Photograph credit to AndiF.
It seems Marmotdude got an early start at her house this morning.
Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Music supplied by IndyLib & The Local Frogs, Fully Stocked Open Bar, Kitchen Pantry filled with foods from around the world & Confetti & Balloons ready to drop from the ceiling.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
We didn’t have a single clean table & I haven’t even served a single drink.
We’ve got a clean facility with all the usual treats.
when it gets too dirty, just move.
My mother-in-law and brother-in-law just left the house. We had a lovely dinner – if I do say so myself. Once the dishes are started, we will start our annual New Year’s Eve movie-thon.
How is everybody else doing?
We’re making our New Years Eve Snack Dinner. Mr. katiebird just finished rolling little-bitty hotdogs into roll dough. He’s made a mini-pizza from the leftover dough & we’ve got cheesy dippy snacks & crackers.
I love mini food! Is he making it all in an Easy Bake Oven?
(laughing, absolutely laughing out loud!)
My mother would not let me have one of those when I was a kid.
I’m over it now, but, I’m just saying.
Me too! The Easy Bake Oven was the catalyst for the meanest thing I ever did as a kid.
This girl on the next street had a father who was a local TV celebrity, so she had EVERYTHING. I wanted an Easy Bake Oven desperately and she had one and I just hated her so much. One day when she was being particularly annoying, you know by flicking her perfect hair around and being all cute and rich, I put several chewed up pieces of Bazooka bubble gum in her Easy Bake Oven and turned it on.
I taught her! Her life spiraled downward from there…last thing I heard the poor thing was editor of a magazine in New York City.
Imagine what she could have become if you kept your gum in your mouth. Are you Catholic? If you are – 100 Hail Marys for you to start the new year.
Yes, Sister Toni. How did you know about my being Catholic? The 7 siblings? The guilt?
I just had an image of myself in a nun’s habit flash in my mind. It’s not pretty.
But it does cover a multitude of sins.
You know, when the nuns no longer had to wear habits, it freaked me out. But then I got so that I could pick out a nun even when she wasn’t wearing a habit.
We’ve got an actual nun as a children’s librarian at one of our branches. Apparently it isn’t uncommon for nuns to get jobs in the outside world to bring money into the order.
That’s wild. It’s a shame that they need the money when it seems like there’s always enough for the priests.
My favorite teacher of all time…Sr. Mary Rita, followed closely by the crusty, venerable Sr. Francesca.
What does a nun without a habit look like?
I’m not sure I should tell you. It would severely impair their ability to blend in with the general populace and then smack your knuckles with a ruler when they witnessed you do something bad.
Funny, in Google Images, all the nuns are in habits.
It explains a lot. ๐
I know I pronounced myself invisible for a week, but I just had to stop by and wish all the BooBabes and BooDudes the Happiest of New Year’s Eves. You guys were the greatest in 2005 and you will be even greater in 2006.
Love, love, love you!!
Happy New Year!!
Same to you fellow BooBabe. Now get back to work…
OMG, that’s what my therapist said.
Happy New Year kansas. See you in a week.
My parents had a rule. If we asked for it, we couldn’t have it. They never once wavered on this rule. Ever.
So if we wanted something all we could do was keep our mouths shut & pray.
It rarely worked. And I never got either a Chatty Cathy or an Easy Bake Oven.
That was a rather passive-aggressive form of parenting.
Well, this rule was mostly enforced at Christmas. They (particularly my mother) didn’t approve of Christmas presents.
You might remember that my mother gave me 6 broken cookies & some chocolates this year. And it was a struggle for her to come up with that idea.
See?…it worked! I’ll bet you didn’t even ask for 6 broken cookies!
Hubby has just crashed, poor old unromantic tired-ass that he is. Leaving me to consume the remainder of the bottle of champagne that he opened for me. Well, he did drink one glass and engage in a couple of toasts plus give me a hug and a kiss before retiring. He’ll probably be up for midnight while I drunkenly hit the sheets around 10; we’ll pass in the hall and, perhaps, exchange another kiss before going our separate but cojoined paths.
So, I’m here for the evening or until I am lured away by the hypnotic effect of HGTV — is it additive or what? Hubby actually said to me this morning that he was sorry he couldn’t stay awake to see what Debbie had done to that farmer’s house.
In fairness, we have been working very hard unpacking, cleaning and organizing our new home. We worked today on preparing a bed for asparagus. We have gotten so paranoid about not leaving a grass root alive that Hubby suggested setting fire to the sucker with kerosene. I thought that was a truly redneck solution but I liked it.
Would the kerosene be good for the spring asparagus crop?
Hubby assures me that the only residue it would leave would be char. As opposed to Round-Up which has a 30-day poison effect. I’ve ordered two-year old crowns from Burpee’s so we can’t harvert a shoot until next year anyway. I somehow prefer burn to poison. And it will be fun to watch that bed burn, baby, burn. The other option is raking and raking the roots out of the bed and that’s become quite tiresome already.
Here in Southern Ontario, asparagus grows wild in ditches. It’s so wonderful when it comes in around Mother’s Day – very tender. I’d like to freeze some, but I’m not sure that freezing asparagus would do it justice. Any suggestions?
I’d be worried about eating anything grown on someone elses ditch. Poisons & exhaust gas especially. I have a fear that you can get Hodgkin’s Disease by eating such foods.
Farmers out in the county grow asparagus, I’m pretty sure that they don’t just go out to the ditches and harvest the wild asparagus. I hope not, anyway. It’s just very abundant here.
Wild asparagus?? How neat… (This from New Hampshire). ๐
Burn baby burn. I like it. I wonder if Frankenoid does it this way.
Probably not.
the one I try not to be caught watching, is “What Not to Wear.”
The premise is, friends and family call the show for intervention for someone they think needs wardrobe help. The hosts, Clint and Stacy, neither of whom appears particularly sartorially gifted themselves, show up and give the person $5000 and show them secret video they have taped of them in their erstwhile clothes.
Occasionally their clothes are really bad, but usually it is just tee shirts and jeans or sweats.
But they have to spend the $5000 at designer stores, they do not let them go to the outlet mall.
Clint and Stacy try really hard to be witty, but fail, and in the end the victim is all decked out in $500 pants and $1200 boots, etc. and doesn’t really look much better than Clint & Stacy, which would be damning by faint praise if they did. Almost all the victims have to buy a leather jacket of some kind, which always costs over a thousand dollars, so their $5000 doesn’t go very far. And most of the women have to buy at least one $400 thing in an animal print, which Stacy says they can wear anywhere and with everything.
It is such an awful show. I thoroughly enjoy it. Your husband might like it too.
You forgot to mention that at some point in every show either Stacy or the obviously gay Clint has to hold the woman’s breasts in their hands like frightened birds, or smoosh them up and together in order to facilitate the appearance of cleavave, which is apparently What TO Wear.
where they’re supposed to be.
I had left that part out on purpose, for the sake of delicacy, but since you brought it up…
I also did not mention just how gel-defined Stacy keeps her ends.
In her one gene away from Fran Drescher world, every item of clothing that a woman owns should be skin tight and worn with needle-toed four inch high heeled shoes, usually black patent leather.
I have never seen this show. My secret shame is Dr. Phil. I just don’t understand how these people with huge problems feel that going on t.v is going to solve their problems.
I watch Dr. Phil as well, if only to feel good about my life. One of my favorites was the man who criticized everything his wife did from how she cooked, to the placement of the furniture. And he wanted her to wash his truck in the front yard wearing a bikini and spike heels. And he wanted Dr. Phil to back him up on it.
That can’t be real. Who would go on television and allow themselves to be humiliated?
I forgot to mention she had 3 kids under five.
I’d love Dr. Phil to live in a little outbuilding on my property and be my life manager. But humiliate myself on TV? Nah.
I was hooked on that one for a while. I even submitted my daughter — by her own request — for a makeover.
Then… then, I couldn’t watch it anymore because… I began to doubt their authority. I mean, I could do better than the choices they choose. There was the formula of leather and shirts hanging out under jackets that just turned me off.
And I noticed that none of their victims had clothing problems like my own. Each of them basically had really good figures but edged toward sizes beyond the current ideal. I mean, so what if you’re a size 14-16 but you still have a waist? I personally don’t have a waist anymore. I’ve turned into a barrel with skinny legs and arms; they never told me what to wear. Fuck ’em.
Animal prints: Yuck!
And we’re watching the Ministry of Silly Walks sketch.
It is so funny! I am laughing and laughing.
The secretary serving food with the silly walk!
Allright, I’m getting virtually smashed tonight on virtual vodka. You know, the good stuff. Virtual Russian vodka. Black market virtual Russian vodka smuggled into the US in the hold of a rusty freighter. Smuggled in by a gnarled and wizened seaman and procured by me through a friend of a friend clandestinely in a dark Brooklyn alley at 3 in the morning. In the driving rain. At great danger to all involved. (Of course, in my other life I’ll be at home catering to the many needs of a needy 7 year old and boringly drinking non-alcoholic.)
Dream big, boran2….and may they all come true in 2006. Now hug that 7 year old for me.
I’ll do that. And I wish your family a very happy new year. You have 3, I believe?
I have four but my oldest still lives in Ohio. I wish I could go back to when he was seven.
Ack!!! My response ended up below!
Will the seven year old stay up until midnight?
Let’s hope not!
I remember being around 10 the first time my parents let me stay up until midnight on New Year’s Eve. I used to think that Dick Clark was cool.
4, my goodness! 7 is a great age. He is becoming aware of so many things.
Ok, came over here to see ya all…hugs and Happy New Year…..Thanks Katiebird for showing me where the action is tonight….
Hey Brenda…Happy New Year! And you’re more than welcome to wear scrubs. I have them and I don’t even work at a hospital. I just think they’re so sexy and comfortable!…well, comfortable.
Actually they are comfortable. I live in mine only because I work all the time…:o) How are you SN?
I’m trying to stay as cheerful and optimistic as you always are, Brenda. I have always disliked new year’s eve because it makes me feel the passage of time in a sad sort of way.
On a happy note, 2006 will be the year that Tom DeLay goes to jail.
I’ll drink a toast to that one!!!!!!!! YEA…………
SN, I was touched by one of your comments yesterday or earlier today. You said something about resolving not to curl up in a fetal position and reflect on all you have not done the past year. It kinda resonated with me. Just wanted you to know. Commiseration-wise and all…
Happy 2006 sweetie. ๐
Thank you, so much! I tend to get way too introspective this time of year, with my birthday and then new year’s. Yikes, it’s like time is going waaay too fast.
When’s your birthday sweetie? Mine’s on the 2nd, so I get that way too… Happy Birthday Honey!! ๐
Happy Birthday to you too! Mine was the day after Christmas. Kind of like being born on the 5th of July.
SN, Hon, you and others make life great for me. I just want you all to know that if I had not found this place I would have been the most miserable person on earth…:o) SOOOOOOOO, hugs an dlots of thanks to you all….:o)
Happy New Year Brenda!
You too, Toni…I just know things will be better this upcoming new year. I just can feel in in my bone…maybe wishful thinking and all but I am hoping for the best…
I have a question. I want to buy the new book and read it for the book club here. I need to know how to go about it and what is it again that is the book. I remember reading the name, but forgot.
It’s Lies My Teacher Told Me and it’s listed here on this page in the left margin through Powells.
BooTrib’s new

BOOK CLUB selection:
Sale: Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong, by James W Loewen
– Alibris’s link (used)
– Powell’s link (new/used)
– Check the Froggy Bottom Cafe diaries to join up
What’s the deadline for getting it read? It’s been on my aside list for awhile now…
February 11, 2006
Ooohhh… That might just be doable for unmotivated me. Thank you!
HOw will they know to give credit to booman tribune? Or do they? I went there and where to do I look for it…this is my first time buying from them online buying is not the thing I usually do.
I think that link might be a bit weird. It’s supposed to take you to the page for the book (it looks blank to me) and the account number for the BoomanTribune should be in the URL.
I’m going to email Susan about it in the morning.
Can you wait until we hear back from her before you order?
ok…will wait….I do want to buy the book so I can join in on this one in discussion…
I will let you know as soon as I hear back from Susan. I promise.
thanks for helping me thru this, Katiebird. I do a lot of reading and it is about time I joined in with you all on this book club thingy….:o) I am tired to death of reading all the medical things…:o( I am getting burned out on them…anyhow, thanks.
I just sent the email to Susan. It looks to me like Powell’s is sold out.
Oh pooh…I might be able to get it at the other place, right?
Actually? Yes. But I’ve already sent a message to Susan.
I will wait till I hear from you…If you want to email me you can do that too. Thanks again. I also would rather use powells.
I sent you an email.
I told you I wasn’t going to last past 10pm EST. I’m having trouble typing without errors and the lure of HGTV is too much to withstand.
I’m off to lie like a zombie in front of HGTV and let the New Year wash over me.
Happy New Year to All! Except the corrupt, treasonous scum who deserve to go to jail! May 2006 be the Year of the Frog March!
sjct, Happy New Year to you too…stay well and safe all of next year….May the luck of the Irish bestowed upon you….
Happy New Year sjct. Enjoy HGTV.
Happy 2006 Booers! ๐
I can’t wait. Good riddance 2005. Get outta here. Be gone with you. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Scram. Shoo. Get outta my sight. Vamoose…
May the coming year be filled with as much peace and happiness as we saw the last year filled with pain and hate. Come on 2006… ๐ Let’s let the love flow in…
I just have the fear that in 2006 someone will have the brilliant idea of actually impeaching the president, convicting him (or forcing him to resign) and leaving us with President Cheney.
I just hope, pray, and wish that Bush can hang in long enough for us to elect a Democratic Congress who will impeach Cheney at the same time as Bush.
Darth is in it up to his sneer. They’ll have to impeach him at the same time and I am counting on 2007 – when the speaker of the house will be a Democrat.
Nah, I don’t think so. God, I sure don’t hope so. I’m hoping that Bush will just be an inactive sort of pres, until we regain the majority in 2006 and can actually counter him. I’m hopeful that way… I don’t think impeachment would happen, and if it does, then yes, they both (all) would go.
We’re about to start Shrek 2, so I bid you all adieu and a Happy New Year.
Well, my Loves, I have to say bye bye for now. I have to shower and get to bed. I am still on call. Being the most drinking day of all, dialysis patients do not mind their manners and I think I might be called out. So Happy New Year to each of you…HUGS….
I keep trying to come to this party, but every time I get all dressed up, the party has moved….now I know this will be the end of the thread, but I’ll dress again for the next cafe.
How ya all doing…
Who’s staying up till mn.
Diane! It’s great to see you!
I was going to say — hang a new diary! But, your right — this is dangerously full.
I’ll load in a Part 3. But, Diane, don’t worry — Closing the Diaries has hardly made a difference all day. I’ve been monitoring them all all along.
(nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition)
An Astonishing Part 3!!!