We recently invested in a Tibetian rug. We purchased it from a man we know, who gets them directly from a collective of Tibetian refugees. It’s made out of pure wool, hand-tied, -spun and -dyed. It took four months for a single craftsperson to make.
Albert (the rabbit) and Luna (the dog) both think it makes a fine lounging spot.
On a bit of recently finished wood floor.
It’s a beautiful rug and if you haven’t had this type of rug before I’ve got a couple pieces of advice:
I got these glass blocks at the tip shop – to replace our louvered (and unclosing) bathroom window. They are very heavy, and have ended up “parked” just outside the front door, until such time as I get around to installing them.
Luna’s favorite sleeping position is upside-down, and any prop will do.
I just went out to get a last group photo of the ducklings. Most of them, and all 6 adults, will be going to the market this Sunday.

They’ll be priced a bit above the going rate ($10, instead of $8, or trios for $25), because they are hand-raised, and to discourage peple buying them for meat.
We’ve already gotten a request for two girls to go with someone else’s two boys. And we’ll probably keep our six favorites of the hand-raised. So, that’s only twenty to find homes for. <rolleyes>
As part of their socialization, we’ve done lots of hand-feeding (holding out bits of lettuce, or even live flies that I catch, for them to eat).
But basically, they’ll peck at anything. Including my pants and feet (that’s me in the Birkenstocks, getting Tippy Hendren-ed), or anything within bill range. It’s getting less cute as their bills get bigger and stronger.
How does Luna like them now that they are bigger?
The best thing about the ducklings, is that they are not afraid of her (unlike the adults), so they peck her nose when she sticks her head down to look at them. This keeps her from getting too pushy with them (as she often is with Albert).
The adult ducks have only ever run or flown away from her – which only encouraged her to chase them.
We’ll be keeping this one.
In this picture, she’s Ms. Muddy Shoes.
who has to stick their nose/bill right in the camera lens.
Each dog has a separate favorite place (rug, couch, and “his” chair).
My favorite dogs sleeping picture:
And two of dogs show off their only trick. I’m always amazed they will walk across this as it is missing several planks.
George is sort of the king of the house around here. He’s a little yapper and a early warning system. No one can drive or walk up to the house and we won’t know it. I don’t how he does it, but he has a different bark for family & friends, and another one for strangers.
I just had a terrible scare with my 15 year old named Libby. On New Years she had what I thought was a seizure. I took her into a vet I don’t regularly see and she told me to prepare to put her down. The next day when I talked to my regular vet, she thought it might be an inflamation on her inner ear, so we treated that to see what happened. I’m happy to say that she is getting better and I’m very hopeful! Libby is my first dog, so I haven’t been through the loss before. I know its coming some day – but I’m just so grateful that its not quite time yet.
I’m glad to hear she is okay. You can expect she will let you know when it is time — I’ve had to do this three times and all three times it was clear that the dogs had already let go of life (they basically lost interest in everything, even eating) and I was just formalizing what they had already decided. Knowing that didn’t make it any less sad or really any easier but it did help me accept that the sorrow of their deaths was a necessary part of the joy of their lives.
I just read Andi’s response above and she’s right… Libby will let you know when it’s time. The sadness of their passing is as natural as the love we feel for them. I’ve lost many friends over the years, dogs, horses, cats … even ducks. I’ve never regretted one moment. Make sure you spend a lot of quality time with your older pets, let them know they are loved. I’m glad that Libby will be around a while longer.
All my babies are of the feline variety and are not very cooperative at all when choosing where to sleep. The wall to wall carpeting is gone, replaced with hardwood flooring. Best move ever. You are very brave to use such a beautiful rug for your puppy and bunnie. You probably should take Andi’s rug cleaning suggestions to heart.
What my cats lack in stature they make up for in sheer numbers… I currently have 8 of the little darlings. Scratching posts? My house is all wood and IS a scratching post. If it weren’t for my husband putting his foot down, I’d also have 2 or three large dogs. (… and I’ve always wanted a Nubian goat or two) Truth is, I don’t think I’ve ever met an animal that I didn’t want to take home, rugs be damned. It’s a happy sickness. 🙂
OK, I’ll try. This plug of a computer is starting to belch and complain. I’m going to bite the bullet and go sign on with (aaack) my husband’s computer. I’ve avoided that so far but it will be the only way I can upload pictures until I get my beloved (laptop) back.
K, I’ll be back later with the goods.
I love people who know how to follow directions.
about to burst with puppies. Very excited about it and yet sad. There is an enormous puppy explosion taking place in New Orleans and even though these puppies have specific breeding and specific purposes it is hard knowing that four hours away from here the remains of the city are awash in all sorts of puppies. I believe that many dogs have the aptitude to be trained to help disabled people and mixed breed dogs often enjoy better longevity and health, but the socialization of the puppy is very important and the socialization that all those puppies are receiving right off the bat isn’t a good one. Large dogs are very much sought in the world of helping the disabled..they are needed for their size and strength. Usually they are the first to be put down though in the stray dog world. Very sad as well as happy at the same time today. My first dog was a poodle/cocker spaniel mix and we took third place at the state fair in obedience and competed against over 100 dogs, I was 12 years old. Got beat out by two black labs who took 1st and 2nd, but my little guy was just a scruffy mongrel who made all those sassy papered dogs look kind of dumb. It is nature and nurture that creates the real “working dog”.
Poor thing…do you think she’ll have them this week?
I should have taken photos of her last year so I wouldn’t worry so about how big she is. Daughter insists that last year she was larger before she delivered. She has no room though for anything within. Must pee immediately, burps nonstop after eating, and then there’s the other end. Nothing stays in Soffie for too long though right now that doesn’t have to stay. My heart goes out to her since I carried both of my children two weeks over due and know the misery trying to draw a deep breath with no space for “stuff”.
This is my Bella and that guy I live with. Bella positively lives for carrots… and plays with her ground feeder like a big rubber chew toy. What are some favorite treets (dogs and horses can’t spell) and toys of pups out there?
Gracie…she thinks she’s such a princess.
Aussies were. She is a classic beauty!
I have her “best opposite” rosette on my desk…
Not the greatest picture, but since someone actually pulled over to tell me how handsome he is when we were walking this morning, here he is too…
She’s the love of my life.
And here’s Seth the ex-‘s newish puppy, Madison, born in August. Talk about cute… She apparently has a lil attitude though, so watch out.
Intentional Cuteness Syndrome, like Teacher Toni’s child.
To my knowledge there is no treatment for this condition, however family members are encouraged to post photos to warn others.
And this is George, my ex-son. He’s a neurotic border collie, but I still miss him so. Sorry about the sideways thing… I need a photo editor still. But I couldn’t leave him out. 🙂
Chiropractors everywhere will object to my telling you this but if you use photobucket, you can rotate your image.
And all the dogs are sweeties (Jasper has wonderful eyes) but the puppy is irresistible.
Shhh… I got banned from photobucket. Don’t ask. Nuff said. All that sort of stuff. 🙂
Thank you for the kind words. I call the puppy Mini-Moose now, as she has the longest legs for her short lil body still. I get to visit with the pup and Georgie on Saturday, I’m very excited.
She’s a solid black, Flat coated retriever – aussie shepherd mix…just starting to get a gray “goatee”. Very sweet and very, very smart. Best dog I have ever had…pound rescue pup too.
I’ve had people ask if Jasper was a flat-coated retriever, but she’s a golden/lab mix. Some pictures of FC’s look exactly like her though. I think she may have some newfie in her too, as she’s extremely ‘fluffy’ this time of year. Bu is adorable, btw!!
Jasper is such a sweetheart too. Such a sweetie. I got her from a friend of a friend, and she was the first one to jump out of the car, so she stayed. She’s 13 now, but still has her spunky moments. I love her dearly. 🙂
Aussie shepherd mix…that’s why she looks so smart!
My first Aussie was the best dog I ever had…and she was a feebie from a Jerry Garcia show on the Eel River.
Uh, freebie, not feebie.