Come on in!
Grab a seat and some extra napkins, because it’s time for the early bird special at The Froggy Bottom Lounge and Diner!
None of your fancy-pants girlie drinks here, we got beer and more beer. Now whaddya want?
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Special thanks go to our girl, Andi who helped set things up. Sheesh!…this HTML stuff is “hard work!”
uh, beer? Did you say you’ve got beer?
I like beer.
A beer please.
If you’ve got a beer.
At your pleasure, katiebird! It’s much simpler this way, no?
And “the special”, I’d like the special please.
We got the special. We can do the special.
I’ve been to places that throw you out if you order something not “the special”. I’d never have the nerve to do that.
Plus, the special looks good.
Whatever it is.
In Europe, a lot of restaurants have a “house special” which is usually the only affordable meal on the menu. So being in the habit of going for the special can be good.
Funny story about this particular special. Have you had dinner? Because if you haven’t this will spoil your appetite.
My youngest son and I stopped at this tiny roadside place on the coast because we were completely starved. Anyway, the place was nasty and fly-infested, the floors were sticky and waitress was a total bitch. I sent my coke back because it had a film on the surface, and I swear she brought me back the same damn glass with the same damn film in it.
The special came and it looked really good (see above) and it certainly was colorful, but it was the grossest thing I’d ever attempted to eat. We just laughed and took pictures of it. But I’m such a wimp I still tipped her 20% out of pity that she had to work there. As I recall, we stopped on the way back to the cottage and ate a pound of fudge for dinner.
Make that two. I was going to work on my project until 6:00 (and I still might) but I don’t think a little beer will hurt.
Soitanly not! It will only enhance your creativity.
It’s one of my favorites.
It looks like rootbeer, which is my favorite alcoholic beverage. Even better with Edy’s french vanilla ice cream thrown in.
Samuel Smith’s Oatmeal Stout is pretty much nothing like rootbeer but it actually might be nice with ice cream — it has a lovely heavy dark flavor and the foam is so thick you can scoop it with a spoon.
To a non beer drinker this sounds repulsive. But I can appreciate your appreciation. Mr. Second Nature loves dark, earthy-smelling beers.
I hope its not root beer because I’m not a fan of root beer, even root beer floats. Stout however, I can do.
Finally! The sun! The sun! For about 20 minutes.
Maybe that portends good things for tomorrow?
I don’t think so. From Natinal Weather Service:
Tuesday: Rain Likely
Wednesday: Chance Rain.
Thursday: Chance Snow.
Friday: Chance Snow.
I love the myriad ways of saying “dreary, wet and cold”….
Down here they actually call anything under 40 degrees “frigid”….and a sunny, yet breezy day is “blustery.”
When you are suffering days of 98 ° heat and 98 ° humidity, I promise to commiserate.
I’m sure you will. BTW…aren’t you having the Boo-gathering in your woods this summer?
I believe that was some strange dream of Olivia’s.
You know what they say: “if you (or Olivia) dream it, they will come.” Or something like that.
However, a full-fledged national Boo gathering is an idea whose time has definitely come.
Be careful, you may have just volunteered yourself. And I want you to know I typed this with a lovebird sitting on my right hand pecking at my moving fingers.
Olivia’s dream took place in Hawaii. Your acres of forest are much closer.
and earlier she had this idea that everybody could camp out at my place which led to a discussion of the using the neighboring pond or lake as bathing facilities so I figure the dream being in Hawaii was just her way of admitting she wasn’t willing to brush her teeth in scummy pond water.
Ahhh, I understand now.
I’m so glad you got this photo. Now, if your neighbors claim it didn’t happen you can prove them wrong.
My aunt once went into San Franciso early in the morning, going over the Golden Gate Bridge. As she drove up into view of The Bridge — It would have been at about here or a little beyond:
She saw that The Bridge was covered in snow!! So she took a picture. And went on about her day.
When she got home she told my uncle who totally poo-pooed the idea. Snow on the Golden Gate? Impossible! But, she had the photograph. I’ve seen it.
Still, like your sunlight right before dark, it probably was impossible.
back in early 1977; my friends got up early just to ambush me with a snowball when I was waiting for my ride to another school where I was studying radio/TV production.
It also snowed back in the early 1960’s — I don’t remember that because I was too young, but I remember photos floating around of my sisters and brother building a snowman in the front yard…
In the early 1960s it did snow on Mr. Tam (not Lucas Valley or San Rafael). My dad bundled us all in the car & we drove madly to the top, but it was all gone by the time we got there.
I was almost 15 before I ever saw snow. In Kansas.
Has the novelty worn off yet?
Nope, I’ve never seen what I would consider enough snow. Kansas City misses the worst of most storms. We get enough to be a mess, but not usually enough to shut things down. Which is worthless in my opinion.
I think it’s common for people from snowless areas to always get a secret thrill when it snows.
I kind of miss snow, but not all the inconveniences that it causes like scraping off the car and having to find boots and dry socks every time you go out.
But there is nothing prettier than the snow piling up outside the house, especially if you have enough food and nowhere to go.
There is no childhood thrill that can compare to having school called off for a snow day.
By the way — You are LUCKY!
You should get from her and scan it in and post it.
That’s a good idea! I’ll ask her in a year or two when she’s had a chance to sort through all her boxes.
She sold her house a few months ago (my uncle died a couple of years ago & she just couldn’t keep it up by herself). And I don’t want to make her crazy by asking her for a photograph right away.
But, she’s scanned other photos & sent them to me, so I know she can do it!
in BIG chunks…
Lots-o= fun.
See? That’s what I mean. I’ve never seen anything like that.
Consider yourself lucky…it would paralyze KC if it happened.
St. Louis doesn’t often get a lot of snow, but when I was in college we got 24 inches in one night. It was really freaky, it was a thunder snow storm. Lightning, thunder and snow all at once. And it fell REALLY fast. It was fun. There was no way anyone could go anywhere so there was no guilt involved in staying home.
You take such nice pictures — did you just walk outside, aim the camera at the sky and click?
That’s exactly what I did (only it was six clicks and I picked the best one). Hmmm, sounds just like a comment I wrote to someone once.
Now just think, if a schlump like me can walk outside and take nice pictures, what could a future lottery-winning, chocolate-eating, book-reading dynamo like you do if only you had a digital camera.
And another thing I’m good at is dusting! I could dust that new camera right along with all the other cameras I’ve bought in my life that are sitting on the shelf in the closet of my guest bedroom. 🙂
I’m a hopeless case when it comes to taking pictures. One year I went to Europe with a close friend (long ago before there were digital cameras). He took 23 rolls of film. I took 3 — pictures, not rolls.
I’ll tell you the same thing I told him — I’d much rather look at your pictures than take them myself.
Thank You!
And another thing I’m good at is dusting!
dusting ≠ slacker
Real slackers have no idea whether they are good at dusting or not.
You won’t even let a girl dream of slacker status huh?
I didn’t get if you don’t have a digital, but I didn’t start taking pictures until I got one. I lived in Europe for a while and I have friends that supplied me with pictures because they knew I would only take a couple.
Now with the digital it’s so instant and with learning a little photo software it’s actually very much fun to see what came out instead of waiting.
You are no help! I’m trying to achieve slacker status. I don’t want to believe its easy.
I’m not trying to help. Half of slacker status is having fun. I just want to help you achieve slacker sainthood while having fun on the way.:)
“I’m not trying to help” he says.
And here I thought you were on MY side. But no …
I am on your side.
Remember the main word “FUN”.
I think we should all go watch Linklater’s Slacker for inspiration. And afterward, we can decide which character you should be.
I’d like to, I’d really like to. And some day I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna go to the rental store and find that movie … but I don’t think I’m ready yet. Too much effort.
You dust? Have I got a job or 6 for you.
You’d have to pay my air fare to — Windsor isn’t it?
Good help is so hard to find.
Recent studies prove that children who live in dusty, less-than-clean homes grow up with far fewer allergies. Skip the dusting. Do it for Andrew!
I already skip the dusting. I can’t keep up with the cat hair.
Well now you’ve lost me a free trip to beautiful Windsor Ontario (that IS where you’re from Toni?) Thanks a lot. Another one not on my side.
I am on your side. I saved you a trip to Windsor, Ontario in the middle of winter.
Yes, beautiful downtown Windsor, Ontario – just across the Detroit River from, well, Detroit (my hometown).
See exciting sites like
That and more could have been yours if only I had not been reminded how dust is good for Andrew.
Darn. I wanted to check out Windsor. It’s on my short list of places in Canada to flee to. I’ve thought long and hard about it. It’s farther south than the rest of Canada which is a big plus. And I could commute into Detroit to practice law so I wouldn’t have to do the Canadian law thing. But I would not have to officially live in Bushland. But … I’ve never been there to check it out. I love Montreal but I don’t speak French. The only other places I’ve been in Canada are Victoria — too touristy — and Fort Frances Ontario — do I have to explain why not?
I’ve never been to Fort Frances. But, if I had to guess, I would say that it is in the middle of nowhere.
Hope you don’t mind I moved it out a little. Fort Frances is on the other side of the Rainy River from International Falls Minnesota. So, yeah, its pretty much in the middle of nowhere. A beautiful nowhere (except for the smell of the paper mill) but a nowhere none the less. That’s why its not an option.
Happy New Year..Anyone wanna play cards A friend of mine had a baby last month…his last name is Brown…he named his first born daughter……..Molly. Not Kidding. Sex on the Beach for all…there on me.
I hope he doesn’t throw her into the pool to see if she’s unsinkable.
Well, let’s hope she doesn’t put her famous moniker to the test. Happy new year to you too.
I’m very close to having eat4today live. In fact, I thought it was ready. But, there is a problem with email notification when people register.
And forms return to a blank page instead of moving back to the homepage.
So, Instead of making a happy announcement, I’m whining.
And I’m going to have another of those beers!
I hate beer, but I’m gonna join you in whining about your site not being ready. I need it big time, katiebird. Heeeelllllllp meeeeeeeeee!
Second Nature, email me a username and I’ll set up your registration
I’m going to have to think of a good one. One another site my user name is Bird by Bird, but given your mascot I think that would be presumptuous of me. Any suggestions?
I hope you can recruit a nerd to fix the email thing.
Recruit a nerd. What a great name for a business.
God! I’d love to recruit a nerd.
Actually, If you want to send me your preferred username, I can register you.
The only thing is that if you login or make a comment and get a blank screen as a result, you have to manually edit the URL back to the http://www.eat4today.com
The login & comments & everything work (I think).
Anyway, my email is katiebird@gmail.com if you want me to set up the accounts.
And I do have one article up.
with my preferred username 😉
I went to visit the page and the front page looks good.
On registering, has anybody got AndiF yet or can I have that?
AndiF is totally available! Do you want me to set up your account?
Of course. And if there’s anything I can do to help, let me know. I’m not much on web stuff but I am a decent perl programmer. Also, I’m a pretty good copy editor if you’d like me to proof anything for you.
Well folks, I’m turning in early this evening. I go back to work tomorrow and I need to be up early. See everyone tomorrow evening.
Nobody, but nobody goes to bed before AndiF.
And of course if you go to bed, we will all talk about you.
Just like we do with AndiF.
I was thinking of turning in myself. It’s been a very long couple of days.
(actually new year’s day) I was in the cafe until 1:15 a.m. EST but you were nowhere to be seen to witness my “notorious” act of outlasting a whole bunch of folks so why should I bother staying up?
Andi, should I put up a self-serve overnight cafe because I’m really going to go to bed obscenely early…like now.
You close this one and I’ll go ahead and do a froggybottom overnighter.
THanks dear, goodnight, all.
New cafe is open.