Dusk to Dawn at the Froggy Bottom Lounge
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
The bar is fully stocked, but it is self-serve tonight.
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
I better go take this down WelToFroBotCaf
You would make an awesome FBC host. How ’bout becoming a regular?
But I’m here now and can do it. But this automat is so attractive!! It’s artistic!!!
Ask katiebird and froggybottom… I can do it for the next 12 hours or so…. hmmmm……
If you want to host for the next 12 hours, I can go edit the diary to annouce you as our special overnight guest host.
this one is lovely. must go tinker some more. and thanks for the opportunity.
I went to bed before you replied.
The automat & cafe’ next door inspire fond memories of my home town, NYC, back in the day. Now, either the cafe’ or the automat is a Starbucks.
Were’d you go? Yvonne is busy

and this hussie won’t wait tables

…Yer slackin’ dude
Have you got an off switch for that thing?
No, I spent an hour tinkering and trying to make something lighthearted, lovely, whimsical…. but all I got was span this and div that…
Meanwhile an errant goat got into the yard…. a billy goat. For real. And you know they can be quite contrary. So I’m out smoking a cigarette and the creature becomes somewhat threatening. And I’m thinking to myself… hmmmm…. I can’t do html right now because it’s using up all my exuberance and its turning to frustration…. next stop could be abject misery… or I could just get slammed by an ornery billy goat.
So back I came, the joint is jumpin, here’s two of my top sex queens…. and the NEWS is getting FIERCE.
Thank my lucky stars for you, dada.
And thank heavens for babes like Louise Brooks !
It’s one of my favorites… Stan Laurel lighting Marcel Marceau’s cigarette.
But IMS, you should recognize this one
BTW, I remember your diary about Marceau, very good stuff. Damn glad to see you back and heading for CA. Now if we could just get the iPig to show up more often.
Is one of the most beautiful photographs ever. Like Cartier Bresson. (sp) When I see images like this one, I think, like iPig’s sig “It’s a wonderful world.”
A wonderful thing happened. A woman whose father published a book of interviews with MM, Cocteau and Picasso (among others) sent me an out of print copy of her father’s book. And a copy of a letter MM wrote to her father as well. And that by way of appreciation of a little story I wrote.
Ah, well. Here’s another for you. It’s one of mine from some years ago. Too small, and bad quality, mais tant pis.
Whew! My sister was happy and filled with ideas. But it was one of those conversations where all I could fit in was yes, ok, great idea, I like that. . .
It started off in the back bedroom, but to escape I came here. It’s hard to type and listen at the same time.
You just need more practice. I do it all the times on conference calls.
Oh, please, please don’t make me practice that. (shudder)
No you need this talent for when you go into your web business full time — you’ll be talking to customers and typing in info or trying out code at the same time. Your sisters will just give you opportunities to practice with people you already know how to give only a fraction of your attention to.
Ah, well that kind of talking and typing I can do. The thing about my sister is that she usually calls me while I’m at work & I get up and walk while I talk to her. So, I’m not used to sitting down while she talks.
I think I’ll have to ask mister to build a second story with no walls. 🙂
You’d like my place then — hardly any walls at all. The whole downstairs is one big room.
Looks like DTF isn’t around now so it’s safe to say that I’m going to bed. See you in the morning.
[Note to self: ask Andi why it’s not safe to go to bed in front of DTF.]
OOOOO DTF, of course.
Sadly, it has nothing to do with his 12-inch pianist joke.
.. or the jewelry joke?
Or the jewelry joke. I think he teases Andi about going to bed so early. He’s feeling spunky tonight because of his new meds, he says. A likely story…
Ah, yes. I remember now.
And Andi is going to bed early again, just because it’s not New Year’s Eve. What a lame excuse.
So sorry, sir. I shouldn’t have had that tablespoon of Bailey’s in my after-dinner decaf. Normally I am a model of decorum.
In the first place, you should have put a jigger of rum in it.
And no one should drink decaf.
If you just have to have decaf, put the rum in hot chocolate.
I’m drinking Drambuie!
cocoa, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t need any adornment. And a jigger of rum would render me completely useless for at least 5 and 1/2 days.
to have with midnight bushel of pills.
It is very calming, and CNN has run that doggy stairs commerical twice tonight. I can’t decide if it is high art, or just annoyance refined to an art form.
She could always use mine, which involves lots of trees.
I can only lurk when I’m on conference calls — if I start to type I lose track of where I am in the call — unless its one of those huge calls where everyone expects people to come in and out.
I have the drought blues. No rain since I can’t remember when. Everything is dry and brown. Temps in the 70’s during the day – lovely to be outdoors, but the drought is eerie and makes it hard to appreciate it. I’ve been watering the garden, which one just shouldn’t have to do at this time of year, and the lettuces are starting to bolt and the snow peas aren’t setting fruit because of the unseasonable high temperatures.
If it gets really cold now we’ll lose a lot of plants. Last time it hit the teens after a long dry spell it killed my cottonwood tree, which made such a lovely sound in the wind outside my bedroom window.
Forecast: warm, dry, low humidity for the coming week . . . 🙁
Here’s hoping the long-term forecasts are wrong, as they often are.
Can’t blame you at all for having the blues.
I remember feeling guilty for wishing that we’d get a little overflow from Rita (classic liberal guilt for wishing for some benefit from something bringing so much suffering to others . . .). And we got not one drop from Rita – it veered off to the Northeast.
But remembering that reminds me that we were low on rain even then, and that was September. Nothing significant since, for sure.
21.45 inches for the year vs. 31 normal, and that’s somewhat deceiving because we had a very wet Spring. it’s just been No Rain at All from Fall onwards. And oh yeah – we set a temp record yesterday of 86. On Jan frickin’ 3!
Thanks for the sympathy.
It’s so strange to think that you are still having a growing season. Is there any time of the year that you can’t grow something to eat?
Hottest time – August, September, October – it’s pretty hard. Plants just wilt in the heat even when watered adequately. Insects thrive and feast, fruit doesn’t set . . . A few things will hang on, like okra, eggplant, chilis, for example – and you can still get food from them if you can protect them from the bugs.
For lettuce, most greens, things like broccoli, winter is the only time we can grow those things – they can’t take the heat at all.
I’m growing mustard greens for the first time this year and have learned that you can pick them down to just a few small leaves and a week later there’ll plenty for supper again. I heard NASA was considering them for long flights, b/c of most nutrition per input. Makes sense now why mustard greens have been a staple of Southern cooking, especially in poorer families.
I’ve probably spent 90% of my winters here in ND, and while we’ve a ways to go, this one seems to be on the most bizarre path yet.
We’ve had a stretch of two weeks worth of near continuous overcast, sometimes mist, sometimes fog, sometimes you can see for miles, but still it remains overcast.
Also, the oldtimers always used to say, “If you don’t like the weather wait a couple of days.” That’s because our weather rarely stays the same for more than two days in row.
So for the past two weeks we have hardly had any wind, just a 10mph breeze on some days out of the SE. And hardly any temp fluctuation, as the range has mostly been 22-32F, with 12F being the low for this period.
It’s unusual to have this many days in a row with little to no wind. We can have a stretch where it’s relatively warm like this, but so far this year we’ve hardly had any below zero readings.
I spent a couple of winters in Denver in the early seventies. Well, in my mind, we’ve had “Denver winters”
the past four years.
Newspapers are saying this past year was the 4th warmest for our area on record.
If the current peculiarities continue into Jan and Feb I’m going to be spooked!
As it is, an Alberta Clipper (30-40mph NW winds, at -10F) would almost be reassuring. (OMG, what did I just say? Must go check sanity meter.)
for the locals: January 2-9th Countdown Festival at the top of our driveway! 7:30-9am and 4-6pm daily
but definitely will tomorrow — decided today was stay in and work on bills day, especially rent check which was due tomorrow.
Oh, BTW DTF — old white chicks CAN jump; I can now actually slide my rump up on the new bed to get in. 🙂
Watching the Rose Bowl — a little too close for comfort if you ask me…
Hi to anybody who is still up and about. Did I miss anything big?
that is all… :'(
sorry 🙁
Thought they might pull a miracle out of their hats in the last few seconds.
that was one of the greatest football games I’ve ever seen.
The Big 12 Rocks!
What a game! Mack Brown was WAY overdue…Fuckin’A!
Yeah, I guess they might even decide to keep Mack after all.
Longhorns forever!!
Hey! That’s my ‘mater you’re slurring there! The one and only football game I actually watch and the team actually wins, and I tell my spouse I’ve got to come post something at the FBCafe and you say F…Texas??
I was, actually, surprised that Texas won – especially since I was watching – usually a sure bet that my team won’t win.
Good morning!!
Ignore my email — I tried again and got the start page. And I’m registered.
Here’s your coffee (I’m starting to think of this as a tradition).
You make the best coffee!
Got your emails & e’d you back.
Hi! The site looks good!
But I can’t log in with the info you sent me. Do I need to register again?
Yes, everyone needs to register again. And I’ll have to regrant your permissions, so let me know when you’ve done it.
I registered again, but haven’t received a password yet via email.
I registered this morning and got an email immediately so maybe the email is just slow.
Mine got stuck in my bulk/junk email folder and I had to go retrieve it from there.
I’m hoping to have an actual on-topic article up not long after I get home from work tonight.
And once that is up, I’d like the other authors to introduce themselves. So — have your recipes ready & smile for the camera!
fresh cafe. . .
LINK: New Cafe
Please recommend this one on your way out. Thanks.