I don’t know if this warrants it’s own diary, but I thought it turned out pretty good…
From this day to the ending of America,
But we in it shall be remember’d;
We few, we greedy few, we band of bribers;
For he today that shares his bling with me
Shall be my briber; be he e’er so vile.
Well. It’s not the “Wizard of Oil.” The power of creating great expectations. But hell, I think it deserves its own diary.
Well the Wizard of Oil is a tough act to follow and in a category by itself…but I think the words going along with this pix are great..simple and to the point..
Excellent as usual. Change that old saying. A pictures worth a thousand words…..to a recommended diary.
Even though I recommended this, those crooks in Uniform is somehow offensive. None of them would ever sacrifice for their country.
Last Sunday I watched 8 hours of the Band of Brothers on the History channel ..and would not have known the purpose of this cartoon 2 weeks ago? Are you NSAying me?? LMAO!!