I see a lot of good potential with both guys to run for President. I have all ready seen a list of hopefuls and I must say that for me it is between these two. Who is the most progressive between the two? Who would you recommend?
I am a Progressive activist who is involved with both the Green Party and the Democrats. I am a Political Science Major at Iowa State University and have previously seeked the Democrat nomination for my District in the US House of Representatives. I was
Well, from what I have seen so far, I like both. I just hope we can take back the House and at least marginalize the Senate to do some good, if we can not take it as well.
I like Mark Warner because of his proven success in Virginia. He broke the Republican coalition and peeled off fiscally conservative Republicans to pass his bi-partisan budget reform. This accomplished several things beyond the very important fact that it saved Virginia from fiscal ruin. He also completely discredited the anti-tax drown-the-government school of thinking. That stuff just doesn’t fly in Virginia anymore. People understand that their taxes buy vital government services like roads and education, and they know how necessary those are. And, Mark Warner now has credibility as a guy who can work with both parties to get things done – something that is very important to independents and “swing voters.”
Imagine if he could accomplish this in the Congress of the United States! Break the Republican coalition, bring back some fiscal sanity and fund important infrastructure needs and social programs… all the while under the mantle of a “centrist” who “works with both parties” … it would be beautiful.
The lesson other Democrats need to take away from this is that the way to get your “centrist” cred is not to move to the right and cozy up to Republicans… but to work with them – or rather, get them to work with YOU – on YOUR terms. That’s what Mark Warner is capable of.
Well, from what I have seen so far, I like both. I just hope we can take back the House and at least marginalize the Senate to do some good, if we can not take it as well.
I like Mark Warner because of his proven success in Virginia. He broke the Republican coalition and peeled off fiscally conservative Republicans to pass his bi-partisan budget reform. This accomplished several things beyond the very important fact that it saved Virginia from fiscal ruin. He also completely discredited the anti-tax drown-the-government school of thinking. That stuff just doesn’t fly in Virginia anymore. People understand that their taxes buy vital government services like roads and education, and they know how necessary those are. And, Mark Warner now has credibility as a guy who can work with both parties to get things done – something that is very important to independents and “swing voters.”
Imagine if he could accomplish this in the Congress of the United States! Break the Republican coalition, bring back some fiscal sanity and fund important infrastructure needs and social programs… all the while under the mantle of a “centrist” who “works with both parties” … it would be beautiful.
The lesson other Democrats need to take away from this is that the way to get your “centrist” cred is not to move to the right and cozy up to Republicans… but to work with them – or rather, get them to work with YOU – on YOUR terms. That’s what Mark Warner is capable of.