just playing her on this thread because she’s taking a one-week hiatus to get some work done. Right now the only diary she has is the one that was up for the voting which probably isn’t the right link. Would it work to use kansas’ email for the time being and then when she’s back online she can do a diary for linking?
Sure! Do we have her permission, or need it? (I’ll do the dotcom blah blah thing….
and which address should I use?
I’ll email nancy and see what she wants to do and then I’ll email you with the info.
Thanks for the help.
Here’s the Alibris link:
Lies My Teacher Told Me
Excellent choice! The summer I was reading it I was teaching an anatomy class. Occasionally, I couldn’t resist sharing some of what I was reading with the class, even though it was decidedly OT. Eventually, whenever we had a little time left over at the end of a lecture, they’d beg me to tell them more . . . .
going over to friends.
no real resolutions – at least not arbitrarily tied to this date. tend to gravitate to other points as “new year” – rather than the midwinter calendar date.
ski hard all day, have a nice dinner with my family and parents, then fall asleep before midnight watching some movie my wife rented.
My doctor gave me my New Year’s Resolution, sorry Susan. No more alcohol. I drink rarely, but really appreciate a good beer, but until I get some normal liver tests I’m taking no chances. And I stopped with all caffeine about six weeks ago, as some of you may recall. Neither is a big deal for me, luckily.
finally learn Spanish, so I can converse more easily with my extended family. I’ve already signed up for an evening course, starting January 31.
Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Neuvo!
down at the SJ Improv; booked a room on N. First so the spouse and I don’t have to worry about drinking and driving (his and the other idiots on the road). Will sleep in till about 9 or so, then stop at IHOP for New Year’s Day brunch on the way home. Haven’t been out for New Year’s in several years, so this’ll be a treat… 🙂
Making Black Eyed Peas and Hamhocks, and talking myself out of going to any one of twenty different good shows in the North Bay. If I had a place to stay in S.F. I’d go see the Jackie Payne/Steve Edmondson band at Rassella’s (Ethiopian food).
I worry about the amateur drinkers driving on New Year’s Eve and St. Patrick’s.
I should go over to Safeway when I go to pick up the Martinelli’s and get some black-eyed peas. I don’t know if anyone but me will eat them, but I like them, and I never think of them except on New Years.
A friend sent me this article here.
I’m going to stop paying this tax as my first political act of 2006.
I had no idea. Funny how these things become permanent.
If RMPJ endorses it, it’s a wonder I haven’t joined in yet. I’m with you, sbj. Now if only I could do something similar on my federal income tax return.
I’m not going out on the roads. Nobody I know is doing a party that’s worth sharing the road with all those crazy drivers out there, and the fireworks look a lot better to me when I’m watching them on TV than when I’m out with 50,000 of my closest friends on a rainy Seattle night (it always seems to rain on New Years Eve — the fireworks must attract the rain).
So, this year I’m going to be at home with my family, some snackies and a bottle of Martinelli’s Sparkling Apple Cider (unless I can find the apple-cranberry stuff). And, we’ll be spending the evening with our year-old granddaughter, because her parents apparently know someone who’s throwing a party they think is worth going to.
Gee, go out and hang out with a bunch of strangers in the rain or stay home with my granddaughter . . . lemme think about that one . . .
Hey, come on over to the Lounge and play Friday Random 10 with us!
I’ll be attending to the needs of a raging 7 year old. Oh, and watching the ball drop with my wife.
If we feel up to it, we may do something truly exciting like paint the ceiling of our kitchen. It would certainly brighten up a portion of the rehab site (our old house) we call home.
Since January 1 is my husband’s birthday, we likely won’t do much on New Year’s eve. Somehow combining birthday with New Year’s always sets off a ruminative mode in him and so in both of us. . . I just checked out our Netflix supply and see that we have only a couple of what I call “depressed and/or suicidal” flicks on hand, so we are not watching one of them New Years eve!
I think I’ll cook up some good Southern food and ask my spouse to read aloud to me – his commentary on some things is almost as good as the Mystery Science Theater
My daughter has invited me to come to her home and enjoy their company; however, since I am on call, ((((as usual)))), I probably will stay at home and enjoy just being at home, which is becomeing evermore less and less as time goes by, it seems….:o(. I will be very glad when they hire some one to relive me at my job!!!!! Please, every one enjoy their New Year’s eve and do stay very safe and remember those of us that do have to work….:o)…Throwing a big kiss and hug your way…… HAPPY NEW YEAR
This will be my last New Year’s Eve driving a taxi.
Sometime next week I’ve been warned that I’ll be asked to pee in a cup. That’ll end my taxi driving career, just a couple of months short of twelve years.
“Wo, oh, what I want to know, is are you kind?”
Dinner tomorrow night at my Mother’s – hoping to get her to eat a bit more than usual as she has been losing weight. She’s 89 and still mourning the loss of Dad two & a half years ago. Then home to probably watch the celebration in Times Square and perhaps catch a glimpse of youngest daughter who will be there somewhere. Keeping my fingers crossed that there aren’t any convenient “incidents” that will allow the shrub to push his imperial presidency any further.
Nothing much. Eating leftover pot roast, popping a bottle of cheap champagne, lighting a fire in our den fireplace and trying to stay awake long enough to watch the ball drop. Boring!
On New Year’s Day, Hubby and I will make a mess of collards with sausage, some black-eyed peas and a cake of sweet cornbread made with fine-milled corn flour from our next door neighbor’s grist mill; he gave us 10 lbs. as a welcome gift. Then, we’ll call our distant children and make their mouth’s water.
We can celebrate the New Year around the World!
Going to a dinner and dance benefit for the local high school here in the little mexican village of Melaque. Please God let someone ask me to dance instead of the group of ladies, of which I am one. Happy New Year All!!
I may or may not have people over. My sister and her family are in town from France. None of my friends have any plans and I have 2 little ones and no babysitter. So, I’ll be here. Nodding off around 10pm as my husband snores on the sofa and then tries to pretend he’s “not old” by waking up around midnight and staying up until 4am.
We have a local Dem potluck almost every Sat..far more social than political. Good folks, great food, killer, trash talking board games only tonight we’re taking an Xmas present over..a karaoke unit…we’ll see if we can get people going…oh, and the potluck is literally ‘just around the cove’. I live on a cove in Maine hard by the ocean. Our lives are simple but beautiful. Were I in NY i would definitely go see AG’s band and hurl insults and catcalls till he came clean 😉