Jotter’s 2005 Daily Kos Analysis reveals the following Tribune writers ranked in the top 117 for impact. Not surprisingly, Jerome and Susan took the Gold and the Silver.
Below the fold:
#rank author ndiary arec acom impact tot
1 Jerome_a_Paris 385 23850 29790 217.64 217.6 0.018
2 SusanHu 300 17683 13258 158.50 376.1 0.031
24 BooMan23 109 5461 7144 49.97 2201.9 0.181
27 Steven_D 179 5394 5096 48.64 2348.8 0.193
54 catnip 105 3157 10025 32.85 3454.7 0.284
58 Soj 76 3365 2110 30.07 3579.9 0.295
CNN just reported that Denny Hastert is giving $70,000 of his Abramoff money to charity. Hope it goes to prison ministries.
eventually-to-be-ordained prison chaplain, Reverend Thomas DeLay.
The Rev. Tom Delay can go on the road with the Rev. Chuck Colson touring all the mega-churches in the Heartland.
Is that part of what he received? All of what he thinks can be proven that he received? Interesting turn of phrase there, Booman.
All he’s got left.
Money to go to GOP funding of The Chuck Colson Prison Ministries.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
You know, the massive bundle of $50 donations from sham individuals that was put together to get Hastert to spike a Sense of the House resolution condemning the Turkish massacres of Armenians in the early part of the last century.
Same m.o. overr and over again, Ohio pension money cycled through a coin dealer and pumped back in to the GOP. Bogus defense contractors taking no bid government K’s for non-existant services- the traceable Abramoff money is just the tip of the iceberg, payoffs that had to be made on the quick and cheap. (N.B. The above themes are all the subjects of top impact diaries listed above- this is the story of the era, raw and naked corruption of government by the sleaziest sectors of Eisenhower’s “Millitary Industrial Complex.”)
I’m beginning to wonder about how much of the GOP’s vaunted direct mail fundraising operations are a sham cover for a massive money laundering operation.
It would be easy to do, GOP operators do have huge mailing lists of obscure (i.e. no track record of major political contributions (a.k.a. 98% of the population)) individuals. A GOP controlled direct mail house receives two contracts- one, from a GOP political campaign subject to donation caps and or reporting requirements, and two, from an offshore GOP issue organization. The second deal provides money for the GOP campaign, which is reported as having come from individual donors responding to the mailing. Since reporting and verification of small donations is minimal, there’s hardly any way to stop such an operation.
Congratulations to Jerome, Susan, Booman, Steven, catnip and Soj for influencing the blogosphere so effectively.
Congratulations to all who made the list!!! But somehow I got left off. Hmmm. ๐
Me too! Let’s go to Jotter’s office and pound on the door until we get our way. ๐
the chart below the fold, Boo — it was breaking the margins on the front page and I’m too damn lazy to scroll to the right to find all the diaries…
No surprise, Jerome, Susan and Boo. . .and all the others! I keep telling everyone, the best writers on the net, simply the best!!
Congrats to all of you. Superb!
Thanks, everybody! I see that Kos wrote about Jotter’s diary too … altho he didn’t mention any diarist by name …
and I noticed that he has put up new diary rules:
Jotter’s diary is great – lists and links to so many good dKos diaries. I’ve hotlisted it so I can go back and read some I missed the first time around.
Like Outraged Republican constituents confront Lamar Smith (R-TX) by TxTiger. Smith is my current misRepresentative, which is why I clicked on the story, but it’s worth the read for everyone – a recounting of a town hall meeting in Sept in which the R slimebag got nailed by his constituents, many of whom described themselves as Republicans. It’s great, really. Favorites:
If we don’t win in Nov, we don’t deserve to. And I really am going to pack up and move to Canada.
And congrats BooTribble crossposters (but we always knew you were great).
… can they hit a slider?