Hangover Cure: Basic Prairie Oyster
The idea with this morning-after cocktail is to drink it without breaking the yolk.
1 whole raw egg
1 dash Worcestershire sauce
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Carefully crack the egg into a glass without breaking the yolk. Season with sauce, salt and pepper, and down in one.
This is an unhosted but never unfriendly cafe.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
First hike in the woods in 2006 coming up.
Well I’ve got to get things moving around the house. I do hope everone has a wonderful day and new year ahead.
Take Care
Black Eyed Pea thing and New Years and it is amazing. In the U.S. it is most often noted as a Southern tradition but I found ethnic sites about Germans observing similar traditions and also Jewish folk making black eyed peas one of several foods they made their first bites of the New Year. Truly fascinating! My Oma visiting from Germany was 100% black eyed pea dedicated on New Years. How did a world so full of hate all come to love the same pea on the same day every year?
My german origin family always had pork, sauerkraut and special egg dumplings with mashed potatoes for NY day. Also it was imperative to have a thoroughly clean house to start the New Year, one tradition I was not able to practice satisfactorily.
Never had black eyed peas at all, now I feel left out.
It is much tastier than a clean house anyway.
egg dumplings = spaetzle? My Grandma used to make those from scratch and they were so good!
kind of like that, spaetzle, but that is run through a special colander type thing to make the tiny size. We just mix about 6 eggs with enough flour to make it thick and holding together, then drop by spoonfulls into bubbling sauerkraut……they will puff up during cooking, but then shrink down after, they are kinda hard in the sense of dumplings usually are soft, but soooo delicious with sauer and mashed potatoes, never can make enough and we used to fight to get the last ones.
aha! I remember those too. They looked kind of translucent and I didn’t like them at first, but grew to, as all good Germans will.
Looks like my family chose the cow pea to focus on, but some type of legume is what was observed. Since it goes well with bacon that would explain my family’s love of it because they put bacon and bacon grease in everything! Yuck, a kid can only take so much bacon grease. This branch of my family is some odd German/Amish branch. I have a mirror with a German House Blessing on it that is very old from my Oma and a friend of mine who speaks and teaches German told me it is an “Amish/Quaker” form of German.
I’d never heard of the tradition until I saw the posts here in the last week.
Did anyone post a good recipe for them that I missed? They’re surely healthy … i could get some canned or in the bulk bin, and cook ’em up. (Or is it like making split pea soup, ‘cept with the beans?)
Just cook them in some water, garlic, chopped chile peppers, salt, a little vinegar and coca-cola, when they are done add some chopped onion, more chopped chiles, in the meantime you should have made a big batch of rice, mix the black-eyed peas in with that and you have hoppin john!
unless you are obsessively religious, it is customary to cook them either with a ham bone, or some ham scraps, or even bacon.
And make sure you have some tabasco sauce on the side for the people who like it really hot (not me, but some do).
“really hot.” Even the Tabasco habanero sauce is somewhat mild.
Yucateca brand habanero sauce will do a creditable job, but chopping the chiles up adds that crunch!
my mouth is burning just thinking about it since Tabasco tastes hot to me.
There are people who swear that they can detect a difference between “regular” and “spicy” fried chicken sold at fast food stands!
I, on the other hand, am among those who believe that unless your eyes water and your nose runs, you have not eaten.
I’ve never had the hoppin john type before. I afraid we’re more traditionalist with the ham bone and bacon. Of course we also put some okra in with ours.
Who does these? Who doesn’t? Why? What are yours this year?
I don’t do New Year’s resolutions because I find this to be an exceptionally hard time of the year to motivate myself into doing anything. It still feels like the holidays, and I’m still sluggish from being stuffed with leftovers, wanting to eat too many candy canes and watch dumb movies. I’m never ready to gear up and try to change my life in any dramatic way on Jan 1, even if it’s only a little dramatic. Like, 2 years ago when I finally quit smoking I did it on December 1.
But I know other people are into the whole New Year’s resolution thing, and I’m always curious to know what folks get up to, so what are y’all up to (or not) in this department?
for resolutions.
lol, that’s the kind of “setting the bar low enough” resolution I could probably manage — especially considering I’d only have to do it once.
I’m going to stop procrastinating.
Or at least cut back.
No resolutions here, those I always try to focus on trying to improve some bad habit that is bothering me – like being unorganized.
And you’re doing it in an unorganized way, good for you! 🙂 There’s a zen quality to that which I like very much.
I could focus better if I could just see the desk and the office floor. Must be the glasses.
If I made one this year and I didn’t, it would be to be as positive as possible, but then that is my overall life goal now so no need to have as a resolution.
I have made them in the past and I did one about losing weight 2 years ago and did that pretty well.
I usually find myself making resolutions in September. Even thought I’ve been out of school for years it still seems like the start of a new year at that time. New Year’s Day — I never have enough energy for resolutions.
Best Wishes to all – especially in Good Health or Sustainability in recovering from any illness at present.
Reroute to last FBC Lounge for New Years Day in an European Setting!
Eurovision television has the traditional
Thanks ask – impression in memory of an Austrian New Year, but you are right of course
its a German event where Olympic games were held.
Read full comment …
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Brings back memories of the winter of 80-81 that I lived in GP. A very beautiful place. Great skiing, downhill and XC-Kilometers and Kilometers of “track”- so much so that I rarely drove anywhere.
Very close to Innsbruck, where,btw, the 90m ski jump looks straight down to the cemetery …never understood how one got interested in that particular sport. :{)
I should go thru my photos from that time and share some…alas, something ‘else’ to do.
Happy New Year Oui!
More pix from the general area Here
Beautifully framed and great use of light an shadow to play up the geometry.
You people up north may have millions of people packing Times Square for the dropping of the ball, but here in North Carolina we did you one better. Last night, at the stroke of 7:00 PM (hey, who the heck wants to stay up til midnight) the new illuminated 6 ft. pickle was dropped into a tub of brine in Mt. Olive, home of the Mount Olive Pickle Co….corner or Cucumber and Vine.
Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah.
I remember one year the Mt. Olive Pickle company sponsored a NASCAR car driven by a guy named Dill. True story — I’m not a big NASCAR fan but I met Dill.
Video! we need video of the magic moment!
Good morning all!
A crisp and beautiful day in the foothills

Stayed up too late, per usual, but had very little to drink…champers gives me horrendous headaches…and enjoyed bringing in the New Year w/ a great bunch of neighbors.
Have a great 1st. day!
Puget Sound New Year’s morning a couple of years ago.
Today it’s closer to

Must — absorb — fluids — and electrolytes….
The spouse’s resolution is to kiss me like he did last night more than just once a year. 😉
Just back from our evening away — bed was too damn uncomfortable so only got about 4-5 hours sleep; about to head off for a nap. Had a great time though; Christopher Titus was great — his routine’s changed over the years, less about his own growing up, more about becoming a parent (even though he swore never to procreate thus creating more “fucked-up kids” like himself). And to top it off, his first kid was born a mere couple of weeks before 9/11/01…not exactly an auspicious entry into the world. Wish I could remember the whole routine…it was really funny yet poignant.
San Jose Improv did a great job, too; when we got in there was a fruit and cheese plate for every couple, and glasses of champagne; they came around frequently to refill the champagne and take other food/drink orders. We’re thinking of heading back there to see Brett Butler (anyone remember “Grace Under Fire” on TV?) for my birthday beginning of March. 🙂
Okay, the bed is softly calling my name…back in a little while…
Don’t miss Kathleen Madigan, if you ever get the chance to see her. Hilarious.
but I have to admit the last thing I expect when clicking on a link for somebody you’re recommending is that her next two dates are both in Indiana.
Enjoy your “nap” — uh huh.
Need a break — anybody around? (Don’t be frightened Buffy fans — I didn’t say “bored now”).
Hello maryb
I’m around for a little while. I hope you had a good New Years. I’m sorta of thrown off today from sleeping a lot later than usual.
I know what you mean — it’s not like you get MORE sleep you just get it at different times. And the fact that you get up later, throws off the whole day.
For reasons that I won’t analyze, I read your comment and this popped into my head. (Oh how I loved bad willow.)
How To Treat Elves by Morris Bishop
I met an elf man in the woods,
The wee-est little elf!
Sitting under a mushroom tall–
‘Twas taller than himself!
“How do you do, little elf,” I said,
“And what do you do all day?”
“I dance ‘n fwolic about,” said he,
“‘N scuttle about and play;”
“I s’prise the butterflies, ‘n when
A katydid I see,
‘Katy didn’t’ I say, and he
Says ‘Katy did!’ to me!
“I hide behind my mushroom stalk
When Mister Mole comes froo,
‘N only jus’ to fwighten him
I jump out’n say ‘Boo!’
“‘N then I swing on a cobweb swing
Up in the air so high,
‘N the cwickets chirp to hear me sing
“‘N then I play with the baby chicks,
I call them, chick chick chick!
‘N what do you think of that?” said he.
I said, “It makes me sick.
“It gives me sharp and shooting pains
To listen to such drool.”
I lifted up my foot, and squashed
The God damn little fool.
LOL. I was NOT expecting that to end the way it did. I too loved bad willow. Is it still overcast where you are? It is here.
I think it’s been a week since the sun has been out. And now just to cheer me up the forecast is for thunderstorms with a possibility of damaging hail.
Actually I’m still trying to analyze it. Hope I haven’t been being a troll. Not that I still completely understand everything associated with it.
I assumed that the point of view was Dick Cheney’s.
You’ll have to forgive me. I’m slow to catch on some times ;).
Are you a Buffy fan? If not, I can understand why you’d be confused by the train of thought.
No I never was. I was always more of the Star Trek type.
Quick explanation — willow was a “good” character, very sweet. But every once in a while she’d become really evil (as in, destroy the world evil) and you could tell she was the evil willow because she would say “bored now” immediately followed by her doing something bad (usually involving a horrible death). So it is really a perfect poem — sweet until the end when the elf dies a horrible death.
Did you watch Farscape? I think that was the best TV sci-fi show ever.
Someone I know was just talking about Farscape over Christmas. I never saw it. We were talking about Stargate when it came up.
I’ve seen them all just about. I’ve been a sci-fi fan since the 60’s. I like Farscape, but the one I’ve come to like is on sci-fi channel called Fire Fly. They just came out with a movie on that. Did you know also the two main characters on Farscape are now on Stargate.
It may interest you to learn that the same mind was behind the concept of Firefly and Buffy the Vampire Slayer — that’d be Joss Whedon.
Firefly was really good — we watched what little Fox showed before they cancelled it and then got the DVD. Also, are you aware there is a follow-up movie called Serenity?
Didn’t know about Stargate — I haven’t ever watched it. Are you saying that John Crichton and Aeryn Sun are on the show or that the actors who played those characters are now on the show (but playing other characters)?
Sorry I was away for a little while, but yes those two actors are now the two featured actors on Stargate. This month they’re supposed to start their new season, so I’ll have to see what that’s like.
I’ll give it a look. Thanks for the info.
Morris Bishop was a writer, linguist, and humorist from the 40’s and 50’s. Posting the poem was a reaction to the boredom, bad willow, and my own evil ways.
see above — it was perfect.
Thanks for the explanations. I do see why it’s funny now. One of my new years resolutions is not to take myself so seriously ;). Thanks for being patient with me.
I’m sure it says a something about me that I love that poem, regardless of the context. I just think it’s effing funny.
But I’m sorry that you might have thought it was directed at you, even momentarily. Your presence here at the cafe and all of BooTrib is greatly appreciated.
Thank you and as you can see I’m trying to not take myself to seriously. You all have been so very kind I don’t know how I could have thought otherwise.
Reminds me of a piece written by Buck Young circa 2004:
An Historical Overview of the Whereabouts of Gnomes and Elves, Fauns and Fairies, Goblins, Ogres,Trolls and Bogies, Nymphs, Sprites and Dryads, Past and Present.
Speaking of trolls, have you come across this book? I thought it was excellent.
Thanks for the tip…I’ll look for it…sounds interesting/entertaining.
Off topic — my Itunes is set on shuffle and it just popped up Tom Jones singing “It’s Not Unusual” — isn’t amazing the things we find we have in our music collections when we have Itunes. I’m sure I never listened to it on whatever CD it came from. (Soundtrack from “Little Voice” — I just looked). Everybody dance.
I can remember as a teenager watching the Tom Jones show on TV. Obviously that was one of the songs you were always going to hear. Unfortunately when I was growing up we only had one channel so it was that and also Lawrence Welk every Saturday night. How lucky we are now of days.
I actually saw Tom Jones live and in person about 20 years ago. I was in my 20’s and my parents had season tickets to a concert series that brought in Las Vegas acts. My dad REFUSED to go see Tom Jones with my mother so I went with her. It was hysterical — middle aged women (well, the age I am now, so they were YOUNG!) were running up to the stage and throwing their underwear on it. I have to say it was an entertaining experience.
I just saw something on TV about him in Vegas and about the exact thing you were talking about. From what I can remember his son is his producer or manager now.
A lot of the music today I’ve just stopped listening to. I guess it just me getting older. I grew up starting out liking the Lettermen, then went to the Led Zepplin phase, and while in Europe even listen to a Flock of Seagulls. I know it sounds (can’t spell the medicial term) but now my musical taste are old Irish tunes. I’ve listen to a station out of Dublin called LiveIreland. They stream both modern and traditional. I fear I’m becomming like my parents that say the only good music was the big band fourties.
Do you like Mary Black?
or do you like Scottish music as well? My huband and I really like the Boys of the Lough.
Actually I’m not familiar with the group or Mary Black. I’ve only been back on the net for a little over a month and that’s all I’ve listened to. Here on NPR on Saturday night they have an Irish hour and that how I started listening to it. I afraid I haven’t gotten into groups or names yet. I just put on the streaming radio and let it go.
If you are listening to Fiona Ritchie, she plays all kinds of Celtic music so you would be hearing both Irish and Scottish music.
Now that I remember that was who I was listening to. So I guess it is mostly Celtic I was listening to.
People are starting wanting me to do something around here, so I’ll bid all good day. And thanks again Andif.
I’m off to eat Hoppin’ John. See ya’ll later.
German satellite TV broadcast video from flooded areas north of San Francisco, situation looked pretty worrisome for local residents and thousands had to be evacuated. How is coverage in the U.S.?
GUERNEVILLE, Ca. (AP) Jan. 1, 2006 — Northern California residents braced for a second storm to hit the region, a day after the first sent rivers rising into cities and mud sliding into homes and across highways.
Firefighter investigates an abandoned,
partially submerged truck on Highway 116
near Guerneville. AP Photo
The Russian River crested early Sunday near the Sonoma County town of Guerneville at 42 feet — 10 feet above flood stage — flooding low-lying areas of the city and an unknown number of homes but sparing the downtown area, said Linda Eubanks of Sonoma County’s Office of Emergency Services.
The extent of the damage was unclear because crews could not get into the affected area, she said.
The storm dumped an average of 4 to 5 inches in Northern California, with parts of Marin County recording more than 7 inches, according to the National Weather Service.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
and on the Weather Channel. Also, on NPR (National Public Radio) which is my main news source. I don’t get a newspaper but I’m guessing the print media gave it a lot of coverage as well. And I don’t watch network news (ABC, Fox, etc) so I don’t what coverage.
yet — they were talking about the possibility of flood watches down here, but the talk seems to have died.
Had a good long nap (yes Mary, I did nap!), now checking the blogs and the news. Spouse is finally washing the sheets so we can get the bed changed — one resolution around here is to change the bed every Sunday. Tonight we’re going to Fresh Choice for dinner; I need some of the good chicken soup.
Okay, time to get a little bit of work done…
I liked this, and thought I’d share…
how about re-posting the link over there?
My grandparents on my mom’s side were respectively Polish and Bohemian and I inherited my grandmothers love of potato dumplings. When my sister start craving them it is an all day project really as we make a double batch. You have to of course first boil potatoes, cool and mash them. While doing so you must also fry up a pound of bacon for the grease. The mashed potatoes are mixed with flour/egg and then rolled out into long ‘snakes’ and cut into small pillows for boiling. By themselves these dumplings are pretty blah to my way of thinking and my sister and I have perfected this recipe to our tastes over the years. This means once the boiling of the dumplings are done and cooled somewhat you then fry some of them up in the bacon grease while adding much sauerkraut to the mix and some of the crumbled up bacon and caraway seed. Due the huge batch made this means we have enough for about 4 big frying pans of this stuff and believe me by the 3rd day it tastes even better as the ingredients have melded together….It may not be the most colorful or attractive looking dish but I think it’s heaven.
I just closed this cafe and I’d hate for people to miss this. Would you mind putting this in the new one?
New cafe is here.