I’m Lt. Col. Tim Dunn and I’m running for Congress in NC’s 8th District. For too long, this Republican-led, rubber-stamp Congress has been listening to its big contributors and ignoring the needs of everyday people. Simply put, this Marine has had enough and I am ready and willing to fight for change. With your help, we can return the people’s house to the people!

I may not be the most tech savvy person but I’m excited about reaching out to the online community and I look forward working with you throughout our campaign. Tonight I will be on Air America’s “Fighting Dems” series starting around 9:30 p.m., EST (www.airamericaradio.com), and I look forward to posting updates about my campaign in the weeks to come throughout the blogosphere.  

As many of you may already know I served overseas in both Iraq and Europe, and I believe I have the broad perspective needed to chart a successful foreign policy course in Iraq and across the globe. Our nation needs new leaders in Congress to put an end to the corruption and cronyism that threaten our security both abroad and at home.

As a Marine, national security is very important to me, but there are many bread-and-butter issues that I am fighting for as well. Here in North Carolina’s 8th District, we’ve watched this rubber-stamp Congress export thousands of jobs overseas and I am ready and willing to stand up and fight for our working families. Job losses, cuts to education, skyrocketing health care costs, and an absolute disregard for our environment are threatening our domestic security. It’s time we had representatives in Congress who will put people first!  

I’m running a never-back-down campaign and I invite all of you to join me as I fight for change in Washington. I appreciate your time and I look forward to working with you as we take back North Carolina’s 8th Congressional District for the people!