Photograph credit to AndiF.
It seems Marmotdude got an early start at her house this morning.
Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Music supplied by IndyLib & The Local Frogs, Fully Stocked Open Bar, Kitchen Pantry filled with foods from around the world & Confetti & Balloons ready to drop from the ceiling.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
I’m getting dressed — but, I’ll be watching!
We don’t want this

Thought that Dramboie was supposed to last…Sheeezzz! Who’ll clean up the mess in the cafe? :{)
New Year’s Marmotdude with his marmot-‘tude rockin’ the house! Awesome. Love it, katiebird.
Thanks IndyLib — I wanted to post music supplied by your random lists, but didn’t know how involved you wanted to be.
The Lone Wolf – Kathleen Edwards
All Star – Smash Mouth
Even the Weak Survive – Amy Rigby
Ms. Santa Cruz County – Cracker/Leftover Salmon
Car Carrier Blues – Leo Kottke/Mike Gordon
Mary’s in India – Dido
Doors of Perception – Thievery Corporation
Cassidy – Grateful Dead
Outro – Limp Bizkit
Bright Future in Sales – Fountains of Wayne
Post anything you want, katiebird.
My mp3 player knows it’s New Year’s, I think. I swear it’s conscious.
Ten Years Gone – Led Zeppelin
Spill The Wine – War
Your Wildest Dreams – Moody Blues
Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love – Van Halen
White Rabbit – Jefferson Airplane
Amazing Grace – Ani DiFranco
Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood – Nina Simone
Lean On Me – Bill Withers
It’s All Over Now – The Rolling Stones
Big Lizard – The Dead Milkmen
(Once I get iTunes downloaded and setup, assuming I can do so functionally, I will start posting these with links.)
Ani and Nina in the same 10 with War? wow.
Could an idiot ask a couple of questions?
Do you buy these songs from iTunes? Is it expensive? Do you then transfer them from harddrive to mp3 player?
Are there other questions I haven’t even thought to ask?
I haven’t bought any songs online yet because I’m still on dialup and don’t have that kind of patience. I’ve downloaded some free things (nothing illegal, Mr. FBI man). I believe the cost at iTunes is 99 cents per song.
What I’ve done is “ripped” all my CDs, by which I mean, put them into the CD/DVD player on my PC and used software to convert the audio files into mp3 files that are then saved to my hard drive. I hook my portable mp3 player up via a USB cable and transfer mp3s to it so I can take my whole music collection with me anywhere I go.
You can use a wide variety of audio software if you’d like to rip your CDs. If you have Windows, then Windows Media Player will do a fair job of it. I got Creative Labs software with my mp3 player, and then I also got Nero software with my CD/DVD drive. Both of those are also good. There’s also freeware online for download — I think ejmw might be the guy to ask about that.
Does that help?
PS. Let me know if the idiot ever shows up. ;p
Thanks for the information! So you aren’t really using iTunes?
And the Random Lists? Are you compiling them yourself?
No iTunes for me yet. I will be checking out the online buy situations after I get high-speed access.
The playlists can be generated by virtually any player, whether portable or PC-based. Most of them have a random play feature or a shuffle feature. I usually use Windows Media Player by telling it to load everything I have into the playlist, and then listing from the first ten that play.
Ahhhh, it is so much clearer to me now!
It was like suddenly everyone I knew was speaking an almost totally foreign language. And I was desperate to catch up.
Thank you!
We don’t buy from iTunes but we use it to organize and play our music, mostly ripped from CD’s. It’s very easy to use.
So is iTunes an executable & not just a download service? It doesn’t have to be used with iPods?
It’s downloadable and doesn’t have to be used with iPods, it’s just a really easy and fun way to organize and play your music, and then if you do get an mp3 player, it’s easy to transfer the songs to it.
Veeerrrry innnnteeerrresssting
(but nothing)
Werewolves Of London – Warren Zevon
Aimless Love – John Prine
Dancer With Bruised Knees – Kate & Anna McGarrigle
Bread And Roses – Judy Collins
Good For Me – Kirsty MacColl
Magnolia – J.J. Cale
Blind Boy Rag – Taj Mahal
Walk Out The Front Door – Bonnie Raitt
Soon Medley: Soon/Soon – Dave McKenna
Carry On – Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young
Whew. I read that as Kristy McNichol. Must wear reading glasses.
If you have never heard MacColl’s album “Tropical Brainstorm”, you have missed one great listening pleasures. No one should go through life without having heard “In These Shoes.”
That is a great album…I wish she had made more.
Never heard of her, but I’ll have to give her a listen.
In a 1982 interview, Kristy revealed that the most interesting country she ever visited is Hawaii.
Great looks, and intelligence as well!
Hi and happy New Year to all….I will be getting dressed and spiffed up for the party later, is it fancy dress???
Since Andi has RL plans & I hear that suskind is running around here someplace in Top Hat and tails — YES!
If we are basing dress on my RL, then jeans and a t-shirt will do quite nicely.
I’m really going to be pissed. I’ve been waiting all year to wear this.
How much would we have to pay you, exactly, to wear that? Because we could certainly pass a hat by next July 4th.
Really, why wait til July 4th? I think it’s so understated and elegant it would work just about anytime. It’s like the new little black dress.
I’m just stuck on which shoes to wear, my brown Chuck Taylor’s or my green Land’s End clogs?
Mmm, my pink Chuck Taylor’s with the red hearts will make the perfect statement with the rest of my NYE ensemble…perfect.
At least your Chuck Taylor’s have a playful femininity about them. Mine…..not so much.
::whispers:: I had to google Chuck Taylors. We always called them “Converse”.
Oh Indy, I’m sorry…usually I know enough to dumb things down so you can understand them, given my superior inteleckt. Or sompin like that.
Growing up
in Miami gave me a weird vocabulary in lots of ways. It’s where the South meets the US entrance to much of Latin America, along with a metric ton of transplanted NY Jews, retired WASPs, and midwesterners on Spring Break. I’m lucky anyone understands anything I say; I still rant in Spanglish with the odd Yiddish term half the time.
We always called them Converse too. As it “Damn, I wish we were rich enough to wear real Converse instead of these $1.99 fakes.” I swear that’s half the reason I bought myself a pair. So if I ran into one of the bitchy catholic school girls who used to make fun of me I could laugh at her and show her how much I have come up in the world!
You should the looks they get at lacrosse games…
you mean with the other moms? I feel like a twelve-year-old in mine, which is why I like them.
Yeah, you know, some of them do the “I’m pretending-not-to-notice” sidelong glances at my footwear…
You know they’re just jealous. ‘Cause they are sitting there in their SNL “Mom Jeans”* and loafers and you’re showing your individuality and spunk.
* “because you’re not a woman anymore, you’re a MOM.”
I wear my red lace-up Keds. I get the weirdest looks since I’m obviously over 50 and no child over 6 would be caught dead nowadays wearing red Keds.
She’d loan you this one for the night.
If you pump me full of the right drugs, you might be able to get that on me.
Coming of age in the 70’s I’m willing to bet you could almost outdo this one.
Nope, in the late 60’s and early 70’s, I was wearing jeans, chambray work shirts, cpo jackets.
I’m off to my sister’s. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Andi! ::smooches::
The late Wm. Rehnquist in Full Ceremonial Dress including Chief Justice stripes and the Feather Bonnet.
Awesome, Gooserock. I had no idea about your Photoshop prowess.
but I can do just enough to be dangerous. Sometime I’ll hunt up a better feather bonnet for the World’s Most Revered Chief Justice.
Some other entries (a few are clickable):
Neocon World–

2003-2004 Fighting Democrats flag–

Seattle heat wave–

The Ownership Society flag–

Got Osama?–

New Military Recuiting Poster–

And the ever-popular NASA Whistleblower Leak–

Best wishes to all my friends at BooTrib.
Will be on disconnect for another long while, but thinking of all of you fondly.
What do you mean by “long while” is this going to be another six-month absence?
This time I’m taking 450 pages of Impeachment briefs. OK, who’s got a pair of “Impeach” jockey shorts?
Yep,it’s filling up fast!
This time I’m taking 450 pages of Impeachment briefs. OK, who’s got a pair of “Impeach” jockey shorts?
(Not Quite)
The above reply was posted in the wrong place. Oops
And don’t forget, add shift, and 4 becomes $!
Happy New Year Infidel Pig !!
Rumor has it that he’s working for GGG&C

Have a very “Mary” Suskind!
I hope you have a brilliant 2006 !
This one is for AndiF
Brokeoff Mountain…no snow at 5900 ft elevation and the mountain should be totally white…
Happy New Year to Suskind…and all our European tribbers – since it is now 2006!
Shortly I’ll take a nap in preparation for the late night…
Have a Happy New Year!
Awe struck!
Joyous greetings & blessings to one & all from our snowy Catskills mountainside. Hope you’re having a wonderful time!
May the New Year greet us all with joy, love, friendship, strength & serenity.
From the little frog pond to the big one, I wish you all
Very Nice!
Happy New Year, Wilderness Wench!
Thank you, katiebird — & the very same to you!
Let’s hope ’06 finds us all moving in a positive direction, both personally & collectively.
Beautiful! Now that makes me want some cocoa with a big glob of whipped cream.
Feel free to indulge if you can, SN!
We’re expecting snow throughout the night; tomorrow may give us some real hot cocoa images (as in, gee, I’m snowed in! Might as well make cocoa ..)
Hubby and I went to the only eatery in town for dinner. I ordered a martini and the waitress looked shocked, shocked I tell you. “We don’t served mixed drinks,” she replied loudly enough to make all the Baptist heads at the surrounding tables spin around to get a look at me.
“That’s funny,” I said, blushing, “I got one here before.”
“Oh no,” she huffed, whipping open the menu and reading, “We have red wine and white wine and beer and…”
“See,” I interrupted, “Right below that it says, ask your waitress for mixed beverages.”
“Well, I never,” she glared at me, “I didn’t know that! No one ever asked me for one before. I’ll have to go ask if we serve, what was it, a martini?”
“Never mind,” I rolled my eyes, “I’ll have a Sprite instead. Don’t make an extra trip to the kitchen…” I’m bright red at this point with a mixture of embarrassment and ire but she hustles away.
Five minutes later she returns to say that yes, they do serve martinis and “Do you still want one?” I conceded, “Yes, I do,” thinking, more than ever. Hubby says we’re ready with our food order and the waitress says, “I’ve got to take these other people’s orders first then I’ll be back.”
WTF? Hubby is really simmering now. He watches her take their order and go to the kitchen before returning to take ours. And she doesn’t even bring the martini with her! So he says, softly and kindly, “Let me suggest to you that you could save yourself a lot of steps and time if you did things in a logical sequence. For example, you could have taken our order, gone to the next table and taken their order, then gone to the kitchen and returned with my wife’s drink.”
She looks at him aghast. “I don’t understand what you’re saying. Are you saying I don’t know how to do my job?! Are you trying to tell me how to do my job?!”
“Give up,” I advise him, “Let’s just place our order. Why should we care if she wants to run herself ragged?”
Now she’s really in a snit but she takes our order and returns a few minutes later with the martini which I checked for spit. Our food eventually comes and halfway thru the meal Tammy, who is our regular waitress but was doing hostess duty tonight, comes over to see how we’re doing. She whispers to Hubby, “Sorry about Eunice. She’s from New Jersey, you know.”
What a vividly told story! I liked it so much I read the whole thing aloud to mr. katiebird. We both feel like we lived it ourselves through your words.
The part that got me was the “She’s from New Jersey, you know.” It just sent my mind reeling.
Yes, It sounds like an all purpose punchline. Sadly, I’m in Kansas & I think it probably isn’t as powerful spoken west of the Mississippi.
Here in NC, it’s kind of an all-purpose slam against “yankees”. Whenever anyone acts rudely the locals say he’s from somewhere up north. There are a ton of people here from NY and NJ.
I had no idea people from New Jersey were unfamiliar with martinis!
If my mouth hadn’t been full of food, I would have busting up laughing. As Second Nature correctly pointed out, it was an excuse for the waitress’ rudeness, not a suggestion that she was ignorant of martinis. Altho, she sure did act like she’d never heard the word.
My mind is still boggled by the suggestion that a sweet country girl who has never lived outside of a three county radius in eastern North Carolina has more civility and culture than the broad who moved south from New Jersey.
On the other hand, the New Jersey woman may have become so acclimated to the Baptist mentality hereabouts that I rocked her world-view with my cosmopolitan request. Somehow, she had forgotten martinis until I reminded her and it didn’t fit into the picture she’d accepted about her new environ.
Or were they already serving hog jowls and hopping john?
In this squalid hovel?
Or are you going to come and relax in our Clean Cafe?
Oh, yeah. Like it’s a job no one else can do.
Hi everyone, I just wanted to invite you all to come to my party on Village Blue….I plan on stopping back and forth tonight, but Shirl has not been able to load Booman all day, so come on over there and party a bit with Shirl and I.
By the way, if you have any decorations, party favors or left overs from here, could you bring those too.
West coasters, we will be up late over there, so stop by.
I’ll be back in awhile. Cheers!!!!
Marmotdude needs to be cut off. He’s not driving is he?
Like Toonces?
the driving cat?
Ok…does that ever stop? Because I just watched it over and over and over and over…
I don’t think so! I got stuck for a while also. And I couldn’t grab the driving image. Maybe I could have if I saved the page, but it seemed easier to just slap in the link.
The ‘tude with ‘tude is the designated drinker.
Marmotdud Rockin’ Eve Part 2
Hi everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I have just gotten home from work and had to drop by to say hi and hope ya all are doing fine and to say I will see ya next year….Doesnt that sound great?
I have enjoyed reading your posts. Can I show up in my scrubs?????:o)
Hugs around and please no matter where you are in this world, have a safe and great New Year.
Hi Katiebird. How are you doing today? I have not been home long from working today. I am staying home…the roads around here are nuts and crazy…I am staying off of them for sure….hugs and Happy New Year…
Hi Brenda — There are actually lots of us here tonight but we’re in the new cafe