Please go here and read this.
Jeff Wells’ précis of the history of America since about 1947, from his ongoing, WAY out of the box blog Rigorous Intuition.
Included below the fold are a few snippets from the post. He is synthesizing the various strands of inside and outside American history into a most valuable tapestry on his blog.
And true, too.
Read on.
Think of 1947, the year of Aleister Crowley’s death. The Paperclip Nazis were content to be working again. The father of American rocket science and the founder of Scientology were making magick in the Mojave desert in order to trigger apocalypse. Meanwhile, the modern UFO phenomenon exploded in the Western skies with the Kenneth Arnold sighting, Roswell (largely misinformation, but still significant for being misinformation), Maury Island and Tacoma, the latter two involving alleged retrieval of “saucer debris” by Fred Crisman and Guy Bannister respectively. Bannister of course is better known for his New Orleans’ stewardship of Lee Harvey Oswald, while Crisman was one of the first persons called by Clay Shaw after hearing the news that he was a target of Jim Garrison’s investigation, and was himself subpoenaed.
Do you know why, and do you know what this is they can’t see? It’s the dark matter. It’s the universe most people are blind to, but which explains the universe they inhabit. It’s the black thread that holds the visible light like dew on a web. That’s parapolitics. That’s para-everything. It’s the night vision goggles through which the rationalists and the self-identifying skeptics never peer. To them, the darkness is contentless void. But it isn’t. And any meaningful estimate of the situation, 2006, needs to account for it.
There it is.
Wake up and smell the strangeness.
(Hint, hint…it lives in the White House, among many other places. BEEN there for a long, LONG time. Bet on it.)
While we all sit around blathering about the tide level in some protected bay of piglets, the real, Gulf Steam sized currents of history are sweeping us all right under the rug.
Just because you cannot generally SEE the Gulf Stream does not mean that it does not exist.
“Is it hot in here, or is it you?”
How does the fundamentalist prophecy of Firstfruits fit into the mix? There isn’t anything on NSA’s Hayden over there, is there?
Just searched. Nothing there on Hayden.
But…go on over there and read for yourself. The blog is literally a re-educational device, and Wells is the most clear eyed collator of the unthinkable that I have ever encountered.
For those of you stuck in the feedback system we laughingly call “the media” (News->people talking about the news->MORE news about what people are saying about the news-> right back to “news” again./ Repeat until implosion, then start another feedback system.) …there could be no greater antidote than a day perusing the archives of this blog.
All the news that’s fit to be almost totally ignored by our so-called “news” system.
All the news that they absolutely, positively do not want you to hear.
BET on it.
Just take one subject…say JFK’s assassination…and pursue it to its final conclusions, and you would lay bare the whole game.
I used to think that William S. Burrroughs’ idea of a “Nova Gang”…a group of intergalactic criminals who suck the energies completely dry out of a solar system and then move on just before it collapses…was merely a brilliant, genius-level metaphor for what is happening here.
Now I am beginning to wonder if I underestimated him.
On the evidence.
Check it out.
I’ve long been a fan of RI and the alternative considerations the site offers. The cycle of disinformation verification is the one that’s hurting us so badly now.
The majority of the terrorist analyst experts seem to have a good deal of unverifiable information that is constantly referred to as historical data.
The ultimate psy-ops’ers
So “psy-op” that even THEY don’t know it.
The best kind of liar.
One who believes himself.
Like Semi-President Butch.
That’s why he’s the perfect game show host for this particular game that they are running..
He’s so dumb that he doesn’t even know he’s lying, most of the time.
NOT “Bush II”.
Poppy was conscious of it all.
Bush I was Reagan’s Cheney.
Reagan II.
Bet on it.
“We learn by doing.” Jonathan Winters.
“It worked the first time…it’ll work again. I’ve got one that’s dumb as a stick!!! Dumber than his momma. Better lookin’, too, if you don’t look into his eyes. He”l be PERFECT!!!” Bush I.
Bet on it.