I’m Lt. Col. Tim Dunn and I’m running for Congress in NC’s 8th District. For too long, this Republican-led, rubber-stamp Congress has been listening to its big contributors and ignoring the needs of everyday people. Simply put, this Marine has had enough and I am ready and willing to fight for change. With your help, we can return the people’s house to the people!
I may not be the most tech savvy person but I’m excited about reaching out to the online community and I look forward working with you throughout our campaign. Tonight I will be on Air America’s “Fighting Dems” series starting around 9:30 p.m., EST (www.airamericaradio.com), and I look forward to posting updates about my campaign in the weeks to come throughout the blogosphere.
As many of you may already know I served overseas in both Iraq and Europe, and I believe I have the broad perspective needed to chart a successful foreign policy course in Iraq and across the globe. Our nation needs new leaders in Congress to put an end to the corruption and cronyism that threaten our security both abroad and at home.
As a Marine, national security is very important to me, but there are many bread-and-butter issues that I am fighting for as well. Here in North Carolina’s 8th District, we’ve watched this rubber-stamp Congress export thousands of jobs overseas and I am ready and willing to stand up and fight for our working families. Job losses, cuts to education, skyrocketing health care costs, and an absolute disregard for our environment are threatening our domestic security. It’s time we had representatives in Congress who will put people first!
I’m running a never-back-down campaign and I invite all of you to join me as I fight for change in Washington. I appreciate your time and I look forward to working with you as we take back North Carolina’s 8th Congressional District for the people!
Can you speak plainly? You sound very prefabricated. I mean this kind of jargon is just junk.
It’s nice that you are a marine. Your picture shows you with a gun and sunglasses ready to fight ….for what?
What’s your position on Iraq?
Put your gun back in holster, no way to welcome a new guest on the blog.
Tim Dunn has given an introduction of himself as marine, gunning for representation of his district. I am eager to learn of the specific troubles in his home area, to listen and discuss. Always hoping to bring people together, we have so much to learn from one another. Hey, we are one nation!
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I don’t have a gun. Tim has the gun. Look at the picture.
Well Stu, this is my first time on the blogosphere and things won’t be perfect. I did my best writing my first post and I’m sure that my posts will improve as time moves on. I wanted to introduce myself to the readers and get a feel of the blogosphere for the first time.
As a Marine I have learned that leadership means NEVER asking someone to do what you would not be willing to do yourself. The Republican congress has covered for the administration’s failed policies for too long and I’m ready to change that. I’m ready for a REAL plan from this Congress and I’m prepared to go up there and fight for true leadership on Iraq.
I appreciate your feedback and look forward to any other questions you may have.
Are you for the war …against the war….something in between?
I am against the war…I want immediate withdrawal.
Because my brain is running around in little circles trying to understand it.
You come off the block with a completely rude post…
… to tell someone else you don’t like their writing style?
I’m not very smart, but I know when someone is using rhetoric instead of communicating. So my little brain gets insulted that anyone would write in that …so obvious manner. Rhetoric like that is just so tiring.
Rude….you don’t know what rude is.
you say you think it’s all rhetoric. Which are less rude. Why the chip on shoulder about this? It’s, uh, email, a public forum for people to communicate with each other.
I can’t resist replying to your claim: re “You don’t know what rude is.”
My work history is highly blue collar. I’m a female. I’ve worked:
*in a cannery (7 12-hour days/week)
*as a machinist
*in wood factory
*pruning trees
*planting trees
*hardware store
As I commented the other day, I was the first woman working in a couple of those places. Now if you think none of that taught me what rude is, you would be wrong. One of the big lessons I learned from those jobs was how to LEAVE rude at the door of the workplace when I walked out. To be sure to put on better manners when dealing with my friends and the general public.
Life is short, and how we act really affects the world around us. Too, our choices show others who we are. Simple, really — if we upgrade our own little corner of behavior, the world gets a tiny upgrade.
But c’mon. I find it unbearable. He’s shows himself with a gun.
Let’s put it this way.
The image with the gun says.. so many things that I find inherently condescending and at the same time threatening. I am to believe this man will protect me personally because he has a gun? That he is strong and brave. Maybe I think I am strong and brave and I don’t need his help.
Gun are used to kill people. That’s what soldiers use them for. The image says he can or has killed people…and in a war that is compeletely unjust. That’s not a good image. Should John McCain make a big poster of himself in a prison of war camp…..he proabably will if he announces he’s running for office. It’s in bad taste and it bragadocious.
This guy looks like a poster boy. He works out, he’s good looking (I guess) he’s a soldier. We don’t need any more goddamn soldiers running for office. We have enough war as it is. Elect an artist or a waitricst or a females who worked in a wood factory who has pruned trees. Not another guy bragging about serving his country. He did not service to his country…he was used like all the other soldiers to fight an unjust war for an unjust cause and hundreds of thousands were killed for nothing. Just ask John Murta who represents the military. He says he wouldn’t join the military today because it’s been corrupted by the politicians.
So let’s stay away from military types.
By the way, you show up to my door with a gun in your hand…..I think that’s way beyond rude.
Maybe he should go door to door with his M1 rifle saying.
Hi! My names Tim, I ‘m running for congress!
This bit of rudity as you call it, might let Tim know that there are all kinds of people in the world with alll kinds of different reactions to people who run for congress or are just sitting on a park bench.
We have enough monitoring of expression as it is…what we need is freedom to say whatever the hell we want.
Oh, by the way. He never responded to his position on the war in Iraq. I went to his website and he doesn’t say anything there either except …we need to win!
To hell with this guy. He’s not blogging he’s running for congress and he’s an obvious opportunist.
take a look at his district, an his opponent.
The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have inspired a new group of young veterans to run for political office back home. My next guest is one of them. Lieutenant Colonel Tim Dunn has served with the Marines in both Iraq and Europe. He’s now running for Congress as a Democrat in North Carolina, and he joins us tonight from Raleigh. Thanks for being with us.
LT. COL. TIM DUNN (D), CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE: Thanks, Christine. Great to be here.
ROMANS: The GOP holds both North Carolina Senate seats and I think seven of 13 congressional seats. Do you think your background in the military is going to help you as a Democrat in North Carolina?
DUNN: Absolutely. I think it’s crucial, particularly in this environment, the political environment, that we have more veterans not only running, but serving in Congress. I think the experience that we bring to the political process is crucial.
The ability to plan, to look at a mission, to be able to execute that plan and to accomplish the mission. I think it will be very valuable, not only in running but also in serving in Congress.
ROMANS: In the meantime, your party has, some would say, not very clearly articulated what its plan and its outlook is for Iraq and for — some are calling for a withdrawal. What do you plan to run on specifically about Iraq and the next move there?
DUNN: Well certainly, I’d like to first say that there’s no one that would support the military and our servicemen and women in Iraq and Afghanistan more than someone such as myself that have served in Iraq.
But I see that there needs to be a clearly defined mission in this particular, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, where there’s an instate. There’s got to be a plan for a conflict termination, so to speak. Whereby we can look at what the objectives are and we can accomplish those objectives and the commanders on the ground will know what those objectives are by our civilian leadership.
ROMANS: Are we operating without a clearly defined objective and mission right now?
DUNN: Well, I hope that we are not. The perception is now, as we are going on and on in Iraq, that we have to be sure that there’s a clearly defined objective. And I guess what I would propose as the administration has told us, that they want to stand down U.S. or coalition forces as the Iraqis stand up.
Well, this has not taken place at all yet. I mean even with the president’s most recent proposal in that package, there was indication that there were 120, now 120 operational Iraqi battalions. Of those 120, apparently there are 40 that are now combat ready and operationally committed, working independently of U.S. or coalition forces.
Well it’s time to look real closely now as these battalions stand up in Iraq. And we should be able to stand down the U.S. forces in Iraq. And I think we’re seeing that, Christine, with the words from not only the administration, but from the secretary of defense in that they are looking toward now a planned withdrawal.
But we don’t do it just on a timeline, we do it on what I would call, milestones or benchmark. Once that level of training that the Iraqi forces, the security forces can handle their situation in Iraq, then it’s time to stand down our forces, because we have certainly committed substantial forces and substantial lives of all of the servicemen and women that have served there. Now it’s time to look closely at what that in state, what that conflict termination is going to be and what it’s going to look like.
ROMANS: Well Lieutenant Colonel Tim Dunn, thank you so much for joining us tonight.
DUNN: Thank you very much, Christine.
saying that Tim Dunn should go to hell is not an example of pricklessness.
You have a negative reaction to his posing with a gun. Okay, fine. Is that a reason to be disrespectful?
You can express yourself and voice your opinions without being hostile, Stu. It is possible.
This NC district is very conservative. I think Tim Dunn is conservative on many issues. We can debate that. It’s an interesting topic.
But there is no need to be a prick.
I read the interview. Please. He said nothing. Personally I am no longer interested in …or ever was….in political strategy. I want the truth.
His dialogue is very thick and couched and framed…it wreaks of carefully placed words that say nothing. It’s meant to be that way…he’s running for office….it’s the style of the day…
The truth. That’s all that matters. Someone who knows what the Truth is and knows how to improvise, will take longer to catch on perhaps…because they are going to be shouted down at first….but if they persist….they may …by way of their record of speaking truthfully….go beyond these people who frame everything.
The truth, not framing utlimately can set people free, it’s enlightening, it opens doors, it allows you more options than framing which is just sophisticated lying.
It’s what the Administration does.
Welcome Marine, teach us to be tough and fight for our constitutional principles and indeed We The People!
With your help, we can return the people’s house to the people!”
Looking forward to your participation and many bloggers in return to give you our support in the fight for our representation in State and U.S. Congress.
«« click on pic for story John Conyers »»
Miltary polling numbers are closing in on the feelings of ordinary citizens, left behind.
I Have Great Respect for Sam Ervin and fallen hero Patrick Tillman
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Our campaign has a full slate of activities planned for January as we start off the month with a radio interview on Air America’s Fighting Dems series scheduled for January 3. And keep an eye out for an article in The Atlantic magazine on Democratic veterans across the country that are mobilizing to take back Congress.
And be sure to mark your calendar for a rally in Charlotte on January 21st with Senator Max Cleland. Senator Cleland is a true American hero and I am proud to have his support as we team up to fight for change in the 8th District. Stay tuned to this page in the coming weeks for more information on this exciting event.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Our online communications director, Mark from DEMbloggers.com will post video from the event and from what I hear he will be blogging the event for those who can’t make it. I’m excited about standing with Max Cleland and I’ll keep you guys posted on what’s going on with that and other stuff.
Tim has served in both Iraq and Europe, giving him the broad perspective needed to help America chart a better foreign policy course. He is concerned that we have failed to give our servicemen and women in Iraq the tools that they need to win and haven’t clearly defined our strategy for winning. And he is deeply troubled by Congress’ failure to keep its promises to our nation’s veterans.
With his boots-on-the-ground experience, Dunn knows the challenges our troops face, and he knows that supporting our troops overseas means keeping our commitments to them and their families at home.
At home, Tim has strong community ties as an elder of the First Presbyterian Church, youth sports coach, and Kiwanis member. He believes strongly in giving back to the community that has given so much to him and his family. He and his wife of 26 years, Susan, have three children and reside in Fayetteville, where he practices law.
As an attorney, Tim Dunn understands the challenges faced by thousands of small business owners and he is ready to stand up and fight for America’s working families. He cares deeply that thousands of North Carolina workers have lost their jobs due to bad trade agreements and he will never put Washington politics in front of North Carolina families.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
It’s time for a change and I hope you’re part of the great seachange I feel coming. Best of luck to you.
More about Tim Dunn here.
book marked your web page will likely contribute in the future..Principals.that is what I look for we don’t need agree on every little detail.
Thanks for coming online and being willing to answer questions.
What’s your stance on Roe vs Wade, or the ability of women to obtain abortions if they personally feel they must obtain one?
Related question, what’s your opinion on Alito’s position that women would have to ask their husbands for permission to obtain an abortion?
Thanks your answer.
We need more folks to step up and run.