Hangover Cure: Basic Prairie Oyster
The idea with this morning-after cocktail is to drink it without breaking the yolk.
1 whole raw egg
1 dash Worcestershire sauce
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Carefully crack the egg into a glass without breaking the yolk. Season with sauce, salt and pepper, and down in one.
This is an unhosted but never unfriendly cafe.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Take your time waking up and nursing those hangovers. You’ve got all day to recover.
Best Wishes to all – especially in Good Health or Sustainability in recovering from any illness at present.
In The Hague a lot of fireworks displayed throughout the city center and suburbs. To avoid nasty crowd troubles, the city is now renowned for supporting neighborhood party coordination. To avoid large bonfires in city streets, the city council has given permission for large bonfires on the beach of the North Sea. Nasty rioting has been prevented in the last ten years!
Eurovision television has the traditional
Johann Strauss Waltz Concerts
Austria btw will have EU Presidency first six months and Putin’s Russia will lead the G8 Nations on Finance and Economy. First item for discussion: democratic content of member nations and gas & oil distribution throughout the World – read U.S. and all Western energy consumers. I wonder whether there is any knowledge of assets to be found in the environment, climate and ecology.
Let 2006 be an EARTH YEAR :: have people unite globally to retake true democracy, whereby its leaders represent voters and not corporations.
● Eisenhower’s Message to his country!
Listeners all around the world can experience the New Year’s Concert live on the internet by way of Live-Stream beginning at 11:15 CET.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Thanks ask – impression in memory of an Austrian New Year, but you are right of course its a German event where Olympic games were held.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
ooh thanks for the Strauss waltz pictures — as a kid I LOVED watching them waltz for New Years on PBS.
I’m a little bit exhausted, but the coffee’s done!!
It took a second to register but you sig is sheer, hysterically funny genius.
And you were the most extraordinary cafe host yesterday. Great big kudos to you!
Have a cuppa on me.

Your sig line is hysterical!
You cafe-dwellers had a busy night!
Trying to catch up now.
Hee hee, your sig line is fantastic. Great party last night KB — you are the hostess with the mostess
Andi, thank you so much for lending froggybottom this photograph. It is a wonderful image for a new year.
The nice thing about my sunrise shots is that I can get them from my porch so unlike other people I don’t have to get to any effort to get them.
I am more pleased with the hangover cure recipe I found.
It sounds just, er, lovely, but I’ll have a Tang sandwich instead, if you don’t mind…
that struck that precarious balance between revolting and reasonable-sounding.
(smiling with renewed energy)
I’ve had my coffee (Komodo Dragon from Starbucks) and some Kashi cereal — And I’m feeling much better.
In fact, I’ve rolled up the stretcher & put it in the closet.
Don’t tell me — you just aim the camera at the sky and shoot. Somehow I KNOW there is more than that to it and natural talent is essential. You have it! (but I’ll pass on the hangover recipe — ugh).
I’m glad you like it! A vision of it popped into my head as I woke up & I just had to see if it worked. The spirit of someone helped me out. Because I didn’t put any time into it at all.
It will be interesting to see all the fun you can get into now that you know about sticky sig lines.
I’m pretty sure that 5 cafes is a record. And what rollicking, good time cafes they were — now we know who should take over from Dick Clark.
Good morning everyone. As already stated in the Open Thread (from last night);
My wishes for a healthy and peaceful New Year to all here at Booman Tribune.

Let us keep up the energy.
Thanks for the good thoughts. I hope that you, the asklets and curly had a wonderful celebration and enjoy a great new year.
Thank you, yes, we did.
Rented a couple of DVDs (Spinal Tap & Vanity Fair), good snacks and drinks. In bed before 1 am.
Understand from other comments that you and Jim had a quiet evening as well.
we rented the new “Longest Yard” and “The Exorcism of Emily Rose”. Watched the first with the family and then when everybody went to sleep my husband and I watched the second…..whew, pretty haunting. We were asleep before 1 a.m. also.
as you may recall DuctapeFatwa accused me of being “notorious” for going to bed early so I am inordinately proud of myself for making it up that late.
::reaches around to pat self on back::
It is so wierd to me to have rain on Christmas and New Years after spending my life growing up in the West with snow. My husband brought a little green lizard in yesterday. Last month it got cold enough for them to die back but they are reappearing, so I guess that means………spring??
Lizards usually sleep through the winter and on warmer days come out to eat. We’ve had a very nice warm winter so far (in NC)and I see them all the time sunbathing on our deck. Sure is a change from my many decades in the north where the only things brave enough to stay through the winter were some birds and big, fat hardy squirrels.
So much to learn and I’m already halfway through this lifetime.
I’m still learning a lot about the South. Last evening my son and I went to the grocery store and it was packed with people buying beer and chips. Forgetting that it was new year’s eve, my son said “why is it so crowded, are snow flurries in the forecast?”
There’s not that much to learn about here. I think the red neck lounge pretty much covered everything last week. 😉 I was asking over at Diane’s last night what traditional foods other people eat on New Years day. In Alabama, since I was a kid, it has always been black eyed peas. I said last night I’ve never understood why, but my mother who is in her 80’s won’t let a New Years go by without having it. I myself have never liked them.
Don’t know if it’s a regional thing, or a German thing, but we always had a pork roast with potatoes and sauerkraut. What could be luckier than sauerkraut, I ask you?
I come from an everlasting boring line of Germans. It is a German and Luck thing. Do you have to keep your Xmas tree up for 13 days after Xmas for luck too? I’m thinking about violating that tradition this year, but perhaps if I wasn’t all alone in observing it I could find the fortitude to hold true. I have my pickle ornament too damn it!
Hey, I have a pickle ornament, and I’m leaving my tree up till next weekend…and my aunts and uncles all have German accents…keep your tree up!
Did you know that after the tree is decorateed you are supposed to hang the pickle ornament but in such a way that it makes it difficult to find? At the tree lighting the children look for the pickle and the one who finds it gets a prize.
The Tipover pussle game was our pickle present this year…what was yours? 🙂
(Hey, I think I figured out my fatigue/concentration problem…I’m calling the eye doctor for an appointment first thing tomorrow.
because some folks in this house are just flat sour pusses…..not mentioning any names or anything. Are you doing alright Cabin? Worried about ya now.
Don’t worry! I think I just have been ignoring a pretty severe eyestrain problem for a long time (hey, am I getting old or something?), which would explain why I get so tired lately and have so much trouble concentrating when I’m reading. I’m just psyched at the thought of being able to do something about what’s been bothering me all fall.
When I lived in Germany I always spent Xmas and New Years with my adopted German family. We had that every year. Actually I even helped my landlady with making homemade sauerkraut. Since I’ve been back home I’ve never been able to find anything that came close to hers.
tradition too. I’m almost afraid to do New Year’s without them, it is so ingrained in me that if I didn’t have black eyed peas on New Years the world could possibly blow up!
from Africa! 😀
come from? The South, the Germans, or the Africans? I am confused now.
They were brought to the Americas by Africans, and quickly gained popularity with everybody else!
I think I have to agree with DuctapeFatwa on that one. I never remember see black eyed peas at my German landlady’s house on New Years Day.
I’m moving out to protect margins:
From this
As with most great southern cooking, it originated with African Americans, was picked up by whites and brought north. Not sure how the Germans picked it up — although if it was in Greece, it could have moved north (through the mountains) to Germany I guess.
Goodmoring everybody. I hope everyone had a good time last night. That hangover cure looks too appetizing, but I think I’ll skip that this morning.
Since I stayed up way to late last night I’m just starting my coffee. I hope everybody is feeling pretty good today. Just put an ice pack on your head and grab a bloody mary, but just one. It’s hopefully going to be a wonderful year.
Good morning and a good new year to you. Glad I’m not hungover because I hate tomato juice.
Actually I do too. Back in the day I used to drink, that or just about anything else was the cure. God I’m glad those days are over.
I want to thank you again for your advice on my computer dying last week. This new laptop I’ve got has more things on it than I’m used to, but to me that half the fun of having one. I’m afraid I’m one of those people who will keep at learning a program until I have and then I’ll get bored with it. So I have a lot of fun ahead of me. Hell I haven’t even learned how to use the remote control that came with it yet.
I just wish the advice had actually been useful but I am with you — getting a new ‘puter is always a fun adventure. I like to bring up programs I run all the time and go “wow, look how fast that loaded.”
You are so right. I was telling my family yesterday it was like going from a small black & white TV to a large HD TV in one step.
The funny thing is I’ve never had one hooked for wireless and the other day when I turned it on and before I hooked up to dsl I found I could get on the internet. I guess someone in the neighborhood has wireless. I was amazed my coumputer could pick it up. I don’t have anything in the house wireless (computer wise) so I cut it off. If I had wireless I would hate to think of someone coming into my line uninvited.
all that wireless must really make tracking everybody’s computer stuff hard on ole Bush. Poor bastard!
You know I never thought of it that way, but it could be a good thing.
and you can probably get broadband cable, too. And here I sit stuck with dial-up. Not fair 🙁
If I could share I would be more than happy to. Actually I don’t know anything about broadband cable yet, so it’s just another thing I’ve got to learn.
Military Tracy don’t give up yet on winter. I’m hoping January comes in cold and snowy here, but it’s only a hope.
Happy New Year familyman! And thank you — the thought of a bloody mary is a much pleasanter thought than that egg concoction. If I’m going to have a virtual hangover cure for my virtual hangover — I want to be able to stomach the thought.
Hello and Happy News Day to you also. I am so glad that virtual hangovers are all I ever get any more ;).
Good morning, happy new year and happy what will be the last day of Chanukah (tomorrow)! It’s always pleasant to be awakened by having a little boy jump on me. 😉
By this time, of course, we kids were always down to the-get-through-the-last days gifts of which my favorite was always pencils with our names on them.
Good morning & a very, very Happy New Year to one & all! Glad to see those of us present in fine fettle.
I haven’t seen a hangover since 1987 (thankfully), but had a wonderful time seeing in the new year. Hope you all did the same.
I may be utterly foolish, but my mood on this wintry morning is relatively optimistic for some crucial changes in our national consciousness this year. My sincere hope is that this sea-change will eventually manifest at the highest levels of national governance.
We’ll see, of course.
Looks as if an intense winter storm is headed this way tonight, with snow expected to continue through Tuesday.
Happy New Year, WW.
Big snow — means lots of nice new pictures for you to post?
I hope your plumbing problems improve with the new year.
Thanks for your kind New Year’s wishes, Andi. Happy New Year to you as well!
No doubt the storm will bring some great opportunities to capture pretty images. We did receive a bit of a dusting last night, which gave the old snow & the trees a lovely, fluffy patina. Haven’t been out yet, though.
Thanks as well for kind thoughts on the plumbing. As usual, the situation will definitely improve with April’s thaw & the renewal of indoor water. (Woo woo!)
Mornin, Wench and all cafe’ers…I join you in the optimism of the new year. I think it’s going to be fabulous and awesome and I think we will see some directions taken that will astound the world.
No hangover for me either, hope everyone is feeling ‘swell’ today.
‘Morning to you, Diane. Thanks for helping reinforce my intuitions. Today seems like a good day for directing positive thought toward our transformation.
Hope all’s progressing well for you there.
My theme for the NY is positive thoughts and deeds so I am with you all the way.
My own personal life is certainly going in a very positive direction and I could not be happier. Well maybe if I had a plate of teka make sushi, and a bowl of miso soup….lol.
I’ll second that order, for sure 🙂
Glad to hear all’s well with you.
Maybe this will help you miss it a little less.
I do not miss the north. I do not miss the north. Okay if I say it enough, and reinforce it with reminders like that snowed-in car, maybe I’ll believe it.
Here you go, SN. Always happy to assist ..
Happy New Year WW — from your lips to god’s ears on having a better new year.
Thank you kindly, maryb. Best New Year’s wishes to you, as well!
Happy New Year Boomerfrogs! No hangover as it will be 25 years the end of this month since I had one of those!! I did OD on crab legs and jumbalia at the kids house last night though. Yummy!
We celebrated here on the West coast NYC time. Everyone was pooped so I was home in bed by 10pm. I did watch a bit of Dick Clark(how sad) and fell asleep just before midnight here.
Here’s to working together to make 2006 the year of the indictment and bringing dowqn the House! Much happiness, good health and prosperity to you all!
Sounds like a lovely celebration! Love those crablegs.
Happy New Year Tracy! I am telling you girl, those crab legs were the biggest I have ever seen. I can still taste them. ANyone up for camping in a ditch this year? I hear the weather is lovely in DC during Cherry Blossom time!
Hi aloha and Happy New Year to you….
What about Clark that’s so sad, I was switching back and forth with Regis on 11 and never did see Clark.
Are you ready for the rain tomorrow?
I didn’t see him either and I watched for awhile out of curiosity to see how the stroke had affected him. All I saw was Ryan Seacrest and I went to bed before midnight. Yawn.
Were you a party pooper…I stayed up till about one, talked to shirl about 5 times during the evening, counted down the last 60 sec. with her on the phone for my time zone…forgot to call her on her time zone new year.
I wanted to see how he looked as well, I didn’t expect him to ever host again, and when I didn’t see him during the times I clicked back and forth, I thought he must have pulled out.
He had a stroke last year and it has greatly effected his speech. But what would New Years be without the ageless teenager…lol! Happy New Year Diane. Now we really have to get together soon. We are only a little over an hour apart and I am willing to drive up. Email me your phone# again and we will make plans!! Are you all hooked up at the new place yet?
I knew he had the stroke but how did he look? Did he look frail…
I don’t have anything hooked up yet and haven’t moved, I have a two week span of time now before I have to be out of present place, I will have a new phone no. Will email you more.
“jambalaya, catfish pie and filé gumbo ” Now you’ve done it, the song will be in my mind all morning. And I have none of the above and no crab legs. Sigh. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Everyone! (yawn) I’ve been puttering around this morning trying to recover from Katiebird’s fabulous New Year’s Eve party. I”ll be around most of the day. Now that I’ve had coffee I’m going to work on a project for a while. Late afternoon I’m going to a New Year’s Day party at my parents. My mom is having people over and making Hoppin’ John for the New Years. She used to do it every year but she didn’t the last few years — I take it as a sign that 2006 is going to be a good year. Everybody eat their black eyed peas for good luck!
Now I really believe you live in Missouri!
LOL. But do people in northern Missouri do the blackeyed peas thing? I thought it was a southern custom. My mom was born in southern Missouri (or Missurah as they say) and is very big on these traditions. My dad was a city boy, born and bred in St. Louis and, when he met my mom, he didn’t eat much of anything except red meat and potatoes (and ham). But she changed him!
Actually, people move around so much these days there are plenty of people here who do it.
Not me. I’m from California (said with great pride)
We make Egg Rolls every New Years Day.
No hoppin’ john for us this year – though it’s always been one of our favorites (recipe available upon request for you Yankees that don’t know what we’re talking about). Going to boil the black-eyed peas with the ham bone left over from Christmas this time, some fresh greens from the winter garden (for financial good luck – and we may need it considering what the R’s are doing to the economy), corn bread and a pork roast.
Dinner after seeing the Ansel Adams show this afternoon.
Your menu sounds great. Corn bread! One of my favorite meals is navy bean soup (with some ketchup in it) and corn bread. Happy New Year.
Oh yeah, and sweet potato pie – which I am going to get up and make Right Now. Funny – had kind of a craving for navy bean soup myself, but I decided to devote the ham bone to the black eyed peas instead. Too warm for soup here (in the 70’s lately).
A whole day of Ansel Adams! When are my kids grown again?
You know, when my daughter was little I so dreaded her growing up – she was so wonderful when she was a kid (even at 15, when “wonderful” took a little stretching of the definition). But grown kids are a joy, too. I’ve found whatever age she is is the “best age” – (with the possible exception of 15 . . . )
Morning everybody. I’ve spent the morning playing and , what else, grading papers. Time to record those grades.
I had jumbalia(sp?) last night. Does that mean I will win the lottery this year? LOL! Getting ready for the big rain storm on the way. Rained here all day yesterday. So much for sunny SoCal. You can see the storm clouds brewing over the ocean right now.
Stay dry. BTW — has anybody from northern Cal checked in — terrible pictures of the flooding in Napa. Wonder how that will affect the wine next year?
Isn’t Caliscribe from up north? Sacremento or there abouts? Cali are you out there? Hope all Tribbers from that area are fairing well.
New cafe opened here.