Friday Random 10s Playlisticon … created at the Froggy Bottom Cafe (look in the diaries to join in on the latest open cafe) … and here’s a screen capture of my own iTunes playing the list:


Friday Random 10 Playlisticon

P.S. Thanks to IndyLib for taking suggestions and creating a list for the group. Everyone’s welcome to create one. If you need help, Cabin Girl and I have the instructions. She included my beloved Jim Morrison, who I saw many times at the Fillmore — when we weren’t busy protesting the Vietnam war — and was captivated by in a way I can’t describe. I’d go to Paris just to visit his grave.)

Update [2005-12-31 13:20:54 by susanhu]: For now, the link isn’t working. It seems to be a problem at iTunes’ end. I’ve auto-generated the links twice, just like I did for Darcy’s playlist, which works (left column). I’m sorry! Update [2005-12-31 14:44:52 by susanhu]: I asked Darcy to try to bring up iTunes on her own computer. She got the same error message. Then she tried to open the iTunes music store, and it’s down too. We think that iTunes itself is down for a bit.
(At first, I posted this as Cabin Girl’s list because she mailed it to me… but it is indeed created by a group of regulars in the cafe! Thanks!)