Froggy Bottom Cafe
Come and hang out around the watercooler
Treats and Munchies in the usual place
Help Yourselves
Come on in!
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Set right down, and Baby, let your hair hang down.
It’s time relax and hang out around the watercooler… anything goes. Talk, chat, gossip; this is the afternoon and evening place to be.
From one Froggybottom to another. . .nice work, and thanks. I’ll go close the other one, unless I find you’ve already done it.
Easy as pie… thanks to some excellent files and instructions!!!! Royal Nag of Narnia… I like it.
I knew if you kept this up long enough you’d end up talking to yourself.
Don’t incite them…him …her. Just smile and back away slowly.
I came across this fawn picture while looking through some old picture files. It is by far my favorite deer picture and makes me long for spring.
That picture has a statistically significant cuteness factor.
The deer have always strolled right up to our house. I think it says a lot about my dogs.
“The deer have always strolled right up to our house.”
Judging from the photos that I’ve seen of your puppies, they seem to have 3 basic settings:
1 Playtime
2 Walktime
3 Naptime
One can also reasonably deduce that you have a lot of nummy shrubs around your house.
They will chase the deer under the right circumstances — which is that the deer surprise them while we are walking in the woods by running right in front of them, causing them to momentarily forget that chasing deer is pointless and that they prefer things they can catch like mice, squirrels, and chipmunks.
Unphotographed but most important setting: eatingtime
And if it weren’t for the deer, the greenbriers would have made my place look like sleeping beauty’s castle long ago.
One of my friends has an English Springer Spaniel. The family owns a vacation cabin in the woods in Minnesota — its an almost 100 year old hand made log cabin that’s very very cute. When their dog was about a year old they took her up to the cabin and one night right after dusk they were pulling up in their truck when the dog saw a deer at the edge of the woods and took off after it. Two days later they still hadn’t found her and she hadn’t found her way back (I’m convinced she was born with a defective nose). They had to leave to come home to Missouri — lots of tears from everyone especially the kids. They are sure they’ll never see the dog again. 2 weeks later (!) they get a call from Canada — the dog had travelled about 30 miles through the woods until it got to International Falls — where it actually walked over the bridge through the international check point to Canada (the border people remembered trying to catch her). She then hung out around the paper mill until someone took it home and checked her tags. She’s a great dog — but totally ruined for hunting after being traumatized by the wolves, etc. Now when she’s being bad we all just look at her sternly and say “Canada” in a threatening tone.
That would never happen with my dogs — they would never willingly get that far away from their food dishes.
Of course, we can joke now because everything turned out fine but I can imagine how upset they were.
Oh it was VERY upsetting at the time — to everyone who knew the dog. I’ve always thought that it was strange that a dog that’s bred to be a hunting dog would get lost in the woods. But she doesn’t have much of a sense of direction — or much common sense for that matter. One day at the lake she jumped in to chase the ducks and we eventually had to get a boat and go get her — she was more than 1/2 a mile out into the lake and not looking like she was going to turn around. Most dogs I’d trust not to drown themselves. This one, I’m not so sure. Sweet dog, but not very bright. I like ’em smart myself.
for sweet-but-dumb. (I’ve been known to apply to deserving people as well.)
Not to mention the other SBD which applies to both dogs and menfolk.
I feel so ignorant. I didn’t know there was another SBD. So had to google it to find out about “silent but deadly.”
Well, that makes up for whinge. Although I’m not sure fart knowledge compares with old english or whatever that was.
Knowing whinge is just a result of a fondness for british mysteries and scifi. And not nearly as useful as knowing SBD.
Deer chasers!
Our two totos were charged by a sizeable deer when they took off after her. She kicked them both and they shrieked, totally messing themselves so badly I thought they’d been torn open. One had a scratched cornea which fortunately recovered thanks to it being a very glancing blow.
What we didn’t know was that when they took off toward the deer, they were about two feet from her newborn.
I’m told that in the fall the bucks can be just about as humorless.
Wonderful photo Nag. Thanks for sharing that one! (Look as his stilt-y legs!!!)
Thank you, Olivia. The neat thing about this one is that I took it through a screen and it gave it a soft focus. (Kind of like that filter they use on Paula Zahn.) I could lie and tell you that I waited for this little guy every morning, but I took it from my living room. 🙂
By the way, those shots you posted in this morning’s cafe were beautiful. Especially the stalk of grass with the drops all along it. Exquisite. You should be selling your work.
… is wonderful! 🙂 Oh, to have a view like that out my living room window … <sigh>
Thanks Nag!
to see your garden?
Didn’t see your question Andi!
Just got home from work.
I can see the garden from the entire back of the house: the family room (with wood-burning fireplace – love it!) is connected to the kitchen, which is connected to the dining room. The family room has glass doors to the patio, the outside wall of the kitchen is entirely window-ed, and the dining room has a floor to ceiling bay window. Basically the back of the house is all windows. And I love it! Now if only it had more trees and woods and what-not, it would be perfect!
That’s okay — I was just being nosy and thinking that sitting somewhere in the house looking out over your garden would be the perfect place to daydream, especially that bay window if has a window seat.
please help spread the word!
for the locals: January 2-9th Countdown Festival at the top of our driveway! 7:30-9am and 4-6pm daily
Tryon Life Community Farm is a sustainability education center nestled into Tryon Creek State Park. Hundreds of committed volunteers have come together to serve at-risk youth and educate thousands of people about sustainable urban living.
Visit the farm any day, dawn to dusk.
With the land we rely on now at risk from the blades of bulldozers, we are raising money to purchase the land and prevent it from turning into brownstones.
With a target of 1.6 million dollars, we still need $100,000 in donations by January 10
video by Will Ferrell: Earth to America satarizing gW…funny stuff. QT
need color, must have color
Oh, I want to just walk on that path. Wow. Those small pinnacles in the distance look translucent. What a georgous shot! Badlands?
It’s the Peekaboo Loop Trail in Bryce Canyon National Park. It’s a wonderful place to hike (though right now the trails are probably snow-covered).
I’ve never been to Bryce Canyon. I know that portions of Utah are quite high above sea level and get snow, but it it still hard to imagine desert snow storms.
Good place for a blue dot picture, by the way.
is at 8000 feet so snow gets very heavy there and usually lasts through March. And better for you if the snow stays than if it has started to melt — I can tell you from personal experience that it makes the most amazing boot-sucking mud.
World Juniors. The game just started. Canada v Russia. A lot of history there.
Earlier today the US lost in the bronze-medal game to Finland. And they were expected to take the gold. But, I’m pretty sure nobody down there gives a crap. 🙂
Jim just went through every channel of our satellite dish looking for that game and couldn’t find it. Now he’s moping because he loves to watch non-pro hockey.
Two years ago we were in the US visiting my in-laws during the World Juniors, and we couldn’t even find out the scores, never mind seeing any high-lights. I didn’t realize just how un-important hockey is the US until then … I mean, it was an international tournament and the US was involved and not one mention of the team anywhere.
It’s on TSN up here. Canada is winning 2-0, but Russia was robbed of a goal that squeaked under the goalie’s pads but wasn’t caught by the goal judge or the ref.
I just spiked it with vodka 🙂
This is the first day this week I’ve been home at a decent time. It sure was more fun last week when I could stay home and just hang out at the cafe. I get to walk past the window a few times a day to see what’s going on in here but there’s not enough time to come in, have a cup of coffee and hang.
I’m a slacker WANNABE
That darn work, eh? I’m in the same position … I get started on a conversation and then I have to go off and work, and I end up missing everything. 🙂
I’m on the phone quite a bit and tend to surf around while the other people are droning on and on — oops, I mean while they are stating their very interesting positions.
Sometimes I can manage a comment or two on something — but its too hard to keep up with conversations.
And then I’ll leave my desk for a few hours and be incommunicado in a conference room — I come back and Jack Abramoff is indicted. And I missed all the excitement.
Hi, Hi, Hi!!
(hugs to everyone)
Hi Katiebird. I heard you’ve been working really hard this week and have your site up and running? I’ll have to stop by.
Hi Mary!
Yes, there’s a lot to do, but I did just now post an article: Eat4Today
I checked it out and registered. It looks great!
!! Thanks !!
Hey katiebird! I’m thinking about what I have to contribute on eat4today. Can you hear the little wheels turning?……listen…listen….squeak squeak squeak.
I’ve got an oil can, wanta squirt? and did you get my e?
I did and I will definitely contribute soon.
Are you going to add some more categories — for example, recipes (because at this point that’s all I can think to write about).
Yeah, I was just there looking for that part, too.
Yes, and I should have pointed out that all site administrators can add categories!
Yeah I knew that but I think it would be best, since this site is a reflection of your ideas for the site, if the categories were built around what you think the site should be doing.
OK. I guess you’re right. Although at this point I haven’t given out any guidelines for the articles.
I hope Authors will continue to point out helpful categories.
Am I a boss? (shudder)
You are the creator.
It was supposed to be in Introductions and it is uncategorized. I am so not a nerd.
I’ll fix it.
I love it. It’s wonderful.
I want to use that drawing of Nixon that your mother did in a piece I am writing about domestic spying…. unfortunately my email acct was deactivated because I was gone so long. If I use it, can I credit it to “katiebird’s mother” or can you give me her name again?
Thank you, and I am on my way to visit your new site. Congratulations!
Do you have the image, or do you need me to send you one.
Mom said it was OK with her, so I’ll send you her name. I’ll e you in a minute.
My email doesn’t work?
Ductape, my sister read through the whole page & didn’t realize that I didn’t write your article. She wrote a comment on the very first article in reply to yours.
(and I replied to her)
a grizzled old terrorist? No wonder everybody has such big smiles in those family pics! 🙂
Katiebird what are you keeping from us? My weather person just told me that Kansas City had BLUE SKY today. True? You lucky dog.
Hi everyone. The next two weeks promise to be crazy with exams, grades, and a stupid number of staff meetings. How is everyone else?
is wondering why you are so mean and making us go so long between Andrew fixes.
Mean? I wasn’t trying to be mean, just trying to catch up on school work. I must say, however, I was a little worried when I saw that fawn photo up-thread. I thought it was a challenge to Andrew’s cut-o-meter dominance. For everyone’s viewing pleasure
That fawn is a nice blip on the cute-o-meter. Andrew is a solar storm.
Well said. 🙂
Love that hair.
So totally huggable! What a cutie.
There’s nothing like the gaze of a happy, beautiful child to brighten a dismal day.
Thank you for sharing the wealth, Toni!
There’s still time to stop budget cuts, but the deadline for this is January 20th – please help spread the word!
Signing, calling, burying in faxes…the usual!
Got home from erranding a while ago — been cruising the rest of the site, especially Boo’s “State of the Site” diary. There have been requests for a Froggy Bottom Cafe mug featuring Marmotdude…paging Andi or any of our other graphics whizzes…
And did you folks see that frog shaped baker? I am soooo freakin’ tempted…and Sur La Table is my favorite place to shop for kitchen crap anyway…
Resting up tomorrow for next week, except for one quick trip to the bank…
I’d go for the baker, CS. It’s wonderful!
I’d certainly support the site in a similar way if I possibly could.
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this. (It’s a state secret.) This is what I’ve done to the contrast. You’ll see it’s a much darker, more foreboding RMN.
Will we get copies of the articles when it comes out?
it’ll be here and on dKos. do you like the dark RMN?
Sure, the darker Nixon works.
suskind, I have one favor. Could you reduce the resolution of that graphic? Like down to 70pixels
Guess who’s got a new cafe to play in?
YOU do!
The all-night cafe is now open for business. See you there: LINK:
Unrecommend this cafe on your way out the door. Thanks. Want that drink topped off?