And it was easy. Clicked on the Powells’ blogad, signed up and then bought Kafka on the Shore by one of my favorite authors, Haruki Murakami (or in the preferred order in Japan of surname first, Murakami Haruki).
What have you bought from one of the site’s advertisers or the BooTrib store lately? Or what books have you bought lately that you’d like to recommend?
Darcy just ordered a late C’mas gift for me — a copy of the book about Jane Hamsher producing “Natural Born Killers”
btw, Darcy has noticed something interesting about buying used books at Powell’s versus buying them at Amazon. Unlike Powell’s, Amazon doesn’t have its own stock of used books; Amazon’s used books are sold by individuals (a la EBay). So, you pay separate shipping charges for every book. But, if you buy two to 10 to however many used books at Powell’s, you incur a single shipping charge.
Darcy also told me that this is true of some books at Alibris, which has a huge stock of its own copies of used books. But, some used books sold at Alibris are from individuals, so you have to pay separate shipping charges for those.
A third place to get books, DVDs, and CDs: 75% off Retail Sale.
btw, I’m so anxious to read Jane’s book — how she dealt with Quentin Tarantino, etc., etc. If it’s half as entertaining as her blog, i’l be happy. Besides, I’ve always dug that movie. Really dug it. The over-the-top scenes and acting; the lyrical, trippy moments; the scorn heaped on American culture.
i had no idea Jane was in films.
Sigh … I’ve linked her book in the left column for months, along with a link to FireDogLake…. originally I had the jacket image up.
After having it at the top left of the site for a good while, without any purchases, I finally moved it down the page a bit, and shortened my text, which originally explained that Jane and her partner optioned the script written by Quentin Tarantino.
I wondered why nobody ever bought that book since it sounded completely fascinating to me, and about somebody we know.
(I save the book jacket images I take off the site just in case I ever want to use them again.)
I just bought two books of poetry by the U.S. poet laureate Ted Kooser. Here’s a sample of his work:
Now that’s a humble poet.
was first listed as an affiliate, I casually searched for anything by one of my favorite authors, Katherine Kurtz. I was shocked to find a paperback version of a book that had been out of print for years, Codex Derynianus, was due out within a month or two. Excitedly, I pre-ordered it through Powell’s. It arrived at the expected time, and it was as wonderful as I’d expected — it was actually updated to reflect novels in Katherine’s Deryni universe that had been published since the original limited release of the Codex.
Oh, and this morning I ordered The Velvet Monkeywrench by John Muir (not the Yosemite naturalist, some other dude) from Alibris. It’s hard to describe, but it’s a vision of a reworking of American society and culture. It was written back in the early ’70s — I read it not many years after it came out, when I was in high school, and the fact that the title has stuck with me all this time shows that it had an impact on my thinking and mindset. Should have it in a couple of weeks…really looking forward to it. (I’m also looking forward to the frog baking dish I ordered from Sur La Table this morning…like I needed more kitchen crap, but it was too cute to resist…)
Ohhhhhhhhhh … that’s so cool.
btw, I checked for “Frog” stuff. Holy cow .. there are pages of results. But there was one inexpensive, sweet item — a sterling silver ring, very pretty… now if I can make the Ovestock link work (oh the woes of being a neophyte at these affiliate linking systems).
wow, I used to read Katherine Kurz a long time ago. The Deryni books? Did she ever finish (completely)? I think I read at least three seperate trilogies, maybe four, all related. And then there was another type she wrote set in the 1930’s as I recall?
She’s still filling in holes in the Deryni universe — she’s been doing an “authors cut” of the first trilogy to resolve contradictions (the first two, Deryni Rising and Deryni Checkmate, are out in hardcover — just bought the latter today). Also working on trilogy involving the birth and growing-up of Alaric Morgan, and how he became a close friend of the Haldane royal family.
In non-Deryni lore, she did a standalone novel, Lammas Night, set in WWII. She has also teamed with another author, Deborah Turner-Harris, to do a series called The Adept, about a psychiatrist who also acts as sort of an occult “Keeper of the Peace”; those seem to have gone in abeyance, to the dismay of both my spouse and my mom-in-law — they both love the series. KK and DT-H have also written a couple of books involving the Knights Templar, and there’s supposedly one more in the works.
I could go on about KK all night if you let me…I used to be fairly active in the local Deryni fandom, and even wrote a few fan-fic pieces. Katherine encourages people to write pieces, as long as they’re not selling them for money. 🙂 Might try to get back into the swing of things in that vein if time permits in the coming year…
The Adept is what I’m thinking about. I enjoyed it but not as much as the Deryni books. I might have to go back and re-read them this summer. And that’s good news about an Alaric series — I loved Alaric. Unfortunately, when I moved about 5 years ago I gave all of my paperback editions to a friend of mine’s daughter. (hmmm, wonder if she still has them and I can borrow them back.)
decent used copies at most used bookstores. And sometimes even used hardbacks — I scored a full set of the Camber series not too long ago. The first book in the Childe Morgan series (as it’s being called), In the King’s Service, just came out in paperback recently. 🙂
I’ll put it on my order list!
Glad to know Powell’s is well stocked in that area. You may want to take a look at some of the Mercedes Lackey stuff if you like Kurtz.
My next read is BostonJoe’s new one. It should be arriving any day now.
I just got a second one through the BT Patagonia link because one of the kids keeps taking my old one:

Santa brought Thom Hartmann’s “Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights.” Lots of “things they never taught you in history class” in it. Recommended!
And while I’m on the topic, go see the current diary Can We Please Kill The Corporation? by ManfromMiddletown.
…because that’s the best way to get what I want – hey, I’m a selfish little kid at heart.
This year’s #1 request was the complete New Yorker on CD. I pointed the little woman (aka wifey) to the Powell’s link at BooMan to get it.
And there it was, under the tree. What a surprise.
Hope you’re covering your costs, and then some.
thanks for the reminder Steven D.
I just bought The Great Influenza by John Barry.
It’s about the 1918 flu pandemic. I read one chapter out of a friend’s book. Then decided I needed my own copy.
From what I’ve read and heard so far I can assure you that this history was not taught in your classroom.
I’ve read that one. Great Book.
Yeah good reminder.
I just bought 2 books a couple of days ago and am going to also buy Barbara Boxer’s book in the next few days, all from Powells (and through the Booman Link)who had a nice selection and nice prices. I love their sense of humor. A fun place to shop.
I bought the lies my teacher told me for the new discussion on the book club with kansas, at powells just this week. I am looking forward to reading and the discussion of it in Feb.
I will go and buy risens book as soon as I can recoup some funds (spending friviously) back.
I bought a years subscription to NEJM last year. I will not do it again this year. I enjoyed reading them, but one can read them after 6 months for free I found out….so why pay when I can do it in six months. I really am getting tired of reading medical things all the time.
I read a lot of John Grissom for he has his setting here locally in Memphis and northern MS. So I can actually place myself in the story….:o) Just finished “the summond” this past week. My books I buy new, for the most part then they make the rounds through the family and friends….:o)
Oh BTW, my friend Pam bought and sent me a suprise book yesterday…It is Cindy Sheehans, not one more mothers child.
I’m obsessed with Alibris now (thanks, BooTrib). I haven’t looked into how to make alibris links so the affiliate is credited, so these are Powells links. Last week I bought Into the Wild (I haven’t looked into how to make alibris links so the affiliate is credited, so these are Powells links.) Just now, I bought The File: A Personal History by Timothy Ash. I love their web site, and I’ve found great prices — even after shipping, they’re cheaper than the used book store near my office.
I also purchased Undercover Economist from Powells. I love Powells, especially because of their excellent customer service. After the book arrived (which didn’t take long), it took me a few days to open the package. I was all ready to read it, but found that they accidently sent me the wrong book (it was a book I had already purchased, so even their mistake was in line with my interests!). I called them and spoke to a very nice man who sent me a return label. I sent the book back, and a couple of days later, the correct book arrived. Their customer service was excellent, and I think they must have sent the correct book out before I sent the wrong one back, which is pretty impressive.
I still haven’t actually read Undercover Economist, because I can’t get through my current book, but I think it’s next on my list.
Now I see there’s a Sur La Table link. I’m doomed.
Wow! I’m impressed.
Here’s Alibris’s very nice page on how to create the links:
LINKS at Alibris
and here’s how the first part of an Alibris link looks with our affiliate number in BOLD: …
This link would take you to Ana Marie Cox’s new novel.