Everyone always talks about resolving to do things differently and better in the new year, but no one ever talks about doing things differently and better on New Year’s Eve.
For instance, everyone should resolve not to drive drunk tonight. But you could also resolve to blast Barry White at midnight.
I resolve to share the following lyrics with my fellow Tribbers on this New Year’s Eve Day:
Wow, that was easy. I guess I’ll have to come up with another one now…
I resolve to stop unpacking and actually make it out this evening to hang with my peeps… a bit of a tricky one though since I hate leaving things half done.
(btw, my move is now almost over and will be returning to my regularly scheduled snark on tuesday… I know ya’ll missed me… 😉
I was wondering where you were! I haven’t been around a ton lately, so I missed that you were moving.
Glad you’re (almost) back!
yeah, moving over the holidays sucks… remind me never to do that again… although it is a nice fresh start for the new year so that’s somethin’ 🙂
I lost my internet connection on the 23rd and just got it back yesterday… let me see if I can figure out what I’ve missed…
Fitz is still a tease; Bush has declared himself el Presidente for life; Abramoff is staying away from small planes and Christmas came out victorious in the war the pagans were waging against it…
Am I close?
I’d say that you’re effectively caught up.
Though the pagans are regrouping and should be ready to employ guerilla tactics by the time Easter rolls around…
You were, Spidey.
Since it has been uncharacteristically quiet and harmonious here lately. 😉
(I missed that you were moving.)
Good to have you back!
now that’s just blasphemy ask! Quiet and harmonious… for shame… have I taught you all nothing?? 😉
Short attention span..
You better head over to the cafe to stir things up a bit.
Don’t know if I’ll be able to be online this weekend. Just had a mini-crash. I know my registries are really shot. We’ll see.
Well here in Romania it’s rolling on New Year’s (we’re plus 7 to the east coast, plus 10 to west coast) and my resolution is to get super duper falling down drunk while meanwhile belting out old Romanian folk song 😉
In other words, have some super safe fun (and heck no I won’t be driving anywhere) and ring in the new year.
Happy New Year to all of you!
And for God’s sake especially don’t drive drunk in Tennessee!
It’s why the spouse and I decided to plunk down an extra $100 to find a place on light rail; we’ll leave the car there and transit it into downtown San Jose. 🙂
I resolve to not spend New Year’s Eve in a fetal position ruminating about the passage of time and how little I’ve done with it.
I’m gonna work on the 4 agreements
Be impeccable with my word
Don’t make assumptions
Don’t take anything personally and
Always do my best
When I am mindful of these 4 agreements life is so much easier. The hardest one is ‘to not take anything personally’ – Very hard to do when spouse is grumpy and a bit mean spirited.
So much has changed from last year. Last year I was scared for myself and my family and my nation and I felt alone. It has been a rough year as so much has come to light and once upon a time you began this blog dreaming of “crooks” being frog marched out and now the beginnning of realizing that has begun. The only thing really on my mind is Alito. The ground work for so much is out there to build on now and I feel renewed……Alito looks like one hell of a fight though that I just won’t be able to loose and sleep for a week. The nasty is beginning to get flushed down the toilet but Alito is a ring around the bowl that could stain for a long time. All is so quiet on the Alito front during this holiday season, but I have been cleaning my weapons preparing to fight the best that I can with what I have.
I resolve to NOT allow BusbCo and his rotton band of thugs to take away my power to choose what kind of days I have.
No more allowing that kind of negative energy to take over my mind and emotions to the degree I have allowed them to so often this past year. It serves nothing. It burns me out, makes me crabby, unpleasant to be around amd ineffective.
I will take charge of the balance in my days, allowing enough polital input to remain well informed and actively participate, but not so much that it makes me nutty and off balance.
I will remember that my personal relationships, my health, physical and emotional, and my chosen work are deserving of my primary energies. So baslically, it’s back to the good old
“change what I can,
let go of what I can’t.
and figure out the damned difference!”
Now that my health recovery permits it, I am resolved to have sex with a former girlfriend of mine who’s making a special detour through Florida on her way to Europe for that purpose.
So, far she’s the only one not afraid of the possibility that my defibrillator will go off and shock the hell out of both of us.
As for January 1, assuming the defibrillator did not go off, I look forward to having more sex until her flight departs later that day.
(Note; This might not seem like a big deal to many but I’ve had a really long drought in the sex realm as a result of health events dating back to 2004.)
May your New Years Celebration go off without without fireworks of the sort that would render either of you shocked in unintended ways!
I resolve to not post any more diaries about cookies.
I resolve to get more exercise.
I resolve to not equivocate when asked a question.
You made a great point about New Year’s Eve Resolutions. In fact, for every other festive’s eve, the “not to drive drunk” resolution need to be made. Who says we had to make long term plans (for the year). If we can’t even survive on the day before the year, I don’t see the reason behind it. Good point made. 🙂