My latkes (and potato kugel) have enought onions in them that more onions are unnecessary. However, carmelized red onions are welcome on my plate pretty much no matter what I’m having.
Woke up this morning by smacking my nose into the bedside table while looking for a sleep mask so I could pretend it wasn’t morning. For the record–bad idea. Like Kansas, I’m mostly not around right now for getting work done reasons. I expect to be mostly invisible through to about Jan 25th when I get done with the travel season and caught up on book deadlines. Hope life is going well for you all. Now I’m off to find some nice hot tea. I’ve been trying a Earl Green lately, milder than Earl Gray but just as floral, lovely.
Hope you have better luck getting a lot done than I did during my week away, Kelly. Oh well, I’ll put it down to “letting the well fill up again.” May your well of creativity run over and slosh down the sides and splash in your tea until you have to hurry and run to get buckets to catch the overflow and. . .
Grasshopper, taken 9.28.2005 — the little guy was eyeing me suspiciously as I attempted to get closer and closer. He thought he was camouflaged: Ha! 🙂 (view large)
It’s good to see the peeps checking back in: BJoe, kansas, KMc… Hope everyone is keeping well as it seems like a busy time for all!
It’s a similar look to what my cat gives me when I try to take his picture, and his is definitely the evil eye! In fact, he turns his head or leaves the room when I focus the camera on him.
I’ve meant to ask you this before, what kind of camera do you and J use?
(Oh, and Canada won gold last night! Woo Hoo! Gold in back-to-back years!)
Got to get out of here in about 20 minutes or thereabouts…or may make it 50 minutes so I don’t kill myself getting ready. 🙂
Gave into temptation and ordered the Frog Baker from Sur La Table…it was so cute I couldn’t resist, and it’s the perfect size for baked chicken too. Also ordered a book from Alibris — I’ll let you know how the service is when I get it. (It’s a book I read in high school, about 30 years ago.)
I tried to recommend a salad dressing, then realized I had to register, tried to register, and the thinger lied to me about sending me an email with a password. ::pouts::
It’s a lovely site, though, and my desire to participate is genuine.
(General note: I’ll be sporadically around today, I’m feeling very bad but also longing for company so want to hang around as long as I can. Please pardon any extra weirdness from me for a little bit.)
I’m really excited. It’s been a great week, and a very busy one. I was only home one night this week! There was a book club meeting, a town hall meeting with our NEW GOVERNOR (woo hoo!), a county Democratic committee meeting, and tonight is dinner out with some friends.
AND, I’m very pleased about this, on Sunday I’m getting together with a group of people for an activism project: we’re going to make and distribute a bunch of IMPEACH signs.
Christmas down now. The last two days have been painful for me waiting for my 13 days to be up. Feeling super weird today. Want to do something but just not quite enough energy yet. Feel like a racehorse in the starting gate with a broken leg….really frustrating. Chewed spouse out this morning for “poor spending habits”, how stupid! I mean really stupid…’s not like we are broke or anything, I’m kind of broken – that’s the broke going on right now.
Each time the circle of the year turns…at whatever time we recognize it…there is change in each of us – IMHO.
Something inside you is ready for change – but you’re not sure what…when the time is right your heart will tell you what change you are seeking.
Grounding helps – find a quiet place where you are comfortable each day (sometimes a quiet corner of our minds!) and connect with the strength outside of us. A tree, the soil, a rock in your pocket… We don’t any one of us have the energy to face change alone (again IMHO) and we can find it from nature.
It may be the political turmoil of 2005 and now 2006 elections, it may be personal, it may be as yet undefined….you’ll know. Lots of us are experiencing some sort of turmoil and transition this year…you are not alone!
I’ll send some energy from the trees and rocks around me…be patient and forgiving of yourself.
I think it is a combo of health and everything that took place in 2005 and all of the possibilities that 2006 brings. I have always been very connected to the earth and the seasons, but sometimes I forget that. On the ranch at this time some of the cows would begin to give birth even though the nights are bitter cold. We would check cattle in the middle of the night to make sure that everybody who was calving was alright and nobody having problems and if it was too cold we would bring the new calves in so they wouldn’t freeze to death. It is a weird life and death kind of time but not a lot of “real” work to do.
Just popping in for a moment to share something I just read on in the on-line question/answer with Post reporter Dana Milbank:
Los Angeles, Calif.: I was hoping Madeleine Albright would have walked over to Cheney and decked him. That would have been fantastic!
Dana Milbank:
This is a clever reference to yesterday’s meeting at the White House with President Bush and 13 former secretaries of state and defense. Unfortunately, journalists were only allowed in briefly for a photo-op, so we don’t know exactly what occurred there.
But, God knows! And here is His account: Albright did indeed attempt to tackle Cheney. But she was tripped up while charging him by Rumsfeld. This led bill Perry to take a swing at Rummy, but Perry was decked by Jim Baker. At this point, Al Haig attempted to take control of the situation. McNamara and Powell both took full responsibility.
I know that everybody doesn’t agree with our Bosnia/Kosovo actions, but we did stop a genocide and protected our own troops to the best of our abilities. I loved seeing her in the morning at her press conferences when things were really hot and heated and her hair was on crooked and her lips were painted on the left side of her face and she just didn’t give a good god damned because this was some serious business we had going on here!
I’ve been reading the whole column slowly (while I listen to my conference call with 1/2 an ear) and for you football fans, here’s another question/answer from Milbank and his partner for this morning’s Q&A:
Washington, D.C.: Can you find out from God if he is a Redskins fan and if we will be delievered out of Tampa with a win?
Dana Milbank:
Tampa Bay is 2.5-point favorite. The Lord says He is busy preparing for the Alito hearing this weekend but recommends going with the Skins at that spread.
The power went out just before Your Moment of Zen and didn’t come back till 8:15 AM. No temptation to glance at tv gossip when waking briefly during the night.
Puget4 found a house in our affordability range near a very pretty region of the Sound–which is inconceivable anywhere within driving distance–so tomorrow we’ll have the agent tell us whether it’s a meth lab or a crack house. We’re still finishing up the paperwork for Canada, but hey, a body can window shop.
Meanwhile we’ll have a normal day together in the craft shop without the pressure of speed and long hours of Holiday® deadlines.
The house hunting sounds like fun and even if you end up not being serious about it, getting a feel for what you want in a house in a price you can afford is always a good exercise that should be useful whether you’re here or in Canada.
but my eyes are still WAAAAYYY dilated from going to the eye doctor this am…but they should be back to normal by happy hour, and I can see enough to give 4s out…
Yep, thanks! I’m farsighted, and all this computer stuff and reading for work is killing me…but it’s going to be all better after my glasses come in next week. Yippee!
It’s what I’m not on — right now my thyroid function is in a nosedive so I don’t have enough thyroid hormone. The severity level I experience that at feels roughly akin to staying awake for 3 days straight and then smoking a fat doobie (neither of which I have done…recently), but being entirely unable to sleep it off (seemingly paradoxically, low thyroid makes me not sleep well just as much as when it’s too high, this “shouldn’t happen” according to the doctors but I think they are mostly full of shit). So I get punchy and my complex communication develops a non-linear quality. It is not fun, but I try to make the best of it, hence the dumb jokes.
The deconstruction thing is constant. The low thyroid thing just clogs my filters so I don’t hide the fact that I’m always deconstructing as well as I normally can hide it (which is probably not as well as I like to think). 🙂
Based on the personality and huge number of very bad habits of the person who just said it to you, I recommend that you consider more than just that sincere sentiment and sexual orientation.
If I could ever find the sincere sentiment along with the sexual orientation, I’d consider myself so lucky I’d be willing to overlook a lot of other things.
ribs hurt from laughing so hard! I have gotten the same response from a ward clerk when I call and am pleasent and happy! Makes one wonder what kind of mood I am gonna have to deal with in the hospital for the rest of the day….just way to funny!!!!
‘Afternoon, everyone! Checking in briefly here to say hello. Hope the day’s treating you all well.
NEWS FLASH: it appears that rumors concerning the existence of something called the ‘sun’ have finally been substantiated. The natural phenomenon known as ‘sunlight’ is truly astounding to witness, let me tell you! The only requirement to witnessing the event, however, is that one cannot blink.
I hope you’ll excuse me as I attempt to locate something known as a ‘bathing suit’ ..
that I would like to know more about. How come on the Abramhoff list of Congress people that received money (not bribes mind you, but Abramhoff client money) are the names of all the Democratic leadership that I have been royally pissed at because they have been lukewarm and lacked fight…because they just seemed to roll over or say things that had me questioning their sanity. I’m talking about Reid, Gephardt, and Daschle. Is their a connection to having no balls and lobbyist money? Is their a connection to sound bytes that leave your constituency confused about your party affiliation and lobbyist money? Am I just being too sensitive?
Is their a connection to having no balls and lobbyist money? Is their a connection to sound bytes that leave your constituency confused about your party affiliation and lobbyist money?
Hey, ya all. Just a drop by to say hey and get back to work. Gotta get some things done for sure today. I could stay and be at this pc all day long if I could. I realllllllly have to get some things done. I want to share a good diary that is upcomeing in the future by Kansas. About inner peace and I hope we all can join in the discussion on this one. I am so looking forward to it. Thanks Kansas.
What’s shaking is…. well everything. This place is a friendly port for a storm-tossed ship. May I have a cup of strong coffee please? House blend… whatever you’ve got handy.
(Oh yeah, I was meant to be gone two days ago… but now I’ve got until Monday. Two and a half more days of delving into the Bushmire.)
In a portion of his new videotape, not released in the US because according to highly placed officials “it’s just too inflammatory, it would be disturbing to Americans,” Zawahiri, one of only a few dozen Al Qaeda Number Two Leaders still at large, had harsh words for several policies of the Bush administration, including massive tax cuts for the wealthy, the Bankruptcy Bill, as well as the federal government’s handling of the Hurricane Katrina disaster and the new Medicare Drug Program, all characterized by the terrorist leader as “windfalls for huge corporations.” Zawahiri was also critical of the lobbying system, suggesting that what he referred to as “the Abramoff scandal” is “just a drop in the bucket.”
Qatar-based television station Al Jazeera spokesmen, on condition on anonymity, confirmed the content of that portion of the tape, but said that after playing it once, it was destroyed. “We do have an obligation to broadcast the news, but this kind of incitement rhetoric is not news, it is just trash.”
Some Washington officials who claimed to have heard the tape, but who did not wish to be named, were in uncharacteristic agreement with the Arab language network. “It does show some insight into the terrorist mind. Really chilling stuff. It makes it all too real, how much these guys hate freedom. You can tell they will stop at nothing to destroy our way of life.”
Unnamed sources at several large pharmaceutical companies, as well as Halliburton, were said to be “sickened” by what they had heard of the tape, though it was stressed that none of them had actually heard it. “And I don’t want to hear it,” remarked one mid-level executive. “It’s scary enough just to know that anybody out there, even an Arab, has those kind of thoughts.”
Clearly, the Iraqis now hate their own freedom as well. It was really the only way things could go.
Perhaps we should take a page from a Douglas Adams book. I am thinking that we could reverse the walls at the White House such that outside faces in and the inside faces out, thus making the “inside” the new “outside” and vice-versa. Then we could simply tell George that he has succeeded in imprisoning the entire world, and that he can remain the only free man so long as he keeps his wandering to the grassy floors of the West Wing.
What’s shaking today?
That frog of yours brings such a smile to my face!
First! (This would get me banned elsewhere!) Ooh, yeah, it’s all about me!
is if you keep insisting on sour cream with latkes.
My latkes (and potato kugel) have enought onions in them that more onions are unnecessary. However, carmelized red onions are welcome on my plate pretty much no matter what I’m having.
LOL!!! That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard this week!
Woke up this morning by smacking my nose into the bedside table while looking for a sleep mask so I could pretend it wasn’t morning. For the record–bad idea. Like Kansas, I’m mostly not around right now for getting work done reasons. I expect to be mostly invisible through to about Jan 25th when I get done with the travel season and caught up on book deadlines. Hope life is going well for you all. Now I’m off to find some nice hot tea. I’ve been trying a Earl Green lately, milder than Earl Gray but just as floral, lovely.
Hope you have better luck getting a lot done than I did during my week away, Kelly. Oh well, I’ll put it down to “letting the well fill up again.” May your well of creativity run over and slosh down the sides and splash in your tea until you have to hurry and run to get buckets to catch the overflow and. . .
Needing my coffee here…another busy day at work…
I’ll drop by when I can in the next few weeks but it looks like a “frantic first” of the year.
Have a great weekend everyone!
… seeing as how it’s still snowing! Grrr…
Grasshopper, taken 9.28.2005 — the little guy was eyeing me suspiciously as I attempted to get closer and closer. He thought he was camouflaged: Ha! 🙂 (view large)
It’s good to see the peeps checking back in: BJoe, kansas, KMc… Hope everyone is keeping well as it seems like a busy time for all!
That is a really nifty image. I think he is giving you the Evil Eye.
It’s a similar look to what my cat gives me when I try to take his picture, and his is definitely the evil eye! In fact, he turns his head or leaves the room when I focus the camera on him.
I’ve meant to ask you this before, what kind of camera do you and J use?
(Oh, and Canada won gold last night! Woo Hoo! Gold in back-to-back years!)
I use a canon powershot sd500 which I got a couple of months ago, before that I used a Canon A40.
Jim uses a Nikon D70 which I find completely intimidating and only use under duress. Older pictures are also Nikon but were film cameras.
I’m almost sure I’m going to go with the Nikon D70s… Doing some checking though. Does Jim like the D70?
Although being a cautious fellow, he also has a Nikon FM2.
If you go with D70 and have questions about lenses and flashes, Jim is probably a pretty good resouce.
Thanks! I hope Jim (and you) don’t mind your offer when I start peppering you with questions! ;^)
Jim loves to talk about cameras and lenses an I won’t be minding because you won’t be asking me anything because I don’t know anything.
I lurked just enough to feel happy to see some returnees, too, like you and Nag and suskind.
I’ve been thinking of you. {{{kansas}}} 🙂
Thank you! I feel warmed by that hug.
(delurking for a quick minute)
To invite everyone to take a look at Eat4Today, my new blog for discussing weight & food & the state of the world.
Any comments, advice & suggestions would be very much appreciated!
I’m going to take a look right now! {{kb}}
Thanks Olivia!
I’ll add a link to your site later today on my blogspot…lots of people I know will be interested in your blog.
The spouse changed his diet for health reasons 7 months or so ago…pre-Type II diabetes.
You have my support and encouragement.
Thanks SallyCat! He’d be welcome to hang out there, we’ll have a lot of discussions about diabetes issues. Probably everyday.
Got to get out of here in about 20 minutes or thereabouts…or may make it 50 minutes so I don’t kill myself getting ready. 🙂
Gave into temptation and ordered the Frog Baker from Sur La Table…it was so cute I couldn’t resist, and it’s the perfect size for baked chicken too. Also ordered a book from Alibris — I’ll let you know how the service is when I get it. (It’s a book I read in high school, about 30 years ago.)
Okay, time to get moving…back in the afternoon…
I tried to recommend a salad dressing, then realized I had to register, tried to register, and the thinger lied to me about sending me an email with a password. ::pouts::
It’s a lovely site, though, and my desire to participate is genuine.
(General note: I’ll be sporadically around today, I’m feeling very bad but also longing for company so want to hang around as long as I can. Please pardon any extra weirdness from me for a little bit.)
It appears some people’s spam filters catch the email.
I’ve set your password to your real first name but all lower case. After you login, you should change, of course, to something else.
Success! Nothing in my spam filters but my name worked so I could sign in, change my pw, and post. YAY! Thanks, Andi.
Delighted to have you onboard. And it’s such fun to be the very, very junior commander of a website.
IndyLib, look in your spam filter & see if it landed there. That’s what happened when I registered.
Also, If it isn’t there, we can email you a temp password. (but it might have to wait until lunch time)
how to coordinate our admin activities, don’t we?
It’s cool with you that I’m posting at your site, right? I love the concept of it, and between my roommate & I there are a lot of topical concerns.
!!!! Yes !!!!
We are all so proud of you our buttons are bursting as if we’d done it ourselves.
Many congratulations on the site, katiebird! Best wishes for its growth & vitality. Hope to check it out very shortly!
You guys are great. I just had to say that.
I’m really excited. It’s been a great week, and a very busy one. I was only home one night this week! There was a book club meeting, a town hall meeting with our NEW GOVERNOR (woo hoo!), a county Democratic committee meeting, and tonight is dinner out with some friends.
AND, I’m very pleased about this, on Sunday I’m getting together with a group of people for an activism project: we’re going to make and distribute a bunch of IMPEACH signs.
Life is busy. Life is good.
Christmas down now. The last two days have been painful for me waiting for my 13 days to be up. Feeling super weird today. Want to do something but just not quite enough energy yet. Feel like a racehorse in the starting gate with a broken leg….really frustrating. Chewed spouse out this morning for “poor spending habits”, how stupid! I mean really stupid…’s not like we are broke or anything, I’m kind of broken – that’s the broke going on right now.
Each time the circle of the year turns…at whatever time we recognize it…there is change in each of us – IMHO.
Something inside you is ready for change – but you’re not sure what…when the time is right your heart will tell you what change you are seeking.
Grounding helps – find a quiet place where you are comfortable each day (sometimes a quiet corner of our minds!) and connect with the strength outside of us. A tree, the soil, a rock in your pocket… We don’t any one of us have the energy to face change alone (again IMHO) and we can find it from nature.
It may be the political turmoil of 2005 and now 2006 elections, it may be personal, it may be as yet undefined….you’ll know. Lots of us are experiencing some sort of turmoil and transition this year…you are not alone!
I’ll send some energy from the trees and rocks around me…be patient and forgiving of yourself.
I’ll go back to work now…. ;^)
I think it is a combo of health and everything that took place in 2005 and all of the possibilities that 2006 brings. I have always been very connected to the earth and the seasons, but sometimes I forget that. On the ranch at this time some of the cows would begin to give birth even though the nights are bitter cold. We would check cattle in the middle of the night to make sure that everybody who was calving was alright and nobody having problems and if it was too cold we would bring the new calves in so they wouldn’t freeze to death. It is a weird life and death kind of time but not a lot of “real” work to do.
Just popping in for a moment to share something I just read on in the on-line question/answer with Post reporter Dana Milbank:
I know that everybody doesn’t agree with our Bosnia/Kosovo actions, but we did stop a genocide and protected our own troops to the best of our abilities. I loved seeing her in the morning at her press conferences when things were really hot and heated and her hair was on crooked and her lips were painted on the left side of her face and she just didn’t give a good god damned because this was some serious business we had going on here!
I’ve been reading the whole column slowly (while I listen to my conference call with 1/2 an ear) and for you football fans, here’s another question/answer from Milbank and his partner for this morning’s Q&A:
Dana’s been hanging out with Keith Olbermann too much… 😉
(NOW I’m heading out the door…)
I’m better rested than I’ve been in months.
The power went out just before Your Moment of Zen and didn’t come back till 8:15 AM. No temptation to glance at tv gossip when waking briefly during the night.
Puget4 found a house in our affordability range near a very pretty region of the Sound–which is inconceivable anywhere within driving distance–so tomorrow we’ll have the agent tell us whether it’s a meth lab or a crack house. We’re still finishing up the paperwork for Canada, but hey, a body can window shop.
Meanwhile we’ll have a normal day together in the craft shop without the pressure of speed and long hours of Holiday® deadlines.
The house hunting sounds like fun and even if you end up not being serious about it, getting a feel for what you want in a house in a price you can afford is always a good exercise that should be useful whether you’re here or in Canada.
but my eyes are still WAAAAYYY dilated from going to the eye doctor this am…but they should be back to normal by happy hour, and I can see enough to give 4s out…
Yep, thanks! I’m farsighted, and all this computer stuff and reading for work is killing me…but it’s going to be all better after my glasses come in next week. Yippee!
So funny!
Sometimes the dumbest jokes are the best, aren’t they? I’ve been laughing at my own joke for the past half an hour.
What are you on?
She’s high on
It’s what I’m not on — right now my thyroid function is in a nosedive so I don’t have enough thyroid hormone. The severity level I experience that at feels roughly akin to staying awake for 3 days straight and then smoking a fat doobie (neither of which I have done…recently), but being entirely unable to sleep it off (seemingly paradoxically, low thyroid makes me not sleep well just as much as when it’s too high, this “shouldn’t happen” according to the doctors but I think they are mostly full of shit). So I get punchy and my complex communication develops a non-linear quality. It is not fun, but I try to make the best of it, hence the dumb jokes.
And it clearly heightens that tendency toward deconstruction 😉
The deconstruction thing is constant. The low thyroid thing just clogs my filters so I don’t hide the fact that I’m always deconstructing as well as I normally can hide it (which is probably not as well as I like to think). 🙂
I enjoy when the deconstruction tendency is well out in the open (but without the low thyroid problems causing it).
Just for the record, I will probably marry the first queer woman who [sincerely] says that to me.
Based on the personality and huge number of very bad habits of the person who just said it to you, I recommend that you consider more than just that sincere sentiment and sexual orientation.
If I could ever find the sincere sentiment along with the sexual orientation, I’d consider myself so lucky I’d be willing to overlook a lot of other things.
Ah well, you young things, you never listen to us wise old women.
ribs hurt from laughing so hard! I have gotten the same response from a ward clerk when I call and am pleasent and happy! Makes one wonder what kind of mood I am gonna have to deal with in the hospital for the rest of the day….just way to funny!!!!
I’m still laughing too (and now I can pretty much read again).
‘Afternoon, everyone! Checking in briefly here to say hello. Hope the day’s treating you all well.
NEWS FLASH: it appears that rumors concerning the existence of something called the ‘sun’ have finally been substantiated. The natural phenomenon known as ‘sunlight’ is truly astounding to witness, let me tell you! The only requirement to witnessing the event, however, is that one cannot blink.
I hope you’ll excuse me as I attempt to locate something known as a ‘bathing suit’ ..
Catch you later (barring the Nosferatu effect).
that I would like to know more about. How come on the Abramhoff list of Congress people that received money (not bribes mind you, but Abramhoff client money) are the names of all the Democratic leadership that I have been royally pissed at because they have been lukewarm and lacked fight…because they just seemed to roll over or say things that had me questioning their sanity. I’m talking about Reid, Gephardt, and Daschle. Is their a connection to having no balls and lobbyist money? Is their a connection to sound bytes that leave your constituency confused about your party affiliation and lobbyist money? Am I just being too sensitive?
Is their a connection to having no balls and lobbyist money? Is their a connection to sound bytes that leave your constituency confused about your party affiliation and lobbyist money?
Are these rhetorical questions?
Jeez, it’s incredibly revealing, isn’t it?
It’s the best congress money can buy.
Hey, ya all. Just a drop by to say hey and get back to work. Gotta get some things done for sure today. I could stay and be at this pc all day long if I could. I realllllllly have to get some things done. I want to share a good diary that is upcomeing in the future by Kansas. About inner peace and I hope we all can join in the discussion on this one. I am so looking forward to it. Thanks Kansas.
Ya all have a great day….love and hugs to all…
What’s shaking is…. well everything. This place is a friendly port for a storm-tossed ship. May I have a cup of strong coffee please? House blend… whatever you’ve got handy.
(Oh yeah, I was meant to be gone two days ago… but now I’ve got until Monday. Two and a half more days of delving into the Bushmire.)
I am laughing way too hard at that, thank you.
for a very smart and witty man whom we are glad to have around for as long as he can stay.
In a portion of his new videotape, not released in the US because according to highly placed officials “it’s just too inflammatory, it would be disturbing to Americans,” Zawahiri, one of only a few dozen Al Qaeda Number Two Leaders still at large, had harsh words for several policies of the Bush administration, including massive tax cuts for the wealthy, the Bankruptcy Bill, as well as the federal government’s handling of the Hurricane Katrina disaster and the new Medicare Drug Program, all characterized by the terrorist leader as “windfalls for huge corporations.” Zawahiri was also critical of the lobbying system, suggesting that what he referred to as “the Abramoff scandal” is “just a drop in the bucket.”
Qatar-based television station Al Jazeera spokesmen, on condition on anonymity, confirmed the content of that portion of the tape, but said that after playing it once, it was destroyed. “We do have an obligation to broadcast the news, but this kind of incitement rhetoric is not news, it is just trash.”
Some Washington officials who claimed to have heard the tape, but who did not wish to be named, were in uncharacteristic agreement with the Arab language network. “It does show some insight into the terrorist mind. Really chilling stuff. It makes it all too real, how much these guys hate freedom. You can tell they will stop at nothing to destroy our way of life.”
Unnamed sources at several large pharmaceutical companies, as well as Halliburton, were said to be “sickened” by what they had heard of the tape, though it was stressed that none of them had actually heard it. “And I don’t want to hear it,” remarked one mid-level executive. “It’s scary enough just to know that anybody out there, even an Arab, has those kind of thoughts.”
Clearly, the Iraqis now hate their own freedom as well. It was really the only way things could go.
Perhaps we should take a page from a Douglas Adams book. I am thinking that we could reverse the walls at the White House such that outside faces in and the inside faces out, thus making the “inside” the new “outside” and vice-versa. Then we could simply tell George that he has succeeded in imprisoning the entire world, and that he can remain the only free man so long as he keeps his wandering to the grassy floors of the West Wing.
Come on over!