Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I have read some speculation that Jackie boy will give up some and protect those we would want face planted the most. After seeing him on the tube though and noting how he carries himself and his ego, my people reader could be way off but I think Jackie boy is going to give up those he is most pissed off at for leaving him stranded and branded and I have no idea who may be at the top of that list! Taking one for the team though and falling on his sword is not written on that guy’s face at all. What I saw written there was “We were all involved in this and you guys are leaving ME to hang for it all? I’ll show You!” He’s definately dealing with some abandonment issues and I don’t get the feeling he handles those very well.
of the Abramoff investigation. Could it be that Bush is scared for himself, or the party, or both? How long is the Croney going to handle this before the MSM starts talking about who she is and why she is there?
job any easier than I have to. What we discussed last night is go Cabingirl. The location and everything is perfect, all we need to do is firm up the dates!
I’m curious: Do any of you know of a drug that works as well as Prilosec?
Without going through a long story, i’ll just say it helps a lot.
But I am infuriated by the over-packaging. It comes in a big purple box — last month it came with a toy race car. I swear! (I gave it to Darcy as a joke gift.)
Inside the big purple box are two more boxes. Inside each of those is a big sheet of plastic with each pill encased in about 1.5 inches of wrapping.
I’m also upset that Proctor and Gamble makes Prilosec since they’re evil — they test on animals.
WTF? Why can’t I just get them in a pill bottle? Is there anything else? How do I protest the ridiculous packaging?
Here is an article from a couple of years ago that says that Prilosec lost patent protection (along with a couple of other drugs) and that generic competition should be around.
I don’t know anything about this stuff though. You could probably ask a pharmacist at your local drugstore for advice, or roam the aisles searching for something with the same active ingredient and dosage as Prilosec (omeprazole).
I’m pretty sure they package it in those huge boxes in an effort to prevent theft. I think Prevacid (the other OTC proton pump inhibitor) comes in a pretty big package too.
does P&G do that worries you? Do you mean testing mascara by blinding rabbits, etc.?
I’m just curious. I work at a small pharma company where we do rat and mouse tests of our cancer and inflammation drugs pre-clinical trials (and contract out dog and monkey studies).
I’m pretty conflicted about all of it, frankly. We did dog tests in-house for a short time, and clearly I was not the only employee who told the CEO, “If I hear one more fucking bark down the hall, I’m outta here.”
But we’ll never have computer models good enough to replace in vitro testing, and we can’t just try novel compounds on humans. I am a vegetarian and I love animals, but I’ve mostly accepted the basic tradeoffs involved in this type of drug research.
I sympathize with your conflicts … I feel conflicted every time I take ANY drug because I know that it’s been tested on animals. And I wonder if my health is worth the price those animals paid.
Here’s one instance re P&G. There are more … but this is a start:
Iams and P&G Cause Animals to Suffer Needlessly
For nearly 10 months in 2002 and early 2003, a PETA investigator went undercover at an Iams contract testing laboratory, where a dark, sordid secret was discovered beneath the the dog- and cat-food manufacturer’s wholesome image. Our investigator found dogs who had gone crazy from intense confinement in barren steel cages and cement cells, dogs who had been left on a filthy paint-chipped floor after chunks of muscle had been hacked from their thighs, dogs who had been surgically debarked, and horribly sick dogs and cats who were languishing in their cages, neglected and left to suffer without veterinary care.
(This is why my daughter refuses to EVER buy IAMs pet food. If we’re stuck, and we can’t get to the pet food store (and ONLY a store where they also don’t sell animals and keep them in cages), we will buy a box of Purina at the grocery store to tide us over until we get to the store that sells only pet food.)
It’s a lot of work, but it’s good stuff, and our Bergamasco sheepdog Charlie couldn’t be happier.
The whole issue really makes me realize how my morals on this subject are relative. I’m fine with mouse and rat testing for the purpose of developing life-saving drugs, basically accept dog and monkey testing for the same but want to ignore the details, and pretty much despise anything else.
Your daughter sounds like a good person. My son loves animals more than anything, and refuses to say there is any case where animal testing is justified. He’s a good boy.
I’m impressed! I’m afraid to make food for my cats…. they like deli turkey meat (which we can get on sale sometimes), but aren’t crazy about baked chicken. Go figure.
What’s your recipe?
I do make a healthy goopie cereal of sorts for the birds and the raccoons … oatmeal, the healthy kind of margarine (for fat), some raisins, nuts if handy, a dash of salt and butter for flavor, and a couple big dollops of peanut butter. They scarf it up!
and 50% baked fruits and vegetables like squash, carrots, corn, blueberries, etc. We grind it all in a food processor and then freeze most of it. My wife–who is lurking here as always–can give you specifics if you’re interested. It’s not cheap, but it’s cheaper than the prepared frozen stuff you can buy from Prairie and other high-end dog food companies.
Why do we go to the trouble? Because we love him. And because we agreed with the breeder to feed him primarily a raw meat diet (he also gets a piece of raw meat at dinner), and he has some food allergies that make nearly all commercial foods problematic.
A couple of things. First, I hit a deer last night and wiped out the front end of the truck on the way home from picking up my son from work. Big time crushed. We’re ok though, which is more than I can say for the poor deer. The cop actually pulled his gun and shot it to put it out. Damn. Damn. A little shocking. Never saw it coming and couldn’t react in time. It bothers me because I’m always watching for them and their eyes on the side of the road.
Arthur Gilroy’s excellent diary. He’s always right on target when he say’s “wake the fuck up”. I’m ready for another trip to DC. Something has to give and it looks like it needs to be us. All of us. Millions of us. So much apathy. It’s disheartening sometimes. But not for long.
sometimes. I have never hit one but had a car in front of me hit them and I saw what was going to happen from my perspective but there was no way for them to be able to see it coming.
I experienced a similar deer accident some years ago. She darted in front of the car & caught the headlight; I knocked her to the ground & pulled over. She didn’t get up; my partner left me by the car as he went up the road to find a farmer with a gun. Frankly, I stood by the car watching her & wept for the senselessness of it. His response on returning was, ‘Why are you so upset? It’s just a deer.’
But exactly. Compassionate feeling for life embraces not only our own kind. It’s this feeling that informs my own progressive political stance & so I haven’t worked to overcome it.
Sorry about your vehicle, though. I’m currently driving a sedan that’s suffered damage for the same reason (a deer hit by the previous owner went over the hood & roof).
No matter how carefully we drive, sometimes it happens. Thankfully, our care also prevents these accidents.
Thanks for the diary link; will check it out anon.
I just bought four of these wildlife deterrent whistles for my friends and family — to protect them and the animals (deer, dogs, cats, all kinds of critters!)
Everyone I’ve talked to says these whistles don’t work. Especially during the rut in November. Nothing can stop a buck from chasing his sweetie ;o)
On the other hand there kinda shiny and strange looking so maybe they’ll work as protection amulets.
I’m so sorry for you. A couple years ago, I saw a scene where a deer had just been hit … the people in the car were so upset. The state patrol was there, and they were trying to shoot the deer, but it kept rising up, trying to get away …. it was tragic to watch it lift its head in a struggle to get up. But I was so thankful that those patrolmen did the right thing.
P.S. Did any of you see the CNN report a couple weeks ago — they aired it several times — about how many deer attack people annually? In one incident, an elderly woman ran out of her house, begging a walker-by to come in and help her save her husband from attack. The walker-by assumed a robber had entered the house. Instead, he found the elderly husband pinned down to his bed by a huge buck that had broken in through his bedroom window!
(Deer don’t have enough natural predators anymore. Around here, people shoot coyotes and cougars all the time when, in fact, those predators are needed to control the deer population. Same thing with wolves … and I was sick at heart yesterday to hear that Bush’s administration has turned over control of the state’s wolves to the Idaho state legislature, which recently voted unanimously to hunt and eradicate all wolves in the state. Bastards.)
WASHINGTON // President Bush sidestepped the Senate and elevated Maryland Republican Ellen R. Sauerbrey to a top State Department job yesterday, ignoring criticism from refugee and women’s advocacy groups that she was underqualified for the position.
The nomination of Sauerbrey, 68, to lead the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration had languished in the Senate since Bush nominated her in September. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing on the nomination in October but put off a planned committee vote at the request of Sen. Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat.
Imagine a Brownie-clone in charge when the next Tsunami or earthquake hits.
No. He’s a pain in my ass.
I have read some speculation that Jackie boy will give up some and protect those we would want face planted the most. After seeing him on the tube though and noting how he carries himself and his ego, my people reader could be way off but I think Jackie boy is going to give up those he is most pissed off at for leaving him stranded and branded and I have no idea who may be at the top of that list! Taking one for the team though and falling on his sword is not written on that guy’s face at all. What I saw written there was “We were all involved in this and you guys are leaving ME to hang for it all? I’ll show You!” He’s definately dealing with some abandonment issues and I don’t get the feeling he handles those very well.
like a lobbyist scorned…I hope he brings them all down, but slowly, so we can all watch them turn on each while they twist in the wind…
of the Abramoff investigation. Could it be that Bush is scared for himself, or the party, or both? How long is the Croney going to handle this before the MSM starts talking about who she is and why she is there?
job any easier than I have to. What we discussed last night is go Cabingirl. The location and everything is perfect, all we need to do is firm up the dates!
I’ll pull out my calendar and email you some (A) dates and (B) fun stuff to help with the plan…
Will you need any of the special toys? I assume that the game is on.
LOL- Where’s anna when you need her?
and a guy in dark glasses with an enema in his hand knocking on my door?
Door-to-door sunglasses salesman??
I’m curious: Do any of you know of a drug that works as well as Prilosec?
Without going through a long story, i’ll just say it helps a lot.
But I am infuriated by the over-packaging. It comes in a big purple box — last month it came with a toy race car. I swear! (I gave it to Darcy as a joke gift.)
Inside the big purple box are two more boxes. Inside each of those is a big sheet of plastic with each pill encased in about 1.5 inches of wrapping.
I’m also upset that Proctor and Gamble makes Prilosec since they’re evil — they test on animals.
WTF? Why can’t I just get them in a pill bottle? Is there anything else? How do I protest the ridiculous packaging?
I am not sure, Susan.
Here is an article from a couple of years ago that says that Prilosec lost patent protection (along with a couple of other drugs) and that generic competition should be around.
I don’t know anything about this stuff though. You could probably ask a pharmacist at your local drugstore for advice, or roam the aisles searching for something with the same active ingredient and dosage as Prilosec (omeprazole).
I will ask my pharmacists. They are two of the nicest people … by the way, they’re at RiteAid, which is a BLUE (!) company.
(i’ve been researching which companies are blue for our affiliate programs, so we can advertise only progressive companies.)
I’m pretty sure they package it in those huge boxes in an effort to prevent theft. I think Prevacid (the other OTC proton pump inhibitor) comes in a pretty big package too.
does P&G do that worries you? Do you mean testing mascara by blinding rabbits, etc.?
I’m just curious. I work at a small pharma company where we do rat and mouse tests of our cancer and inflammation drugs pre-clinical trials (and contract out dog and monkey studies).
I’m pretty conflicted about all of it, frankly. We did dog tests in-house for a short time, and clearly I was not the only employee who told the CEO, “If I hear one more fucking bark down the hall, I’m outta here.”
But we’ll never have computer models good enough to replace in vitro testing, and we can’t just try novel compounds on humans. I am a vegetarian and I love animals, but I’ve mostly accepted the basic tradeoffs involved in this type of drug research.
I sympathize with your conflicts … I feel conflicted every time I take ANY drug because I know that it’s been tested on animals. And I wonder if my health is worth the price those animals paid.
Here’s one instance re P&G. There are more … but this is a start:
(This is why my daughter refuses to EVER buy IAMs pet food. If we’re stuck, and we can’t get to the pet food store (and ONLY a store where they also don’t sell animals and keep them in cages), we will buy a box of Purina at the grocery store to tide us over until we get to the store that sells only pet food.)
It’s a lot of work, but it’s good stuff, and our Bergamasco sheepdog Charlie couldn’t be happier.
The whole issue really makes me realize how my morals on this subject are relative. I’m fine with mouse and rat testing for the purpose of developing life-saving drugs, basically accept dog and monkey testing for the same but want to ignore the details, and pretty much despise anything else.
Your daughter sounds like a good person. My son loves animals more than anything, and refuses to say there is any case where animal testing is justified. He’s a good boy.
I’m impressed! I’m afraid to make food for my cats…. they like deli turkey meat (which we can get on sale sometimes), but aren’t crazy about baked chicken. Go figure.
What’s your recipe?
I do make a healthy goopie cereal of sorts for the birds and the raccoons … oatmeal, the healthy kind of margarine (for fat), some raisins, nuts if handy, a dash of salt and butter for flavor, and a couple big dollops of peanut butter. They scarf it up!
and 50% baked fruits and vegetables like squash, carrots, corn, blueberries, etc. We grind it all in a food processor and then freeze most of it. My wife–who is lurking here as always–can give you specifics if you’re interested. It’s not cheap, but it’s cheaper than the prepared frozen stuff you can buy from Prairie and other high-end dog food companies.
Why do we go to the trouble? Because we love him. And because we agreed with the breeder to feed him primarily a raw meat diet (he also gets a piece of raw meat at dinner), and he has some food allergies that make nearly all commercial foods problematic.
A couple of things. First, I hit a deer last night and wiped out the front end of the truck on the way home from picking up my son from work. Big time crushed. We’re ok though, which is more than I can say for the poor deer. The cop actually pulled his gun and shot it to put it out. Damn. Damn. A little shocking. Never saw it coming and couldn’t react in time. It bothers me because I’m always watching for them and their eyes on the side of the road.
Arthur Gilroy’s excellent diary. He’s always right on target when he say’s “wake the fuck up”. I’m ready for another trip to DC. Something has to give and it looks like it needs to be us. All of us. Millions of us. So much apathy. It’s disheartening sometimes. But not for long.
A little defiance goes a long way….just ask my daughter!
sometimes. I have never hit one but had a car in front of me hit them and I saw what was going to happen from my perspective but there was no way for them to be able to see it coming.
I experienced a similar deer accident some years ago. She darted in front of the car & caught the headlight; I knocked her to the ground & pulled over. She didn’t get up; my partner left me by the car as he went up the road to find a farmer with a gun. Frankly, I stood by the car watching her & wept for the senselessness of it. His response on returning was, ‘Why are you so upset? It’s just a deer.’
But exactly. Compassionate feeling for life embraces not only our own kind. It’s this feeling that informs my own progressive political stance & so I haven’t worked to overcome it.
Sorry about your vehicle, though. I’m currently driving a sedan that’s suffered damage for the same reason (a deer hit by the previous owner went over the hood & roof).
No matter how carefully we drive, sometimes it happens. Thankfully, our care also prevents these accidents.
Thanks for the diary link; will check it out anon.
I just bought four of these wildlife deterrent whistles for my friends and family — to protect them and the animals (deer, dogs, cats, all kinds of critters!)
Everyone I’ve talked to says these whistles don’t work. Especially during the rut in November. Nothing can stop a buck from chasing his sweetie ;o)
On the other hand there kinda shiny and strange looking so maybe they’ll work as protection amulets.
I’m so sorry for you. A couple years ago, I saw a scene where a deer had just been hit … the people in the car were so upset. The state patrol was there, and they were trying to shoot the deer, but it kept rising up, trying to get away …. it was tragic to watch it lift its head in a struggle to get up. But I was so thankful that those patrolmen did the right thing.
P.S. Did any of you see the CNN report a couple weeks ago — they aired it several times — about how many deer attack people annually? In one incident, an elderly woman ran out of her house, begging a walker-by to come in and help her save her husband from attack. The walker-by assumed a robber had entered the house. Instead, he found the elderly husband pinned down to his bed by a huge buck that had broken in through his bedroom window!
(Deer don’t have enough natural predators anymore. Around here, people shoot coyotes and cougars all the time when, in fact, those predators are needed to control the deer population. Same thing with wolves … and I was sick at heart yesterday to hear that Bush’s administration has turned over control of the state’s wolves to the Idaho state legislature, which recently voted unanimously to hunt and eradicate all wolves in the state. Bastards.)
Ana Marie Cox (Wonkette) calls it quits.
NYT Link
Wow. She’s a very clever writer. I just added her book in the left margin … Alibris has good deals on used copies.
is this new potential major fuck-up ala Brownie and with similar type responsibilities outside of the US.
Sauerbrey elevated to U.S. refugee post
Imagine a Brownie-clone in charge when the next Tsunami or earthquake hits.
Here’s my comment from yesterday’s Open Thread regarding Sauerbrey; Crony not being appointed?
I worry that with Alito and the NSA-issue now in focus, this potential disaster of an appointment will hardly create a ripple.
Looking for a Blue Man isn’t all black and white
— auditions are open
SAVE the Endangered Species Act
in deadly bombings in Iraq! Need I say anything more? Yes? Okay…Last throes my fucking ass Cheney!